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"" The toast of The was proposed by Mr. F. F. MacKenzie,

tended and successful in every way.
Immortal Memory
M.A., Hamilton.




SYLLABUS 1926-27.

1926-Oct. 21. Annual General Meeting.

29. Hallowe'en Nicht: "Burns and Fergusson," Rev. Samuel Dunlop, B.D.


Nov. 23. "The Discoverer of Burns," by W. Forbes Gray. Dec. 15. "Two Sweet Singers of Love-Burns and Dante," by Wm. Hudson.

1927-Jan. 25. Annual Dinner:

J. A. Steuart.

"The Immortal Memory," by

Feb. 23. "Our Duty to Burns," by Arch. Crawford, K.C.
Mar. 15. "The Education of Burns," by C. S. Dougall.


The Council have pleasure in presenting the twenty-fourth Annual Report of the Association.

The membership at the end of the year stood at 332, and the season was a very successful one under the presidency of Professor W. H. M'Millan.

In September last the Association was represented at the Annual Conference of the Burns Federation in Edinburgh by the Secretary. The ordinary meetings have been very well attended.

After the long period of 15 years' occupancy of the Presidential Chair, Mr. John Crawford, J.P., retired from that position at the last annual meeting.

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"Hallowe'en was again a children's event, a gathering of about 200 children of all ages participating in an evening's fun, the younger generation to the number of 49 being entertained by the Association. During the season a highly interesting lecture was delivered by one of our members, Professor J. G. M'Kenzie, M.A., B.D., on a psychological subject entitled "Springs of Behaviour."


The Burns Dinner was again a great success, the number who participated being 186 ladies and gentlemen. toast of "The Immortal Memory was submitted by Dr. R. W. MacKenna of Liverpool, and acclaimed the finest

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oration ever delivered at any of the celebrations held under the auspices of the Association. An interesting musical programme was sustained by members of the Association, together with pipe selections from Sergt.-Piper Nicol of the London Scottish.

A visit was paid to us by members of the Derby Scottish Association and Burns Club, when one of their members, Mr. J. D. Black, favoured us with a Talk on Burns, supported by a quartette party who rendered musical items dealing with the subject. It is hoped that this is only the first of many interchanges between the neighbouring clubs.

During the season the Caledonian Ball was revived. Over 450 participated, and financially the event was a great success. It is proposed to donate some of the profits to local and Scottish charitable objects. The accounts submitted by the Treasurer show the Association to be in a strong financial position.

Hon. Secy.


SYLLABUS 1926-27.

1926-Oct. 14. Lecture and Concert: "The Feeling for Nature in Scottish Poetry," by Hugh M. Munro.

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29. Hallowe'en Supper.

Nov. 25. Lecture and Concert: "Some Personalities in
Literature," by Charles M. Rice.

Dec. 23. Musical Evening.

1927-Jan. 25. Anniversary Dinner: "The Immortal Memory," by Sir John S. Samuel, K.B.E.

Feb. 24. Lecture and Concert: "Did Robert Burns
Contemplate being a Beggar?" by John

Mar. 25. Musical Evening.


The Club has now become an institution in the city of Glasgow. An average attendance of over 200 members at each meeting, from beginning of October to end of March, proves the quality of the literary and musical fare that is regularly purveyed.

The syllabus for the past season was in keeping with previous years. Mr. Robert MacDonald, M.P. for Cath

cart, opened the session with a lecture, taking for his text "Men of Mark." Mr. A. R. Cowan treated his audience to a most instructive review of "Horatio Nelson," a feature of the evening being the introduction of illustrated charts showing how our "Naval Hero" won his great victories. Dr. James Devon gave his sixteenth consecutive annual contribution to the programme, and was in his element in tackling his subject "Scotland." "Edgar Allan Poe " was handled by the Rev. Robert Primrose, V.D., and Mr. John Muir provided the Burns lecture of the season, taking "Burns' Philosophy" for his subject.

In the unavoidable absence of Lord Weir of Eastwood, P.C., the Very Rev. Dr. John Smith proposed "The Immortal Memory," and took occasion to refer to Sir James Crichton-Browne's valuable contribution in refuting the calumny that had been handed down to us by early, misguided, and ignorant biographers of our National Poet.

SYLLABUS 1926-27.

1926-Oct. 4. "Burns and Shakespeare," by John Muir. 25. Musical Evening (Ladies' Night), arranged by J. G. Mackerracher.

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Nov. 22. "Burns's World Influence," by A. R. Cowan. Dec. 27. "Glasgow Reminiscences," by Dr. James Devon. 1927-Jan. 17. "Woodrow Wilson," by Rev. W. Erskine Black


24. "The Immortal Memory," by the Right Hon. Sir R. S. Horne, G.B.E., M.P.

Feb. 28. "Great Painters," by Councillor John Taylor. Mar. 28. Annual General Meeting; Musical Evening (Ladies' Night), arranged by J. G. Mackerracher.

Hon. Secy.


I regret that the financial statement which has been submitted does not reach the high-water mark of last year, due no doubt to the deplorable conditions which have prevailed for the past twelve months. This may account for the lack of subscriptions, and also may have affected the attendance at our various functions.

The Anniversary Dinner will, I feel assured, be considered one of the most successful in the annals of our Society. The literary efforts of our distinguished guest, Professor Glaister, could not be surpassed, and will, I am sure, be ever remembered by those who had the privilege of hearing his eulogy

of our Poet. The Smoking Concert promoted in aid of the Royal Victoria Infirmary realised only £16 4s. Od., due to the trade depression in this district. The subscribing of £100, within three years, to the Infirmary will indicate our appreciation of the splendid work of that institution.

I take the opportunity of congratulating one of our oldest and ablest members, Mr. A. Sutherland, upon his election as Representative for the North-Eastern England Section of the Burns Federation. I feel sure that I am voicing the opinion of all our members that the honour is highly deserved, and is a tribute to Mr. Sutherland for his long and valued work in connection with Burns Clubs in general, and this Club in particular.

Hon. Secy.


I am pleased to report that Wallsend Burns Club continues to progress with an increasing membership.

The Annual General Meeting was held in the Club Room in March. The Secretary reported good progress of the club.

The Annual Dinner was held in the Masonic Hall; the Rev. Geo. Duncan, D.D., of Govan Parish Church, proposed "The Immortal Memory," and paid worthy tribute to the Poet.

The Club is holding Social Evenings on the Scottish Festival Anniversaries, and we are looking forward to a good season.

SYLLABUS 1926-27.

1926-Sep. 27. Visit to Whitley Bay Club.

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30. Social Re-union. Presentation of Prizes. Oct. 1. Visit to Newcastle Burns Club.

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6. Ladies' At Home: Capt. Thorne on
pressions of the Continent."


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Dec. 1. Lecture on "The Good Old Times," by E. S.


15. Visit from Walker Burns Club.

29. "A Nicht wi' Burns."

1927-Jan. 1. New Year Social and Dance.

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12. Visit from Whitley Bay Burns Club: J. M. Alexander on "The Scots Vernacular."

25. Anniversary Dinner: "The Immortal Memory," by John Burlinson.

26. A Nicht o' Friendship.

Feb. 9. Lecture on "Heredity," by Dr. Rutherford.
23. Visit from Ashington Burns Club: Lecture by
Geo. S. Archer, A.S.P.

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The Association carried on its duties last session under certain difficulties. The Hon. Secretary, the late Mr. J. Jeffrey Hunter, died in November, 1925, and it was not an easy matter to find a suitable successor. Mr. J. M. Alexander, who succeeded Mr. Hunter, was, at the end of February, 1926, transferred to England, and his removal necessitated a new appointment. Mr. J. Primrose Stark was appointed Hon. Secretary, and Mr. J. C. Brown, Hon. Treasurer.

The Association has now been nineteen years in existence, and the membership totals fifty.

The tenth Anniversary Sermon was preached on Sunday, 24th January, 1926, by the Rev. George Duncan, D.D., in Govan Parish Church, and was greatly appreciated; a collection taken thereat on behalf of the Mauchline Burns Houses, after paying all expenses, realised £4 12s.

There has been a re-arrangement of the staff of the Mauchline Houses. Mrs. Calder, who has been caretaker for the past three years, has retired, and Miss Margaret Hood has been appointed her successor. The Association has been greatly indebted to Mr. James MacIntyre for his attention to, and supervision of, the properties.

The Fancy Dress Ball held in St. Andrew's Halls, on 30th March, 1926, whilst proving a most enjoyable social event, was not the financial success anticipated. After paying all expenses, however, there was a surplus of £9 Os. 6d.

During last session a greater number of Clubs have carried out School Competitions than heretofore, and several thousand children from nearly one hundred schools entered

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