Obrázky na stránke

29; ii. 2. 94; A.P. 54, 113, 264,
285, 325
Romulus, the mythical founder of
Rome, E. ii. 1. 5. See Quirinus
Roscius, (1) a person unknown, S.
ii. 6. 35; (2) the great actor, a
friend of Cicero, E. ii. 1. 82; (3)
adj., Roscian. The Roscian Law,
passed by L. Roscius Otho in
67 B.C., gave the first fourteen
rows in the theatre to the equites,
who had to have a property
minimum of 400,000 sesterces, E.
i. 1. 62

Rubi, now Ruvo, a town about
thirty miles from Canusium, S.
i. 5. 94

Rufa, a pet name for a girl (="red-
headed"), S. ii. 3. 216

Rufillus, an unknown fop, S. i. 2.
27; i. 4. 92

Rufus. See Nasidienus

Ruso, i.e. Octavius Ruso, a money-
lender, who also wrote histories,
S. i. 3. 86

Rutuba, a gladiator, S. ii. 7. 96

SABBATA, the Jewish Sabbath, S.
i. 9. 69

Sabellus, adj., Sabellian or Sabine,
of the Sabelli or Sabini, S. i. 9.
29; ii. 1. 36; E. i. 16. 49
Sabinus, (1) adj., Sabine, of the
Sabines, a people of Central Italy,
S. ii. 7. 118; E. i. 7. 77; ii. 1. 25;
(2) a friend of Torquatus, E. i. 5. 27
Sagana, a witch, S. i. 8. 25, 48
Salernum, a town in Campania,
now Salerno, E. i. 15. 1

Saliaris, adj., of the Salii, the
twelve dancing priests of Mars,
E. ii. 1. 86
Sallustius, i.e. C. Sallustius Crispus,

grandnephew of the historian
Sallust (see Odes ii. 2), S. i. 2. 48
Samnites, the Samnites, living in
Central Italy, E. ii. 2. 98
Samos, an island off the coast of
Asia Minor, now Samo, E. i. 11.
2, 21

Sappho, the famous poetess of
Lesbos, of the sixth century B.C.,
E. i. 19. 28

Sardis, capital of Lydia, E. i. 11. 2

Sardus, adj., from Sardinia, S. i. 3.
5; A.P. 375
Sarmentus, a slave of M. Favonius,
of Etruscan birth, freed by Mae-
cenas, became a scriba in the
quaestor's department and sat
among the equites. When old he
was reduced to poverty, S. i. 5.
52, 55, 56

Satureianus, adj., of Saturium, the
district in which Tarentum in
southern Italy was founded, S. i.
Saturnalia, a festival beginning on
the 17th December, during which
the Romans granted much licence
to their slaves, S. ii. 3. 5
Satnrnius (numerus), the Saturnian
measure, a verse form native to
Italy, used by Livius Andronicus
in his translation of the Odyssey,
and by Naevius in his epic on
the Punic War. It seems to have
been based on accent rather than
on quantity, E. iii. 1. 158
Satyrus, a satyr, a companion of
Bacchus, represented with the
ears and tail of a goat. Also
used in pl. of the Greek Satyric
drama, in which Satyrs formed
the chorus. E. i. 19. 4; ii. 2. 125;
A.P. 221, 226, 233, 235

Scaeva, (1) a spendthrift, who poi-
soned his mother, S. ii. 1. 53;
(2) the unknown person to whom
E. i. 17 is addressed; see p. 358
Scaurus, adj., "with swollen
ankles," perhaps a proper name
in S. i. 3. 48

Scetanus, a profligate, S. i. 4. 112
Scipiadas, one of the family of the

Scipios, a Scipio (the form was
used by Lucilius), S. ii. 1. 17, 72
Scylla, a sea-monster dwelling on
one side of the Straits of Messene,
A.P. 145. See Charybdis
September, adj., belonging to Sep-
tember, the seventh month of
the Roman year, E. i. 16. 16
Septicius, a friend of Torquatus, E.
i. 5. 26

Septimius, a friend of Horace, whom
the poet introduces to Tiberius
in E. i. 9

Servilius (Balatro). See Balatro
Servius, (1) perhaps the son of
Servius Sulpicius Rufus, a lawyer
and friend of Cicero, S. i. 10. 86;
(2) see Oppidius
Sextilis, the sixth month of the
Roman year, afterwards called
August, E. i. 7. 2; i. 11. 19
Siculus, adj., Sicilian, E. i. 2. 58;
i. 12. 1; ii. 1. 58; A.P. 463
Sidonius, adj., of Sidon, a city of
Phoenicia, Phoenician, E. i. 10.


Silenus, an old Satyr, chief attend-
ant of Bacchus, A.P. 239
Silvanus, an Italian god of forests
and the country, E. ii. 1. 143
Simo, an old man, figuring in a
comedy of Caecilius, A.P. 238
Sinuessa, a town of Latium, near
the modern Mondragone, S. i. 5.
Sinuessanus, adj., of or near Sinu-
essa, E. i. 5. 5
Siren, a Siren.

The Sirens were
fabulous creatures, half maiden,
half bird, living on rocky islands
near the Campanian coast, and
with their songs enticing sailors
to their destruction. See Homer,
Odyssey, xii. S. ii. 3. 14; E. i. 2. 22
Sisenna, a foul-mouthed person, S.
i. 7. 8

Sisyphus, (1) a dwarf in the house

of M. Antonius, S. i. 3. 47; (2)
mythical founder of Corinth,
famous for its bronze, subject of
a Satyric drama of Aeschylus,
S. ii. 3. 21

Smyrna, a famous city of Ionia, E.

i. 11. 3

Socraticus, adj., of Socrates, the
famous Athenian philosopher,
A.P. 310

Sophocles, famous Greek tragic
poet of the 5th century B.C., E.
ii. 1. 163

Sosii, brothers, who were Horace's
booksellers, E. i. 20. 2; A.P. 345
Staberius, a miser, S. ii. 3. 84, 89
Stertinius, (1) a philosopher, who
wrote 220 volumes on Stoicism;
S. ii. 3. 33, 296; (2) adj., of Ster-
tinius, E. i. 12. 20

Stoicus, a Stoic, S. ii. 3. 160, 300
Suadela, the goddess of Persuasion,
a personification (=Пleto), E.
i. 6. 38

Sulcius, a public prosecutor, S.
i. 4. 65

Sulla, i.e. L. Cornelius Sulla, the
dictator, S. i. 2. 64

Surrentum, a city at the south end
of the Bay of Naples, now Sor-
rento, E. i. 17. 52

Syrus, (1) a common slave-name,
S. i. 6. 38; (2) a gladiator, S. ii.
6. 44

TANAIS, a freedman of Maecenas, a
eunuch, S. i. 1. 105

Tantalus, a Phrygian king, who
offered his own child as food for
the gods, and was punished in
Hades by a craving for food and
drink that escaped his reach, S.
i. 1. 68
Tarentinus, adj., of Tarentum,
where a famous purple dye was
produced, E. ii. 1. 207
Tarentum, a city of Calabria in
southern Italy, now Taranto, S.
i. 6. 105; ii. 4. 34; E. i. 7. 45;
i. 16. 11

Tarpa, i.e. Sprius Maecius Tarpa,
S. i. 10. 38. See Maecius
Tarquinius, i.e. Tarquinius Super-

bus, last king of Rome, S. i. 6. 13
Taurus, i.e. T. Statilius Taurus,
who was consul for the second
time in 26 B.C., E. i. 5. 4
Teanum, i.e. Teanum, Sidicinum, a
town in Campania, now Teano,
E. i. 1. 86

Telemachus, son of Ulysses and
Penelope, who visited Menelaus
in Sparta in quest of news of his
father (Homer, Odyssey iv.), E. i.
7. 40

Telephus, son of Hercules, and king
of Mysia. He was wounded by
the spear of Achilles, but finally
healed by its rust. This was the
subject of a tragedy by Euri-
pides, A.P. 96, 104

Tellus, the goddess Earth, all-
nourishing, E. ii. 1. 143

Terentius, i.e. P. Terentius Afer,

comic poet, who lived 185-159
B. C., S. i. 2. 20; ii. 1. 59
Teucer, son of Telamon, king of
Salamis, and Hesione, and brother
of Ajax, S. ii. 3. 204. See Aiax
Thebac, a city of Boeotia, founded

by Cadmus with the help of Am-
phion, birth-place of Pindar, S.
ii. 5. 84; E. i. 16. 74; ii. 1. 213;
A.P. 118

Thebanus, adj., of Thebes, E. i. 3.
13; A.P. 394

Theoninus, adj., of Theon, an un-
known person of a bitter tongue,
E. i. 18. 82

Thespis, of Icaria, who first exhi-
bited tragedies in Athens, E. ii.
1. 163; A.P. 276

Thessalus, adj., of Thessaly, a
country of northern Greece,
famous for magic and drugs, E.
ii. 2. 209

Thraca, Thrace, a land north of
Greece, E. i. 3. 3; i. 16. 13
Thrax, adj., Thracian, or as subst.,
a Thracian, a name given to a
gladiator who was armed with
a Thracian buckler and short
sword, S. ii. 6. 4; E. i. 18. 36
Thurinus, adj., of Thurii, a town of
Lucania, on the Tarentine Gulf,
S. ii. 8. 20

Thyestes, son of Pelops, brother of
Atreus, who placed before him for
food his own son, A.P. 91
Tiberinus, adj., of the Tiber, S. ii.
2. 31; E. i. 11. 4

Tiberis, the Tiber, river of Rome,
now Tevere; S. i. 9. 18; ii. 1. 8;
ii. 3. 292; E. i. 11. 19
Tiberius, (1) i.e. Tiberius Claudius
Nero. See Claudius; (2) son of
Oppidius, S. ii. 3. 173

Tibur, ancient city of Latium, on
the Anio, now Tivoli, E. i. 7. 45;
i. 8. 12; ii. 2. 3

Tiburs, adj., of Tibur, Tiburtine,
S. i. 6. 108; ii. 4. 70
Tigellius, a freedman from Sar-
dinia, a favourite of Caesar and
of Cleopatra, a well-known mu-
sician, S. i. 2. 3; i. 3. 4; probably
the same as Hermogenes Tigel-
lius. See Hermogenes

Tillius, probably a brother of Tillius
Cimber, who was among Caesar's
assassins. He was removed from
the senate by Caesar, but later
resumed his dignities and became
a tribune of the soldiers, also, it
would seem, a praetor, S. i. 6.
24, 107
Timagenes, a native of Alexandria,
was taken prisoner by A. Gabinius
and sold as a slave. In Rome,
where he received his freedom
through Faustus, son of Sulla,
he taught rhetoric, and won as
patrons, first Augustus and then
Asinius Pollio, with whom he
lived at Tusculum. E. i. 19. 15
Tiresias, famous blind soothsayer
of Thebes, S. ii. 5. 1
Tisiphone, one of the Furies, S.
i. 8. 34

Titius, a young Roman who ven-
tured to present the Greek poet
Pindar in Latin dress, E. i. 3. 9
Torquatus, a friend of Horace, per-
haps the Aulus Torquatus who,
according to Nepos in his life of
Atticus (c. xi.), was with Brutus
and Cassius at Philippi. He is
addressed in Odes iv. 7 and E.
i. 5. 3

Trausius, an unknown person, both
poor and extravagant, S. ii. 2. 99
Trebatius, i.e. C. Trebatius Testa,
a lawyer of distinction, a friend
of Cicero and of Caesar. From
Cicero's Letters (Ad fam. vii. 6-22)
addressed to him, we learn that
he was a good swimmer and a hard
drinker. S. ii. 1. 4, 78
Trebonius, an adulterer, S. i. 4. 114
Triquetra, adj., "three-cornered,"

applied to Sicily, S. ii. 6. 55
Trivicum, a town of Apulia, now
Trevico, S. i. 5. 79

Troia, Troy, S. ii. 3. 191; ii. 5. 18;
E. i. 2. 19; A.P. 141
Troianus, adj., of Troy, E. i. 2. 1;
A.P. 147

Tullius, i.e. Servius Tullius, sixth
king of Rome, born a slave, S. i.

Turbo, a gladiator, of small stature
but great courage, S. ii. 3. 310

Turius, praetor in 76 B.C., S. ii. 1. 49
Tuscus, adj., of Etruria, Etruscan,

or Tuscan, applied to the Tiber,
which rises in Etruria, S. ii. 2. 33;
to the Vicus Tuscus, a street
leading from the Forum to the
Velabrum, and perhaps named
from the Etruscan workmen who
once lived there, S. ii. 3. 228; to
the sea, south and west of Italy,
E. ii. 1. 202

Tyndaridae, children of Tyndareus
and Leda, including Castor and
Pollux, Helen and Clytemnestra,
the last of whom slew her hus-
band Agamemnon on his return
from Troy, S. i. 1. 100

Tyrius, adj., of Tyre, a city of Phoe-
nicia famous for its purple, S. ii.
4. 84; E. i. 6. 18

Tyrrhenus, adj., of the Tyrrheni or
Etruscans, who were famous for
their bronze-work, E. ii. 2. 180
Tyrtaeus, a writer of elegiac verse,
said to be a native of Attica, who
with his songs aided the Spartans
in their Second Messenian War,
A.P. 402

ULIXES, Ulysses, the hero Odysseus

of the Odyssey, S. ii. 3. 197, 204;
ii. 5. 100; E. i. 2. 18; i. 6. 63;
i. 7. 40. Cf. A.P. 141 and see

Ulubrae, a small town of Latium,
near the Pomptine marshes, E.
i. 11. 30

Umber, adj., Umbrian, of the
Umbri, a tribe of Northern Italy,
S. ii. 4. 40

Umbrenus, a veteran soldier, S. ii.
2. 133

Ummidius, a rich and mean man, S.
i. 1. 95

Utica, a town in Africa, north of
Carthage, E. i. 20. 13

VACUNA, a Sabine goddess, whose

name popular etymology associ-
ated with vacuus, "idle," E. i.
10. 49

Vala, probably Numonius Vala, a
friend of Horace, addressed in E.
i. 15

Valerius, i.e. P. Valerius Publicola,
colleague of Brutus after the ex-
pulsion of the kings, S. i. 6. 12.
See Messalla

Valgius, i.e. C. Valgius Rufus, con-
sul 12 B.C., an elegiac poet, to
whom Od. ii. 9 is addressed, S.
i. 10. 82

Varia, a small town in the Sabine
territory, now Vico Varo, E. i.

14. 3

Varius, i.e., L. Varius, tragic and
epic poet, friend of Virgil and
Horace, S. i. 5. 40, 93; i. 6. 55;
i. 9. 23; i. 10. 44, 81; S. ii. 8. 21,
63; E. ii. 1. 247; A.P. 55. See

Varro Atacinus, i.e. P. Terentius
Varro, called Atacinus from his
birth-place on the river Atax
(Aude) in Gallia Narbonensis.
He wrote Argonautica, and,
according to Horace, Satires, S.
i. 10. 46

Veianius, a retired gladiator, E. i.
1. 4

Veiens, of Veii, Veientine. Veii was
an old town in Etruria, destroyed
by Camillus, near Isola Farnese,
eleven miles north of Rome, E.
ii. 2. 167

Velia, a town of Lucania, also called

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Vesta, goddess of the hearth and
household, emblem of family life.
The Temple of Vesta in Rome
stood at the east end of the
Forum. S. i. 9. 35; E. ii. 2.
Via Sacra, oldest and most famous
street in Rome, running from the
Velia through the Forum along
the foot of the Palatine; probably
called sacra because of the shrines
along its course, S. i. 9. 1 (cf.
Epode iv. 7)

Vibidius, a parasite of Maecenas,
S. ii. 8. 22, 33, 40, 80
Villius, perhaps Sextus Villius,
friend of Milo, S. i. 2. 64
Vinius, the person addressed in E.
i. 13. From 1. 8 it is inferred
that his cognomen was Asina,
or Asellus. The former is found

with the Cornelian gens; the
latter with the Annia and Claudia

Viscus and pl. Visci. Nothing
Icertain is known of these men,
except that one, being called
Thurinus, doubtless came from
Thurii. The scholiast says that
the two mentioned in the tenth
satire, Book I., were brothers,
sons of Vibius Viscus, a rich
friend of Augustus, who remained
an eques even after his sons had
become senators, S. i. 9. 22; i. 10.
83; ii. 8. 20

Visellius, unknown, S. i. 1. 105
Volanerius, a parasite, S. ii. 7. 15
Volcanus, Vulcan, god of fire, S.
i. 5. 74

Volteius Mena, E. i. 7, 55, 64, 91.
See Mena

Voranus, a thief, S. i. 8. 39

ZEPHYRUS, god of the west wind,
E. i. 7. 13

Zethus, brother of Amphion, whose
lyre he despised, being himself a
shepherd and huntsman. The
story of the two was told in the
Antiope of Euripides, and the
Antiope of Pacuvius, E. i. 18
42. See Amphion

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