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50. alendum: H. 638, 3; LM. 994; A. 294, d; B. 337, 7, b, 2); G. 430; (H. 549, 3).

51. regi: Polymnestor.

55. Fas omne: every obligation imposed by religion and the laws of hospitality.

56. potitur: here of the third conjugation. Quid cogis? 'to what dost thou not force the hearts of men?' Both accusatives are governed by cogis, after the analogy of verbs of teaching or demanding. H. 412; LM. 524; A. 239, c; B. 178, 1, d; G. 339; (H. 375).

58. primum: he consults Anchises first as the most venerable and the most experienced in auguries.

59. refero: 'I report'; lay before them.

60. animus: for sententia.

2; LM. 971; A. 270; G. 421;

The infinitive follows in apposition. H. 616, (H. 539, II).

61. dare classibus austros: for classes austris, by hypallage.

63. Aggeritur: 'is heaped upon,' 'added to.' tumulo: the mound mentioned in 1. 22. arae: sometimes two altars were erected to the Manes of a deceased person. See below, 1. 305. Such altars usually bore the inscription, Dis Manibus.

66. Inferimus: on the grave or ashes of the dead it was customary to pour liba

tions of milk, honey, sacri

ficial blood, and unmixed wine.


Fig. 25. Offerings at a Tomb (11. 64 sqq.)

68. Condimus: 'we put to rest.' Without these ceremonies the Manes were supposed to be wandering in misery. See VI, 318-330. supremum: 'for the last time'; according to the custom described in note on II, 644.

69-120. Aeneas arrives at the island of Delos, where he is hospitably received by King Anius, the priest of Apollo. On consulting the Delian oracle, the Trojans are told to seek out the land from which their earliest ancestors were derived. This Anchises pronounces to be Crete.

69. pelago: dative; sc. erat; 'when first the sea could be trusted'; i.e. in the spring or early summer.

70. auster: for ventus.

71. Deducunt; 'draw down.'

Cf. below, l. 135. The ships were drawn

up and sheltered on the land after a voyage had been completed. complent: 'cover'; i.e. with the ships.

73. Sacra tellus: refers to Delos, a small island in the midst of the Cyclades, the birthplace of Apollo and Diana, and the seat of one of the principal oracles of Apollo.

74. matri: Doris, wife of Nereus. The dative depends upon gratissima. This verse retains the final vowels in matri and Neptuno, unelided. See note on I, 617. Neptune is called the Aegean because, according to Homer, his palace was in the Aegean Sea.

75. pius: because in this act Apollo showed his filial piety to his mother, who had found shelter in Delos. circum: see note on I, 13.

76. Mycono e celsa Gyaroque, etc.: 'which, when wandering about all seas and shores, the grateful Archer bound fast to lofty Myconos and Gyaros.' With revinxit e, cf. religavit ab, VII, 106, and such expressions as a sinistra, a fronte, etc.

77. coli, contemnere: see note on I, 66. Before Delos was thus fastened it was uninhabited.

78. fessos: the voyage was somewhat more than two hundred miles.

79. veneramur: we approach with reverence.'

80. idem: H. 508, 3; LM. 1059; A. 195, e; B. 248, 1; G. 310; (H. 451, 3). 81. tempora: see note on I, 228.

82. Occurrit: 'hastens to meet us.'

83. hospitio: 'in hospitality.'

84. Templa: the plural indicates the courts and porticos as well as the cella, or temple proper. venerabar implies approaching the temple as a worshiper, and offering sacrifice on the altar. saxo vetusto : the material is expressed either by the ablative alone, as I, 655, II, 765, V, 663, or by ex with the ablative, as IV, 138.

85. Da, etc.: 'grant to us our lasting abode'; i.e. reveal to us the place which the fates destine for our permanent (propriam) abode.

86, 87. serva altera Pergama: 'save the second Troy'; i.e. by your coun sel save us, who are to found the second Troy. reliquias: cf. I, 30. 88. Quem sequimur? what leader are we to follow?'

the present, see note on II, 322.

For the use of

89. inlabere: properly said of the inspiration of the priest, but here of information to be given to the suppliant directly by the voice of the oracle. 90. See note on II, 692.

91. que both'; is lengthened here by the ictus. Limina is put for the whole temple, and with laurus is in apposition with omnia.


92. Mons: Mount Cynthus. adytis reclusis: ablative absolute. earthquake is connected with the sudden opening of the inner sanctuary. Cf. VI, 81.

93. Summissi petimus terram: freely translated, 'we prostrate ourselves upon the ground.'

94. quae, etc.: the land which first bore you from the stock of your ancestors.' See note on I, 573.

95. ubere laeto: in her fruitful lap'; on her teeming soil.

97. Hic: as in I, 272, refers to the place just mentioned. oris: ablative of place where.

101. The oracle directs them to return to their mother country; but the question now is, what is the real mother country or cradle of their race. 102. genitor: Anchises. Cf. above, 11. 9 and 58.

104. Iovis insula: since Jupiter was born there.

105. Mons Idaeus: from this the Trojan Ida derived its name.

106. Centum: a round number. regna: 'realms'; properly so called because in every city there was an ávač, or sovereign. Cf. I, 338.

108. primum: cf. I, 1. Some traditions made Teucer a native of the Trojan country, others a Cretan, who migrated to the Troad. He is called maximus as the ἀρχηγέτης, or original father of the race.

109. regno: dative. nondum steterant: had not yet been built.'


Fig. 26.- Apollo Citharoedus (11. 90 sqq.)

111. Hinc: from Crete was derived the worship of Cybele, mother of the gods, magna mater. cultrix Cybeli: 'inhabitant of Cybele.' She had a temple on the Phrygian mount Cybele. aera: 'brazen cymbals,' used by the priests, or Corybantes, in the worship of the goddess.

112. nemus: there was a grove on the Trojan Ida consecrated to Cybele, in imitation of that on the Cretan Ida. silentia: the strict secrecy of the mysteries, and the practice of exhibiting the figure of the goddess in a chariot drawn by lions, were also brought from Crete (hinc erant).

116. Nec cursu: the distance from Delos to Crete is about 150 Roman miles. adsit: H. 587; LM. 920; A. 314; B. 310; G. 573; (H. 513, I). 118. aris: ablative of place where.

121-191. Aeneas lands in Crete without opposition, as King Idomeneus has fled from the country. His new settlement is soon visited with plague and famine, and the Penates declare to him in a vision that the Delian oracle referred not to Crete, but to Hesperia or Italy. Anchises recalls the tradition of the twofold origin of the Trojans (Teucer from Crete, and Dardanus from Italy), and advises him to set sail for Hesperia.

122. Idomenea: accusative of the Greek declension ('Idoμevĥa). Idomeneus was one of the most distinguished of the Grecian chiefs at the siege of Troy. In fulfillment of a vow made during a tempest, to sacrifice to the gods the first object which should meet him on landing in Crete, he was compelled to make his own son, Merion, the victim. A pestilence which befell the people soon afterwards being attributed to this act, Idomeneus was expelled from his country, and, therefore, planted a new dominion in the Sallentine district of Southern Italy. See below, 1. 400, and XI, 264 sq.

123. Hoste: II. 462; LM. 600; A. 243, a; B. 214, 1, c; G. 390; (H. 421, II). The thought is: There is no one left in the country who will oppose us.

125. Bacchatam iugis: 'where Bacchus is worshiped on the hills.' There is no corresponding English term. This island, the largest of the Cyclades, was noted for the cultivation of the vine and for the worship of Bacchus. 126. niveam: referring to the white marble of Paros.

127. Cycladas: Aeneas has particularized some of the Cyclades and some of the Sporades, and now sums up the whole in the terms Cycladas and terris. legimus: 'we sail along.' It governs the accusatives, Naxon, etc. concita: 'disturbed.' The idea is that the number and proximity of the islands render the sea, thus pent up and interrupted in its currents, rougher and more dan


128. vario certamine: 'in manifold strife'; i.e. with various cries of mutual encouragement and with rival effort.

129. petamus: see note on the use of hortor, l. 134, below.

133. Pergameam: sc. urbem. The real name was Pergamum. cognomine: see note on I, 275.

134. arcem attollere tectis: 'to erect a citadel with (lofty) buildings'; i.e. build the usual fortifications, temples, and public edifices on the acropolis. The infinitive with hortor is poetic. H. 608, 3; A. 331, a and g; B. 295, 5, N; G. 423, 2, N. 2; (H. 535, IV).

135. Iam fere

now all was well-nigh done'; fere limits in a general way the thought of the sentences following. subductae: see note on 1. 71. 136. Conubiis: here a trisyllable; conubyis.

137. Iura domosque dabam: 'I was administering justice and assigning dwelling places.' Cf. I, 507. tabida: in an active sense; 'wasting.' membris: dat.; on our limbs.'

138. Corrupto caeli tractu: 'the expanse of heaven being infected'; i.e. the region, or tract, of atmosphere pertaining to Crete.

139. satis: upon our crops'; the same construction as membris.

140. animas: for vitas.

141. steriles: an instance of prolepsis; as in 1. 30.

exurere: historical infinitive. Sirius: its rising, which occurs in the hot season, was supposed to produce drought, and sometimes pestilence.

143. Ortygiae: see l. 124.

144. ire: see note on attollere, l. 134. mari: ablative absolute with remenso, as pelago remenso, II, 181. The deponent has here, as often, a passive signification. veniam precari: the favor to be asked of Apollo is a revelation, informing them what end, etc.'; the clauses introduced by quam, unde, and que are thus dependent on the idea of responding or instructing implied in veniam.

145. fessis rebus: cf. I, 452. ferat: like da in 1. 85, is said of Apollo, as being able to relieve them by declaring what the fates decree concerning them.

147 sqq. Cf. Tennyson, On a Mourner:

'like a household god

Promising empire; such as those

Once heard at dead of night to greet

Troy's wandering prince, so that he rose
With sacrifice, while all the fleet

Had rest by stony hills of Crete.'

terris: ablative of place where.

148. Effigies: 'images.'

150. visi: it was a dream, as in II, 270. iacentis: sc. mei, limiting oculos. 151, 152. se fundebat: gives more fullness of meaning than lucem fundebat. 154. delato: when thou hast sailed.' dicturus est: 'is on the point of saying'; 'would say.'

155. ultro: unasked'; without being first invoked. See note on II, 145. This condescension is in return for the piety of Aeneas in saving the images of the Penates amidst such dangers.

156, 157. secuti, permensi: sc. sumus.

158. Idem: for Eidem. in astra: a phrase probably symbolical here, as ad aethera, 1. 462, of the glory of the descendants of Aeneas in general.

159. magnis: is left indefinite, perhaps purposely. We may understand viris, or rebus; or dis, i.e. the Trojan Penates, who are speaking.

160. para: Aeneas was not actually to build the great city of Rome, but only to prepare the way for it by founding Lavinium. See note on II, 295. 161. Non suasit: 'did not point out.'

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