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Lis called by B. Jonson a letter half-vowelish,

LA'BIAL, adj. Lat. Labium; Fr. Lèvre;
It. Labbro, labio; the lip.
That may be, that are, (formed by, spoken by)
the lips.

lips.-Wilkins. Real Character, pt. iii. c. 14.
The labials are represented by two curve figures for the

I sente you to repe that whereon ye bestowed no labour other me laboured, & ye are entred into their labours. Bible, 1551. John, c. 4. Dead be thei, that liue not to God, and in the space of this temporall death laboriously purchase themself eternall death.-Sir T. More. Workes, p. 16.

With wery trauel, and with laborous paines
Alwaies in trouble and in tediousness.
Wyatt. Complaint vpon Loue, &c.
He [Julius Cæsar] labourously ard studiously discussed
P and B are labial: Ph and Bh, or F and V, are labio- controversies.-Sir T. Elyot. The Governor, b. iii. c. 10.
dental.-Holder. Elements of Speech.

which though the Italians (especially the Floren-which letters are labiall, which dentall, which gutturall.
The Hebrews have been diligent in it, and have assigned,
tines) abhor, we keep entire with the Latins, and
Bacon. Naturall Historie, § 198.
so pronounce. It is not used (says Wilkins) by
the Brasileans, nor the men of Japan: others style
it the sweetest of all letters. It melteth (B. Jon-
son adds) in the sounding, and is therefore called
a liquid, the tongue striking the root of the palate
gently; Wilkins, the top of the tongue striking
against the foremost part of the palate. It unites
very easily with C and G in pronunciation, as in
Clinch, Gloom, (qqv.) It is doubled, where the
vowel sounds hard upon it; with no necessity:
unless a syllable follow which may require the con-
tinuance of its sound; as in kil-ling, fil-ling, wil-ling.

LAB. "I am no lab;" i.e. no be-lab, or blab; Dut. Labberen. (See BLAB.) Consequentially,To pour forth from the lips whatever occurs to us; to tell all that we think or know; to prate or talk, thoughtlessly, carelessly, without reserve or discrimination.

I am no labbe,

Ne though I say it, I n' am not lefe to gabbe.

Chaucer. The Milleres Tale, v. 3505.

I have a wif, though that she poure be;
But of hire tongue a labbing shrewe is she.

Id. The Squieres Tale, v. 10,301.

LABEL, n. Fr. "Lambeau, a shread, rag, LA'BEL, V. or small piece of stuff. Labels hanging downe on garlands or crownes, a labando of falling downe," (Minshew.) Skinner prefers the Ger. Lapp. See LAP.

Any thing falling or depending, suspended or appended; a name, title or description, appended, or, (as now used,) otherwise affixed.

Then haste thou a labell, that is shapen like a rule, saue that it is strait and hath no plates on either ende. Chaucer. The Astrolabie.

It [my beautie] shalbe inuentoried and euery particle and vtensile labell'd to my will. Shakespeare. Twelfth Night, Act i. sc. 5.

The said Sir William said on his oth in the tenth yeare of
Henrie the fourth, that before the times of Edward the third,
the labell of three points was the different appropriat and
appurtenant for the cognizance of the next heire.
Holinshed. Rich. II. an. 1390.

Until the subtlest of their conjurors
Seal'd up the labels to his soul-his ears.
Butler. On the Licentious Age of Charles II.



There is greater store growing in the tops of the mounLat. Labi, to fall or fail. See tains then below in the valleis: but it is wonderfull labourLAPSE. some and also dangerous traueiling vp vnto them and downe againe, by reason of the height and steepenesse of the hilles. Hackluyt. Voyages, vol. iii. p. 824.

But sensibility and intelligence, being by their nature and essence free must be labile, and by their lability may actually lapse, degenerat, and by habit acquire a second nature.


Cheyne. On Regimen, Dis. 5. Fr. Labourer; It. Lavorare; Sp. Laborear; Lat. Laborare; (of uncertain etymology.) Scheidius thinks from Λαβ-ειν, whence ελα Boy, used as the 2d Aor. of Aaußav-ew, to take, to seize. Dixerunt (he adds) λaußarEL Eрyov, arripere opus : unde notio operis, s. laboris.

To work hard; to work
with difficulty or diligence;
to bear up against or support, or sustain with
diligence, with difficulty, with pain; to exert, to
persist, pursue, or prosecute with care or dili-
gence, pain or difficulty; to do any thing with
exertion or effort.

To Frankis & Normanz, for thar grete laboure.
R. Brunne, p. 72.
Cometh now quath Conscience, ge cristyne, and dyneth
That han labered leely. at this Lente tyme.
Piers Plouhman, p. 386.

And right anon he changed his aray,
And clad him as a poure labourer.

Chaucer. The Knightes Tale, v. 1411.
My lord is hard to me and dangerous,
And min office is ful laborious.

Id. The Freres Tale, v. 7009.

[blocks in formation]

Adam, well may we labour still to dress
This garden, still to tend plant, herb and flower,
Our pleasant task enjoyn'd; but till more hands
Aid us, the work under our labor grows,
Luxurious by restraint.-Milton. Paradise Lost, b. ix.
When down he came like an old o'ergrown oak,
His huge root hewn up by the labourer's stroke.
Drayton. David & Goliah.

Who but felt of late,
When the fierce foe hung on our brok'n rear
Insulting, and pursu'd us through the deep,
With what compulsion and laborious flight
We sank thus low.

Milton. Paradise Lost, b. il

Besides, the king set in a course so right,
Which I for him laboriously had tract.

Drayton. Legend of Thomas Cromwell.
And forget
Your laboursome and dainty trimmes, wherein
You made great Juno angry.

Shakespeare. Cymbeline, Act iii. sc.

I sing the conqueror of the universe.
What can an author after this produce?
The labouring mountain must bring forth a mouse.

Dryden. The Art of Poetry.
Then we caused the laborant with an iron rod dexterous'y
to stir the kindled part of the nitre.
Boyle. Works, vol. i. p 604.
For thankless Greece such hardships have I brav'd,
Her wives, her infants, by my labours sav'd;
Long, sleepless nights in heavy arms I stood,
And sweat laborious days in dust and blood.

Pope. Homer. Iliad, b. ix. Laboriousness shuts the doors and stops all the avenues of the mind, whereby a temptation would enter, and (which is yet more) leaves no void room for it to dwell there, if by any accident it should chance to creep in.-South, vol. vi. Ser.10.

Whence labour or pain is commonly reckoned an ingredient of industry; and laboriousness is a name signifying it. Barrow, vol. iil Ser. W. 7 M

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