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prosperous and when they believe good times are ahead. The prosperity of the farmer finds its reflection in the prosperity of the merchant and of the transportation interests. In view of the large orders already booked, it is not unreasonable to look for less buying activity in the immediate future; but this does not imply in any manner that conditions are to take an unfavorable turn.


The crop situation has come to the front in a prominent manner, and the question of the condition of winter wheat will now receive consideration. The wet weather has had a beneficial effect in checking the development of the Hessian fly, but the first week of really fine weather will bring any number of reports of the multiplication of the insect pest. Otherwise crop conditions are satisfactory, and the indications are favorable to a large yield of winter wheat. Spring wheat planting has been delayed by the wet weather, but this lost time can be recovered as soon as the farmers are able to get to work in earnest. The foreign crop situation is not favorable, and the German crop is in a bad way. Speculatively, sentiment is bullish on wheat, on the possibilities of insect damage and the large export movement. Phillips has run a very successful corner in corn, and he has taught the old timers that it is financially bad policy to assume that the younger element that has come into the market are not capable of carrying a big deal to a profitable conclusion. The young men have demonstrated their ability and aggressiveness in both the stock and grain markets, and have forced the old-timers to the wall. The bulge in corn is over, but I am a bull on wheat, and look for higher prices on the damage stories that will not fail to make their appearance. * * *

The heavy rains in the South have done damage to the cotton crop, and much replanting will be necessary. What influence this will exert upon the cotton market it is difficult to predict, owing to the large visible supply and the apathy of the cotton goods market. The total visible supply is now 3,800,790 bales, as against 2,986,000 bales a year ago, and 4,933,000 bales in 1899. The crop movement continues large, but a falling off is now anticipated.-Town Topics, New York.

The Way to Get Sympathy.

A good old southern darkey puts a very valuable truth in this way:

"When ebbah yoh feels like you want sympathy, jus laugh heahty an you'll find people jinin' in. Laughin' am de ketchinest ting dat is. De pussons what sets on de eggs of borrowed trouble will at las' succeed in hatchin' de generium chickens." -Washington Star.

The Simplest, Most Durable, Most Convenient, Lightest Touch,

the Highest Grade and the Very Best Writing Machine.

It is rapidly replacing all other Typewriters for business and professional use.

The U. S. Custom House at Portland has just adopted the Jewett in competition with all other makes; also U. S. Court at Boise, Idaho, the Supreme Court at Olympia, Walla Walla County, Wash, the principal Business Colleges, Business Houses and Law Offices on the Pacific Coast.

Why not get in line at once?

Liberal allowance made for machines you are now using.

Jewett's sent any where on trial.

Write at once.

Manufactured by


Des Moines, Iowa.

COAST AGENCY CO, N. W. AGENTS, Portland, Oregon.

Typewriters of all makes Rented and Repaired.

Platens and parts for all machines.

J. W. and Pencil Carbon, all Office and Typewriter goods, etc.

Mimographs, Heklographs, etc.

Complete office equippers.

Rubber Stamps and Seals a Specialty.

Phone, Maine 38. Office, 2661⁄2 Stark St.

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4.., P-K Kt 3 is an unsatisfactory defense, of which, however, cautious Prof. Berger did not make the most in the opening by playing 6 Kt x Kt instead of the more forcible 6 B-K Kt 5, as Black gained a move with 6 B-Kt 2, and so got fairly out of it with a less cramped position, and if he had played 11 P-K B 4 he would have had quite an even game. afterward its regular course, White improvThe game takes ing a more favorable position step by step. There is only one point to notice, viz., that Black could not gain a Pawn with 12

Bx Kt because of 13 Q x B, R x P; 14 B-R 6 with advantage, nor could the Pawn be gained with 13 .., B x Kt, 14 Kt— K 4 allows White to advantageously advance the K B P, after which Black's game can no more be saved; although he might have made a somewhat better defense, if he had not bared his King entirely with 21.., P-K B 4.

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Hatters and Furnishers

Buffum & Pendleton

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-Leslie's Weekly.


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"Oh, yes, sir."

"What book did you learn from?"

"I never had a book in my life, sir." "And who was your schoolmaster?" "Oh, I never was at school."

Here was a singular case. A boy could read and spell without a book or master! But what was the fact? Why, another little sweep had taught him to read by showing him the letters over the shop doors which they passed as they went through the city. His teacher, then, was another little sweep like himself, and his book the sign boards on the shops. What may not be done by trying?

[blocks in formation]

Things You Can't Do.

You can't stand for five minutes without moving, if you are blindfolded.

You can't stand at the side of a room with both of your feet touching the wainscoting lengthwise.

You can't get out of a chair without bending your body forward or putting your feet under it; that is, if you are sitting squarely on the chair and not on the edge of it. when placed You can't crush an egg lengthwise between your hands; that is, if the egg is sound and has the ordinary shell of a hen's egg.

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You can't break a match if the match is laid across the nail of the middle finger of either hand and pressed upon by the first and third fingers of that hand, despite its seeming so easy at first sight.

A Literal Construction.

In a school for colored children there was a little boy who would persist in saying "have went," says a contributor to the Christian Endeavorer World.

The teacher kept him in one night and said:

"Now, while I am out of the room you may write 'have gone' fifty times."

When the teacher came back he looked at the boy's paper, and there was, "have gone fifty times." On the other side was written, "I have went home."

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The Jester and the Czar.

The Russian court jester was trying his best to cheer up his imperial master. "If you were dean of the college of czars," he playfully remarked, "what would you then become?"

The Czar looked at the jester coldly. "Well, what?" he asked.

"A-a czar-dean, your majesty, of course." The Czar scowled.

"You have a very pretty wit-for the Siberian frontier," he said. him!"

"Away with

Why not spend thevacation at Yaquina Bay, where can be had excellent fare, good fishing, good boating, safe bathing, alluring rides and rambles?

The courses and exercises at the Summer School, for 1901, at Newport, will afford great variety of instructions, diversion and entertainment.

No other resort offers equal attractions and advantages.

A New Idea for Fences. One of the best ideas that has ever been brought out in the fence line is the anchor clamp which the Portland Anchor Fence Co. applies to wire fences. This is a new and striking device for keeping wire fences strong, straight and always looking new, and is meeting with great success wherever introduced. Farmers recognized in it at once a long-sought-for friend.

[blocks in formation]

A new rifle. 20-inch barrel.

Weight 4 pounds. C. B. caps and .22 short R. F. Has an AUTOMATIC SAFETY and cannot be discharged accidentally.

Price Only $4.00

If these rifles are not carried in stock by your dealer, send price and we will send it to you express prepaid.

Send stamp for catalog describing complete line and containing valuable information to shooters.



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