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strange, their imagination is kept glowing, and their passions are often raised to the utmost. They think, and express themselves boldly, and without restraint. In the progress of society, the genjus and manners of men undergo a change more favourable to accuracy, than to strength or sublimity. (See Art. 31 and 32.)

400. Of all writings, ancient or modern, the sacred Scriptures afford us the highest instances of the sublime. The descriptions of the Deity, in them, are wonderfully noble; both from the grandeur of the object, and the manner of representing it.

Example 1. What an assemblage, for instance, of awful and sublime ideas is presented to us, in that passage of the 18th Psalm, where an appearance of the Almighty is described?

2. "In my distress I called upon the Lord: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him. Then the earth shook and trembled; the foundations also of the hills were moved; because he was wroth. He bowed the heavens and came down, and darkness was under his feet; and he did ride upon a cherub, and did fly; yea, he did fly upon the wings of the wind. He made darkness his secret place; his pavilion round about him were dark waters, and thick clouds of the sky."

Analysis. Here, agreeably to the principles established in Chapter IV. (Art. 394.) we see, with what propriety and success the circumstances of darkness and terror are applied for heightening

the sublime.

Example 3. So, also, the prophet Habakkuk, in a similar passage: "He stood, and measured the earth; he beheld, and drove asunder the nations. The everlasting mountains were scattered; the perpetual hills did bow; his ways are everlasting. The mountains saw thee; and they trembled. The overflowing of the water passed by. The deep uttered his voice, and lifted up his hands, on high."

4. There is a passage in the Psalms, which deserves to be mentioned under this head: "God stilleth the noise of the seas, the noise of their waves, and the tumults of the people."

Analysis. The joining together two such grand objects, as the raging of the waters, and the tumults of the people, between which there is so much resemblance as to form a very natural association in the fancy, and the representing them both as subject, at one moment, to the command of God, produces a noble effect.

401. Homer is a poet, who, in all ages, and by all critics, has been greatly admired for sublimity; and he owes much of his grandeur to that native and unaffected simplicity, which characterises his manner.

Illus. His descriptions of hosts engaging; the animation, the fire,

and rapidity, which he throws into his battles, present to every reader of the Iliad, frequent instances of sublime writing. His introduction of the gods, tends often to heighten, in a high degree, the majesty of his warlike scenes.

Example 1. Hence Longinus bestows such high and just commendations on that passage, in the 15th book of the Iliad, where Neptune, when preparing to issue forth into the engagement, is described as shaking the mountains with his steps, and driving his chariot along the ocean.

2. Minerva, arming herself for fight, in the fifth book; and Apollo, in the 15th, leading on the Trojans, and flashing terror with his ægis on the face of the Greeks; are similar instances of great sublimity added to the description of battles, by the appearances of those celestial beings.

3. In the 20th book, where all the gods take part in the engagement, according as they severally favour either the Grecians or the Trojans, the poet's genius is signally displayed, and the description rises into the most awful magnificence. All nature is represented as in commotion. Jupiter thunders in the heavens; Neptune strikes the earth with his trident; the ships, the city, and the mountains shake; the earth trembles to its centre; Pluto starts from his throne, in dread, lest the secrets of the infernal region should be laid open to the views of mortals.

402. The works of Ossian abound with examples of the sublime. The subjects of which that author treats, and the manner in which he writes, are particularly favourable to it.

Illus. He possesses all the plain and venerable manner of the an cient times. He deals in no superfluous or gaudy ornaments; but throws forth his images with a rapid conciseness, which enables them to strike the mind with the greatest force. Among poets of more polished times, we are to look for the graces of correct wrifing, for just proportion of parts, and skilfully conducted narration. In the midst of smiling scenery and pleasurable themes, the gay and the beautiful will appear, undoubtedly, to more advantage. But amidst the rude scenes of nature and of society, such as Ossian describes; amidst rocks, and torrents, and whirlwinds, and battles, dwells the sublime; and there it naturally associates itself with that grave and solemn spirit, which distinguishes the author of Fingal.

403. Conciseness and simplicity are essential to sublime writing. Simplicity is opposed to studied and profuse ornament; and conciseness, to superfluous expression.

Illus. We shall now explain why a defect, either in conciseness or simplicity, is hurtful, in a peculiar manner, to the sublime.


emotion occasioned in the mind by some great or noble object, raises it considerably above its ordinary pitch. A sort of enthu siasm is produced, extremely agreeable while it lasts; but from which the mind is tending every moment to fall into its ordinary situation. Now, when an author has brought us, or is attempting to bring us, into this state, if he multiples words unnecessarily, if he decks the sublime object which he presents to us, round and round, with glittering ornaments; nay, if he throws in any one decoration that sinks in the least below the capital image, that moment he alters the key; he relaxes the tension of the mind; the strength of the feeling is emasculated; the beautiful may remain, but the sublime is gone.

Example 1. When Julius Cæsar said to the pilot, who was afraid to put to sea with him in a storm, "Quid times? Cæsarem vehis;" (Example 3. Art. 396.) we are struck with the daring magnanimity of one relying with such confidence on his cause and his fortune. These few words convey every thing necessary to give us the impression full.

2. Lucan resolved to amplify and adorn the thought. Observe how, every time he twists it round, it departs farther from the sublime, till it ends at last in tumid declamation. In Rowe's translation, the passage runs thus:

But Cæsar still superior to distress,

Fearless, and confident of sure success,
Thus to the pilot loud :-The seas despise,
And the vain threat'ning of the noisy skies:
Though Gods deny thee yon Ausonian strand,
Yet go, charge you, go, at my command.
Thy ignorance alone can cause thy fears,


Thou know'st not what a freight thy vessel bears:
Thou know'st not I am he to whom 'tis given,
Never to want the care of watchful heaven.
Obedient fortune waits my humble thrall,
And, always ready, comes before I call.
Let winds, and seas, loud wars at freedom wage,
And waste upon themselves their empty rage;
A stronger, mightier Demon is thy friend,
Thou, and thy bark, on Cæsar's fate depend.
Thou stand'st amaz'd to view this dreadful scene,
And wonder'st what the Gods and Fortune mean;
But artfully their bounties thus they raise,
And from my danger arrogate new praise:
Amidst the fears of death they bid me live,
And still enhance what they are sure to give*."

* Sperne minas, inquit, pelagi, ventoque furenti
Trade sinum: Italiam, si, cielo auctore, recusas,
Me, pete. Sola tibi causa hæc est justa timoris
Victorem non pôsse tuum; quem numina nunquam

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404. On account of the great importance of simpli city and conciseness, rhyme, in English verse, if not inconsistent with the sublime, is at least very unfavourable to it. The constrained elegance of this kind of verse, and studied smoothness of the sounds, answering regularly to each other at the end of the line, though they be quite consistent with gentle emotions, yet weaken the native force of sublimity; besides, that the superfluous words which the poet is often obliged to introduce, in order to fill up the rhyme, tend farther to enfeeble it.

Example. Homer's description of the nod of Jupiter, as shaking the heavens, has been admired in all ages, as highly sublime. Literally translated, it runs thus: "He spoke, and bending his sable brows, gave the awful nod; while he shook the celestial locks of his immortal head, all Olympus was shaken."

Pope translates it thus:

He spoke; and awful bends his sable brows,
Shakes his ambrosial curls, and gives the nod,
The stamp of fate, and sanction of a God.

High heaven with trembling the dread signal took,
And all Olympus to its centre shook,

Analysis. The image is spread out, and attempted to be besufi fied; but it is, in truth, awakened. The third line-" The stamp of fate, and sanction of a God," is merely replentive; and introduced for no other reason but to fill up the rhyme; for it interrupts the description, and clogs the image. For the same reason, out of mere compliance with the rhyme, Jupiter is represented as shaking his locks before he gives the nod ;-" Shakes his ambrosial curls, and gives the nod," which is trifling, and without meaning. Whereas, in the original, the hair of his head shaken, is the effect of his nod, and makes a happy picturesque circumstance in the description *.

405. The boldness, freedom, and variety of our

Cum post vota venit.

Destituunt ; de quo male tunc Fortuna meretur
Medias perrumpe procellas
Tutela secure meâ. Coli iste fretique

Non puppis nostræ labor est. Hanc Casare pressam
A fluctu defendet onus; nam proderit undis
Iste ratis:-Quid tanta strage paratur
Ignoras; quærit pelagi colique tumultu
Quid præstet fortuna mihi. Phars. V. 578.

* See: Webb, on the Beauties of Poetry.

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blank verse, are infinitely more favourable than rhyme can be to all kinds of sublime poetry. The fullest proof of this is afforded by Milton; an author whose genius led him eminently to the sublime. The whole first and second books of Paradise Lost, are continued instances of it.

Example. Take only for an example, the following noted description of Satan after his fall, appearing at the head of the inferual hosts:.

He, above the rest,

In shape and gesture proudly eminent,

Stood like a tower: his form had not yet lcst
All her original brightness, nor appeared
Less than archangel ruined; and the excess
Of glory obscured: as when the sun, new risen,
Looks through the horizontal misty air,
Shorn of his beams; or, from behind the moon,
In dim eclipse, disastrous twilight sheds
On half the nations, and with fear of change
Perplexes monarchs. Darken'd so, yet shone
Above them all, th' Archangel.

Analysis. Here concur a variety of sources of the sublime; the principal object eminently great; a high superior nature, fallen indeed, but erecting itself against distress; the grandeur of the principal object heightened, by associating it with so noble an idea as that of the sun suffering an eclipse; this picture shaded with all those images of change and trouble, of darkness and terror, which coincide so finely with the sublime emotion; and the whole expressed in a style and versification, easy, natural, and simple, but magnificent.

406. Simplicity and conciseness are essential to sublime in writing, (Art. 403); but strength is another necessary requisite. The strength of description arises, in a great measure, from a simple conciseness; but, it supposes also something more; namely, a proper choice of circumstances in the description, so as to exhibit the object in its full and most striking point of view.

Illus. 1. For every object has several faces, so to speak, by which it may be presented to us, according to the circumstances with which it may be surrounded; and it will appear eminently sublime, or not, in proportion as all these circumstances are happily chosen, and of a sublime kind. Here lies the great art of a writer

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