Well may he p blush, who gives it, or receives; (Like Journals, Odes, and fuch forgotten things Nec prave factis decorari verfibus opto: 415 BOOK BOOK II. EPISTLE II. "Ludentis fpeciem dabit, & torquebitur." HoR. DE EAR Col'nel, Cobham's and your country's You love a Verfe, take fuch as I can fend. b A Frenchman comes, prefents you with his Boy, Bows, and begins-" This Lad, Sir, is of Blois : "Obferve his shape how clean! his locks how curl'd! "My only fon, I'd have hina fee the world: "His French is pure; his Voice too-you shall hear. "Sir, he's your flave, for twenty pound a year. "Mere wax as yet, you fashion him with ease, "Your Barber, Cook, Upholsterer, what you please: "A perfect genius at an Opera song "To fay too much, might do my honour wrong. "Take EPISTOLA II. LORE, bono claroque fidelis amice Neroni, b Si quis forte velit puerum tibi vendere natum Tibure vel Gabiis, et tecum fic agat: "Hic et "Candidus, et talos a vertice pulcher ad imos, "Fiet eritque tuus nummorum millibus octo; "Verna minifteriis ad nutus aptus heriles; "Litterulis Graecis imbutus, idoneus arti "Cuilibet argilla quidvis imitaberis uda: : 1-5 "Take him with all his virtues, on my word; I think Sir Godfrey should decide the fuit; d Confider then, and judge me in this light; I told you when I went, I could not write; cry: 20 25 You "Quin etiam canet indoctum, fed dulce bibenti. "Multa fidem promiffa levant, ubi plenius aeque "Laudat venales, qui vult extrudere, merces. "Res urget me nulla: meo fum pauper in aere. "Nemo hoc mangonum faceret tibi: non temere a me Quivis ferret idem: femel hic ceffavit, et (ut fit) "In fcalis latuit metuens pendentis habenae : "Des nummos, excepta nihil te fi fuga laedit." c Ille ferat pretium, poenae fecurus, opinor. Prudens emifti vitiofum: dicta tibi eft lex. Infequeris tamen hunc, et lite moraris iniqua. d Dixi me pigrum proficifcenti tibi, dixi Talibus officiis propę mancum; ne mea faevus You faid the fame; and are you discontent e In Anna's Wars, a Soldier poor and old Had dearly earn'd a little purse of gold: Tir'd with a tedious march, one luckless night, 30 35 40 45 "Go Jurgares ad te quod epiftola nulla veniret. e Luculli miles collecta viatica multis Aerumnis, laffus dum noctu ftertit, ad affem : Perdiderat poft hoc vehemens lupus, et fibi et hofti Praefidium regale loco dejecit, ut aiunt, "Go on, my Friend, (he cry'd) fee yonder walls! "D'ye think me, noble General, fuch a Sot? 50 55 (And little fure imported to remove, To hunt for Truth in Maudlin's learned grove.) But knottier points we knew not half so well, Depriv'd us foon of our paternal Cell; And Forte fub hoc tempus caftellum evertere praetor |