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Current Events-Domestic, Canadian, British and Foreign (Illustrated)..
Our Glasgow Letter

Clan Buchanan (Illustrated)

The MacMaster Family in Scotland, Ireland and America.

151 John Wilson 156 158

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The Most Important Event in My Lifetime (Illustrated)..Sir James Alexander Grant
A Scene in the Life of Robert Burns (Illustrated).
Scottish Characteristics



. James Kennedy 174

In Time of War ....

A Covenanting Bible (Poem).
Prayer For the Day-The Throne and the Lamb-Folded Wings....

A Delightful Vacation (Illustrated).
The Soul of a Nation (Illustrated)

The Highlands (Poem-Illustrated)
Scottish Societies


New Publications

The European War-XX

The Mexican Crisis

The Very Rev. Sir George Adam Smith, D.D., LL. D.
Lauchlan Maclean Watt



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$1.00 A YEAR

Descendants in America

The above is the title of an important biographical work in preparation by the Caledonian Publishing Company, New York.

Mr. MacDougall, the Editor of "The Caledonian," with an able staff of men of literary ability, and skilled in biographical work, is collecting material for biographical sketches of representative Scotsmen and Scotswomen (by birth or descent), who are now living in America. These sketches will be prepared with great care and accuracy, and will cover the numerous fields of activity in which Scots are engaged. The work will be valuable to all who are interested in the records of human achievements, but it will be of special interest to people of Scottish origin, for they, more than others, have a pride of race, and a love of country, which enable them to share in the triumphs of their compatriots.

The work, which will probably consist of several volumes, will be prepared in the best style of the publisher's art, and will be illustrated with superior portraits of the distinguished persons introduced to the readers in its pages.

The prospectus presents the exact size of the proposed book, and the quality of paper that will be used. The binding will be half morocco, with the coat-of-arms of Scotland designed on the cover. The book will be furnished gratis to those whose sketches appear in it, and a special edition will be prepared for the public. No work of an exactly similar character has been published heretofore in America.

Primarily, the scheme of such a literary venture appealed to us as a patriotic enterprise, which we were eager to undertake, and to pursue to a successful issue; not without hope of some small compensation to the publishers, as well as pleasare to the readers, and to those mentioned in its pages. Moreover, in planning this work the fact was not lost sight of that Buch biographical sketches would be gratifying to Scottish pride of race, would atisfy a laudable curiosity, and stimulate

effort and a praiseworthy spirit of emulation. No species of writing appeals more strongly to the young, or is more instructive and helpful to them, and even to those of maturer years, than the records of human lives.

It should not be forgotten that history is biography generalized, and that a mere record of events apart from special mention of the actors in these events, could scarcely be considered history at all. The lapse of a few thousand years has not robbed "Plutarch's Lives" of their charm, nor are they destined to become stale and insipid; for the incidents in the careers of great characters will strike a responsive chord in the human breast while heroism, great actions and nobility of soul are regarded as worthy of praise and imitation.

Patriotic as the Scots almost invariably are, and imbued with a great deal of national pride and clan feeling, a record of the lives of noted people of their nation cannot fail to prove intensely interesting. But these sketches of persons of Scottish origin have an unique value, owing to the fact that, constituted as the Scots are, more original and striking facts are apt to be noted in their lives, than in the lives of those people developed into less individual, original and characteristic personalities.

Such records cannot fail to prove most valuable to the descendants of those whose names have been introduced in these volumes, and in the future may furnish the only reliable data remaining of persons who have long made an exit from the stage of life. Pride of ancestry is eminently proper, when it inspires to high aims and noble actions, and even the mistakes and failures of our predecessors may act as warning sign-posts along the journey of life. How much more satisfactory it is to have the records of an honored relative or friend preserved in a book like this, than carved on stones! A prospectus of this biographical work will be sent on request.

Address D. MacDOUGALL, Editor, Bible House, New York.



HIS is the FIRST BOOK OF ITS KIND-the only comprehensive work tracing the Scottish influence in America from the earliest settlement to the present time. In addition to the biographies of REPRESENTATIVE LIVING SCOTS, in every department of life, the INTRODUCTION consists of a complete survey of the part taken by people of Scottish blood in the building of the Nation. This includes:

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HIS VALUABLE HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION by George F. Black, Ph. D., who was fourteen years Assistant-Keeper of the Museum of Antiquities, Edinburgh, and has just completed twenty years of service in the New York Public Library, an authority of international reputation, includes the names of prominent Scottish families and individuals, referring by title and page to more than 100 books and pamphlets (practically all ever written on this subject.)



LSO several notable Scots of the United States and Canada have contributed interesting and important short PREFACES on various lines in which Scots have excelled. Mr. A. Barton Hepburn has written on "The Scottish Influence in American Banking and Finance"; Sir James Alexander Grant on "Scots in the Exploration, Settlement and Development of Canada"; Dr. John Huston Finley on "The Land We Live In"; Rev. Dr. William Douglas Mackenzie on "The Scottish Inflence on the American Pulpit"; John Findley Wallace, "Scots in American Engineering"; Dr. James A. Macdonald, Toronto, "Living Scots in Canada"; Dr. George S. Carson, Halifax, "The Makers of New Scotland"; Malcolm Parsons, St. John's, "Scots In Newfoundland," Etc.



HE book is of the greatest value to the friends, relatives and descendants of those appearing in it, and to patriotic Scots everywhere, as a means of tracing their lineage to the individuals of this great American-Scottish family of merit and worth. Special attention has been given in the biographies to FAMILY HISTORY and GENEALOGY. The book is not for the present alone, but will increase in value as years go by, as the only reliable source of this historical and geneaological information.



ERE you have the life-stories told for the first time, of men who have made their mark in many fields of usefulness: Merchants, Manufacturers, Bankers, Railroad Men, Miners, Inventors, Statesmen, Architects, Engineers, Physicians, Clergymen, Lawyers. Publishers, Contractors, Shipbuilders, Educators, Etc.

Most of those men began with nothing, at the foot of the hill, and climbed to the top, through ability, determination and perseverance. Every page is a valuable object lesson to young and old. EVERY HOME NEEDS IT.


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