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foreign travel, than the sight of objects that would for ever remind me of my country's defeat; but, happily for every Englishman, he may wander from the rising to the setting sun, without fear of these unwelcome intruders on his peace."

Hence we may conjecture without any probable risk of being in error, that even the cosmopolitan John Bull now before us (is it a bull so to designate a member of one of the Scottish Highland Clans?) has at times exhibited, while in La Belle France, that very bearing of conscious superiority which, on minor occasions, less travelled, prudent, and polite Englishmen care not to disguise. And yet we should have been disappointed, if we had not, from such a communicative and agreeable person, met with many such proofs of natural and good sentiment.

We must not tarry for any considerable time in Italy, and shall only climb with him to the summit of the Leaning Tower at Pisa, which is in height 193 French feet. Having stated that the slope is very manifest, and almost alarming; and that the guide asserted it had been built designedly with a slope, a bizarrerie of the architect, he proceeds to notice the opinion of a better authority, we presume, than he who so succinctly disposed of the irregularity. "Sir John Leslie," says the Doctor, " in his lectures, on giving an account of this tower, used to attribute its stability to the cohesion of the mortar, which was sufficient to maintain it erect in spite of its being out of the condition required by physics, to wit, that in order that a column shall stand, a perpendicular let fall from the centre of gravity must fall within the base."" Sir John described the column of Pisa to be in violation of this principle, but our author states that according to a design shown him on the spot, "the perpendicular does fall within the base."

From this anomalous tower, concerning which there exist such different opinions, we jump to the Hotel de Bergues in Geneva, the largest establishment of the kind which the writer had seen in Europe, containing 180 bed-rooms, beside servants' apartments, there being fifty servants. Here the company at the time is described as having been of the most select description of persons, the Americans mustering the strongest, next to the English. At the table d'hote, our author was set down by the Americans, from some very slight circumstances, as the author of " Cyril Thornton." This mistake was soon rectified; but it serves to usher in some remarks which we copy:

"It is a curious feature in the American character," says Dr. Cumming, "that they never tire of speaking of their own country. No matter where you meet a Yankee, the burden of his conversation is still America."



"That the Americans have every right to be proud of their country, and its intelligent and enterprising population, I most fully admit. A tour of several thousand miles in their flourishing States, gave me abundance of practical ground both for wonder and admiration; nevertheless, I think they would gain more consideration in Europe, by showing a desire to inform themselves of the political and social state of the countries they may be visiting, than by eternally obtruding the natural beauties and political advantages of their own favoured country."

How wise would it be in another writer and extensive traveller, Cooper we mean, were he to make use of this hint. And yet do not the majority of Englishmen who visit the United States, help to encourage the weakness mentioned, by publishing on their return to Europe such accounts as require a war, offensive as well as defensive, on the part of the disparaged and ridiculed Americans? They know that they have to struggle against many prejudices existing in the Old World. They feel that they are great and strong; they would be greater and stronger at an unprecedented, an unreasonable speed; and therefore they are the egotists complained of. Before leaving the Hotel in Geneva, our readers will be pleased to hear that the Doctor there met the nephew of Washington Irving, who is the author of two interesting volumes, entitled "Indian Sketches," Mr. I. having derived the materials for his stories and sketches while residing for several months among the Red men. We noticed the work when it appeared, and are glad to have the very favourable account of this American which the competent judge before us gives,

We are now in Egypt, on the banks of the Nile, where our stay must also be short. First of all we quote a few paragraphs upon a subject, to some of which our preliminary remarks referred.

"It has often occurred to me," observes the Doctor, "that few speculations would be more likely to succeed than the establishment of a Sanatarium at Thebes, for the accommodation of Indian and European invalids.

"Now that the facilities of navigating the Red Sea and the Mediterranean are so great, (and with a certainty of their daily increasing), what would be more feasible than the erection of a large wooden edifice, with twenty or twenty-five chambers, capable of accommodating thirty or forty persons! In such a climate, few comforts are required, and no other articles of furniture than bed, table, chair, and chest of drawers, would be necessary for each apartment.-Supposing such an establishment to exist, the invalid would leave Bombay on the 1st, arrive on the 12th at Cosseir, and in three days more, would find himself in the Sanatarium at Thebes, where he might either remain for the winter, studying its ancient treasures, and amusing himself with his gun, (there is abundance of hares, and I believe also of partridges), or make an excursion to the cataracts, or even to Cairo.

"During his absence from the Company's dominions, he would retain his staff-appointment, and draw his full pay, and the time would reckon

as actual service in India,-all which advantages he must sacrifice by returning to England.

"The invalid embarking at Falmouth on the 1st, would reach Alexandria on the 20th, and in twenty days more, by using dispatch, he might be at Thebes.-But it is not the invalid only who would benefit by such an establishment. What more delightful than for two friends, the one from India, the other from Europe, to meet at Thibet, renew their intercourse, and rekindle their affections, and all this to be effected at so small a sacrifice of time and comfort! To officers returning to and from India, the advantages would be great."

Young artists from Europe are also mentioned as being a likely class to repair to Egypt were such facilities afforded as proposed. Mr. Waghorn, to some of whose pamphlets we have called the attention of our readers, and who takes an extraordinary interest in the schemes for establishing a regular line of communication between England and India, via the Red Sea, is mentioned as the enterprising person, were he to adopt the author's suggestions, that might or would bring them to maturity. Let us listen to the Doctor's account of this gentleman's services and energies:

"Dined yesterday with Mr. Waghorn, to meet Lord and Lady Brudenell. His lordship is on his way to Cosseir viá Thebes, where he hopes to embark on the H. Lindsay steam-boat early next month for Bombay, After dinner, we had a long and animated discussion on steam communi. cation with India. Mr. Waghorn is a very singular character, and were his zeal and enthusiasm only tempered by a little more judgment and discretion, is precisely the man to be the successful apostle of a new system. Of iron frame and ceaseless activity of mind (the latter at high pressure), he spares neither time, labour, nor expense-hurrying night and day through sun, and saud, and bog-to forward and expedite his despatches, Although having no official situation under the Crown or the Company, he derives a handsome revenue from letters addressed to his especial care. Great Britain and British India are both much indebted to Waghorn, for it cannot be denied that his zealous advocacy of the Red Sea route to Bombay has been mainly instrumental in rousing the attention of the Indian and home authorities to the subject. To the Company's officers travelling to and from Bombay, he is ever ready with his assistance and advice. Indeed, every English traveller in Egypt finds a willing counseilor in Waghorn. I speak from experience.'

Our author's views relative to the excellence of the air of parts of Egypt for consumptive persons, it is not for us to impugn or doubt. But still, admitting all that he advances on this head, it does not appear to us that there is any immediate prospect of delicately reared persons, especially if on the invalid list, finding in navigating the Nile, or in the accommodations of Egypt, that security and those comforts which are not less necessary to pleasure and recovery, than a climate and an atmosphere which are positively

medicinal. He himself, though an old stager, and accustomed to all sorts of vicissitudes, in the course of his many diversified travels, met with a sufficient number of annoyances to try his patience, and call forth his stratagies. To be sure he considers that his life has been lengthened one year at least by his visit to the cataracts; but we may rest assured that comparatively few pulmonary patients would have skill to know in similar circumstances when or how to apply the suaviter in modo, and the fortiter in re. There are Scotchmen as well as Englishmen, we suspect, even though in a sound state of health, that would be puzzled on occasions; nor need we go farther than the second of the volumes before us for proof to this effect. We read that

"A Scotch lawyer who went up the Nile this year, asked me at Cairo what he was to do if his men were rebellious; I advised him to punish them severely on the first transgression. His reply was sufficiently characteristic: I have no right to punish the men.' Accordingly he started, and instead of reaching the second cataract as he had intended, he got only to Assouan, from which I met him returning in great disgust, and even apprehension. He assured me that he had not had a day's peace since leaving Cairo; that his men were utterly unmanageable, and laughed at his orders. At length after patiently submitting for three weeks to their unruly conduct, he mustered resolution (in defiance of the law) to attack the Raïs; but the fellow retorted, struck his master on the face, and even drew a knife upon him. His servant at length interposed to save him. Had he killed the cat the first night,' or in other words, made use of the argumentum baculinum on the first transgression, instead of appealing to their feelings, and quoting Blackstone's Commentaries, (which this eccentric limb of the law was very fond of doing,) he would never have experienced an instance of the lex talionis in his own person."

Pretty encouragement for the Doctor to offer to invalids!-Most people, however, we imagine, would rather have the assurance of the English government's influence, power, and protection having been systematically established, first in the neighbourhood of Thebes and Cairo; and then any just and rational argumentum ad hominem urged would have a better chance of convincing and overruling an opponent.

We find that we can neither follow our author to Malta, Greece, nor Constanstinople. We shall alight upon him merely once more, and in the vicinity of Presburg. Here, he says,

"Among the passengers I had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of a Hungarian, (Loyola D'Orassy by name,) with whom I had a great deal of conversation in French. I found him a most enlightened man, and perfectly acquainted with the past history and present political condition of England. He told me there was no nation of Europe which bis

countrymen respected so much as England; and that no stranger was so heartily welcomed in Hungary as the Englishman. Of the celebrated British statesmen, Earl Grey was his especial favourite. I never heard a more glowing, and, in my opinion, juster eulogium, than he passed on the high and consistent character of that distinguished nobleman, whom he pronounced homme sans pareil dans l'histoire d'Angleterre.' He then discussed Lord Brougham, for whose genius and eloquence he expressed a high admiration; but he regretted deeply, in common with myself and many others, I believe, that his elevation to the Peerage had removed him from the floor of the House of Commons, where alone he was calculated to shine. Indeed, he remarked, that he considered Brougham's star to be on the wane, from the day he quitted the leadership of the Opposition in the House of Commons.

"The heads of the Tory party were next brought on the tapis, but now the language of praise was exchanged for that of censure. I was really quite surprised at the intimate knowledge he displayed even of the most trivial political transactions of my country. Although he does not speak English, he reads it with facility, and says he always looks with impatience for the arrival of the Edinburgh Review' at the Cacino."

After all the wanderings described in these volumes, " in search of health," our readers will be sorry to hear, that Dr. Cumming returned to England not much mended, and that he describes his constitution as being completely shattered. He speaks in the latter pages not despondingly but resignedly, yet most touchingly of his condition, of the past and of the future. It is evident from every part of the "Notes" that he is a man to make friends, and to reciprocate friendship wherever he goes; and when he dies many will mourn the loss. But his book will always yield gratification, amusement and instruction combined, whenever it is opened, whatever may be the section.


1. Births, Deaths, and Marriages. By the Author of "Sayings and Doings," &c. 3 Vols. London: Bentley.

2. Cheveley; or, the Man of Honour. By LADY LYTTON BULWER. 3 Vols. London: Bull.

3. Deerbrook; A Novel. By HARRIET MARTINEAU, 3. Vols. London: Moxon: 1839.

THERE is something too remarkable about the three novels above named, especially the second and third, to be left unnoticed by us. If, however, we were inclined to keep pace with all the works of the class that are almost daily issuing from the press, and which are for the most part but of a spurious breed or mushroom growth, doomed instantly to fade, because they have no life in them, a whole page would not hold the titles of one month's fertility. Another of

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