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WHAT now remains is, that I make a grateful Acknow ledgment of your Favours, in countenancing and encou raging my Design, and affifting me in the Publication thereof by your generous and liberal Subscriptions. The only (tho' unusual) Way that I can best testify this to most of you is by an humble Offering of the Book itself, which I infcribe and dedicate to yourselves, and beg you'll vouchfafe it the honourable Patronage of your Names: Its Fate under your Protection must needs, from first to last, be aufpicious and fortunate: Your general Approbation and Commendation will strike Momus dumb, and put Envy itfelf upon the Rack. I shall therefore be fecure and free from all Anxiety, if what I here offer be in any wife agree-able to your Expectation, or worthy your Acceptance. I am fure I have endeavour'd all I could to render it fo: On this account I have added Ten Sheets more than I proposed, which is no small Diminution of my Profit; and I hope you will have no Occafion to complain of the ungrateful and infamous Practice of felling the Book to Non-subscribers for less than the Subscription-Price.

I DOUBT not, GENTLEMEN, but the fame Benevolence which appears in your Subscription, will, on all proper Occafions, shew itself in promoting the Sale of the Remainder of the Impression, by recommending the Book to fuch as have not had an Opportunity of subscribing: If it can on any account deserve your good Opinion and Character, they will never fail of conciliating the Good-liking and Acceptance of others. I am not so unacquainted with Human Nature, as to pretend to have perform'd without Faults; nor fo much a Stranger to your Goodness and Candor, as to think an Apology on that Score necessary. It remains only, that, with the profoundest Respect and Sentiments of Gratitude, I subscribe myself,

Honourable GENTLEMEN,

Your Most Obliged Humble Servant,


LIST of Subfcribers.


R Richard Acton.


The Reverend Mr Ady. Gloucester.

Mr Airey.

Anthony Allen, Efq; Guildford.

Rev. Mr Allen, Vicar of the Cathedral Church of Chichester,

Mr. Robert Alexander, of the Custom-House, Portsmouth.

Mr Philip Alwood. Holywell.

Mr Stephen Atkins. Guildford.

Mr Salter Andrews.


Mr John Angel. Chichester.

Rev. Francis Annesley, D. D. Rector of Wirwick.

Mr Ifaac Arnold, Merchant.

Mr John Arthur.

Charles Afhfeild, Gent. of Parshore, Worcestershire.

John Aubery, Gent. Fareham.

Mr Matthew Austen. Chichester.

Mr John Austen.

Mr Henry Aylward, Town-Clerk, Chichester.


George Bailey, M. D. Chichester.

Mr Thomas Baker, Surgeon. London.

Mr John Baker, Attorney at Law of the Temple, London.

Mr Robert Baker, Limner. London.

Mr Jofeph Baker, Surgeon. London.

Mr Alexander Baker, Merchant.

Rev. Mr. Ball, A. M. Canon Resident. and Archd. of Chichester.

Mr Charles Ballard, Druggift. London.

James Banks, Esq; Store-keeper of his Majesty's Yard. Portsmouth. Mr Thomas Barker of Gadlis, Flintshire. Six Books.

Mr James Barlow.

John Barnston, Efq; Portfsmouth.

Mr Thomas Barrow. Portsmouth.

Mr Nathanael Basnet. London. Six Books.

Mr John Batty.

Mr Samuel Battely of Christ-Church, Oxon.

Ir Joseph Benbrick. Guildford,

r Thomas Bennet. Chichester.

r Richard Bennet. London.

r John Bicknol. Worplesdon.

Ir Joseph Biddle, of Evisham.

Ir William Biffet.

Mr Richard

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