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Nr. 13283. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Minister des Ausw. an den Botschafter in Wien. Erwartet Österreich

Ungarn Unterstützung der Vorstellungen in Sofia durch England?

Foreign Office, August 31, 1903.

(Telegraphic.) || Has your Excellency ascertained, as instructed in my telegram of the 24th instant, whether Count Goluchowski concurs in the suggestion made by Count Lamsdorff that the other Powers should second the strong warnings given by the Russian and Austrian Governments to Bulgaria? If so, His Majesty's Government desire to know the precise meaning of the phrase, and whether it is suggested that their support should involve a threat to join in coercive measures if the warnings are disregarded.


Der Botschafter in Wien an

den Minister des Ausw. Antwort auf das vorige.

Vienna, September 1, 1903. (September 1.) (Telegraphic.) | With reference to your Lordship's telegram of yesterday. | Count Lamsdorff's hope that His Majesty's Government will second the strong warnings given by Austria and Russia to Bulgaria is shared by Count Goluchowski. I asked his Excellency to-day what he precisely meant, and if he intended to suggest that the support of Great Britain would involve a threat, that we should take part in coercive measures in the event of the warnings being disregarded. Count Goluchowski said that he was very anxious that His Majesty's Government should support Russia and Austria in their advice to the Bulgarian Government by using energetic language, but in the event of Bulgaria refusing to act on their good advice, he had not intended that any material responsibility should devolve on His Majesty's Government.

Nr. 13285. BULGARIEN. - Beschluß einer Versammlung von Mazedoniern in Sofia.

Sofia, 26. August 1903. Ce Mercredi, 13 Août dernier, les Macédo-Andrinopolitains résidant à Sophia, réunis en meeting" sur la Place de Saint-Krâl: || (1.) Ayant entendu les discours de MM. Sl. Babadjanoff et André Liaptcheff; || (2.) Considérant la situation déplorable faite à leurs concitoyens; || Ont voté l'ordre du jour suivant: || 1. Ils déplorent le triste sort de leur pays natal, livré de nouveau aux exactions des Turcs, grâce aux tâtonnements

de la diplomatie Européenne, dont les intérêts restent incompréhensibles. 2. Ils expriment leur profonde reconnaissance à tous ceux qui, par la presse ou par la parole, invitent les facteurs politiques de l'Europe à réaliser en Turquie les réformes depuis si longtemps promises et prévues dans les Traités Internationaux. 3. Ils constatent, à leur vif regret, l'indécision de la diplomatie Européenne à l'égard de la situation douloureuse des Chrétiens de Turquie dont le sort a empiré, grâce aux réformes sans consistance, telles que les dernières; loin de mettre un frein au mauvais régime Turc, ces réformes n'ont fait qu'exaspérer le fanatisme Musulman. Ils constatent en outre qu'il n'a pu et ne pourra jamais exister une administration Chrétienne sous l'autorité directe de la Turquie. 4. Ils considèrent la nomination d'un Gouverneur-Général Chrétien et absolument indépendent de l'Administration Ottomane, et l'institution d'un contrôle Européen permanent comme des mesures préliminaires, sans lesquelles il est impossible d'améliorer la situation des Chrétiens de la Turquie ni d'y établir une Administration éclairée. || 5. Ils blâment le désaccord existant, grâce à des considérations égoïstes, parmi les Chrétiens „rayas“ qui, également poursuivis par l'Administration Ottomane, forment un tout à l'égard du fanatisme Musulman. || 6. Ils expriment l'espoir que les États Chrétiens voisins ont fini par comprendre que les liens de fraternité ne peuvent se maintenir que par l'appui désintéressé que l'on s'accorde dans des moments d'épreuves comme ceux que traversent actuellement les Chrétiens de la Turquie. Et, dans cette pensée, ils invitent leurs frères de la Macédoine et de la Province d'Andrinople résidant en Serbie, en Roumanie, et en Grèce, à accomplir vaillamment leur devoir en prêchant la vérité dans les pays où ils se trouvent et en dissipant les soupçons, entretenus à dessein, contre la pureté et le désintéressement de la lutte. || 7. Ils invitent les citoyens de la Principauté de Bulgarie d'employer toutes leurs forces pour obtenir une amélioration du sort de leurs frères de race et de religion. || 8. Ils sont prêts à sacrifier leur bien-être et leur vie pour le succès de l'œuvre sacrée déjà commencée. || 9. Ils autorisent leur bureau, composé de MM. V. Diamandieff, Président, A. Kazandjieff et G. Strezoff, membres, à communiquer le présent ordre du jour au Gouvernement Princier, aux Représentants Diplomatiques des Puissances Signataires du Traité de Berlin, ainsi qu'aux Représentants Diplomatiques de la Serbie et de la Roumanie. Le Bureau du „Meeting": V. Diamandieff.

At. Tr. Kazandjieff.
G. Strezoff.

Nr. 13286. GROSSBRITANNIEN.- Der Botschafter in Petersburg an den Minister des Ausw. Rußland plant keine Zwangsmaßregeln gegen Bulgarien.

St. Petersburgh, September 2, 1903. (September 3.)

(Telegraphic.) || With reference to my telegram of the 31st ultimo, I have now seen Count Lamsdorff. || He made it quite clear that there is no intention of asking Powers to use any language at Sophia which would suggest that coercive measures might eventually be employed, but particularly now the Prince has returned he thinks that Bulgarian Government should be given definitely to understand that the Treaty Powers who helped to create Bulgaria were in complete agreement as to the direction in which reforms are to be sought in Macedonia, and will not consent to have their hands forced to favour another solution by any acts of the Committees and their sympathizers.


Projekt einer mazedonischen Autonomie unter europäischer Garantie.

4 and 5, Gough Square, London (September 4). Your Excellency || The following twelve Articles constitute a project of settlement, under international guarantee, sent by the Macedonian Committee to His Imperial Majesty the Sultan of Turkey, and also submitted to all the Chancelleries of Europe. || I have the honour to submit the project to your Excellency, and beg that you will communicate it to your Government. E. L. Lazarovich, Delegate.


Project of Autonomy for Macedonia, Albania, Old Servia, and Adrianople. Article 1. There shall be formed instead of the Vilayets of Salonica, Bitolia, Kossovo, Adrianople, Scutari, and Janina, four provinces, one of which will take the name of ,,Albania," and the others that of „Macedonia,“ „Old Servia," and "Thrace." These provinces shall remain under the direct political and military authority of His Imperial Majesty the Sultan, under conditions of administrative autonomy. || Art. 2. The Province of Albania will include especially the territories of the Vilayets of Scutari and Janina: the Province of Macedonia, the Vilayets of Bitolia and Salonica; the Province of Old Servia, the Vilayet of Kossovo; and the Province of Thrace, the Vilayet of Adrianople. || Art. 3. His Majesty the Sultan shall have the right to provide for the defence of

the frontiers by land and sea of the four provinces, by fortifying these frontiers and guarding them with troops. || Interior order shall be maintained in each province by an international police, and a native police. assisted by local militia. || In the composition of the native police and the local militia account will be taken, according to the various localities, of the nationality and religion of the inhabitants. || The regular Turkish troops destined for the frontier garrisons shall not in any case be quartered in the houses of the inhabitants. || In crossing the provinces the troops shall not make any stay. || Art. 4. A High Commissioner of European origin and nationality shall be appointed by the Six Great Powers for a period of three years. He shall have, for the maintenance of the interior security of the four provinces, a body of international police. || Art. 5. A Governor-General of European nationality shall be named for each of the four provinces by the Sublime Porte with the consent of the Powers for a term of five years. || Art. 6. A European Commission shall be formed, which shall be assisted by a native delegation composed of representatives elected by the population, according to the different nationalities and religions. || That Commission shall, in accord with the Ottoman Porte, work out the organization of the four provinces. || That Commission shall determine, within a period of six months, the frontiers between the four provinces, the powers and attributions of the GovernorsGeneral, as well as the administrative, judicial, and financial régimes of the four provinces, taking as a point of departure the Regulations formulated by the International Commission which assembled at Constantinople in June 1880, having regard to the religious liberty of all cults, and considering the principle of equality before all judicial and administrative authorities of the languages usually spoken by the populations of the four provinces. || The whole of the measures fixed upon for these provinces shall be the subject of an Imperial Firman to be promulgated by the Sublime Porte, and of which communication shall be made to the Powers. Art. 7. The Commission will be charged with the autonomous administration of the four provinces until the accomplishment of the new organization. || For that purpose shall be raised an army corps of occupation of 45 000 men, divided into four divisions of infantry and one division of cavalry, to be international troops, recruited by voluntary engagement European officers and men, under the command of Generals belonging to one of the neutral States of Europe. || This occupation corps shall be kept at the country's expense. The duration of the occupation to be fixed by the duration of the work of the Commission and the necessity of maintaining interior order, after which it will be reduced

by half and remain, under the name of international police, at the disposition of the High Commissioner. | Art. 8. His Imperial Majesty the Sultan shall undertake, as soon as the occupation corps is formed, and on the date when the Commission begins its work, to withdraw all troops, both regular and irregular, except those required for the garrisons of the frontier fortifications mentioned in Article 3. || Art. 9. The elections for the native delegation mentioned in Article 6 shall take place fifteen days after the evacuation of the territory by the Turkish troops mentioned in Article 8. || Art. 10. All International Treaties, Conventions, and Arrangements of whatever nature concluded or to conclude between the Porte and the foreign Powers shall be applicable in these four provinces in the same manner as in all the Ottoman Empire. | All immunities and privileges of whatever nature, acquired by foreigners, shall be respected in these provinces. || Art. 11. All rights and obligations of the Sublime Porte concerning railways shall be strictly maintained. || Art. 12. The four provinces having to support a part of the public Ottoman debt, and contribute to the Civil List of His Imperial Majesty the Sultan and to the Imperial Army and Navy Budget, the Commission shall determine, in accord with the Porte, and on an equitable basis, he amount of those contributions.

The Committee for the Autonomy of Macedonia.

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Appel des Macédoniens aux Puissances Européennes.

Les Macédoniens d'Athènes et du Pirée voient les Bulgares d'au delà des Baleans convoiter la Macédoine, pays de tout temps Hellénique, s'évertuer à falsifier l'histoire et l'ethnographie de leur pays. Dans l'impuissance de parvenir par ce moyen à faire croire à une Macédoine. Bulgare, ils ont eu recours au couteau de l'assassin et à la dynamite de l'Anarchiste. C'est pourquoi les Macédoniens d'Athènes et du Pirée réunis en assemblée générale ont pris les Résolutions suivantes: || De protester contre l'épouvantable ordre de choses créé par les bandes de brigands venus de Bulgarie, ne visant qu'à la destruction par le fer et le feu de tout ce qui, dans notre pays, touche à la nationalité Hellénique: De protester contre les fausses statistiques dont les chiffres sont


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