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indiquée. || 9. La plupart des excès et des cruautés ayant été commis par des Havés (Rédifs de II classe et des Bachi-Bozouks, il est urgent que les premiers soient licenciés, et que la formation de bandes de BachiBozouks soit absolument empêchée.

Die Note wurde der Pforte am 22. Oktober mit folgendem Memorandum überreicht.

Yénikeuy, le 9 (22) Octobre, 1903. Les Cabinets de Vienne et de Saint-Pétersbourg, poursuivant l'œuvre d'apaisement et de justice qu'ils ont assumé dans l'intérêt supérieur de la paix en Orient, ont jugé que l'expérience des neuf mois écoulés depuis la présentation et l'acceptation par la Sublime Porte de leur projet de réformes dans les trois vilayets rendait indispensable d'en garantir l'introduction effective et le fonctionnement par des mesures appropriées à ce but. En conséquence, les Ministres des Affaires Étrangères d'AutricheHongrie et de Russie ont adopté à Vienne, lors de la récente entrevue de leurs augustes Souverains, un programme en neuf points, qui a obtenu la sanction de leurs Majestés Impériales et que les Ambassadeurs des deux Puissances à Constantinople sont chargés de communiquer au Gouvernement de Sa Majesté le Sultan. Les Gouvernements d'AutricheHongrie et de Russie espèrent que celui-ci restera convaincu de leurs sentiments amicaux et acceptera avec confiance leurs conseils et leurs concours. En s'acquittant de la mission par la remise du pro-memoriá ci-annexé, contenant les neuf points sus-mentionnés, les Ambassadeurs d'Autriche-Hongrie et de Russie sont donc persuadés que le Gouvernement Impérial Ottoman, pénétré d'une juste appréciation de la situation, s'empressera d'adhérer aux mesures proposées et de les appliquer inté gralement et loyalement.

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Nr. 13304. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Minister des Ausw. an den Botschafter in Wien. Unterredung mit dem österreichisch-ungarischen Botschafter über das


Foreign Office, October 26, 1903.

Sir, The Austro-Hungarian Minister called upon me to-day, and asked me whether I was able to give him any information as to the manner in which His Majesty's Government regarded the revised scheme of reforms for Macedonia described in the Memorandum, which he left at this Office on the 24th instant. Count Mensdorff was anxious that I should understand that the main object of the two Powers was to restore

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peace in Macedonia and to afford relief to the suffering population; and also to obtain sufficient guarantees for the execution of the reforms promised. Count Goluchowski hoped that the instructions given to the two Ambassadors at Constantinople would upon the whole meet with our approval. I told Count Mensdorff that I was sure that he would not be surprised if I was unable to supply him at once with an official statement of the views of His Majesty's Government upon this important question. I said that at certain points the scheme certainly seemed to stand in need of explanation, and I cited the following in illustration of my meaning: || 1. I gathered that it was intended to retain Hilmi Pasha as Inspector-General. If so, I could not help feeling that in view of the events which had occurred during his tenure of office it would have been better to replace him. || 2. I was surprised at the apparent intention of confining the attention of the Inspector-General and his Assistants to the needs of the Christian population which again seemed to be singled out for special treatment in Articles 6 and 7. || 3. I should like further information as to the relations of the foreign officers to be deputed by the Great Powers with the General intrusted with the organization of the gendarmerie. || 4. I observed that the rearrangement of the administrative districts and the reorganization of the administrative and judicial institutions were not to be undertaken until the country could be said to be pacified. I was afraid that this might mean a prolonged and indefinite delay. || 5. I should be glad to know how the Mixed Commissions contemplated by Article 5 were to be appointed. || 6. I observed that the instructions were absolutely silent upon the question of finance, which seemed to me to lie at the root of all Macedonian reforms. Many of the proposals of the two Powers could not be carried out without considerable expenditure of money. It was not clear how this was to be provided. Besides this, it seemed to me that unless the finances of the vilayets were placed in thoroughly competent hands. no administrative reforms could really be introduced. I mentioned these points rather by way of illustration than as a complete enumeration. || Count Mensdorff said that he thought the scheme put forward in February contained provisions as to measures of financial reform for the vilayets, and that for this reason the question of finance had not been dealt with in the revised scheme. || I told Count Mensdorff that we should certainly instruct our Ambassador at Constantinople not to use any language with regard to the new scheme which might convey to the Sultan the impression that the Powers were disunited. || We should, on the contrary, in so far as the new scheme went further than its predecessor,

Staatsarchiv LXX.


give it our general support, reserving to ourselves as we had done on a former occasion the right of offering any recommendations which a closer examination might suggest.


Nr. 13305. TÜRKEI,-Iradé über Reformen in Rumelien. (Auszug aus dem „Levant Herald"). October 17, 1903.

Reforms in Roumelia. - An Imperial Iradé has been issued commanding the immediate application of the measures decreed by the Council of Ministers in view of insuring tranquility in the Roumelian provinces. || With His Majesty's permission a Commission was recently appointed under the presidency of the Inspector-General, composed of representatives of the various elements of the population, to superintend the execution of certain reforms consistent with the fundamental principle of the laws and regulations now in force, and to facilitate the realization of the measures previously ordained. Some of these reforms have already been applied, and the delay in the execution of the rest must be ascribed to the state of affairs in Roumelia. The delay, however, could not be of long duration, for the benevolent intentions of His Majesty the Sultan produced a favourable impression, and the Bulgarians, whom the Committees had, by threat or persuasion, prompted to commit reprehensible acts and to escape to the mountains, have repented, and are now, accor ding to official information, beginning to return in numerous batches to their villages, and to implore the Sovereign's pardon. || There is every reason to believe that this revulsion of feeling on the part of the Bulgarians will soon be general, and that at no distant date peace and order will reign in that region. In view of the great progress made in the pacification of Roumelia, the Government has decided to carry out at once those reforms which have not yet been applied. The ruined houses, most of which were burnt down by bands or were blown up by means of bombs or dynamite, will be rebuilt or repaired at the cost of the Government, as a fresh proof of the Sovereign's generosity and philanthropy. The requisite funds will be remitted to the Inspector-General. Special Commissions, appointed by Hussein Hilmi Pasha, will supervise the reconstruction or repair of dwellings. The Bulgarians who have joined the bands and fled to the mountains will be asked to return to their villages, where the authorities will superintend their establishment. The Government will afford relief to the distressed, and will grant all possible facilities to the fugitives who appeal to His Majesty for pardon and appreciate his generosity and the favours which he showers on his

subjects. The civil and financial officials will be called upon to redouble their zeal and activity in the accomplishment of their duties, in order to facilitate the application of the reforms which have not yet been carried out. The Sublime Porte and the Ministry of Finance will concert measures for procuring the necessary funds to insure the regular payment of salaries and of all expenses to the end of the current year. The Government has arranged to take even more efficacious measures to prevent reprehensible acts during the pursuit of bands or in the course of fighting. Officials of all ranks, as well as private persons guilty of blameworthy acts, will be prosecuted. || The Imperial Government recently engaged two officers in Sweden for the reorganization of the gendarmerie in the three provinces. The Government has now secured the services of four Belgian officers for the same purpose. These officers have already left Brussels for Constantinople, and will be sent at once to Roumelia. A Commission under the presidency of Hamdi Bey, Commander of the gendarmerie of Monastir, recently left that town to inspect the corps of field-watchmen and woodrangers. The task of this Commission is to be enlarged, and special measures will be adopted to facilitate its accomplishment. The bands of agitators will be vigorously pursued, and peaceful inhabitants will be protected against attack. As regards those under arrest on the charge of taking part in the agitation or of joining the brigands, the Ministry of Justice will investigate their cases with the utmost dispatch, and will prevent delay in their trials. Instructions will be sent to the administrative authorities to facilitate the task of the examining Magistrates. All fugitives to Bulgaria returning to Roumelia and delivering their arms will be protected and succoured. Such are the measures which Ministers have adopted in Council, and which have met with His Majesty's approval. The Sublime Porte has already sent instructions for their application without delay.


Der Minister des Ausw. an den Botschafter in Konstantinopel. Die englische Regierung billigt Nr. 13303. mit einigen Vorbehalten. Die Pforte soll es im Prinzip annehmen. Foreign Office, October 29, 1903.

(Telegraphic.) || Macedonia. Turkish Ambassador has not as yet received instructions to make any communication to me respecting the recent proposals of Austria-Hungary and Russia. If he should do so I propose to reply to the following effect, and you should use similar

language if questioned:

|| His Majesty's Government supported the scheme put forward by the two Powers in February last in principle, although with reservations. These were made in the belief that the scheme represented the minimum of what was indispensable, and that it would be necessary to expend it and to find further securities for its practical execution. || The revised scheme seems to His Majesty's Government an improvement on its predecessor, especially in so far as it contains new provisions designed for the purpose of insuring the practical application of the proposed reforms. || The scheme may no doubt at some points be capable of improvement, and it is clear that the elaboration of details will require the utmost care. || His Majesty's Government have, in these circumstances, undertaken to give the new scheme their support, and if they offer suggestions or criticisms, these will be made with the object of strengthening the scheme, and not of weakening it. They can only counsel the Porte to accept it in principle, to approach the discussion of all questions of detail in a candid and conciliatory spirit, and to offer no unnecessary opposition to its execution.

Nr. 13307. GROSSBRITANNIEN. - Derselbe an Denselben. Das


Foreign Office, November 2, 1903.

(Telegraphic.) || I am informed by Baron Graevenitz that the French Government, at the instance of Count Lamsdorff, have instructed their Ambassador at Constantinople to give the most energetic support to the new scheme of reforms. An earnest hope is expressed by Count Benckendorff, who is now in Paris, that support may also be given by His Majesty's Government. || I told Baron Graevenitz that you would be instructed to make a communication to the Porte in the sense of my telegram of the 29th ultimo to you, of the substance of which I informed him. I request that you will take the first opportunity of acting accordingly.

Nr. 13308. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Botschafter in Konstantinopel an den Minister des Ausw. Unterredung mit dem türkischen Minister über die Reformfrage. Antwort der Pforte auf Nr. 13303.

Constantinople, November 5, 1903. (November 11.) My Lord, I have the honour to report that, in compliance with your Lordship's instructions, I informed the Minister for Foreign Affairs this afternoon that His Majesty's Government desired generally to support

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