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THE matches played on Saturday last were not many in point of numbers, but some of them were of considerable importance. At the Kennington Oval Birmingham met London under Association rules, a very large concourse of people assembling to see the sport. In spite of some very good play, however, and several ardent attempts made by the Londoners to secure the victory, the match terminated in a draw, neither side being particularly able to claim advantage.

THE Association Challenge Cup was played for at Shepherd's Bush by WEST END v. REMNANTS, with the result that the West-Enders won a wellplayed and animated game by one goal, the score being at time-call-West End, three goals; Remnants, two goals.

AT OXFORD the University team engaged MAIDENHEAD in the Parks, and ended in the victory of the former by four goals to nothing. Wonderfully smart play was shown by P. C. Parr, who kicked three out of the four goals, the other falling to C. Sweet.

CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY F. C. were occupied in playing their annual match v. OLD ETONIANS, which was contested on Parker's Piece in the presence of a good number of spectators. A splendid game ensued, at the close of which each side had obtained two goals, the match thus ending in a draw.

ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S HOSPITAL V. OLD FORESTERS.-In this match, played at Snaresbrook, the medicals were eminently successful, the score being three goals gained by 'Bart's' to nothing by their opponents. In the first half of the game the hospital played face against the wind, Foresters having won the toss and elected to play with the breeze. The goals were won by Wimbush and Jones, of St. Bartholomew's, and the third was made in an odd manner by a rebound from the head of one of the opposing team, it having been previously splendidly thrown in by Morris. The following is a complete list of the hospital team :— H. W. Burke (goal), A. J. Weakley (captain) and T. H. White (backs), E. Morris and W. Malden (half-backs), E. Jessop, C. J. Muriel, T. B. Jones, S. Wimbush, H. G. Read, and E. M. Hassard (forwards).

ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S v. LONDON A.C.-In this match, played at Stamford Bridge, under Rugby rules, the A.C., in the latter part of the game, scored a goal to their opponents' nothing, the wind aiding them to some extent, in the same way as in the first half it had enabled the hospital team to press their opponents hard. For Bartholomew's there played-R. W. Adams and J. Neilson (backs), F. G. Richards and C. D. B. Harding (three-quarter backs), M. Johnson and W. H. Bell (half-backs), J. E. Howe (captain), J. W. Jessops, G. E. G.

Metcalfe, P. H. Waller, W. H. Clark, J. Le Day, G. Henderson, M. G. Robinson, and C. Averill (forwards).

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE HOSPITAL v. CLEVEDON.-Played under Rugby Union rules at Blackheath, and terminated in favour of the hospital by two goals and several touches down to nothing. The goals were obtained by Boyle and Hart Smith.

ST. GEORGE'S HOSPITAL v. WALTHAMSTOW.In this match the hospital team was hardly ever well in the play, and that their opponents were much too strong for them the result plainly showed, Walthamstow scoring three goals and a try to nothing. At the first St. George's had the wind in their favour, but even then they could not withstand the impetus with which the ball was driven into their quarters, and in the second half of the game they were hopelessly overweighted. For the hospital played, Swinbourne and Colledge (backs), Gibbons and Mackay (three-quarter backs), Allingham and Wells (half-backs), Freeborn (captain), Page, Hawkins, Stevens, Pearson, Des Voeux, Lane, Wood, and Lilley.

GUYS HOSPITAL v. QUEEN'S HOUSE.-In this match, played at Westcombe Park, Guy's played one short, and the game ended thus: Queen's House, three goals, one try and several touches; St. George's Hospital, nil.

WE should be much obliged if secretaries of Football Clubs will send us early accounts of matches played.


MR. ALEXANDER HENDERSON'S new theatre in Panton Street, Haymarket, which was opened a few weeks ago in the presence of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales, under the name of the Royal Comedy Theatre, is, in my opinion, one of the handsomest and best appointed in all London. I was there last Monday, and found the house not only attractive as regards decorative and architectural details, but so arranged as to best promote the convenience and comfort of visitors in every possible manner, and especially in that most important one, the means of ingress and egress. The comic opera with which Mr. Hender son has commenced his theatrical campaign is called 'La Mascotte.' As the name might almost suggest, it is an adaptation from the French, and written in the bright and sparkling style long associated with the names of Messrs. Farnie and Reece. The music being by Audrian, the composer of 'Olivette,' should be at once popular, as it is throughout of a better quality than that lively piece, and there are some charmingly original vocal solos and concertos. Miss Violet Cameron I have never seen to more advantage than in the character of Bettina, the Mascotte, and I heartily joined in the universal ap; plause her acting and singing excited. Mr. Lionel Brough awakened, as he always does whenever he appears on the stage, roars of uncontrollable laughter as the silly potentate, the Prince of Piombino, and Mr. Haynes played well up to him. The other performers were thoroughly conversant with their several parts, and there is every prospect of 'La Mascotte' rivalling in popular estimation the evergreen 'Olivette.'



COMMUNICATIONS intended for insertion or notice
in the succeeding numbers of the Medical News and
Collegiate Herald must be received at the office,
82 High Holborn, not later than mid-day on Wed-

Business letters should be addressed to the Pub-
lisher, and all others to the Editor.

Anonymous correspondents will in no case have
any attention paid to them.

Secretaries of Hospitals, Wardens of Schools, &c.,
will oblige by sending early notices of changes in
their respective institutions; and notices of engage-
ments for insertion in the Calendar are especially
desired by the Editor.

The Editor will be in attendance at the office of
the Medical News and Collegiate Herald every
Wednesday, between the hours of Eleven and Four,
and will be glad at these times to see callers con-
cerning the affairs of the Paper.

understand the meaning of the title you have
assumed, and are prepared to show a claim to its
possession. Your letter is the reverse of elegant,
however; but we will, notwithstanding, accede to
your request. Send the article, or, better still,
bring it yourself on Wednesday next.

DR. NICHOLLS.-If so, we very much regret it;
but you will oblige us very much by ascertaining
Of course we
exactly how far the story is true.
must be guided by your report, and by sending it
early you will much oblige.
MISS H.-By all means.

We are very pleased
indeed to have your letter; and though on per-
sonal grounds we are unable to support the move-
ment, we nevertheless do not fail to admire the
pluck and perseverance displayed by the ladies
If you really
who embrace a medical career.

wish us to do so, we will either call at the school
or send our representative.
JOHN HUNTER'S GHOST.-Thanks, very much.
Queen Anne is dead, and has been almost as
long as the news you forward has been in our
possession. Next time you send 'news' don't
cut it out of a paper-invent it.




SIR,-The advent of a new weekly Students'
Journal is being anticipated here with a good deal
of satisfaction, and we all hope that the venture
will meet with the success it deserves. I am not
writing, however, merely to talk compliments, but
for the purpose chiefly of asking your advice on
the following point of what I may perhaps be al-
lowed to call students' ethics. I am a third-year
man, and am working pretty hard in the wards of
my hospital. I consider that I am therefore in a
position to profit by the instructions and informa-
tion contained in the valuable clinical lectures de-
livered by the physicians and surgeons, and I am

also anxious to get all the benefit possible from the
demonstrations delivered from time to time. In
this endeavour, however, I am too often com-
pletely foiled by the persistence with which a
crowd of men, many of whom are not even
students of the hospital, force their way to the
bedside, and elbow away all and everyone in
their struggle to occupy the best position for both
seeing and hearing. To one and to all of our
students, who have paid our fees attracted by the
name and fame of particular teachers, it is a great
grievance that we should be thus unceremoniously
and even discourteously pushed aside to make
The worst offenders are
room for strangers.
always Americans, and it cannot be wondered at
that we, as a body, have grown to hate the sight of
Cannot you, sir, help us
a 'Yank' in the wards.

in some way? It is, of course, gratifying to the
staff to be thus mobbed, and we can hardly look to
it for redress; but surely the managers of the
hospital ought to consult us a bit and insist on our
Help us, please, in some
obtaining our rights.
way, and receive the thanks of everyone who is
like yours, &c.,

(November 4 to November 10.)



FRIDAY (Nov. 4).-Royal London Ophthalmic,
A. M. Royal Westminster Ophthalmic,
1.30 P.M.-Guy's, 1.30 P.M.-King's College,
2 P.M.-Central London Ophthalmic, 2 P.M.-
Royal South London Ophthalmic, 2 P.M.-St.
Thomas's (Ophthalmic Department), 2 P.M.-
East London Hospital for Children, 2. P.M.-
London Hospital Medical Society, 7 P.M.
SATURDAY (Nov. 5).-Royal Free, 9 A.M. and
2 P.M.-Royal London Ophthalmic, II A.M.-
King's College, I P.M.-St. Bartholomew's,
1.30 P.M.-Royal Westminster Ophthalmic,
1.30 P.M.-St. Thomas's, 1.30 P.M.-London,

2 P.M.

MONDAY (Nov. 7).-Royal London Ophthalmic,
II A.M.-Royal Westminster Ophthalmic,
1.30 P.M.-Metropolitan Free, 2 P.M.-St.
Mark's, 2 P.M.-Royal Orthopedic, 2 P.M.-
Medical Society, 8 P.M.
TUESDAY (Nov. 8).-St. Mark's, 9 A. M.-Royal
London Ophthalmic, 11 A.M.-Guy's, 1.30
P.M.-Royal Westminster Ophthalmic, 1.30
P.M.-Westminster, 2 P.M.-West London,
3 P.M.-Cancer Hospital, Brompton, 3 P. M.
WEDNESDAY (Nov. 9).-National Orthopedic,
10 A. M.-Royal London Ophthalmic, II A. M.
-Middlesex, I P. M.-St. Bartholomew's, 1.30
P.M.-St. Mary's, 1.30 P.M.-Royal West-
minster Ophthalmic, 1.30 P. M.-St. Thomas's,
1.30 P.M.-University College, 2
London, 2 P.M.-Great Northern, 2 P.M. —-
St. Peter's, 2 P.M.-Samaritan Free Hospital
for Women and Children, 2.30 P.M.
THURSDAY (Nov. 10).—Royal London Ophthalmic,
II A.M.-St. George's, I P.M.-Central Lon-
don Ophthalmic, I P.M.—Royal Westminster
Ophthalmic, 1.30 P. M.-Charing Cross, 2 P. M.
Hospital for Diseases of the Throat, 2 P.M.-
Hospital for Women, 2 P.M.-London, 2 P.M.
-North-West London, 2.30 P.M.


Every Article is warranted of the best manufacture.

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In Case, complete, of any size, 5s. Ditto, with Indestructible or Magnified Index, 75. each. Ditto, with both the latter
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[blocks in formation]


By W. J. WALSHAM, M.B., F.R.C.S.,
Demonstrator of Anatomy and Operative Surgery at
St. Bartholomew's Hospital, &c.



The Third Edition, revised, now ready, in one thick Volume,
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Regius Professor of Midwifery in the University of Glasgow.

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Price 12s. 6d.


By J. G. M'KENDRICK, M.D., F.R.S.E.,
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THE STUDENT'S SET OF BONES,' second-hand, 2 2s. and £2 10s.
DISARTICULATED SKULL, in Box with Compartments, 25s., 30s., 35s., and 40s.
HANDS AND FEET, articulated, 4s. 6d. each.

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A large quantity of single Bones at nominal Prices.

Any of the above will be sent CARRIAGE PAID to any Railway Station in the United
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Printed by SPOTTISWOODE & CO., New-street Square, London, E.C.; and Published by HENRY KIMPTON at
82 High Holborn, W.C.;-Agents, W. KENT & CO., 51 & 52 Paternoster Row, E.C.; VICKERS 317 Strand, W.C,


No 2 of the Medical News having been rapidly sold out, a new edition is now ready, and those who were disappointed in obtaining it early in the week can do so by addressing a letter to the publisher at 82 High Holborn. We are sorry that we printed so small a number at first-2,500 copies-and will guard against a repetition of the error in future. It is a subject of much congratulation to us that our efforts are being thus well appreciated, and we will endeavour to continue deserving of the favour thus accorded to us.

THE distinction of being as noisy as if not more vociferous than other holiday-makers was well maintained by students of medicine at the closing Promenade Concert of the present season. With the invariable good humour, however, characteristic of the medical out for a lark,' indulgence was confined to harmless and amusing chaff; and only a little inconvenience, without injury, resulted from the 'row.'

THE Secretaryship of the Royal Society, held by Professor Huxley since 1872, falls vacant through the resignation of his post by the distinguished biologist through pressure of his numerous engagements. Dr. Michael Foster, the well-known physiologist, and author of the 'Text Book of Physiology,' is named as Professor Huxley's probable successor, and the choice will be a happy one for English science.

PROFESSOR HUXLEY is in a terrible state of despair in consequence of the severe condemnation passed on him in the recently issued Journal of Psychological Medicine, by J. M. Winn, M.D., M.R.C.P. J. M. Winn having, it appears, already "collapsed" scientific atheism, is now bent on the demolition, metaphorically speaking, of scientific atheists also. In consequence, therefore, he has visited with marks of crushing disapproval the one dark blot' in the proceedings of the recent Medical Congress, presented, according to his ideas, by Professor Huxley's address on the 'Connection of the Biological Sciences.' Thereupon we are treated to a definition of the meaning of 'biology,' about which we regret to find the world has been miserably blundering for all the centuries prior to the advent of J. M. Winn, M.D., M.R.C.P.

As compensation, however, for the disappointment, he originates curious theories which would be amusing if they were less palpably the outcome of a woeful misinterpretation of facts. In many respects the present number of the Journal of Psychological Medicine is a good one, and but for Dr. Winn's silly production, which must disgust every scientifically educated reader, would deserve unqualified approval.

We regret very much that a slight delay should have arisen in getting out our first numbers. This, however, could not be avoided under the circumstances, and for excuse we have to urge the multiplicity of minor details which had to be arranged in connection with the first issue of a new journal. In future the Medical News will be ready in time for despatch by the night mail on Thursday, so that country subscribers will receive their copies early on Friday morning, at the same time as the town delivery commences. We trust correspondents will aid our endeavours in this respect by forwarding communications as early as possible in the week, and by condensing the information supplied within reasonable limits. Every effort shall be made to maintain the efficiency of the paper as a news organ, and the co-operation of readers will enable us most surely to secure this end. We are much gratified by the interest already shown in our undertaking; and its continuance will be the best guarantee for our success.

THE FOLLOWING witty stories come from over the mill-pond. A lady, defending an action brought against her, had the courage in the witness-box to complain of the amount of the bill, and the dozens upon dozens of bottles of physic which had been sent to her. Madam,' said the judge, 'the next time you have such a quantity of medicine, have it in the wood, it will save expense!'

The other is told of an Englishman. Crossing the ocean with Dr. H-, of the Cunard Line, his readiness at repartee attracted the notice of all on board, and a wager was laid that he could not be caught napping, but would give not only a prompt but a witty reply. Next morning Dr. H— was observed looking through the telescope, the atmosphere being damp and cold. terested party touched Dr. H-'s arm and asked, 'Doctor, what ship is that?' 'Don't know; but I hope it is a Peruvian bark, for I'm in a perfect chill.'

The in

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L.R.C. P. Lond.

Clinical Assistant Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital; late Senior House Surgeon, Royal Albert Edward Infirmary, Wigan.

(Continued from page 13.)

In all cases information as the following points should be taken :

Pulse.-Frequency (normal P=65-75 per min.). Rhythm -Regular, irregular or intermittent;

Volume:-Large, full, small, thready;

Force and tension:-Strong, weak, extinct, soft, hard, wiry, compressible, and incompressible:

Special characters:-Rigid, tortuous, bounding, hammering (Corrigan's), jerky, undulatory, thrilly, and dicrotic.

Respiration.-Frequency (normal R = 16-18 per min., or 1-4 pulse beats), easy or difficult (dyspnoea), orthopnoea, painful, laboured, short or hurried, deep or shallow, abdominal or thoracic.

Temperature.-As recorded by the thermometer, usually in the axilla (normal 98′4° F.).

Tongue.-Moist or dry, clean or furred, raw, colour, smooth, rough, or fissured, frothy, tremulous, movements, ulcers, or lacerations.

Appetite.-Good, bad, or indifferent, anorexia, solids or fluids, relish of food, voracity, nausea, vomiting, &c.

Bowels.-Regularity, frequency, nature of motions, constipation, diarrhoea, flatus, and borborygmi. Urine.-Total amount in 24 hours (normal 30-50 oz.). General appearance and colour, sediments, reaction, sp. gr., albumen (casts), sugar, urates, phosphates, &c.


Regularity, how often, how much, nature of discharge, pains.


The entry under this head is usually very brief, consisting simply of the name of the disease. Many reasonings and observations that might with propriety be included here are commonly brought together in a separate paragraph at the end of the case, entitled Remarks; or placed in juxtaposition to the facts to which they more particularly relate. The object of diagnosis is to find out the seat, nature, and extent of all existing morbid conditions. This may be arrived at in a direct manner, differentially or by exclusion. As Da Costa remarks: *. "We ought never to be unmindful how important it is, in basing the management of a disease on its diagnosis, to found that diagnosis on a general survey of all the circumstances; how necessary not to assign prominence to minor points; and how the extent of the disorder, the circumstances under which it has occurred, the sympathetic disturbances produced, and the vital state of the patient, belong, rightly considered, quite as much to the diagnosis as the recognition of the precise seat and exact anatomical character of the malady, and are, in truth, frequently its more important part.'


A correct diagnosis is undoubtedly the most important element in forecasting the probable result of a disease; when this is combined with clinical experience and knowledge of the natural *Medical Diagnosis,' p. 27.

history of morbid conditions, a reliable opinion may be confidently expressed. As far as possible the prognosis should be hopeful; it is a thankless task to have to tell a patient there is no hope.


Hygienic, dietetic and medicinal, stimulants, external applications. Prescriptions should be entered in the margin. In surgical cases any appa ratus, instrumentation or operation should be clearly described.

In the event of an operation note the successive steps, anæsthetic, incisions, instruments, hæmor. rhage and means for arresting it, number and kind of ligatures, unexpected occurrences, dressing, antiseptic precautions-Lister's method or other modification-condition of patient on removal to bed and on recovery from anesthesia, vomiting, &c.

When a diseased part has been removed, a brief description of the morbid appearances should be given.


The frequency of the requisite observations will depend on the nature of the case. In very urgent cases, daily or hourly reports should be made; but in chronic cases, one or two observations a week will suffice.

The pulse, respirations, and temperature should be taken every morning and evening in all acute cases, especially after an operation-a tabular record being kept, for which purpose Gould's clinical charts are the best.

In noting the progress from time to time the same general plan should be followed as in taking the Present State. In all cases inquiry should be made respecting the pulse, respiration, temperature, tongue, appetite, bowels, pain, sleep, urine, and menstruation.

Any change in the patient's state or new phenomena are to be noted, and the effect of medicines inquired into; regard being paid to the accounts of the patient and the attendants, as well as to the phenomena actually observed by the medical man.

After an operation inquiries should be directed first to the patient's general condition, and secondly to the condition of the wound.

Under the former head look out for headache, malaise, nausea, vomiting, feeling of illness, chills, rigors, feverishness, &c. Such phenomena often give warning of morbid processes commencing in the wound, but as yet invisible to the naked eye.

Under the latter, note the date of each change of dressing and any alterations made; the amount and character of the discharge; oozing or hæmorrhage; condition of edges of wound, their degree of apposition and surrounding inflammation; estab lishment of suppuration; the process of repair—– first intention, granulations and their nature; removal of sutures, ligatures, and drainage tubes.


Its date and nature; patient's condition on leaving hospital-cured, relieved, or not benefited. Left for his home or convalescent institution. In the event of death, give a short account of the phenomena immediately preceding. State whether autopsy or not; if so, give a full account. Having witnessed the case from beginning to end, it is an excellent practice to rewrite and condense the notes, with the aid of the new light thus brought to bear, and to add a short commentary on the most noteworthy features.

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