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Reposing in Jesus.


How sweet it is, when one is weary, to lie down to rest-when the heart, that force-pump of the body, is free to work upon a level, and the blood flows easily to either extremity of the manwhen the limbs, no longer bearing the burden of the frame, are themselves supported on their welcome couch. Such rest is doubly pleasant when the restless brain acts in concert with the members, is satisfied to take its rest when they do, and thus disturbs not the slumbers of the household. When mind and body are thus in unison, especially at the close of day, need we go far to ask the meaning of Repose? Its import is made still plainer, as its value is enhanced, by the many ways, in which Repose is hindered in this troublous world,


So much for Repose, mental and bodily. But there is another element of man's nature-the immortal soul-which is still more dependent on Repose than either mind or body. There is quietness of soul-peace of soul; there is also restlessness of spirit-an absence of peace. Reader, know you not the difference-how sweet the one-how opposite the other? Whence comes the difference? It is simply this, that Repose is necessary for the soul's happiness. And where is it to find Repose? The couch for weary limbs; eternal principles for the soultruths, that it may lean, and rest, upon-sweet peace, and consciousness of rest-the sure conviction that nought can mar its happiness, affect its condition, or change its being.

Reader, does not your soul crave for rest? Can it be happy, except it have repose? Repose! ah, what a word it is! How deep-unfathomably deep! In its dimensions, infinite; in its demands, eternal! Can a man comprehend the meaning of eternity, or scan the dimensions of infinitude? Not till then can he know the full, the unutterable meaning of the word Repose.

And where then is Repose to be found? Reader, is there any thing in you or me, as we are by nature, either to give us, or entitle us to,

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