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no anxiety to please or displease other than Thee, O Lord; that so from Thy bounty, that I may seek no happiness outside of Thee; render agreeable, if it please Thee, O Lord, every toil that I undergo for love of Thee, and make burthensome every pleasure that I seek unconnected with Thee. Grant me the grace, O Lord, to raise my heart to Thee; and whenever I may have the misfortune to fall into sin, grant me strength to return quickly to Thy service, with a sincere desire to amend. Grant, O most merciful Lord that I may become obedient, poor in spirit, chaste, patient, and sincerely humble. Grant that I may rejoice in moderation, and that I may sustain my trials without murmuring. Grant that I may be thoughtful without severity, joyous without levity, timid without despair, and prudent without deceit. Grant that I may do good without ostentation; that I may correct my neighbor without harshness or pride; that I may give edification by my conversation and good example without affectation. Give me, O good and merciful Redeemer, a heart ever watchful, that no subtle or dangerous fancy may turn away my thoughts from Thy service. Grant me a noble and generous spirit, that no base affection may ever gain the ascendency over me; a just heart, in order that no deceitful intention may bind or overthrow it; a heart altogether free, innocent, and sufficiently strong not to succumb to any irregular or disgraceful passion. Grant me, I beseech Thee, O Lord, intelligence that I may understand, wisdom that I may discover, and grace that I may follow the life which pleases Thee. Grant that I may deserve to be made a participator in Thy sorrows, through the means of penance, in order that I may pass through this life of exile in Thy friendship, by means of Thy holy grace, and deserve one day to enjoy the blissful vision of Thy sublime glory, O good Lord Jesus, who with the Father and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth, one God, world without end. Amen.

An Abridgment of all the Acts of Religion.

My God, I believe in Thee, do Thou strengthen my faith; I hope in Thee, confirm my hope; I love Thee, increase my love; I am sorry for having offended Thee, grant me a deeper sorrow; I adore Thee as my first beginning, I aspire to Thee as my last end, I thank Thee as my constant benefactor, I call upon Theeas my true and almighty protector.

My God, vouchsafe to direct me by Thy wisdom, to govern me by Thy clemency, and to shelter me by Thy omnipotence, in order that I may be altogether Thy servant, in conformity to the promises I made at my baptism, when I renounced the devil and his works, the world with its false charms, and the flesh, with all its concupiscences. I consecrate to Thee all my thoughts, my words, my actions, and my humble sufferings, promising from this time forward to think only of Thee, to speak but of Thee, to labor solely for Thy honor, and to suffer for Thy name's sake alone. Lord, I desire only what is conformable to Thy own merciful desires, that it may be accomplished in the manner Thou wishest, and in the time Thou orderest, and I form this wish because such is Thy adorable will. My God, enlighten my understanding, inflame my will, cleanse my heart, and remove every stain from my soul. Strengthen me, O Lord, to punish myself for my past infidelities, to overcome future temptations, to subdue my predominant passion, and to practise faithfully the virtues which are necessary to work out my salvation.

Grant that my heart may love above all things Thy boundless goodness, and that through a sincere love of Thee I may love my neighbor, detest my sins, and despise the world. Render me, O Lord, humble and submissive to my superiors, considerate towards my inferiors, patient towards my equals, charitable and indulgent towards my enemies. Vouchsafe me Thy divine help to overcome the desire for pleasure by mortification, meanness by liberality, anger by meekness, pride by humility, coldness by fervor. My God, grant me prudence in my undertakings, fortitude in danger, patience in trials, and humility in every fortunate occurrence. Grant that I may ever be fervent in prayer, temperate in living, diligent in my employments, and faithful to all my good resolutions. Vouchsafe me Thy help to overcome my evil habits, and strength to conform my conduct to the inspirations of grace, that I may observe Thy commandments, and finally deserve eternal salvation. My God, grant me the grace to keep ever before my mind the miseries of this world, the happiness of heaven, the shortness of time, and the duration of eternity. Finally, O Lord, grant me the grace to prepare worthily for death, by a salutary fear of Thy judgments, that I may escape hell, and deserve paradise, as I most humbly desire and hope I may do, through the all-powerful merits of our Lord Jesus Christ, to Whom, in union with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be honor, praise, and glory for ever and ever. Amen.



A collection of timely questions and answers of interest to both old and young.

How should we hear Mass?

With the greatest respect, attention and devotion, it being one of the most important acts of the Christian life.

What is the Church?

It is the temple of the living God, not merely because it is dedicated to His service, but because He dwells therein. It is at all times holy, and is therefore always to be entered with the respect due to the house of God.

What significance has the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass?

The sacrifice of the Mass and the Sacrifice of the Cross are essentially one and the same, the only difference being in the manner in which the Sacrifice is offered. Wherein does this difference consist?

Jesus Christ offered Himself on the Cross in a bloody manner; that is, He suffered, bled, and died; while in the Holy Mass He offers Himself in an unbloody manner, that is, without suffering, bleeding or dying.

Is it important to attend Mass?

So important, that the Church pronounces him guilty of mortal sin who wilfully neglects to hear Mass on Sundays or Holy Days of Obligation.

What should we do, when we are not reading our prayer book at Mass?

We should keep our eyes fixed on the altar on which the Adorable Sacrifice is offered, and never gaze thoughtlessly about the Church, or engage in conversation. Why do we observe the Ember Days?

To consecrate to God the four seasons of the year by penance; to obtain His blessing on the fruits of the earth, and to beg of Him worthy ministers of the Church. What ceremony generally takes place on Ember Saturday?

The ordination of clergymen.

What is the meaning of the word Alleluia?

It is derived from the Hebrew, and means "Praise the Lord." In the Apocalypse, St. John mentions that he heard the angels singing it in heaven.

What is attrition?

It is an imperfect sorrow for sin.

What are the motives of attrition?

The fear of hell, the loss of heaven, the turpitude of sin. The sorrow which makes a man renounce sin because he is afraid of hell, while at the same time he would be ready to offend God if he could do so without incurring the penalty.

What does the baptismal name signify?

That the baptized person has become a new creature in Christ. What is the meaning of the words Benedicamus Domino?

Let us bless the Lord.

What is the birretta?

A square cap with three or sometimes four projecting corners rising from its crown. It is worn by the priest as he approaches the altar to say Mass. The birretta worn by the Pope is white; that of a cardinal red; bishop's, purple. What are the cardinal virtues?

Prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance.

What does the word casuistry mean?

The science which deals with cases of conscience.

What is a catechist?

A name originally given to those who instructed persons preparing for baptism. When are white vestments used at Mass?

On all feasts of our Lord, of confessors and virgins, to signify their spotless innocence.

When are red vestments used?

On the festival of the Holy Ghost, Who, in the form of fiery tongues, descended on the apostles, and on the festivals of the apostles and martyrs, because they shed their blood for religion.

When are purple or violet vestments used?

In times of mourning, Lent, Advent, etc.

When are green vestments used?

On Sundays on which the proper office is said.

When are black vestments used?

In Masses for the dead, and on Good Friday.

Why do we make a reverence to the Altar?

Because it is the seat of Divine mysteries, and a figure of Christ, Who is not only our Priest and Sacrifice, but our altar, too, as we offer our prayers and sacrifices through Him.

Why is there always a crucifix on the altar?

Because the Mass is said in remembrance of Christ's passion and death, and priest and people may have before their eyes, during the sacrifice, the image that reminds them of His passion and death.

Why are candles lighted upon the altar during Mass?

To honor the victory and triumphs of Jesus Christ which there is celebrated, as tokens of our joy and His glory.

Why is the little bell rung at intervals during the Mass?

To direct the attention of the faithful to certain events in this great Sacrifice, and also to warn those who cannot see the priest of the particular parts of the passion they are celebrating.

Why is Mass celebrated in Latin?

Because it is the ancient language of the Church and for a greater uniformity in the public worship so that a Christian, in whatever country he may be, may still find the liturgy performed in the same manner.

Who was Aaron?

LESSON XIII., Matt. xv. 21-31.

He was brother of Moses, and the first high priest of the Jews.

What does the word anathema signify?

It means the devoting of an animal, person or place to destruction.

What does antichrist mean?

A false teacher, hostile to the Church of Christ, and to the precepts and spirit of His religion.

Who were first called the apostles?

The twelve chief disciples of our Lord.

What was the Ark?

A vessel constructed by Noah, at God's command, for the preservation of himself and family, and a stock of various animals, etc., when the earth was devastated by the flood.

What is atonement?

This word means reconciliation, satisfaction, reparation, or expiation.

What was the greatest atonement ever made?

The great atonement made for sin by the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ, upon the cross.

Who were the catechumens ?

Those who were being instructed and prepared for baptism.

What is a catafalque?

An erection like a bier placed during Masses of the dead, when the corpse itself is not there, in the center of the church, surrounded with candles, and covered with black cloth.

Who is the celebrant of the Mass?

The priest who actually offers Mass, as distinct from others who assist him in doing so.

What is the chasuble?

The chief garment of a priest celebrating Mass. It is worn outside the other


What is the chrism?

Olive oil mixed with balm, blessed by the bishop and used by the Church in confirmation as well as in baptism, ordination, consecration of churches, etc. What does the oil and balm signify?

The oil signifies the fulness of grace; the balm, incorruption, and the "good odor of Christ."

What are the six principal commandments of the Church?

1. To keep Sundays and holydays of obligation holy, by hearing Mass, and resting from servile work. 2. To keep the days of fasting and abstinence appointed by the Church. 3. To go to confession at least once a year. 4. To receive the Blessed Sacrament at least once a year, and that at Easter. 5. To contribute to the support of our pastors. 6. Not to marry within certain degrees of kindred; not to solemnize marriage at the forbidden times.

What is a conclave?

The term is applied both to the place where the Cardinals assemble for the selection of a new Pope, and to the assembly itself.

Who were the Evangelists?

The authors of the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

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