ye examinacion, good advise, & grete deliberacion by us hadde, as wele by substanciall wrytyng undre sealez, as by ye instruccion & recorde of honest personnes, havyng perfite notice & knawlynge of ye saide grounde, we have demed yat ye tennauntes of ye said Abbotes & Convent have wrangwisly halden & occupies xviij poules feet of ye grounde of ye saide Deanez & Chapiter, the whiche xviij fote of ground we have demed & awarded shalbe departed from ye grounde of ye saide Abbot & Convent, and delivered & laide unto ye grounde of ye saide Deane & Chapiter, to have & to halde to yayme & to yare successours for evermore, etc. -[Id. 331a.] Memorandum, that yis is ye awarde and juygement of William Hyndeley, John Sutton, John Haxby, ande Richard Bisshop, serchiours of ye masons and wrightes in the cite of Yorke, assigned ande lymytt by William Lambe, Maire of ye city of Yorke, with the full assente and consente of William Snawsell Aldreman of ye saide cite, for his partye, and Sr William Watson, vicare of Saynte Georg churche in Fisshergate, ruler ande gouvernor of a chaunterie belongyng to the saide churche, on yt othir partie, to serche ande deme a gutter apon a tenement in Walmegate in Yorke, perteynyng to the saide chaunterie, and a pales perteynyng to a tenement of the saide William Snawsell, nowe in ye halding of one Robert Yereslay, at the este ende of Fosse brigge in Walmegate; firste, the saide iiij serchiours awardes ande demes betuyx the saide partiez, for thair bother ease, yat ye forsaide William Snawsell shall abide wt the voydance of ye waterfall of ye forsaide gutter, and, in like forme, the saide vicare, as by right ande duete belongyng to ye saide chaunterie, shall bere the charge of ye uphaldinge ande makyng of ye forsaide pales at alle dayes, at his owen propre costes ande expensez.-[Id. 331a.] 1479. The xxiijti day of the moneth of Octobr, in the xvth yere of Oct. 23, Kinge Edward the iiijt, William Hyndeley, John Shupton, masons, John Hirste ande Christofr More, carpentours, iiij serchiours c2 w'in the saide cite, cam in thair propre personnes in the counsail chambre, afore the Maire aboun saide, ande there and thanne made thaire bodelye othez uppon the holy Evangelist truely forto serche the metez ande boundez of a certayn grounde of John Gillyot of Yorke, Aldreman and merchaunt, adjonyng upon ane oyere grounde of William Rakett th'elder, and Thomas Aslacby. Where apon and incontinent after, the said daye and yere, the forsaide serchiours, accordinge to the custume of the same cite, ande by th'assentes ande desiers aswele of the forsaid John Gillyott, as also of St Thomas Hambald, attorney of the forsaidez William Rakett and Thomas Aslacby, yanne yere also presente in the saide counsaill chambre, yode unto the grounde of the saide John Gillyottes, lyynge at the baksyde of the saide John Gillyotte's tenement wherein he than dwelled, in Coppergate towardes the kinge's water of Fosse, in the parrishe of Alle Halowes upon the Pavement win the saide cite, betuyx a tenement in the haldyng of Henre Williamson on yt one side, and a tenement of the saides William Rakett and Thomas Aslacby, late in the haldyng of Robert Amyas, on yt oyere syde. Ande the same grounde y' and yan the same serchiours diligently serched and mesured by gode deliberacon; and incontinent, the same daye and yere, the saide serchiours, after thair serche so made, cam in the saide counsail chambre afore the saide Mayre, and y'e and thanne saide, in vertu of thair othe, that the saide grounde conteyneth in lengthe at the ovirsyde in breede, frome the tenement of the saide Henre Williamson unto the grounde of the saidez William Rakett and Thomas Aslacby, vj yerdes ane ynche lakk, ande at the ney'e syde v yerdes, halfe yerde and halfe quarter, and more by ane halfe ynche as to thair estimacon, etc. Memorandum, that ye saidez day, yere, presence ande place, the forsaide John Gillyott promised for his partie that if the saidez William Rakett ande Thomas Aslacby will at any tyme hereafter have a newe serche of the saide grounde, that yan he will beere his due parte of alle suche costes, as shall be requisite in that behalfe, * etc.- [Enrolment Book, Civ. Ebor., Β. Υ. 145.] Aug. 20, 16 Edw. IV. (1476). - John Burgh, William Stane* A few thorn letters are used in this document, house, William. Cole & Richerd Blakelok, seircheours of ye Aug. 20, wrightes and tilers w'in ye citie of Yorke, ye same day above 1476. written, come to fore Thomas Wrangwish Maire & ye chamberleyns, in ye counsell chaumbre uppon Owse brigg, and award & jugement gaffe of a variaunce of a ground be twix John Gilyot Alderman of ye on partie, and Ambrose Preston of London chandeler of ye other partie. First yai deme a gutter yat liggez in lengh frome ye streit of Petirgate, be fore doun thrugh a tenement of ye said John Gilyot Alderman to ye Kynge's dyke be hynd of ye on partie, and a tenement of ye said Ambrose Preston of ye other partie, ye which said gutter and ye leid yer of, we ye said seirchours fyndes be our discrecions pertenyth evenly to ye forsaid John Gilyott & the said Ambrose, never ye lesse we consider ye greit cost and expences yat ye forsaid John Gilyot maid and done, we y'fore giffes and awardes yat ye said John Gilyott shall have ye said gutter all hole to hym selff, so yat he giffe to ye forsaid Ambrose, or to his depute, for cause of eassement in watter fallyng owt of ye forsaid gutter uppon ye ground of ye said Ambrose, iij s. iiij d. now furthwith, and never after yis to giff more to ye said Ambrose for ye said gutter, and els ye said John Gilyott to bere charge of ye watter commyng of ye said gutter. - [House Book, Civ. Ebor. i. 21.] 1501. Md, that the xyth day of Decembre, the yere of r.r. Dec. 15, Henre vijth after ye conquest ye xvijth, by assent and consent of William White Alderman, on yat oon partie, and Ric' Thornton Alderman, on yt other partie, John Sclater and John Stevenson, sersours of the carpenters, Ric' Blakeloke and William Ellot sersours of the teilers, tofore ye right wurshipfull Sir, John Stokdale Maier of the citie of York, wer sworne upon the Holy Evangelistes treuly to viewe & serche two tenementez, newly & of late maid & reparared by ye said Ric' Thornton on North strete & Mekilgate negh Ousebrygge end, adjoyng unto the tenementez of ye said William on ye said stretes; whiche sersours went unto ye same two tenementez & viewd theym, and after theyr othez by assent & consent of the said partiez ordered in maner & forme ensuyg. That is to say, ather of theym shall have theyr esyng drop upon other at theyr tenementez in North stret, yat is to wit ye said Ric' Thornton for his kid helme upon ye tenement or ground of ye said William Whyte, and the said William for his long house opon ye tenement or ground of ye said Ric' Thornton. And William White grauntes yat a grece & a gutter, whiche ye said (Ric' Thornton) hath laid & festened unto a tenement of ye same William at Ouse brigge end, to stand & abid still as it nowe doth unto ye tyme yt the said William or his eyrez of newe bild or repayre his said tenement ther. And ye said Ric' Thornton grauntes yat the sparrez & tymbre of ye said William, which is shot & hyngeth over ye ground of ye same Ric' ther by viijth ynchez & more anenst ye pan of his house, shall hyng & abid still as it doth unto tyme yat ye said William or his eyres of new bild or repayr os his abovesaid; and then he to bild up right from his soile tre upward. And this ordour and award by assent & consent of ye said partiez was giffen by the same serchors tofore the Maier, Michell White, George Kyrk, William Neleson, Aldermen, the Chamberleyns, and other, diverse other honest persons beyng present wt the said Maier in ye Counseill Chambre opon Ouse brigge, the day & yere abovesaid. - [House Book Civ. Ebor. viii. 121.] III. PRESENTMENTS OF THE JURIES AT THE COURTS OF THE ABBOT OF SELBY. [From the Originals at Londesbrough.] .... 12 Edw. IV. 1472. - Jhesus. Thes er ye grefis yt xij men fendes defectyffe. In ye fyrste we say yt John Bellynghom maid afray of Jo. & grefesly hurt hem of parell of his dethe, ye bludwyt vjs. viijd., & ton halfe to ye kyrke warke, & ye toy ye lord. Item John Dawson maid afray of John Belyngham, ye mercyment iijs iiijd, the ton half to the k.... & ye toyere to ye lord. Item Ryc' Emson maid afray of John Broun & drue blod on hym, ye bludwyt vjs. viij d., ye ton halfe to ye kyrke, ye tother to ye lord. Item ye said Ryc' maid afray of a man of Fenton, ye fray iij s. iiij d., the ton halfe to ye kyrke and oyere to ye lord. Item Ryc' Cornner maid afray of Herse Thorppe, ye fray, ether of tham, xijd. Item Roger, ye Merciallse man, maid asalt of strangher, & fraid ye neghboures, ye salt xx d. Item Ryc' Emson maid asalt of William Broune at his dore, & afrayd his neyghburs of Palmsondai, ye salt xx d. Item William Wallas maid asalt of John Balme at his dore, ye salt xx d. Item gyf yer be anny mane yt has anny swyne, yt will not set tham befor the hyrd, ya sall forfyt for evere swyne iiij d. W Pallmms pro Domino, Johannes Eleson, Robertus Walker, Barnerde Lignkolne. Also xij men has ordan & chosyn ij men of ather gatt for to gedyr y swyn hyrd hyrez wt the constabylle William Baker & Robert Stylyngton, Gower, John Rowghte, & Robert Wrthe, for Mekylgate. .. .. ye whest fendes yam Md yt yes er ye Artecles yt greweid. In ye fyrste we say yt ye bruher yt bruhis to sell, sall sell wt in his hus j galon all for ij d., & j quart for j halpeny, be a mesur seald, & j j d. ob. forthe at dore ; & also in casse be ytyt ya sall not deny no por man nor woman penyworthe ner halpenyworthe, galon nor halfe galon, when yt ya com tharfor for yar monny, & it may be prowyd, & schoy have abown xij galons wt in hyss hows, opan of forfetynge iij s. iiij d. as oft as shoy his fone defectyffe. Item we desyer a remedy of owr buschers for sellynge of thar flech, for we thynke yt ya sell un to pepyll der fleche yt ye pore pepyll gruchis gretly thar wyt, whar for we desyer, be awyse of my Lord & the Stuerd, for to have a serche wekly of the buschers, & se yt ya sell a resonabyll pennyworth after he byes so. Item, for owr fechers, elykwys, yt ya sell noy feche wt owt yt it be abyld be fyche offesers as sall be asegnid be Lord & Stuerd, & at ye fecher be sworne what yt it coste at see, & he for to have a competent wennynge; & yt no man cute hys feche bot yt at be serched be ye debetes yt ar ordane for sersynge. Item we say yt yer have boght of late in ye markyge unsesanabyll wetyl, yt is to say, feche & herrynge, bothe Thom Smythe & John Clyffe; we amersy the ather of tham xij d.; &, yf thay brynge anny more fyche chafer, ya for to forfyte thar feche. Item we d(es)yer yt no bakster yt has to by to sell, by no corne in ye markythe |