The following Particulars, in the Author's own hand-writing, and endorsed by him "Some Occurrences in my Life. R.W."were found amongst his papers after his de cease. DATES Of some Occurrences in my own Life. RICHARD HURD was born at Congreve, in the Parish of Penkrich, in the County of Stafford, January 13 A. D. 1719-20 He was the second of three children, all sons, of John and Hannah Hurd; plain, honest, and good people; of whom he can truly say with the poet Si natura juberet, &c. They rented a considerable farm at Congreve, when he was born; but soon after removed to a larger at Penford, about half way between Brewood and Wolverhampton in the same County. There being a good Grammar School at Brewood, he was educated there under the Reverend Mr. Hillman, and, upon his death, under his successor, the Reverend Mr. Budworth-both well qualified for their office, and both very kind to him. Mr. Budworth had been Master of the School at Rudgely; where he continued two years after his election to Brewood, while the School-house, which had been much neglected, was repairing. He was therefore sent to Rudgely immediately on Mr. Budworth's appointment to Brewood, returned with him to this place, and continued under his care, till he went to the University. He must add one word more of his second Master. He knew him well, when he afterwards was of an age to judge of his merits. He had been a scholar of the famous Mr. Blackwell of Derby, and afterwards bred at Christ's College in Cambridge, where he resided till he had taken his M. A.'s degree. He understood Greek and Latin well, and had a true taste of the best writers in those languages. He was, besides, a polite, well-bred man, and sin A.D. every gularly attentive to the manners, in ing eloquence. How happy, to have had Under so good direction, he was thought fit for the University, and was accordingly admitted in Emanuel College, in Cambridge, October 3, A. D. 1733 but did not go to reside there till a year or two afterwards. In this college, he was happy in receiving the countenance, and in being permitted to attend the Lectures, of that excellent Tutor, Mr. Henry Hubbard, although he had been admitted under another person. He took his B. A.'s degree in He took his M. A.'s degree, and was elected fellow in 1738-9 Was ordained Deacon, 13th of June that year in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, by Dr. Jos. Butler, Bishop of Bristol and Dean of St. Paul's, on Letters Dimissory from Dr. Gooch, Bishop of Norwich. Was ordained Priest, 20 May 1742 1744 |