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When You Have Brushed Your Teeth your mouth-toilette is only one-half complete. The other, and more important half, is

to Clean the Mouth.

To clean the mouth thoroughly-to keep it in such a
healthy condition that disease germs cannot thrive in it-
use DIOXOGEN (a teaspoonful in a quarter glass of
water) morning and evening, as a mouth wash.
This is the best possible preventive of colds, sore
throat and La Grippe-so common at this season
of the year, all of which originate in the mouth.

Dioxo gen




America's Magazines

-their place in the Sun of Commerce

Their place in America's homes -millions of homes-that's an old story. Their place in commerce-that's newer. Their place in homes-educating, entertaining, inspiring-that has grown in the slow, steady strides of America's proggress; their place in Commerce, by "leaps and bounds" alongside of the young giant of advertising.

Their place in Commerce depends upon their ability to sell things: ability to create a demand, and therefore a market, where no demand or market existed before; their ability to reach people and make them think-to carry a commercial message and imprint it in the brain of a Nation; ability to raise a people's scale of living, and to nationalize their styles and fashions as well as their

What hours and days of women's work have been saved by various varieties of factory-preserved foods-from pickles to pineapples-made known through magazine advertising!

There was no crying need for a handy camera, no demand for an inexpensive watch, yet in magazine advertising the makers of both made them equally famous.

It required education to get

people to accept

ready-made" music,

but its creators educated the people so masterfully through magazine advertising that music is now practically universal in American homes.

soaps and breakfast-foods; their ability Nothing started enameled bath

to build up and maintain commercial Good-will which business men yearly translate into assets worth millions of dollars.

For instance: There was no demand or market for fountain pens when the pioneer, only by much persuading, launched his venture in a magazine in 1884. Yet a Nation, and then the world, were opened up to his, and later to other men's, fountain pens.


tubs on their way to popularity until the maker began "to feel" out the people with his "Health depends upon Sanitation" idea in magazine advertisements. That idea the magazines turned into a national hobby.

Maybe you, Mr. Manufacturer, are making some article which Magazine. Advertising can place in the homes of millions of people. We shall be glad to discuss ways and means with you.


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To-day's Housewife
Vanity Fair

Woman's Home Companion
World's Work


may be many or few, but undoubtedly
some of them can be filled through
the use of a little announcement
in the classified columns of The
Outlook, which are proving every
week of decided value to Outlook
readers. We shall be glad to send
a descriptive circular and order
blank on application. Address De-
partment of Classified Advertising
381 Fourth Avenue

New York City


is scientifically DIABETICS

because it contains less than 80% of sugar yielding carbo hydrates, as compared with over 70% in ordinary bread. It contains protein 42%, fat 20% and starch only a trace. Recommended by world famous physicians in the treatment of Diabetes, Starchy Indigestion and other troubles where a starch restricted diet is necessary. Food products made of Hepco Flour are palatable, wholesome, economical.

Sample of Hepco Flour and booklet containing diet list will be mailed to any address upon receipt of ten cents to cover cost of postage and packing. Waukesha Health Products Co. 32 Adams Ave., Waukesha, Wis.

LUDEN'S Stop Throat Tickling Why Not Turn Nerve Exhaustion

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My Facial Beauty Exercises

will make you look and feel many years. younger.

Won't you let me tell you how you can remove wrinkles and restore the fresh complexion and contour of girlhood as thousands of others have done? No massage, face washes or lotions, electricity, plasters, fillings, or surgery. Nothing artificial; just Nature's way!

Write today for my new FREE booklet, "Facial Beauty Culture." If you will

tell me in confidence what improvements you would like, I can write you more helpfully.


Suite K 2, Garland Building


The first woman to teach Scientific Facial Exercise

Bobbink &

Brown In America

Into Healthy Vim and Vigor

With a perfect nervous system men and women might go on indefinitely, for the power of resistance lies not alone in the muscles, but also in the nerves. Unfortunately, however, Nature failed to provide for the abnormal strain of modern business and social life and the nerve cells soon give way. Then the whole system is affected for the nerves play a most important part in the proper functions of the

heart, brain, stomach, lungs and other organs of the body. When the nerves are deranged, the digestive organs are impaired; the blood is impoverished; insomnia comes on apace and a general nervous break-down follows.

A Combined Nerve and
Tissue Food is Needed

Men and women in all walks of active life who feel cross, nervous, irritable-from no apparent causeneed a mild tonic and sedative that will soothe and strengthen the shattered nerves, aid the digestion and build up the wasted tissues. Narcotics are not only of no value in such cases, but are positively dan

gerous. They make an over-draft on nerve energy and continually demand increased doses which endanger the action of the, heart.

Pabst Extract is an Ideal Remedy for Nervousness

It is a perfect tonic and nerve food, made from choicest hops and barley malt, fortified with calcium hypophosphite and iron pyrophosphate. The lupulin of hops has a soothing effect on the nerves. It quiets and strengthens them, and insures quiet, peaceful sleep which is so essential in over-coming nervousness. Hops excellent tonic also have an value and


stimulate the

digestive fluids.

This prepares the way for the proper reception of tissue nourishment which is fur


nished by the rich extract of barley malt. Pabst Extract, The "Best" Tonic, tones up and invigorates all the vital forces. Gives bodily vigor and strengthens the mental power. It is not only effective in cases of extreme nervousness, but is also recommended for dyspepsia, insomnia, overwork, anaemia, old age, motherhood and for convalescents.

[blocks in formation]

Write for free booklet explaining all the uses and benefits of Pabst Extract. PABST EXTRACT CO., Milwaukee

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If you become deaf, says a young woman contributor to the "Volta Review," don't give up your social life. "The first dance I attended after I lost my hearing," she says, "I dressed wishing I were dead. I was convinced that no deaf person could dance and that I should have a perfectly dreadful time. Yet the boy I went with proved to be an ideal partner for a lipreader. He had brought me to the dance only because his mother made him do it. He asked me if I could draw and if I could play the piano and whether I liked winter or summer best. I understood every word he said and he made me laugh a great deal. He danced abominably, and that put me at my ease. I have never ceased to be grateful to my teacher for making me go to that party."

The London correspondent of "American Art News" remarks that "the sale season of 1916 has perhaps been chiefly remarkable for the growth of a new type of buyer, largely recruited from the ranks of those suddenly become rich in connection with various industries pertaining to the war.' Two notable sales were those of a Murillo for $31,000 and of Landseer's "Monarch of the Glen" (familiar as an engraving) for $21,000.

No, the saloons didn't grow rich out of our custom," said the returned militiaman. "The little Texas town where we were encamped had three saloons, but our colonel stationed a sentry in front of each one to warn 'thirsty' soldiers that they would get thirty days in the regimental lockup if they quenched their thirst with intoxicants. It worked like a charm, and there were no drunken soldiers in our company streets. I'll tell you, though, who it was that coined money out of our sojourn. It was the local photographer. All the boys wanted their pictures took,' to send back home, and before we came back East that photographer had bought an automobile. Fact!"

The New York City Subway claims an unequaled record in the safe carrying of passengers. In the last ten years, according to its official bulletin, it has carried 2,915,200,205 passengers, with the loss of only a single life. No other railway, it is claimed, has equaled this record. The Subway, it is estimated, carries twice as many passengers daily as are carried by the entire Pennsylvania Railroad system.

It is perhaps not unfair to add that during

rush hours, under present conditions, they are carried as uncomfortably as on any railway in the world.

A list of German vessels in American waters comprises eighty-eight steamers and eight sailing vessels, with a total tonnage of 612,229. The largest of these vessels is the Vaterland, of 54,282 tons; the smallest, the schooner Neptun, of 131 tons. "It is reported," says "Shipping. Illustrated," "that the machinery of some of these vessels has been wrecked, but.. whereas it is easy to cripple a high-speed liner so that it may take months to put her back in her original condition, patching up her engines to enable her safely to proceed to sea at a moderate rate of speed is a comparatively easy job."

An enterprising movie manager lives in Mullen, Nebraska, "the smallest town in the United States to show Mary Pickford productions." Mullen has a population of 105 people, while the adjoining country is

sparsely settled. But it has a movie theater, and it is well patronized. Its manager, writing to an exchange, says: "I show only high-class productions-they don't show any better anywhere. I learn all I can about every play I present, and I write each of my patrons a short personal letter telling them all about the coming play. I have built up a fine patronage."

At the Aeronautic Exposition in New York City a two-passenger airplane was exhibited which was offered at the "low" price of $3,000. The flying-machine may possibly parallel the history of the automobile in reaching lower prices as the industry develops, but as yet flying is a sport for the wealthy. Even at the price of $3,000, however, the manufacturers of this airplane say that they expect to sell 2,500 machines, their limit of production, within the year.

Readers of the Leatherstocking tales will be interested in the report that a real "painter," or panther, has been killed in Florida. It had been supposed that this creature was long ago extinct in the East, though it was plentiful in the time of Natty Bumppo. In the West it is still to be found under the name of "mountain lion" cougar." The specimen killed in Florida measured seven feet six inches in length from the tip of the nose to the end of the. tail.


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The up-to-date daily newspaper that prints "Advice to the Lovelorn," "An


to the Anxious," etc., is merely harking back to the days of Benjamin Franklin. When Franklin took over the "Pennsylvania Gazette," he introduced into its columns some of those bits of humor that characterized his thought. One of his correspondents asked: "I am courting a girl I have but little Acquaintance with. How shall I come to a Knowledge of her Faults and whether she has the Virtues I imagine she has?" Franklin replied, tersely: "Commend her among her female Acquaintances."

"Sailors are very scarce at Portland," says a nautical journal, "and a steamer was delayed two days while the shipping agents were picking up five men to complete her crew. It is understood that $20 blood money was paid for each man secured." This use of the phrase "blood money" is not explained in the dictionaries. printers' slang for a premium—“a bonus It may perhaps be borrowed from the paid by other workmen in a newspaper office for the privilege of setting fat' copy." This use of the expression is becoming archaic among printers, because piece-work, under which the practice described existed, has been largely abandoned with the introduction of typesetting machinery.


The Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway is to electrify another section of its road-from Othello, Washington, west to the Pacific coast. This will give it a total of about 690 miles of electrically operated road.

The following advertisement appears in a New York paper; its phraseology indicates that any "correspondences" entered upon might be interesting linguistically:

TO DISSIPATE the long hours of the confinement, Belgian soldier would be happy to recipro cate correspondences, either in French or in English or in Flemish Dutch. To address: JOSEPH KENER, Baraquement F, Camp 2, Zeist, Holland.

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BELL Tailors





AS an introductory demon

stration of our value-giving, the Bell Tailors of New York will make you a smart $25.00 serge suit of American Woolen Co. 6055 pure, all-wool worsted sergeguaranteed fast color, for $15.00. We will line it with Skinner's guaranteed pure silk. In fact, we will use the best standard materials in every step of its making.

This is but one of the seventy-two exceptional values we offer in our catalog of smart New York made-tomeasure clothes.

Style Book and

72 samples


Bell tailors of New York are the largest direct mail order tailoring concern in the world. We have no agents or out-of-town representatives of any kind. We deal direct with you by mail, eliminating all inbetween costs and expenses.

Money-back Guarantee

We guarantee to fit you perfectly from the meas urements you send us. You are the sole judge, and if you are not entirely satisfied with the clothes, we will cheerfully refund every cent of your money.

Send for style book and samples. It places you under no obligation, but will undoubtedly show you how to save at least one-third of your clothes money. Write to-night.

Bell Tailors of New York Dept. M, 103 Walker Street, New York

Style Book 72 Samples


Bell Tailors, Dept. M. 103 Walker St., New York

Please send your FREE Style Book and 72

samples to


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Odd moments for cleaning

How to keep the house clean is one of the most vexing questions of the day. This question is solved when women realize what great amount of cleaning can be done in spare moments with an ARCO WAND.


Cleaning then becomes the least of your
worries. It is no labor at all. With the
turn of a switch and a few light strokes
of the magic ARCO WAND, dust,

VACUUM CLEANER dirt and grit are gathered and shot

down into the sealed dust bucket.

The ARCO WAND is easily put in OLD buildings-no tearing up. If you intend to, or are building, instruct your architect and contractor to specify and furnish the ARCO WAND Vacuum Cleaner.

Sold, through dealers, on easy payments

Six years of successful use in all kinds of buildings,-Residences, Apartments, Schools, Hotels, Churches, Clubs, Office Buildings, Factories, etc., have put the ARCO WAND far in the lead for durability and reliable service. Costs about a penny a day to run. Made for electric motor or gasoline engine power.

Get a copy of our free book "Arco Wand"- it gives you valuable information on vacuum cleaning.


Write to Department C-5


Makers of the world-famous IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators


S. Michigan Ave.

Machine is set in basement or side room. A suction pipe runs to each floor. ARCO WAND Vacuum Cleaners, hose and tools are sold by all Heating and Plumbing Trade.

Please send me, without any obligation whatever, the details of ARCO WAND easy payment plan.





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