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At GREAT BARDFIELD, in the County of Effex.


The Honourable Mr. Juftice LAWRENCE;

At CHELMSFORD ASSIZES, in the Month of May, 1794-

For Rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not
be afraid of the Power? Do that which is good, and thou fhalt have praise of
the fame For he is the minifter of God to thee for good. But if thou do that
which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the fword in vain: for he is the
minifter of GOD, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.





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HE following Trials were taken down at the time, by a Gentleman, in Short Hand. But as he had no previous intention of writing, he was not fo well prepared as could be wished; and as he had no knowledge of the parties, he never expected to be called upon for a Copy; neither did he begin to write till Mr. Garrow had proceeded fome length in his addrefs; and even then, for a confiderable time, he was in a difadvantageous fituation. The Reader will therefore perceive a defficiency in the beginning of Mr. Garrow's addrefs. And there may likewife be fome other inconfiderable defects in various parts of the Trials. But we can boldly affirm, that the Subftance of all which Mr. Garrow faid, touching the Merits of the Cafe, will be found in the following pages. Nevertheless we are forry that we cannot give our readers an additional fpecimen, to thofe which have already appeared in the World, of the abilities of that great Orator, by prefenting them with his addrefs unmutilated.

In the Examination of the Evidence, there may be a deficiency or a redundancy of a word or two here and there. But we pledge ourselves that there is nothing material, one way or the other, fo as to alter in any degree the complexion of the Cafe from what it appeared before the Court.

The Notes we make no apology for, as they are perfectly dif tinct from the Trials, and throw light upon the different parts of


These Trials are made public, 1. in order to expose, and thereby erradicate, if poffible, that pernicious fpirit of Perfecution, which rages, not only in some of the inhabitants of Great Bardfield, but in other places of these kingdoms, to the no fmall difgrace of the nation in this enlightened age. The fpirit of Perfe cution is a fpirit of darkness; only drag the execrable monster to the light, and an important ftep is then taken towards its deftruction.

2. To prevent thofe perfons who are unacquainted with the Laws of their Country, from being the dupes and tools of wicked, defigning men. Many who compofed the Mob at Great Bardfield, were perfuaded by others that there were no Laws exifting. to protect the Methodis! One of the Church-wardens, (Smith, the farrier) faid to J. Blake, in the hearing of Mr. Jenkins, "No Juftice will undertake your Caufe." Whether he was authorifed to refer to any of the neighbouring Juftices, or had caught the idea from his liberal-minded Mafter and his affociates, or whether he only spoke as he wished, we will not pretend to fay. But,

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