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Their hearts are reaching out for joy;
To happiness they cling
As to their own immortal right.
Their hearts are spring.

Give them the measure heaping high,
And let your message ring
True with an understanding of
These hearts of spring.

Give with unstinting hand and heart, this giving shall endure
Into the stress of sterner days and make their birthright sure.


(The Child's Magazine for children from FOUR to TEN)

"The makers of to-morrow are the children of to-day. We must build a new generation that shall make a new mind, a new earth, and a perfected immortality. Do we adults really sense our responsibility?"



HAPPY CHILDREN make good Americans. There is nothing you would deny your children that adds to their real happiness, moral health, spiritual growth and increased assurance of life's higher fulfillment. These are days when we must sow wisely if we would reap abundantly and joyfully. Our children's hearts are fertile soil for all that is joyful, honorable, reverent, patriotic, and constructive.


is as necessary to you and your children as food-for it is soul food. It is as important as clothes-for it is a mental garment of joy, clean thinking, fearlessness, and high ideals. JOHN MARTIN'S BOOK is an institution and not a commercial enterprise. It is devoted first and always to the uncompromising purpose of making happier, finer, and nobler LITTLE AMERICAN men and women. In this purpose John Martin has had and will have the support and co-operation of all right thinking AMERICAN PARENTS. WHAT IS JOHN MARTIN'S BOOK?

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THE OUTLOOK. May 26, 1920. Volume 125, Number 4. Published weekly by The Outlook Company at 381 Fourth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Subscription price $5.00 a year. Entered as second-class matter, July 21, 1893, at the Post Office at New York, under the Act of March 3, 1879.

The Indian's Feather

There is an old story of an Indian who heard that the white man slept on feathers.

So he got him a feather and, after attempting a siesta, declared, "white men all damn liars.

Even today there are firms who expect an immediate deluge of new business from their first few advertisements.

As a matter of experience, the real evidence of large return does not show until after the third or fourth year of advertising the average commodity.

The occasional spectacular instance of immediate advertising success is talked about and written about until it is sometimes considered as a precedent.

Common sense should make you realize that the world is not palpitating in its eagerness to adopt the newest phonograph or the newest potato flour or the newest anything.

People, as a mass, are conservative, and it takes time to move a mass.

Some great advertisers have been working on this mass for half a century-profitably.

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To Readers of

The Outlook

The Outlook is anxious to secure for republication the most representative cartoons. We want the cartoons which appeal to our readers as vital expres. sions of popular movements and public opinion. Won't you help us in our effort to secure such cartoons by cutting out the strongest drawings of cartoonists in your local papers and pasting one of the attached coupons on the back of each clipping. Then send your selection to the Cartoon Editor of The Outlook.

The Outlook is equally anxious to secure unusual news photographs; photographs which cannot be secured from the commercial photographers. If you have any photographs of local objects or events which appeal to you as of more than local interest, we hope you, as a friend and reader of The Outlook, will send them along to the Photograph Editor of The Outlook. Fill out and attach a coupon to the back of each photograph you desire to submit.

As an experiment we propose publishing these photograph and cartoon coupons in successive issues of The Outlook for a period of some weeks. No cartoons or photographs will be considered which are sent to us otherwise than in accordance with this notice. We are forced to make this a rigid rule as only by this method can we assure to our. readers and friends that their photographs will be properly cared for and their cartoons given attention in the order of their arrival. We will pay for such cartoons and photographs as we. use in accordance with the agreements printed on the coupons.


381 Fourth Ave., New York City

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To the Photograph Editor of The Outlook: The attached photograph is the property of the undersigned and is submitted for publication in The Outlook. Postage is enclosed for its return if unavailable. It is my understanding that The Outlook agrees to pay $3 for this photograph if reproduced as a halfpage cut, or smaller, and $5 if reproduced in larger size than a half page. Enclosed herewith is a brief account of the object or event depicted in the attached photograph, which The Outlook is at liberty to use as it sees fit. My name and address are as follows:

Name....... Address...

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The American Statesmen Series

1. YOUR SON, who ought to be brought up with an intimate knowledge of
the true American Spirit.

2. YOUR DAUGHTER, who will some day be a voter and will wish to
act wisely and intelligently.

3. YOUR WIFE, who upon all the many phases of our American development.

will find these volumes a pleasant way of informing her

4. YOURSELF, because the new problems, created by the World War, call
upon you for intelligent consideration, based upon real knowl-
edge of our American institutions in the light of history.

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Intelligent Citizenship

The growing importance of intelligent citizenship is one of the characteristic features of the life of today. The citizens of the country rather than the politicians will decide the important problems now confronting us. The intelligent voter of today must be familiar with the foundation principles of Americanism. THE AMERICAN STATESMEN series affords an easy and agreeable means of obtaining this knowledge. With a vividness of story interest that no ordinary history could possess, the books tell you how our Nation was moulded. This is done by bringing you, as it were, into personal relations with the leaders of every period from the Revolution to modern times. It is the introduction of the personal element, the human side of all the great movements of our history, that makes these volumes interesting and their story long remembered.

HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY, 2A Park St., Boston, Mass. Without obligation on my part, please send me full information regarding the AMERICAN STATESMEN series, including a 24-page pamphlet with portraits of the principal leaders.



The Boys' and Girls' Club

That Saved a High School Class

A Vital Story for Parents, for Teachers,

and for Boys and Girls Themselves "The class seemed hopeless," said Miss Harris, teacher of English. "Individually the boys and girls were bright, but they accomplished nothing. Nearly the whole class was behind. Their minds seemed full of petty matters and class quarrels, and we were all the time compelled to confiscate cheap novels and 'yellow'detective stories.

"Then one day, the only girls in the class who seemed to be really trying to learn English came to me with a copy of St. Nicholas. 'There's a dandy play in this magazine. Won't you read it to the class?' she said. When I saw the spark of interest aroused by the reading, it gave me an inspiration. 'Why not act it out?' I said. We made up simple costumes and acted the play in the classroom. Then we gave a performance before the entire school.

"In the meantime, I had begun to use St. Nicholas also for the reading courses, and I was amazed at the pupils' fascination with the stories. At my suggestion, the history teacher began to use St. Nicholas too-for current events. Very soon I learned that many of the boys and girls had subscribed for St. Nicholas at their homes. At last, we had a common bond of sympathy and interest in the class. "Then a St. Nicholas Club was formed, and it has been the salvation of the class. The influence of St. Nicholas has been seen not only in English and history, but in drawing, botany and manual training.

"The splendid thing about St. Nicholas is that it is written for youthful minds. It is more appealing to boys and girls of high school age, and makes more of an impression than older literature. And it suggests so many interesting and delightful things to do.

"I shall continue to use St. Nicholas with every one of my classes. And I strongly advise parents to subscribe to St. Nicholas regularly in their homes. The cost is little-only $4 per year-less than your daily newspapers -and its value cannot be measured. The high school years of boys and girls are vital years and what they read and do then affects their whole lives. St. Nicholas guides strongly toward ambition, education and success."

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Will you follow this advice? The coupon below suggests acting at once.

ST. NICHOLAS, 353 Fourth Avenue, New York

Subscription Department S-22 Enclosed is $4 (check, draft or money order) for one year's subscription to be sent to


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Many of the best private schools, colleges correspondence schools, and camps an advertised in these columns. Each on issues descriptive literature which will b sent to Outlook readers upon application

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27th year

LIFTON SPRINGS SANITARIUN TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSE CLIFTON SPRINGS, N. Y Offers a three years' course of General Hospital Trai ing with affiliation for Pediatrics and Obstetrics i New York and Syracuse. The Course includes beside general Medical and Surgical training, hydrotherap electrotherapy, massage, occupational therapy, labor tory technique, special dietetic instruction in t modern study and treatment of nutritional disorderand doctor's office work.

Next class admitted Sept. first.

The School Prospectus will be mailed on applicati addressed to the Superintendent.

St. John's Riverside Hospital Train School for Nurses


Registered in New York State, offers a 3 years' cour general training to refined, educated women. Req ments one year high school or its equivalent. Apply t Directress of Nurses, Yonkers, New York. SCHOOLS AND COLLEG CONNECTICUT

The Curtis School for Young B

Has grown forty-five years and is still under the
direction of its founder.
GERALD B. CURTIS, Assistant Princip


A Country School for Gu
FANNY E. DAVIES, LL.A., Principa
Washington, Conn.

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381 Fourth Avenue

New York City

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Posse Normal School of Gymnastics

MASSACHUSETTS, Boston, 779 Beacon Street

2nd year. New building. Courses of one, two, and three years. Present conditions created great demand for our a graduates Courses in Medical Gymnastics and Playgrounds. Summer Camp. Apply to THE SECRETARY.

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Cornwall-on-Hudson, Box 16, New York FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR

A School in the Heart of the Open Country. For Boys from 9 to 19 Location: 50 miles from New York, 5 miles from West Point, on a spur of Storm King Mountain, 900 feet above sea level. Healthful, invigorating, unusually adapted to a sane and simple out-of-door life.

Work: Preparation for College or Business Life; recent graduates in 12 leading colleges. Each boy studied physically and mentally to increase individual efficiency, Small Classes: A teacher for every 6 boys. Athletics: Two fields with excellent facilities for all sports, under supervision; hiking, woods life, swimming pool.

You are invited to come and see for yourself. Catalog sent on application ALVAN E. DUERR, Headmaster

School for Young Boys


with its IDEAL SITUATION 1,000 feet above sea level, on Lake Walton, offers rare opportunities for splendid physical development. Its staff of teachers, carefully selected for the training of boys under 14, insures the vital work of the early years being thoroughly done. And the Christian infinence of the home life tends to develop the moral and spiritual character. Sound prepara tion for all secondary schools. All-year care if desired. Catalogue on request. Monroe, Orange Co., New York.


New York State School of
Clay-Working and Ceramics
at Alfred University, Alfred, N. Y.
CHARLES F. BINNS, Director. Write for catalogue.


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SCHOOL OF HORTICULTURE (18 miles from Philadelphia) AMBLER, PA. offers attractive course in Floriculture, Vegetable Gardening, Fruit Growing and Canning for the month of August. Write for circular. ELIZABETH LEIGHTON LEE, Director.



A country school for girls in the Rydal
Hills. 25 minutes from Philadelphia, on
the New York line of the Philadelphia
and Reading. Catalog describing and il-
lustrating new buildings sent on request.
RYDAL, Junior Department.

Ogontz School, Penna.



A Summer Camp for Boys
in the Big Horn Mountains

No other recreational and educational opportunity like this in the country. A limited number of boys, accompanied by tutors, guide and cook, will follow the picturesque trails of the Big Horn region, alternately traveling and camping. Instruction in woodcraft and geology and forestry. Two trips-each of thirty days' duration.

Under the direction of instructors of the HF Bar Ranch School. Reservations in order of application, subject to satisfactory references as to health and character. For detailed information, address Headmaster, HFBar Ranch School Buffalo, Wyoming


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Camp Chenango Cooperstown, N. Y.,

on Otsego Lake. For boys. Boating, Swimming, Mountain Climbing, Tennis, Baseball, Basket-ball. Manual Training, Nature Study, Woodcraft, Gardening. Character Building. Tutoring. Best of food. 7th Season. Rates moderate. Write A. D. LOVELAND, 251 Maple St., Brooklyn, New York.


A summer camp for boys on Lake Quan-ta-ba-cook in the Maine woods, near Belfast, Maine. Season, July-August. Ages 8-16 years. Write for booklet.

H. PERCY HERMANSEN, Wilmington, Del.


Bantam Lake, Connecticut. A camp for young boys in the Berkshires. 100 miles from N. Y. City. Everything a boy can wish for. Write for camp book. ROBERT E. TINDALE, 31 East 71st St., New York City, N. Y.


Maine, via North East Carry. EUGENE HAYDEN, Director. Your boy deserves the best. This Camp offers to boys, 12-17, a 250 mile canoe trip under ideal conditions. Fishing, hiking, exploring. For new booklet with map, write H. J. STORER, Sec'y, 74 Fayette St., Cambridge, (39) Mass.



A Summer Camp for Boys. Twentieth Season. Two months of pleasure and profit. Booklet. A. F. Caldwell, A.M.

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