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to their homes, and sit with them by their firesides at night.

They are as old as the race; and yet new in the experience of every individual member of it.

They break rudely into conversations of husbands and wives, causing sudden silences. They thrust themselves between the faces of men and their little ones with quick stabs of apprehension.

Three gnawing fears: -the fear of the loss of health -the fear of the loss of the job -the fear of a dependent old age.

Youth laughs at all three fears. Health seems boundless then; the job a mere game; and old age lost in the far, dim future.

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turn in large numbers to the Alexander Hamilton Institute.

For this is a distinguishing characteristic of the Institutea fact which makes it unique among the forces of business training.

The men who turn to it are not boys; their average age is a little over thirty; and eighty-five per cent of them are married.

They are attracted to the Institute as it enables them thru the teaching of all the fundamentals of business to safeguard themselves against two of the Three Great Fears-loss of a job and dependent

old age.

For years the Institute has devoted itself exclusively to the single work of training men for higher executive positions in business-the positions that de-' mand a knowledge of the fundamentals that underlie all business-the positions which banish the fear of the loss of a job or dependent old age.

The Institute offers no training for specialized tasks of narrow opportunity. It has only one course of executive training.

The kind of men enrolled THE proof of the Institute's power is

found in the men who are now moving forward to larger success with the help of its training. Among its thousands of subscribers are such men as H. F. Harris, President and General Manager of the Bethlehem Motors Corporation; William D'Arcy, former President of the Associated Advertising Clubs of the World; Stephen B. Mambert, VicePresident Thomas A. Edison Industries; I. C. L. Fish, Professor of Railway Engineering, Stanford University; John G. Wood, President Midwest Engine Com

AHI 1920

pany; and scores of others gladly testify. as to the value of the Institute and Service.

At least you owe it to yourself to investigate

IF you are in your twenties, or thirties,

or forties, it lies within your power to give yourself the kind of training that will banish fear.

The fear of the breakdown that so often comes from the futile struggle in a monotonous position need never trouble you. You may lift yourself forever out of the class of men of whom there are too many into the class for whom the demand always exceeds the supply.

An institute that can help you do thisthat has proved its help in thousands of other lives-is worth your investigation at least.

"Forging Ahead in Business" To make investigation very easy the

Alexander Hamilton Institute has published a 116-page book, "Forging Ahead in Business." To thousands of men it has proved the great turning point; it contains valuable information, and is worth an evening of any man's time. It is free; and will be sent entirely without obligation. It is the first step in the banishment of fear; send for your copy now.

Alexander Hamilton Institute 393 Astor Place, New York City

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THE OUTLOOK. May 19, 1920. Volume 125, Number 3. Published weekly by The Outlook Company at 381 Fourth Avenue, New York. N. Y. Subscription price $5.00 a year. Entered as second-class matter, July 21, 1893, at the Post Office at New York, under the Act of March 3, 1879.

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Staff Correspondence by Gregory Mason The Soldier Vote: What Kind of Presidential Policies Does the A. E. F. Veteran Want?..


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Courses in more than 40 subjects are given by cor

STUDY respondence.

(28th Year)


The University of Chicago

(Div.X) Chicago, Ill.


Training for Authorship

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How to write, what to write,

and where to sell. Cultivate your mind. Develop your literary gifts.Master the art of self-expression. Make your spare time profitable. Turn your ideas into dollars. Courses in Short-Story Writing, Versification, Journalism, Play Writing, Photoplay Writing, etc., taught personDr.Esenwein ally by Dr. J. Berg Esenwein, for many years editor of Lippincott's Magazine, and a staff of literary experts. Constructive criticism. Frank, honest, helpful advice. Real teaching. One pupil has received over $5,000 for stories and articles written mostly in spare time-"play work," he calls it. Another pupil received over $1,000 before completing her first course. Another, a busy wife and mother, is averaging over $75 a week from photoplay writing alone.

There is no other institution or agency'doing so much for writers, young or old. The universities recognize this, for over one hundred members of the English faculties of higher institutions are studying in our Literary Department. The editors recognize it, for they are constantly recommending our courses.

We publish The Writer's Library, 13 volumes; descriptive booklet free. We also publish The Writer's Monthly, the leading magazine for herary workers; sample copy 20 cents, annual subscription $2.00, Besides our teaching service, we offer a manuscript criticism service.

150-Page illustrated catalogue free. Please Address

The Home Correspondence School
Dept. 58, Springfield, Mass.

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The One Camp for Every Boy Who Loves the Sea Sea-going situation on Prudence Island in Narragansett Bay. June 20 to September 1 for boys of 14 to 18 years. Supervised, practical preparation for the Navy and Merchant Marine combined with healthful and enjoyable camp life. Specialized academic courses. Practice hikes and cruises. A summer that returns a boy to school with head up, shoulders back, and with new selfreliance and self-discipline. Terms $175 complete, including uniforms. Send for prospectus and application blanks. Gov. R. LIVINGSTON BEECKMAN, President; BARNES NEWBERRY, Treasurer; W. J. PHYSIOC, Supt. Executive Offices :-5 Columbus Circle, New York City.


Sargent Camps for Girls

Peterboro, New Hampshire

DR. D. A. SARGENT, President. For illustrated catalog address CAMP SECRETARY, 8 Everett St., Cambridge, Mass.


On Beautiful Naomi Lake

2,000 feet above sea, in pine-laden air of Pocono Mountains. Four hours from New York and Philadelphia. Bungalows and tents on sunny hill. Experienced councilors. Tennis, baseball, canoeing, "hikes "-all outdoor sports. Handicrafts, gardening. 9th Season. MISS BLANCHE D. PRICE, W. School Lane, Philadelphia, Pa.

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Summer course. Splendid opportunity to combine study and outdoor life. For information apply to the head of French Department of the Boothbay Harbor Art Colony,


St. John's Riverside Hospital Training School for Nurses

YONKERS, NEW YORK Registered in New York State, offers a 3 years' course-a general training, to refined, educated women. Requirements one year high school or its equivalent. Apply to the Directress of Nurses, Yonkers, New York.

A Nation on Wheels..

By J. C. Long

Hospitality (Poem).

Sonora in Madero's Time....

By Marian R. T. Lines

BY SUBSCRIPTION $5.00 A YEAR. Single copies 15 cents. For foreign subscription to countries in the Postal Union, $6.56. Address all communications to


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Secrets from
a Waste-killer's
note book

SUCH bits of salesmen’s

experience as are quoted below, are representative of the spirit of the JohnsManville Sales Organization.

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When Johns-Manville salesmen are assembled in conventions all over the land, these close-ups" of personal experiences in everyday serving and selling come to light.

From note books, reports, 'or even from memory, come incidents which indicate more truly than anything else the kind of men they are and the type of institution they represent.

Each of these men in his territory is the Johns-Manville Company to a certain group of people. Collectively, these "waste-killers" are Johns-Manville Service -humanized.

So in presenting these little human experiences, we are hopeful that those who as yet may not know this company, through its men, may gain in part at least the regard for them that thousands with whom' we do business, already have.

H. W. JOHNS - MANVILLE CO. 296 Madison Avenue, New York City 10 Factories-Branches in 63 Large Cities For Canada



an individual,

Worth Remembering you as a


on the sincerity true servant of with which you regard yours


citizen, as depends

Garage man says,


the public.


"Our Brake Lining is too good” J. T. J. Garage says, "Our lining lasts too long." A hard one to come back at, because the answer sounds like preaching. Told him that even though he sells less of our brake lining per customer, per year, he'll be building the kind of confidence that makes more customers.

Either the advertising or the brake lining itself is making people ask for Johns-Manville instead of just' brake lining-maybe both.

A piece of chalk that saved $5,000.00 Tuesday went through a plant where they had a lot of dryers and other equipment representing thousands of square feet of bare, hot surfaces. Drew a small square with chalk on one dryer wall and.bet the engineer that one ton of coal a year was lost in wasted heat. Proved it with our tables-in fact, the figure should have been 1.6 tons. We start insulat-' ing all his dryers 2 weeks from today. He's glad I came in, he says.



It Cost and

-from a convention talk by the Sales Manager,

Confusion between
Asphalt and

Saw a man today who swore he bought Asbestos Shingles in flexible strips. He didn't have Asbestos Shingles at all. Very much disgusted when I showed

him how much more durable and better looking and fire safe the Johns-Manville Asbestos Shingle would have been.

There's a lot of confusion between asphalt and asbestos shingles in the public mind. I notice our advertising is trying to straighten this out.

Here's a funny one

Saw two pumps exactly alike in engine room, Hotel

To start one, you had to open the steam valve two turns, then kick the rod before she'd move.

The other pump started easily with turn opening of the valve. Good idea to prove reduced packing friction when our Sea Rings are used instead of ordinary packing. Also less loss of steam power, saving in rcd and packing wear.






and its allied products


that keeps the heat where it belongs

that make boiler walls leak-proof

that cut down fire risks


that save power waste

that make braker safe



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Serves in Conservation



Gorham Silverware

The Part It Plays in Family Life

INTO the texture of a woman's thoughts of treasured things, is woven
an imperishable strain of love for her silverware. To her, it stands as
a reflection of all that is best in home and hospitality steadfastness,
utility, refinement. What table is ever so inviting as when laid with
silver! What buffet so admirable as when the lustrous glisten of silverware
adds the final touch to its sturdy beauty! Silver today, as in generations
past, is a symbol of family pride, honor, tradition-an incomparable
essential in the dining room of any well-appointed home.

Gorham Sterling Silverware is sold
by leading jewelers everywhere

THE GORHAM COMPANY Silversmiths & Goldsmiths







The Outlook

HE capture of the capital of Mexico does not always mean the complete triumph of the faction taking it, but in the present case it is safe to assume that the fall of Mexico City, plus the reported seizure of the President by the rebels, means the end of the régime of Venustiano Carranza. Armed men in the nondescript uniforms of the rebels entered Mexico City at noon of May 9. Carranza, who had fled from the capital several days before, may have been captured before the troops of Gonzales and Obregon entered Mexico City.

What is perhaps the oldest city on the American continent is not very easy to. defend. The water which guarded it when it was the capital of the Aztecs has dried up, and to-day, once an army has got over the mountains into the Valley of Mexico, the penetration of the capital is not a difficult matter.

Carranza has had just six years of power. On May 13, 1914, Tampico fell before the powerful advance of the army of Francisco Villa. Torreon, Chihuahua, Juarez, and other northern cities had been captured in rapid succession by the Carranzistas. American forces had occupied Vera Cruz on April 21, and President Huerta was preparing to make the flight which Carranza has just failed to accomplish.

This much can be said for Don Venustiano. Not one out of ten of the American correspondents who used to report


pompous statements he made in the battered Pullman car which was his headquarters in the early days of 1914 ever thought that the "First Chief," as he then called himself, would hold the power he was then winning for one-half of the six-year period he actually has held it.

Carranza himself favored limiting the term of Mexico's presidents to four years. It was characteristic of him, however, that he exercised the powers of a dictator under the comparatively unimposing title of "First Chief" for many months before he sought the more formal tenancy of the national palace.

Carranza's most conspicuous trait, obstinacy, was the one that made him most of his enemies among foreign na tions, and yet it was the trait mainly responsible for his successes in Mexico.

The future in Mexico is uncertain. Unfortunately, there is much reason to beieve that the rebel forces may fight mong themselves. The largest revolu

MAY 19, 1920

From a photograph presented by
General Gonzales to Mr. Gregory Mason


tionary group, and the one which started this revolt against Carranza, is the group which supports the ambitions of General Alvaro Obregon. Sonora, the first State to secede in the recent movement, is for Obregon. But the party of General Pablo Gonzales is not weak. The armies of Generals of Generals Obregon and Gonzales are reported to have entered Mexico City from different directions almost at the same time. According to the newspapers, the two Generals have declared that they will stand together and will elevate to office a provisional President until the regular "election" can be held. But there is the rub! It is no secret



that both Gonzales and Obregon want to be the next regular President. Both are strong men. Obregon has the impetuosity and hammer-and-tongs way of doing which he got with his dash of Irish blood. Gonzales's methods are less spectacular but no less effective. Obregon has more personal magnetism, Gonzales has the better mind. To-day Obregon unquestionably has the larger following, but in a country in which personal popularity is notoriously ephemeral this fact is not too much to be counted on.

And then there is Villa. His actual followers are not numerous. But a man who has kept his life and liberty with a price on his head for some twenty years is not to be ignored. The support of the Villistas thrown one way or the other might prove to be decisive in the event of open hostilities developing between Gonzales and Obregon.

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By his reply, on May 9, to this telegram the President has put an end to all hope of ratifying the Covenant of the League of Nations by a non-partisan vote. He condemns unequivocally "the Lodge reservations as utterly inconsistent with the Nation's honor and destructive of the world leadership which it had established." He calls upon the Democratic party "to try, without flinching or turning at any time away from the path for reasons of expediency, to apply moral and Christian principles to the problems of the world." He declares that "the League of Nations is the hope of the world" and that we cannot in honor whittle it down or weaken it, as the Republican leaders of the Senate have proposed to do." In short, he assumes that the League which he has formulated and proposed without either the advice or the consent of the Senate must be adopted as it stands without giving consideration to any changes which the Senate may advise and without any endeavor to secure from the Senate its cordial and willing consent. The reply which we wish the Republican

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