The London Journal of Arts and Sciences, Zväzok 7

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Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1824
Containing reports of all new patents, with a description of their respective principles and properties: also, original communications on subjects connected with science and philosophy; particularly such as embrace the most recent inventions and dicoveries in practical mechanics.

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Strana 255 - And God said: Let there be light; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.
Strana 328 - ENCYCLOPEDIA of AGRICULTURE: comprising the Laying-out, Improvement, and Management of Landed Property, and the Cultivation and Economy of the Productions of Agriculture. With 1,100 Woodcuts. 8vo.
Strana 325 - Middlesex, mechanist, in consequence of a communication made to him by a certain foreigner residing abroad...
Strana 80 - Thus in the whole machinery of springs and Rivers, and the apparatus that is kept in action for their duration, through the instrumentality of a system of curiously constructed hills and valleys, receiving their supply occasionally from the rains of heaven, and treasuring it up in their everlasting storehouses to be dispensed perpetually by thousands of never-failing fountains, we see a provision not less striking, than it is important.
Strana 192 - Squadron, in consequence of a communication made to him by a certain foreigner residing abroad, for a certain method or methods of catching or taking mackarel and other fish.
Strana 219 - On the Utility and probable Accuracy of the Method of determining the Sun's Parallax, by observations on the planet Mars near his opposition ; by Mr.
Strana 158 - This day being the fourth anniversary of the Society, a numerous meeting of the members took place at their apartments in Lincoln's Inn Fields, when a very satisfactory report upon the state of the society's affairs and proceedings during the last year, -was read and ordered to be printed. This report paid a due tribute of respect to several members, which the society has lost by death in the 10m. 0' go is- 44
Strana 317 - ... led to some awkward anomalies, on account of its having been customary to take the moon's centre reduced to the meridian, and to compare it with the apparent places of stars passing the meridian about the same time in any parallel of declination. The newly proposed method consists in merely observing with a transit instrument, the differences of right ascension between the border of the moon, and certain fixed stars previously agreed upon, restricting the observations to such stars as differ...
Strana 276 - London, merchant, in consequence of a communication made to him by a certain foreigner residing abroad, for an invention of " certain improvements in boilers for generating steam.
Strana 159 - Esq. FRS, as a token of the high estimation in which it holds his valuable invention of an engine for calculating mathematical and astronomical tables, being the first medal awarded by the Society. A similar Gold Medal to Professor...

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