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ing a more definite opinion concerning the rights and duties of capital and labor in a quasi-public industry with respect to each other and to the third party to every dispute -the public.


A case was decided by the United States District Court in Hawaii a few months ago which may have a very important bearing on the relations of Japan to the United States. If serious friction ever arises, it is at least as likely to come from what the Japanese think is discrimination against their people now in the United States by our National laws as interpreted by our courts rather than from questions of immigration (now regulated by informal mutual agreement) or from questions arising under State laws-as in California. In the Ozawa case, to which we refer, the United States District Court in Hawaii held that a Japanese, Takao Ozawa, was not eligible to naturalization under the United States laws, which declare that only those aliens who are free white persons and those of African nativity and descent may be admitted to citizenship. It is expected that appeal will be taken from this decision, first to the United States Circuit Court, and later, perhaps, to the United States Supreme Court.

A well-informed correspondent of The Outlook in Hawaii states that under our law perhaps as many as fifty Japanese have been admitted to citizenship by naturalization, while others have been excluded-that is, courts and naturalization officers have interpreted the law differently. The need of a final decision by the Supreme Court is obvious.

Takao Ozawa, our correspondent informs us, is an interesting figure and a fine type of his race. He is a graduate of American schools and of Stanford University, and has a high reputation in Honolulu for business ability and integrity. He married a young girl of his own race in Hawaii and has established a home, of which our correspondent says that its language is English, its religion is Christianity, and its daughters are growing up with only one allegiance-that to America. Mr. Ozawa's attempt to become legally an American citizen evidently does not come from a wish to stir up litigation or raise difficult questions; he sincerely thinks of himself as an American citizen in all but

political rights, and desires to become one altogether.

The decisions of our Federal courts in regard to the meaning of the term "white" are not harmonious. Thus Armenians have been admitted to citizenship on the theory that "white" is not synonymous with European. Other courts have held that Mongolians are not "white" in the intention of the statute, and that Japanese are Mongolians. This last was the theory followed by the District Federal Court in the Ozawa case. Mr. Ozawa himself was not able to support the expense of an appeal, but Japanese and American friends in Hawaii raised a purse for that purpose, while American lawyers in Hawaii volunteered their services without charge. It is expected, therefore, that the case will be brought before the Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco early next year. Our correspondent remarks as follows on the question which is at issue :

The phase of the case involved in the two dicta, "Japanese are Mongolians " and " Mongolians are not white," is one of far-reaching moment, because both Finns and Magyars of Hungary are even purer Mongolians than Japanese can be held to be. Yet the courts rule them "white" and naturalize them with no hesitation. If one sort of Mongolian may be deemed "white," why not another, especially when that other is less Mongolian than the one which fills the requirements of this muchdebated adjective?

It will be seen that there are extremely interesting questions of interpretation connected with the subject. There is a tendency to ignore the questions involved because of the belief that discussion might stir up ill feeling between America and Japan. But to ignore a difficult question is usually worse than to face it. If this country is unwilling to have those Japanese now in the country treated as most other alien citizens are treated as regards citizenship, it should say so in unmistakable words. If, on the other hand, it believes that, while it has full right to limit immigration of any race into this country, it ought not to discriminate against the members of any race who have been lawfully admitted, then it should either interpret its laws to that effect or amend them to that effect.


No less interesting than the scientific features of the record-breaking flight of Miss

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Ruth Law from Chicago to New York is the human significance of the accomplishment. Miss Law says that the fact that she is a woman makes no difference, but it does.

The fact that the new American nonstop record was made by a 120-pound young woman of twenty-eight in a rebuilt aeroplane of almost obsolete type doubles the prominence of this achievement in the public mind. General Wood reflected the popular admiration for Miss Law when, as he helped her from her seat at the end of her flight at Governor's Island, he said: "Little girl, you beat them all."

In a nutshell, this is what Miss Law did. In a one-hundred horse-power, two-year-old biplane she flew without a stop from Chicago to Hornell, New York, a distance of 590 miles, thereby breaking the record of 452 miles made by Victor Carlstrom in the New York Times" flight on November 2.

Flying on to Governor's Island, with a stop at Binghamton, Miss Law completed the entire trip of 884 miles from Chicago to Governor's Island in eight hours fifty-five minutes and thirty-five seconds. Carlstrom's total time in the air from Chicago to New York was eight hours and seventeen minutes.

With true sportsmanship, Carlstrom was one of the first to congratulate Miss Law, pronouncing her flight "the best performance to date in American aviation."

Few persons took Miss Law seriously when she announced her intention of attempting the Chicago-New York flight. Although she holds the woman's record for altitude, she had never before flown more than twentyfive miles across country. Moreover, her machine is less than half as large as the one in which Carlstrom made his record, and carried only fifty-three gallons of gasoline as against two hundred gallons carried by Carlstrom.

Miss Law's record has been stamped as official by the Aero Club of America.


Miss Law's account of her record non-stop flight as telephoned to the New York "Times" from Binghamton immediately after her arrival there is a interesting human document.

"I have made the longest flight a woman ever made. But I am not boasting about that; the real thing I have done is to show that it is an easy thing to fly from New York to Chicago without stopping if one has the equipment. As soon as I can get a

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machine that will carry enough gasoline I am going to make the flight from Chicago to New York without stopping.

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"Now this flight of mine is a personal affair; the expenses are paid by me. I have done quite a bit of flying of many sorts, but I had never tried any distance flying; that was the only kind of flying I hadn't tried.

"Before I took my little army scout plane to Chicago I had tried to get a bigger machine, but M. Curtiss was so busy making aeroplanes for the war that he couldn't get one ready for me. I then decided that my little one would have to do. It is a baby machine, with a wing spread of twenty-eight feet, has a one-hundred horse power motor that will develop a hundred and ten horse-power, and is a 'pusher'—that is, the propeller is behind the driver, who sits out unprotected. The tank carried only sixteen gallons of gasoline, and so I had another tank fitted in that brought the fuel capacity up to fifty-three gallons. gallons. That was half enough for the flight of about nine hundred miles from Chicago to New York. Even that crowded the little plane so that all the extra clothing I could take along was one skirt. That skirt proved to be most convenient.

"It was in landing at Hornell and leaving that I had the two close shaves of the trip. I had calculated that the fifty-three gallons of gasoline I had when I left Chicago would just carry me to Hornell. But I had counted some on a wind which wasn't there to help me. Ten miles from Hornell I saw that my gasoline was almost gone; it gave out absolutely two miles from Hornell, and I glided for the two miles on to the race-track just outside the city. It seemed that every one in Hornell was there to welcome me, and the race-track was so crowded that I almost struck some people in landing.

"It was in leaving Hornell that I came as near to being wrecked as I ever want to be. Blocking the path to the east was a hill six hundred feet high on top of which there were tall trees.. I went up as steeply as I could, but it looked as if I was headed straight to a collision with the trees. Just before I got to them the machine responded bravely and I got over those trees . . . with branches striking the bottom of the aeroplane.

"There wasn't anything to scare me in the flight. I have been flying for a long time, and it didn't mean anything to be flying five thousand and six thousand feet up.

"It was the only distance flight I ever


tried, and I did better than the man who tried it. But I don't mean that the fact that I am a woman makes any difference to speak of. "I suppose I ought to say that I am in favor of woman suffrage-but what has that got to do with it?

"Now I am going to eat dinner."



Like the record-breaking flight of Miss Law, the trip of a dozen aeroplanes from Mineola, Long Island, and Governor's Island, New York, to Princeton, New Jersey, and return, indicated that the day of the common use of the aeroplane for public and private business and pleasure may be near at hand. It also did much to stimulate public interest in military aviation.

The aeroplane squadron, which was called "The Football Special," flew to Princeton to see the football game between Princeton and Yale. The aviators were army men and civilians, and they were commanded by an army man. Ten of the machines flew from Mineola to Princeton, and two sped through the air to the football game from Governor's Island. On the return trip two machines dropped out, but the other ten all successfully completed the voyage of about fifty miles to the Long Island aviation center.

Such flights as this and as the ChicagoNew York trips of Ruth Law and Victor Carlstrom do much more for the practical development of aviation than the dangerous and spectacular "stunts" of circus aviators.


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The President in his Thanksgiving Proclamation suggests that the people of the United States think not only of the blessings and mercies that have been their lot, but also of the pitiful distress of the peoples upon whom war has brought disaster without choice or possibility of escape on their part.' In the light of what is happening abroad, we Americans have no reason for self-congratulation. If we have been kept from the devastation of war, it is not because we are better or more deserving of good than other peoples.

It is therefore most fitting that the President should have added to his summons of the people to thanksgiving these words:

And I also urge and suggest our duty, in this our day of peace and abundance, to think in deep sympathy of the peoples of the world

upon whom the curse and terror of war have so pitilessly fallen, and to contribute out of our abundant means to the relief of their sufferings. Our people could in no better way show their real attitude toward the present struggle of the nations than by contributing out of their abundance to the relief of the sufferings which war has brought in its train.

What the President here urges we hope Americans will do. The means for conveying relief to the suffering people of Europe are ample. We here give the names and addresses of a few of the more important agencies for the transmission of such relief:

The War Relief Clearing-House for France and Her Allies. Thomas W. Lamont, Treasurer, 40 Wall Street, New York City.

Committee of Mercy. August Belmont, Treas urer, 200 Fifth Avenue, New York City.

The Polish Victims War Relief Fund, 33 West Forty-second Street, New York City. Permanent Blind Relief War Fund.


A. Vanderlip, Honorary Treasurer, 590 Fifth Avenue, New York City.

The American Relief Committee in Berlin for Widows and Orphans of the War. John D. Crimmins, Treasurer, 13 Park Row, New York City.

The British-American War Relief Fund. Henry J. Whitehouse, Treasurer, 681 Fifth Avenue, New York City.

American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief. Charles R. Crane, Treasurer, 70 Fifth Avenue, New York City.

Commission for Relief in Belgium, Equitable Building, 120 Broadway, New York City.

The Dollar Christmas Fund for Destitute Belgian Children. Henry Clews, Treasurer, 15 Broad Street, New York City.

American Committee for Training the Maimed Soldiers of France. Mrs. Edmund Lincoln Baylies, Room B, Plaza Hotel, New York City.

French Wounded Emergency Fund, 34 Lowndes Square, London,or care Mme. CharcotHendry, 11 rue de la Tour des Dames, Paris.

American Committee of the American Ambulance Hospital in Paris, 14 Wall Street, New York City.

Vacation War Relief. Miss Anne Morgan, 7 East 39th Street, New York City.

American Girls' Aid. Miss Gladys Hollingsworth, 293 Fifth Avenue, New York City.

Central Committee for the Relief of Jews. Harry Fischel, Treasurer, 63 Park Row, New York City.

The Serbian Relief Committee of America. Murray H. Coggeshall, Treasurer, 70 Fifth Avenue, New York City.

Let Thanksgiving Day be a day for giving something besides thanks.

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