On the Shore of Nothingness: Space, Rhythm, and Semantic Structure in Religious Poetry and Its Mystic-secular Counterpart : a Study in Cognitive PoeticsImprint Academic, 2003 - 380 strán (strany) This book studies how poetic structure transforms verbal imitations of religious experience into concepts. The book investigates how such a conceptual language can convey such non-conceptual experiences as meditation, ecstasy or mystic insights. Briefly, it explores how the poet, by using words, can express the 'ineffable'. It submits to close reading English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Armenian and Hebrew texts, from the Bible, through medieval, renaissance, metaphysical, and baroque poetry, to romantic and symbolistic poetry. |
Vyhľadávanie v obsahu knihy
Výsledky 1 - 5 z 46.
Strana 11
Prepáčte, obsah tejto strany je neprístupný.
Prepáčte, obsah tejto strany je neprístupný.
Strana 26
Prepáčte, obsah tejto strany je neprístupný.
Prepáčte, obsah tejto strany je neprístupný.
Strana 27
Prepáčte, obsah tejto strany je neprístupný.
Prepáčte, obsah tejto strany je neprístupný.
Strana 36
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Prepáčte, obsah tejto strany je neprístupný.
Strana 39
Prepáčte, obsah tejto strany je neprístupný.
Prepáčte, obsah tejto strany je neprístupný.
Preface | 7 |
2 | 24 |
Poem Prayer and Meditation | 39 |
3 | 45 |
5 | 119 |
6 | 128 |
The Sublime and the Absolute Limit | 141 |
7 | 147 |
8 | 176 |
10 | 182 |
199 | 263 |
11 | 284 |
A Cognitive Analysis | 317 |
The Asymmetry of Sacred Sexual and Filial Love | 349 |
359 | |
369 | |
Iné vydania - Zobraziť všetky
On the Shore of Nothingness: Space, Rhythm, and Semantic Structure in ... Reuven Tsur Obmedzený náhľad - 2015 |
Časté výrazy a frázy
abstract Andreas Gryphius aspects Auschwitz Baroque boundaries chapter cognitive Cognitive Poetics composition of place conception concrete context contrast convergent devices diffuse discussed Donne Donne's ecstatic effect Ehrenzweig elements emotional evoke excerpt fire focus function gestalt-free heaven Hebrew Herbert's human Ibn Gabirol's imagery instance intense kind language light Martz meaning meditation mental metaphor Metaphysical poetry metonymy metric Milton mystic experience mystic poetry nature Neo-Platonic nothingness noun numinous objects orientation Paradise Lost paradox passage pattern perceived perception phonetic phrase physical Platonic poem poet poetic potentials predicate present prosodic psychological quatrain quoted reader reality reference reinforced religious rhyme rhythm romantic romantic poetry Rudolf Otto semantic semiotic sense sestet sonnet spatial speech sounds stanza structure sublime suggests syllables syntactic tercet terza rima thing-free tion transcendence trochaic Tsur Tyger typically ultimate limit undifferentiated verb verbal verse visual shapes witty words world picture
Odkazy na túto knihu
La esfinge de la escritura: la poesía ética de Blanca Varela Silvia Bermúdez Zobrazenie úryvkov - 2005 |