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fuse to take it, then the shepherds shall save their souls alive, and every man's sin shall be upon his own head. So now if the poor mock the warning, let them not complain of suffering nor of famine; for suffering and famine shall come upon them; and let them not complain; but, say, as Joseph's brethren did," We are verily guilty concerning our brother, in that we saw the anguish of his soul and would not hear." For the anguish of thy soul they must see and know, what thou hast suffered for an ungrateful nation; and let them know, that rebellion and ingratitude are as the sin of witchcraft: and if ingratitude and rebellion are now found in man, the punishment of that sin shall fall upon them. So if persecution is now found in the poor, their suffering shall be trebled to what it was in 1799 or the 1800. And if rebellion and unbelief be now found in the rich, they shall fall by the sword, or some fatal disease; and if in the shepherds, their end shall be without honour. For the year of my Judgments is come; and they shall not cease till Judgments. are executed into victory. Then shall my fierce anger be over, when every heart is longing for my Kingdom and I now tell thee, it shall not cease before.

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Now I shall come to Jacob's Sons: I have told thee, he told them what should befall them in the last days; and know, in my Bible, I called my people all the Sons of Jacob; because it was said, in Isaac all the families of the Earth should be blessed; and that Blessing was to rest upon Jacob. Then know, in Jacob all the families of the Earth must stand; for Esau was a type of the end of Satan's reign after having his power for a time, as Esau had; but the end of the Promise was to rest upon Jacob. I have shewn thee part of the meaning or Jacob's dying words; and now I shall answer thee further know that Joseph was persecuted by his brethren, and sold into Egypt; and there he was


XLIX exalted, and made a governor in that place; and


Jacob blessed him above all his sons.

Now those that are persecuted for my sake, are the people whom my Bleffings shall rest upon; and they shall be exalted, and rise to honour, as Joseph was. So ye must now suffer a Joseph's Persecution, before ye receive a Joseph's Blessing. For know, I have said, I stand in Joseph's stead, as Joseph stood in mine; then ye must be children of persecution, XLIX 22 that will now be exalted and blessed, as Jacob blesJoseph to sed Joseph. But remember Jacob's words-" The 1.May 23 archers have sorely grieved him, and shot at him, and hated him; but his bow abode in full strength, and 24 the arm of his hand was made strong by the hand of Coseph. the mighty God of Jacob: from thence is the Shepherd, the Stone of Israel. Now let the wise men understand, this was to befall the sons of Jacob in the last days; and the sons of Jacob are the sons of believers, that believe in the mighty God of Jacob. Now go back to Joseph: it was his dream of promotion that provoked his brethren to anger against him; and so it was with the Jews, when I came in the Flesh. But now I am come in the Spirit, to bring all the blessings upon Joseph's children: for L the type of Joseph stood in ME; and he told his 19 brethren, he stood in God's stead. Then now come to the blessings Jacob past on Joseph and his proge nitors unto the utmost bounds of the everlasting XLIX hills, they should be on the head of Joseph, and on 26 the crown of the head of him that was separated from his brethren. Here is the end for all men; for I, like Joseph, was separated from my brethren; but now is come the end, to receive the crown 24 of the mighty God of Jacob: and now my bow shall abide in full strength, though the archers have shot 23 at me, and they are daily doing it, by rejecting my Spirit; but now I will be the Shepherd, and the Stone of Israel, and lead my people Israel; for my people Israel are the children of Abraham by Faith; for the Promise was made through Faith: and now


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through Faith it shall be obtained. The blessings of Joseph must now rest on those who are persecuted for my sake, believing in my visitation, as Joseph was persecuted for believing the visitation of the Lord to him in a dream. And now is coming a Joseph's persecution to my Spirit; and now shall come the blessings upon all them that bear it for my sake. Now mark the other Sons: how he told them of the end, then the gathering in of the people was to be; he would be binding his fole unto the vine, and // Juna his ass's colt unto the choice vine; he had his garments washed in wine, and his clothing in the blood of grapes; his eyes should be red with wine, 72 and his teeth white with milk. Now tell me, ye learned, how you understand Jacob's dying words? Or in what manner do you judge they were fulfilled? Or in what manner do you judge they are to be fulfilled in the last days? But thou sayest in thy heart-no man can tell, or explain them. Then now I will explain them to thee: As the type of the Eggs, in 1797, was a shadow of what was to be put in the hands of the ministers at Exeter, afterwards in 1799; for in their hands I put the mark, that I had set before, by the Eggs; as the type of Woolland was the type of the shepherds; so the Words of Jacob were a type of the last days and of

For now is coming the gathering in of the 10 people to the vine, and to the choice vine.-Now come to my Gospel: my riding to Jerusalem on an ass, when they cut down the boughs and the branches, to bind my fole unto the vine; but it is the ass's colt must bind them to the choice vine; whose garments are washed in the wine of my blood, that is drank in remembrance of ME; and the clothing in the blood of grapes, from whence cometh wine; and the teeth white with milk, that /2 udah is, the milk of my word, which is now come to mankind; that ye may all desire the sincere milk of my word, and that ye may grow thereby.

And what the Woman hath begun,
I tell you must be end'd by Man;
With the same prayer that she did make,
For her petition I'll not break,
But to it I will ever stand,

And be the KING in every land;
That is, MY KINGDOM shall appear;
And now her foes may stand in fear,
As to the root the axe she 'th laid.
Therefore her friends can't be afraid;
For I will conquer like her word,
And bring MY KINGDOM as she 'th pray'd;
And cast the root that caus'd her fall.
For now I tell you, one and all,

There's nothing new that hath been done:
It was at first the Woman's plan
To cast the blame where first it laid;
And then I said I'd bruise his head.
Now can you prove this thing is new?
No! you must own my words are true;
And a good work the Woman wrought-
And are these words by you forgot?
Then now, I bid you call to mind
What's left on record for mankind;
And then the Woman you must see
Satan condemn'd, and honour'd me;
Then 'tis MY foes must her condemn:
For who can answer as a man,
That doth profess to be my friend?
Then as a friend let him contend,
And then I'll answer thee again."

Now I shall assign my reasons to the world why I am ordered to put in print the Names of the Ministers of Exeter, into whose hands the Letters were put, of the Events of these Years-When I was at Stockton-upon Tees in December last, 1803, I was repeating in a large company the truths that I have here mentioned, three Methodist Preachers were present, who had the confidence to tell me I had told nothing but lies-I mentioned to them my friends in Exeter, who had copied the letters; and the gentlemen who wrote to the clergy, to enquire into the truth, to whom they might appeal. But they answered, myself and friends were all Liars ; for they would not believe them, as they might have ends to deceive the world. Now to prove the truth to the world, the Lord hath commanded me to put in print the Names of the Ministers and the places of their abode, that

every man might know I have not written any cunningly devised fables to deceive any one. And it is said to me, the LORD will be clear of the blood of this Nation, and will set the Truth before them, before the fatal Judgments shall fall upon them. Therefore I am now ordered to make the truths clear to the world; and that my end will be fatal, and the end of my friends will be fatal, if we are now afraid of offending Men, or putting their Names or places of abode in print. It was for these ends I was ordered to write unto them, and put the events of years into their hands. I shall give the following words perfect as they were spoken to me: "What use would my Wisdom be to command thee to put Letters in their hands, and to conceal them from the world? then my Wisdom must perish like the Wisdom of Men; and putting the Letters in their hands would be as wrong as thou then didst judge it. But my Wisdom was behind to have them made public to the world at large, that all men might know thou hast told them no cunningly devised fables-but made known the Coming of the LORD JESUS CHRIst.” And now I shall give the Names of the Ministers, that they may appeal to my Enemies to be my judges: The Rev. Chancellor Nutcombe, West Morchard, Devonshire The Rev. Archdeacon Moore, at Heavy-tree, near Exeter-The Rev. Mr. Pomeroy, then in Exeter, but, now in Cornwall-The Rev. Mr. Tucker of Heavy-tree, near Exeter, to whom I sent the letter in March 1800, that the harvest of that year would be worse than 1799, and which brought a much greater dearth than 1799-not only upon the wheat but every article that was made use of for food, so that it was universally observed in Devonshire, that a guinea would go farther in Housekeeping in 1799 than one guinea and half would in 1800; for all vegetables were treble the price of the year before, butter double, and cheese and animal food in proportion.-And now I am clear, from every Truth that my calling is from

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