Ecce ferunt Nymphæ calathis: tibi candida Naïs 50 Ipse ego cana legam tenerâ lanugine mala, 55. Quoniam vos po- Sic positæ quoniam suaves miscetis odores. site sic miscetis 55 58. Quid ego volui mihi misero? Perditus Rusticus es, Corydon; nec munera curat Alexis : et apros. Immisi austrum floribus, Eheu, quid volui misero mihi? floribus Austrum Perditus, et liquidis immisi fontibus apros. NOTES. at first white spots, which afterwardschange, he killed himself. His blood was changed and lose their beauty. If it be so, this circumstance will explain the words, sparsis etiam nunc pellibus albo: which also denotes that they were young. 46. Ecce ferunt: behold the nymphs bring for you lilies in full baskets, &c. The following lines are extremely beautiful. Mr. Warton observes, they contain the sweetest garland ever offered by a lover. The agitation and doubts of a lover's mind are finely set forth: nec munera curat Alexis, &c. At length he seems to come to himself, and to reflect upon the state of his affairs: ritis semiputata est, &c. Nympha. They were a kind of female Divinities supposed to exist for a very great length of time; but not to be altogether immortal. They were divided into two general classes-Nymphs of the land, and Nymphs of the water. Each of these classes was divided into several others. The former into Dryades-Hamadryades-Oreades-Napaa-Limoniades, &c. The latter into Oceanides-NereidesNaïades or Naides-Potamides-Limniades, &c. All of which are of Greek derivation. The nymphs were further distinguished by an epithet taken from the place of their residence. Thus the Nymphs of Sicily are called Sicelides-those of Corycus, Coryciades or Corycides, &c. Echo is said to have been formerly a nymph; but falling in love with a beautiful youth called Narcissus, who refused her addresses, at which she was so much grieved that she pined away, till every part of her was consumed but her voice, that continued to haunt the woods and fountains, which she once frequented. Narcissus, stopping to repose himself by the side of a fountain, where he chanced to see his image reflected in the water, became enamoured with it: taking it for a nymph, he endeavored to approach it; but all his attempts being unavailing, he was so much disappointed that into a flower, which bears his name. 47. Summa papavera carpens: gather ing the heads of poppies. Papaver and Anethus were two beautiful youths; who, according to Servius, were changed, the former into the flower, which we call the poppy; the latter into the herb, which we call anise or dill. Benè olentis: sweet smelling. 50. Pingit mollia, &c. She adorns or sets off the soft hyacinths with saffron-colored marygold. Vaccinium, here is plainly the Hyacinthus of Theocritus, whom Virgil here copies; so say Turnebus, Salmasius, and Ruœus. 51. Mala. Malum signifies several kinds of fruit, such as apples, peaches, quinces, &c. The last is here meant, as appears from the cana tenera lanugine: white with soft down, or fur. Mr. Dryden renders mala, peaches. 53. Cerea: of waxen-color. 54. Myrte. The Romans used crowns or garlands of laurel in their most splendid triumphs: and those of myrtle, in the ovatio. which was on horseback, and considered the lesser triumph, or triumph of less honor and dignity than that in which the conqueror rode in a chariot. The myrtle tree was sacred to Venus, and the laurel to Apollo. Proxima: next in honor to the laurel. 56. Rusticus: in the sense of stultus. 57. Iolas. The owner or master of Alexis. 58. Eheu, quid volui, &c. Lit. what have I done to myself, a miserable man? Alas! ruined, I have let in the south winds, &c. These expressions are proverbial, and applicable to those who wish for things that prove ruinous to them. Dr. Trapp explains the passage thus: By my folly in indulging this extravagant passion, I have ruined my peace and quiet, and permitted my affairs to go to decay, which were before well managed, flourishing, and prosperous. Volui. Ruæus interprets it by feci. 61 Quem fugis, ah, demens! habitârunt dî quoque sylvas, Me tamen urit amor: quis enim modus adsit amori? Ah, Corydon, Corydon, quæ te dementia cepit! Quin tu aliquid saltem potius, quorum indiget usus, 70 71. Quin potius tu paras detexere saltem aliquid eorum, quorum usus indiget viminibus. 66. Referunt. After the labor of the day, they drew home the plough inverted, so that the share would glide easily over the ground, and hang, as it were, lightly upon the yoke. 71. Quin tu, &c. Why do you not rather prepare to make (weave) at least some of and pliant rushes? The verb indigeo gothose things which need requires, of osiers verns the genitive. Usus: need, or necessity. QUESTIONS. What is the subject of this pastoral? of Corydon? Who under that of Alexis? Who was Amphion? What is said of him? Who was Pan? What is said of him? What were his festivals called by the Greeks? What by the Romans? By whom were they introduced into Italy? When were they celebrated? Who were the Nymphs? Into how many classes may they be divided? Was each of these classes subdivided into other classes? Can you mention some of those subdivisions? Who was Echo said to have been? From what language are the names of the Nymphs derived? ECLOGA TERTIA. MENALCAS, DAMETAS, PALÆMON THE subject of this pastoral is a trial of skill in music between the shepherds Menalcas and Damætas; who after rallying each other a while, resolve to try a song in the presence of their neighbor Palæmon, whom they constitute judge of their performances. Having heard each of them attentively, he declared he was unable to decide so weighty a controversy; but pronounced each one to be deserving of the pledge. This beautiful pastoral is in imitation of the fifth and eighth of the Idylls of Theocritus. It is conjectured that under the character of Damætas, we are to understand Virgil; and under that of Menalcas, some rival poet at Rome. 1. Cujum pecus est istud? an est pecus Melibæi? non: verùm est perus Ægonis. MEN. DIC mihi, Damæta, cujum pecus? an Melibœi? DA. Parciùs ista viris tamen objicienda memento 5 8. Novimus et qui Novimus et qui te, transversà tuentibus hircis, corruperint te et in quo Et quo, sed faciles Nymphæ risêre, sacello. sacello, hircis tuentibus ME. Tum, credo, cùm me arbustum vidêre Myconis, 10 transversà, sed 10. Tum, credo, illæ Atque malâ vites incidere falce novellas. riserunt, cum vidêre me incidere arbustum lia. DA. Aut hic ad veteres fagos, cùm Daphnidis arcum Fregisti et calamos: quæ tu, perverse Menalca, Et cùm vidistı puero donata, dolebas; 16. Audent facere ta. Et, si non aliquà nocuisses, mortuus esses. ME. Quid domini facient, audent cùm talia fures? NOTES. 1. Cujum: an adj. agreeing with pecus: in the sense of cujus. 2. Ægon. The name of a shepherd, the rival of Menalcas in the love of Neæra. It is derived from a Greek word signifying a goat. 3. O oves, infelix pecus. The sheep are called unhappy, because their master Ægon, while in love with Neæra, had given up all care of them; and because they had fallen into the hands of a hireling, who treated them so inhumanly. 5. Alienus. An alien, or hireling shepherd-custos. 6. Succus: may mean the same with lac mentioned just after. By milking the dams, the natural food (lac) of the young would be taken from them, and they suffered to starve. Or succus may mean nourishment in general. It being taken away or diminished to the dams, the milk would be di 14 minished or taken away proportionably from their young. This was a heavy charge brought against Damætas. He highly resented it. 8. Transversà: crosswise-asquint. An adv. from the adj. of the neu. plu. in imitation of the Greeks. 9. Sacello: any place consecrated to the worship of God-a cave or grotto; as in the present case. 10. Arbustum: properly, a place planted with trees for vines to grow up by. By meton. the trees themselves. See Ecl. I. 40. Novellas: new, or young. 13. Quæ tu, &c. Which (bow and arrows) when you saw given to the boy, you both grieved, and would have died, if you had not, in some way, injured him. 16. Fures: slaves. They were sometimes so called, because notorious for stealing. Non ego te vidi Damonis, pessime, caprum 20 Da. An mihi cantando victus non redderet ille, Quem mea carminibus meruisset fistula, caprum? Si nescis, meus ille caper fuit; et mihi Damon Ipse fatebatur, sed reddere posse negabat. Juncta fuit? non tu in triviis, indocte, solebas cantando? ME. Cantando tu illum? aut unquam tibi fistula cerâ 25 25. Tu vicisti illum Stridenti miserum stipulâ disperdere carmen ? Da. Vis ergò inter nos, quid possit uterque, vicissim Experiamur? ego hanc vitulam (ne fortè recuses, 30 ME. De grege non ausim quicquam deponere tecum; NOTES. 18. Lycisca. A mongrel dog-an animal half dog and half wolf. 20. Post carecta: behind the sedges. See Ecl. I. 68. 21. An non victus cantando: vanquished in singing, should he not return to me the goat which, &c. 26. Triviis. Trivium, a place in which three ways met. So Bivium and Quadrivium, places in which two and four ways met. Disperdere miserum carmen: to murder a sorry, or wretched tune, on a squeaking strawpipe. 30. Ubere: the udder. By meton. for the milk contained in it. Fatus: calves. 31. Quo pignore: with what pledge or bet. Tell me what pledge you will put against my heifer. 34. Ambo numerant: they both count the flock twice in a day; and one counts the kids. Pecus is properly a flock or herd of neatcattle, as here. Alter, properly is one of two -unus, one of many. 36. Insanire: to be beside yourself to play the fool; by contending with me, who am so much more skilful than you. Pocula fagina: beechen bowls-made of the beech wood. 37. Alcimedontis. The name of a very skilful and ingenious carver. Mr. Martin thinks he was some intimate friend of Virgil, who wished to transmit his name to posterity. History is silent respecting him. 35 35. Verum, quoniam libet tibi insanire, ponam id quod tute ipse fatebere esse multò majus pignus, nempe, duo fagina pocula, cœlatum opus 40 38. Lenta vitis quibus: around which a limber vine, superadded by the easy carving instrument, covers over (mantles) the diffused (loosely hanging) clusters with pale ivy.These lines are somewhat intricate, and have divided the opinions of commentators. Ruæus takes quibus in the abl. and interprets facili torno by ope facilis torni. Dr. Trapp and some others take facili torno in the dat. and understand by it the wood after it is smoothed and polished in the turner's lathe, by meton. Davidson, on the other hand, takes quibus for the dat. and facili torno for the abl. but then he takes these last for the ingenious carver, or easy skilful workman, which he might do by meton. The sense I have given is the most natural and easy. The meaning of the poet is this: That each of these bowls was engraved or carved with vine and ivy boughs, so curiously interwoven, that the ivy-berries were shaded or mantled with the limber or pliant vine. 40. Conon. The name of a famous mathematician and astronomer of Samos, a cotemporary and friend of Archimedes. Signa: figures. Et quis fuit alter? This is a very pleasant turn. There is something agreeable in this picture of pastoral simplicity. He had mentioned the name of one, but had forgotten the name of the other. He turns to himself and asks: quis fuit alter? but the name not recurring to him, he goes on to describe him by his works: It was he, Descripsit radio totum qui gentibus orbem? DA. Et nobis idem Alcimedon duo pocula fecit, 45 ME. Nunquam hodie effugies: veniam quocunque voAudiat hæc tantùm vel qui venit: ecce, Palæmon: [câris Efficiam posthac ne quemquam voce lacessas. 51 DA. Quin age, si quid habes; in me mora non erit ulla: Nec quemquain fugio: tantùm, vicine Palæmon, NOTES. who, &c. It is supposed that Aratus or Archimedes is meant. The former wrote in Greek a treatise concerning the situation and motions of the heavenly bodies: which was translated into Latin. The latter was a famous mathematician and astronomer of Syracuse, in Sicily. By the help of his burning-glasses and engines, he nobly defended that city when besieged by the Romans under Marcellus. After a siege of three years, however, it was taken by stratagem. Archimedes was slain by a soldier, while in the act of demonstrating a proposition. 45. Amplexus est ansas: he encircled the handles around with soft acanthus. The parts of the verb are here separated for the sake of the verse, by Tmesis. Acanthoa plant called Bear's-foot. 46. Orphea: acc. of Greek ending.Orpheus was a most ancient and excellent poet, the son of Eagrus, king of Thrace. But according to fable, he was the son of Apollo and Caliope, one of the Muses. He received a lyre from Apollo, some say from Mercury, upon which he performed in such a masterly manner, that the rivers ceased to flow-the savage beasts forgot their ferocity -and the lofty oaks bowed their heads and listened to his song. He was beloved by all the nymphs. Eurydice alone could make an impression on his mind. He married her; but their happiness was short. For Aristsæus fell in love with her; and fleeing from hiın, a serpent lying in the way wounded her in the foot, of which she died. Orpheus was so much afflicted at the loss, that he resolved to recover her, or perish in the attempt. For this purpose, he descended to Hell, and gained admittance to Pluto, who was so charmed with his music, that he consented to restore to him his wife, upon the condition that he would forbear to look behind him till he passed the bounds of his empire. The condition was accepted; but as they were very near the region of ight, the unhappy lover turned his eyes to behold his long-lost Eurydice. He saw her, but she iminediately vanished away. He attempted to follow her, but was refused. The only consolation he could find, was in the sound of his lyre in groves and mountains apart from society. The Thracian women, whom by his neglect and coldness he had offended, set upon him, while they were celebrating the orgies of Bacchus, and having torn his body in pieces, they threw his head into the river Hebrus, which continued to articulate Eurydice! Eurydice! as it was carried down the stream into the Ægean sea. After his death, some say, he received divine honors. His lyre was transferred to the heavens, and made a constellation. Sequentes: obedient to his lyre. 47. Condita: laid up safe: a part. from condo, agreeing with pocula. 49. Nunquam effugies hodie: you shall by no means avoid the trial this day. Dametas had proposed to stake a heifer which Menalcas said he could not do through fear of his father and step-mother; but proposed to pledge his bowls. Damætas insisted upon the heifer, and so seemed to avoid the contest, because the conditions could not be accepted by Menalcas. At length, however, confident of victory, and laying aside his fear, he says: Veniam quocunque vocâris I will come to any conditions you shall propose. Accordingly the bowls are laid aside, and a heifer is the prize. 50. Tantum vel qui venit, &c. Only (I have nothing more to say) even let him who comes yonder, hear these things. Menalcas was so sure of victory, that he was willing to submit to the decision of any third person; and accordingly seeing some person at a distance, says: even let him, who is coming there, be the judge of our controversy, whoever he may be. Upon his near approach, discovering who he was, he says: behold, it is Palemon our neighbor. Voce: in the sense of cantu. 51. Efficiam: I will cause. 53. Fugio: in the sense of recuso. |