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1. NAME the Families which comprise the languages of the civilized world, and the Stocks of that Family which includes modern English. By what other names is the Family known (1, 2, 3.)

2. Give the subdivisions of the Keltic, Classical, and Teutonic Stocks. (5, 6, 7.)

3. Who were the Saxons, Friesians, Angles, and Norsemen ? (8, 10.) 4. Classify the Keltic and Scandinavian words found in English. (12, 13, 14.)

5. State the periods when Classical words were introduced. What class of words characterized each period? (16, 17, 20-22.)

6. Who were the Normans? To what extent and how long was Norman-French spoken and officially recognised in England? (18, 19.) 7. From what foreign sources has the English language been enriched? (22.)

8. If a long and a short form of a Latin word exist in English, which is usually the older, and why? (24.)

9. Mention any English words which have changed their meaning during the last three centuries. (25.)

10. What classes of words in English are of Saxon origin? (26.) 11. What proportion do the Saxon words bear to the Norman? Is this proportion observed in the writings of our standard authors? (27.) 12. Where is English now spoken? (28.)

13. How may the changes from Anglian to modern English be roughly marked? (29.)

14. What were Letters originally? What are they now? (30.) 15. Name the Organs of Speech.

classed? (31.)

How are Letters organically

16. What are Vowels? What is the natural sequence of those in the English Alphabet? (33, 34.)

17. Write down the ordinary vowel sounds in English. By how many expedients are they represented in the written language? 18. What are y and w? (36.)

19. Name the true Diphthongs. Of what vowel sounds are they compounded? What are false Diphthongs? Give examples of false Diphthongs and their simple equivalents. (37, 38.)

20. How are Consonants divided? Define each class. (40, 41, 43, 48.)

21. Write down the Liquids in their natural order. (42.)

22. Arrange the Mutes and Sibilants in a tabular form. (47, 48.) 23. What is H? Which letters in the Alphabet are superfluous? (49, 50.)

24. What is meant by the Law of Accommodation? What inflections in English Grammar are regulated by this law? (52.)

25. Show by examples that the addition of a suffix frequently modifies the root-vowel. (53.)

26. Define Orthography and Orthoëpy. (54.)

27. What is essential for a perfect system of Orthography? Why is the orthography of the English language imperfect? (55, 56.)

28. Mention any orthographical expedients for remedying the defects of the English Alphabet. (57.)

29. Point out some of the more striking defects of English orthography. (60.)

30. Define a Syllable and a Word. What were syllables originally? (61-63.)

31. Distinguish between Accent and Emphasis. (65.)

32. What are the general rules for Accent in English words? (66 -70.)

33. What class of words vary their nature and meaning according to the position of the accent? Give examples. (71.)

34. Give examples of words in which the position of the accent has been changed. (73.)

35. What is meant by Parts of Speech? Name them. (74.)

36. What is understood by Accidence, Etymology, and Inflection? (75, 76.)

37. Define a Noun. What are simple and compound nouns? (77, 78.)

38. What are Proper nouns, Common nouns, Collective nouns, and nouns of Multitude? (79-82.)

39. Distinguish between Abstract and Concrete nouns. (83.)

40. What is Gender? How does it differ from Sex? How many genders are recognised in English? (85.)

41. How is gender usually determined in Latin, French, and AngloSaxon? How in modern English? Can you account for the difference? (86.)

42. How may the Masculine be distinguished from the Feminine in English? (87.)

43. Mention any foreign nouns that retain the generic suffixes of the languages whence they were taken. (88.)

44. What was the usual Masculine suffix in A. S.? Is it still found in modern English? (89.)

45. What is there peculiar in the words drake, gander, vixen, widower, lady, niece, nephew? (90, 94, 95.)

46. What was the usual Feminine suffix in A. S.? Is it still found? What is the usual suffix in modern English? Whence was it derived? (92, 93.)

47. What is Personification? Why are some abstract qualities personified as females, others as males? (98, 99.)

48. What is the Dual number? (101.)

49. What is the origin of the common plural suffix s? Can you account for its selection as a suffix of plurality? (102, 103.)

50. State the ordinary rules for forming the plural of English nouns. (104.)

51. Write the plurals of lady, hero, valley, alkali, wolf, dwarf, and staff. (105-108.)

52. Mention any obsolete plural forms found occasionally in modern English. (109-113.)

53. Swine, kine, brethren, chicken, welkin, women: some of these are singular, others plural; separate them. (110.)

54. Mention any nouns that have two plural forms with different meanings. (114.)

55. News, pains, alms, means, amends, tidings, riches, politics: are these singular or plural in origin? (115-117.)

56. Mention any nouns (1) that have no singular; (2) that have two meanings in the singular and one in the plural; (3) that have two meanings in the plural, and one in the singular. (118-122.)

57. Write the plurals of Ottoman, Dutchman, Norman, Frenchman, Brahman, Turcoman, and German. (126.)

58. Mention any nouns of foreign origin that retain their original plural suffixes. What change are they now undergoing? (127.)

59. How do you form the plurals of son-in-law, step-son, court-martial, lord-mayor? (128.)

60. What is Case? What relation did it originally indicate? Explain the derivation of the words Case and Declension. (129-131.)

61. What are meant by Inflectional and Syntactical cases? (132.) 62. Name the Cases, and state the primary idea expressed by each. (133-137.)

63. Distinguish between Subject and Nominative, Object and Accusative. (134, 135, 444, 459.)

64. Is there any instance of a Nominative suffix in English? What were the old Accusative and Genitive suffixes? (138, 139.)

65. State the rules for forming the Genitive Singular in modern English. (140.)

66. How do you express the Genitive Plural? (141.)

67. How do you express the Genitive of Nouns in apposition? (142.)

68. What later corrupt form of the Genitive can be traced to the old suffix is? (143.)

69. The Genitive with of was unknown to the Anglo-Saxons : whence did we obtain it? (143.)

70. Mention any obsolete suffixes of the Genitive, Dative, and Ablative. (144—151.)

71. What is meant by a Root? Explain Derivation and CompositionIn a compound which term limits and defines the other? (152155.)

72. Give examples of Teutonic and Classical suffixes and prefixes forming nouns. (157-164.)

73. Give examples of noun suffixes, simple and compound, forming Diminutives. (157.)

74. Give examples of Teutonic and Classical derivatives formed by internal changes. (156, 160.)

75. Mention any derived nouns which retain the form of the primitive word unchanged, and any that have lost part of the primitive word. (165-168.)

76. What parts of speech may be combined to form a compound noun? (169.) What is a Hybrid? Why so called? (173.)

77. What is there peculiar in break-fast, lands-man, ver-dict, chit-chat, demi-god? (169–173.)

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