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#ffected simplicity his biographer* and disciple has made on this signal instance of absurdity and baseness exhibited by the Inquisition. This great philosopher, whose skill was on this occasion rivalled by the excellence of his sense, professed to renounce a system which he had proved was founded on the soundest principles, did not choose to suffer martyrdom in defence of a speculation of which he knew the surrender would afford no permanent triumph to his opponents, and consented to thank Providence for the benefit it had bestowed on him in removing his delusions.

It is impossible to consider the unrivalled eminence which the arts attained during the prosperity of some of the Italian republics, without being convinced of the prodigious effects sometimes produced on the energies of the human mind, by an exemption, not merely from the restraint of absolute authority, but even from the languor and tameness often produced by very regular governments, though calculated for the tranquillity and comfort of a people. The internal condition of these states was a perpetual struggle of faction amongst the citizens, a contest for power and popularity amongst the rich, a defective administration of the laws, and a doubtful state of private morals. We suspect the same observations may be applied to some of the ancient Greek republics, yet amidst such scenes were reared the most finished monuments of art. We by no means recommend that excellence should be purchased at this expense; it is to be hoped, however, that the mode of combining a high degree of freedom with public integrity, is yet within the reach of political chymistry, and the example of one rising republic on the globe seems favourable to the expectation.

The wars of modern days have less the character of ferocity and devastation than those of former periods. How little have the arts and sciences suffered from the sanguinary conflicts and uninterrupted campaigns of twenty years! The sovereigns of Europe, with a policy worthy of enlightened statesmen, confirmed by their anxiety for the preservation of the distinguished monuments of art, the dignity and importance that has been

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at all times annexed to them by the wisest of mankind. The tone of moderation that prevails in Europe, the recent expe rience of past calamities, we hope may avert for a long period the ravages of hostility; an increasing humanity and more exalted ideas of moral duty will at least mitigate their evils, and precludes the belief that the barbarity of Roman or Gothic conquest should again infest the world.

Besides these general circumstances, which are indispensable to the prosperity of our knowledge, it has always been the object of governments, which have thought the happiness and interest of their subjects merited their attention, to promote the advancement of literature, science, and art by public institutions, in which the various discoveries could be collected and concentrated, by diffusing them again in lectures or publications, by rewards of honour or profit, and by all the induce. ments which urge men on to excellence and distinction. We firmly believe these are wise expedients, and if seconded by the assistance and example of individuals, conspicuous from their talents and their eminence, must contribute essentially to the improvement of the sciences, and the application of discoveries to the use of mankind.

It is, however, an observation of Bacon, that "the patrimony of learning is sometimes improved, but seldom augmented:" as this remark is intended to include the sciences, it appears to apply in some of them more to the manner than to the amount of their increase. The great discoveries, the extension of the estate of such sciences, has been effected chiefly at considerable intervals of time, and has been achieved by a few men, and amongst them, by some who broke through all the obstacles presented by ignorance, oppression, and calamity to their progress, and unassisted by advice or example, either dug by their own efforts the treasures of knowledge from the ruins under which they were concealed, or with a sagacity only granted to them amongst the children of men, traced, explained, and demonstrated, the eternal laws which guide the mechanism of the universe, or are impressed on the materials of which it is composed. To the appearance of such individuals, neither institutions, rewards, or the labours of former learning, much contributed;

they stood upon an eminence on which the hand of nature had placed them, and from thence surveyed the regions of science, which to the rest of mankind appeared involved in impenetrable darkness. Amongst these Galileo appears in the first rank; he laboured under the disadvantages of poverty, a defective education, and of a constitution impaired by unremitted attention; he came to maturity at a time when the freedom of the Italian republics was extinguished, and learning had lost much of its authority and protection. Yet in a short period, the efforts of his genius, like a revelation, dispelled the mists engendered in the paganism of science, broke the chains of scholastic authority which from age to age had bound the understandings of mankind, and laid the foundations of the most sublime knowledge that a man could leave to posterity as an inheritance.

The merit of Bacon, who was the cotemporary of Galileo, makes a portion of the glory of the country in which he was, born. The period in which he lived, and the government of which he was a subject, were not favourable to the pursuits of real science; yet, in the midst of poverty and disgrace, he contrived to leave memorials of acuteness, depth of thought, and extent of views, that stand unrivalled amongst the productions of human genius.

Newton appeared about a century afterward, and at a period indeed in which learning met the amplest protection, and enjoyed the unlimited freedom it deserves. Still were his discoveries the early produce of a mind neither excited by the hopes of reward, or by competition, or aided by peculiar instruction. Original and unbounded invention was the cha racteristic of his genius, and its efforts were animated by the love of truth alone.

The known attachment we have to the distinguished Institution not long since founded, must prevent these observations from being considered as intended to depreciate its value; but it is always of advantage to such establishments, that the benefits to be expected from them should neither be exaggerated or misstated. The public are apt to hope for a • rapidity of improvement which experience does not justify as

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in concluding, is often the result of the best digested plansy and disappointment frequently leads them to think that because much has not been at once effected, that nothing can be done. Some sciences and arts appear in their mode of advancement, to form exceptions to the laws which direct the progress of the rest, and are best promoted by assembled talent and instruction. The knowledge of chymistry has been obtained by a gradual accumulation of discoveries, by unwearied experiment, and incessant observation. It has been augmented by this slow process of continued addition, and its mass now being subjected to the invigorating warmth of the rays of genius, forms the mostextended, rich, and productive possession, that can be cultivated for the use of man.

With all the attention, however, that talent or industry has bestowed on this science, no general principles seem to have been detected, by which, as by the laws of gravitation and motion, a series of discoveries are at once revealed, or numerous phenomena explained. Experiment has not often furnished more than insulated facts. To the preservation of these, to their adaptation to the purposes of society, to their accumulation, to their diffusion as an increase of knowledge, public institutions are eminently calculated. Such assemblies desseminate widely the love of science, they open a ready access to obtain it, they concentrate the expensive materiel indispensable to its advancement, and add a splendour to the intrinsic value of human information.

In a government constituted like our own, where, although the people have considerable authority, conventional and hereditary distinctions add to the natural predominance of wealth, and effectually secure to those who are possessed of them a large portion of power, it is of great importance that the persons thus distinguished, should contract a taste for such arts and sciences as are most conducive to the morality and well-being of the people. Their example and opinions are obviously decisive, in regulating and directing the habits and tastes of a nation, and through intermediate steps even to low gradations in the orders of the community. The productions of some of the arts which have always secured the highest .

share of protection amongst men eminent by their rank and opulence, and when enjoyed by them in the perfection they sometimes attain, tend to their refinement, and to fix their attention on some principles connected with science, do not, as we believe, in an inferior degree of improvement, when they become the objects of request of the less informed classes of mankind, much conduce to benefit their morals, or to enlighten or strengthen their understandings; but some of the more exact sciences, as chymistry and mechanics, in their most elementary principles, and still more in their advanced state, are equally well calculated to fill up their leisure, and must always help in extending, sharpening, and improving the human intellect; and we think by such powerful authority, might be recommended with success, (not to the total exclusion of other sources of amusement, which is neither possible or to be desired,) but to assist in conducing to their happiness. With such encouragements as these, the improvements in the arts and sciences must be preserved, and soon receive assistance by a gradual augmentation of discoveries. No circumstances lead us to suspect, that experiencing the benefits of the increasing comforts they confer upon us, we should blindly and voluntarily abandon the road which led us to this state of happiness and prosperity. It is, however, an observation founded on unquestionable facts, that some arts and sciences have attained at particular periods of the history of mankind, a high degree of excellence and perfection; and that afterward, without any marked or obvious cause, they have ceased to advance, have gradually declined, and have sometimes been for ever lost We do not pretend to the learning that can enable us to remove the difficulties that attend a question filled with intricacy and doubt, but still we think some light may be thrown on the subject, by an attention to the distinction we have before attempted to enforce, between such arts and sciences as are matters of taste and amusement, and such as by their effects promote our comfort, and protect or secure our existence. In the desolation of barbarous wars, when whole nations are eradicated or transplanted, and the habitations of men and means

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