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TELANG, The Bhagavadgîtâ, with the Sanatsugâtîya and the Anugîtâ. 2d ed. 1898. (S. B. E., vol. VIII), is especially commended for itssomewhat prosaic-fidelity. On the religion of the poem, see Garbe, op. cit.; also, by the same author, the article, "Bhagavad-Gita," in Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics, II, 535 ff., where the literature will be found more fully. For a different view, see DEUSSEN, Geschichte der Philosophie, I, 3 (pp. 8 ff., cf. Vorwort, p. vi)—the philosophical inconsistencies of the poem not due to additions and adaptations, but representing a "transitional philosophy." Hindu Religions.-WARD, WILLIAM, A View of the History, Literature and Mythology of the Hindoos. 3 vols. 1822. WILSON, HORACE HAYMAN, A Sketch of the Religious Sects of the Hindus. (Works, edited by R. Rost, vols. I and II. 1862.) MONIER-WILLIAMS, MONIER, Brahmanism and Hinduism. 4th ed. 1891. OMAN, J. C., Cults, Customs, and Superstitions of India. 1908. The Brahmans, Theists and Muslims of India. 2d ed. (London, n. d.) Translations of the Puranas, the Hindu scriptures. WILSON, H. H., The Vishnu Purana. Edited by F. E. HALL. (Works, etc., vols. VI-X.) BURNOUF, ÉMILE, Le Bhagavâta Purâna, ou Histoire poétique de Krichna. 3 vols. 1840-7. Other literature in Winternitz. On the doctrine of salvation by faith in Hinduism, see GRIERSON, G. A., article "Bhakti-Marga," Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics, II, 540 f. Sikhs.-Trumpp, E., Adi Granth. 1877. MACAULIFFE, M. A., The Sikh Religion and its Gurus. Sacred Writings and Authors. 6 vols. 1909. The Sikh scriptures as interpreted by modern Sikh teachers. Akbar.-BEVERIDGE, H., article, "Akbar," Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics, with literature. BONET-MAURY, G., "La religion d'Akbar, et ses rapports avec l'Islamisme et le Parsisme," Revue de l'histoire des religions, LI (1905), 153171. Brahma Samaj.-OMAN, J. C., Brahmans, Theists and Muslims of India. 2d ed., pp. 99–151. For additional literature, see the article in Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics. Arya Samaj.-OMAN, Cults, etc., pp. 129-181.


History.-MEYER, EDUARD, Geschichte des Altertums. Vols. I and III. Early history of the Iranians and of the Achæmenean Empire. The article by MEYER, "Persia: History, Ancient," in Encyclopædia Britannica, XXI, 202-224, 11th ed., is a comprehensive outline. Literature.-GELDNER, K. F., Awestalitteratur. WEST, E. W., Pahlavi Literature. (Both in Grundriss der iranischen Philologie.) DARMESTETER, introductions to his French translation. Texts.-DARMESTETER, JAMES, Le Zend-Avesta. Traduction nouvelle, avec commentaire historique et philologique. 3 vols. 1892-3. The introductions and commentary give this work peculiar value. An earlier translation by the same author: The Zend-Avesta. Part I. 2d ed. 1895. Part II. 1883. (S. B. E., vols. IV and XXIII.) MILLS, L. H., The ZendAvesta. Part III (Yasna, Visparad, etc.). (S. B. E., vol. XXXI.) MILLS, L. H., The Gathas of Zarathushtra (Zoroaster) in Metre and Rhythm. 1906. Pahlavi Texts.-WEST, E. W., Pahlavi Texts. 5 vols.


(S. B. E., vols. V, XVIII, XXIV, XXXVII, XLVII.) With highly valuable introductions. Life of Zoroaster.-JACKSON, A. V. W., Zoroaster, the Prophet of Ancient Iran. 1899. The accounts of Zoroaster's life in native and Greek sources are fully presented and discussed. Religion.-JACKSON, A. V. W., Die iranische Religion. 1900, 1904. (In Grundriss der iranischen Philologie, vol. II.)


History. Besides the standard works on Greek history, especial mention should be made of EDUARD MEYER, Geschichte des Altertums, vols. II-V. (1893-1902.) The religion of the Greeks is here put in relation with the whole political, social, and economic development; and the treatment of the religion itself, from the historical point of view, is the best that has been written. Literature.-CROISET, A. et M., Histoire de la litérature grecque. 5 vols. 1887-99. (I, 2d ed. 1896.) Broad learning and good reading. CHRIST, W., Geschichte der griechischen Literatur. 5th ed. (By WILHELM SCHMIDT, I, 1908; II, 1, 1911.) WILLAMOWITZ-MOELLENDORFF, ULRICH VON, Die griechische Literatur des Altertums. (In Die Kultur der Gegenwart. I, 8. 2d ed. 1907.) A brilliant sketch by an author of genius. MAHAFFY, JOHN P., A History of Classical Greek Literature. 2 vols. 1880. JEBB, R. C., Classical Greek Poetry. 1894. Lectures. CROISET, A. and M., An Abridged History of Greek Literature. Translated by George Heffelbower. 1904. Religion: General Works.—MAURY, L.-F. A., Histoire des religions de la Grèce antique. 3 vols. 1857-59. The most readable general history, distinguished by wealth of material and sanity of judgment. The "comparative" element may now be safely neglected. A good popular history is ARTHUR FAIRBANKS, Handbook of Greek Religion, 1910, with free use of archæological material, and an extensive bibliography. FARNELL, LEWIS R., The Cults of the Greek States. 5 vols. 1896-1909. A comprehensive study of the Greek gods, their distribution, cults, etc. By the same author: The Higher Aspects of Greek Religion. 1912. Also, Greece and Babylon. 1911. A refutation of the notion that Greek civilisation and religion are deeply in debt to Babylonia. HARRISON, JANE E., Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion. 1903. 2d ed. 1908. Themis; a Study of the Social Origin of Greek Religion. 1911. The former work deals chiefly with "some neglected aspects" of Greek religion-the survivals of the savage stage. The second volume is a mass of undigested theories. ROHDE, E., Psyche. Seelencult und Unsterblichkeitsglauben bei den Griechen. 1894. 3d ed. 1903. GIRARD, J., Le sentiment religieux en Grèce d'Homère à Eschyle. 1879. DECHARme, Paul, La critique des traditions religieuses chez les Grecs des les origines au temps de Plutarque. 1904. The Epic Age.SEYMOUR, T. D., Life in the Homeric Age, c. xiv. Poetry and Philosophy.-CAMPBELL, LEWIS, Religion in Greek Literature. 1898. ZELLER, EDUARD, Die Philosophie der Griechen in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwickelung. 5 vols. Classic. English translations from older editions.

GOMPERZ, THEODOR, Griechische Denker. 3 vols. 2d ed. 1903-9. English translation: Greek Thinkers. A History of Ancient Philosophy. 4 vols. 1901-12. BURNET, JOHN, Early Greek Philosophy. 1892. 2d ed. 1908. CAIRD, EDWARD, The Evolution of Theology in the Greek Philosophers. 2 vols. 1904. ADAM, JAMES, The Religious Teachers of Greece. 1908. Poets and philosophers; Homer to Plato. EUCKEN, RUDOLF, Lebensanschauungen der grossen Denker. Eine Entwickelungsgeschichte des Lebensproblems von Plato bis zur Gegenwart. 3d ed. 1905. English translation: The Problem of Human Life as viewed by the Great Thinkers. 1910. SCHMEKEL, A., Die Philosophie der mittleren Stoa in ihrem geschichtlichen Zusammenhang dargestellt. 1892. OAKESMITH, JOHN, The Religion of Plutarch. A Pagan Creed of Apostolic Times. 1902. Worship. STENGEL, P., Die griechischen Kultusaltertümer. 2d ed. 1898. GARDNER, PERCY, and JEVONS, F. B., Manual of Greek Antiquities. 1895. Mysteries.-FARNELL, L. R., Cults, etc., vol. III., 127-213.


FRIEDLÄNDER, LUDWIG, Darstellungen aus der Sittengeschichte Roms von August bis zum Ausgang der Antoninen. 8th ed. (Bearbeitet von S. HIRZEL.) 1910. DILL, SAMUEL, Roman Society from Nero to Marcus Aurelius. 1904. Religion.-WISSOWA, GEORG,Religion und Kultus der Römer. 1902. 2d ed. 1912. Of fundamental importance to every student. AUST, E., Die Religion der Römer. 1899. An excellent book, smaller and more popular in form than Wissowa's, presenting much the same view. FoWLER, W. WARDE, The Religious Experience of the Roman People. From the Earliest Times to the Age of Augustus. 1911. The English reader will find this his best guide, and the notes will introduce him to the literature of the subject. The same: The Roman Festivals of the Republic. An Introduction to the Study of the Religion of the Romans. 1899. DE MARCHI, Il culto privato di Roma antica. 2 vols. 1896-1903. Fundamental for the household religion. CARTER, JESSE B., The Religion of Numa, and Other Essays on the Religion of Ancient Rome. 1906. Also, by the same author: The Religious Life of Ancient Rome. A Study in the Development of Religious Consciousness from the Foundation of the City until the Death of Gregory the Great. 1911. Lectures, ranging over a wide field. Philosophy.-See ZELLER, above. MASSON, JOHN, Lucretius, Epicurean and Poet. 2 vols. 1907-9. Oriental Religions in the Roman World.-CUMONT, FRANZ, Textes et monuments figurés relatifs aux mystères de Mithra, etc. 2 vols. fol. 1896-9. The Mysteries of Mithra. Translated by T. J. McCormack. 1903. Translation of a small book setting forth the main results of the author's great work. CUMONT, FRANZ, The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism. Translated by Grant Showerman. 1911. A popular survey. By the same author: Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans. 1912. A timely discussion by a scholar peculiarly expert in this field. LAFAYE, GEORGES, Histoire du culte des divinités d'Alexandrie . . . hors de l'Egypte. 1884. TOUTAIN, J., Les


cultes païens dans l'empire romain. I. Les provinces latines. II. Les cultes orientaux. 1911. Not yet completed. End of the Old Religion.-BOISSIER, GASTON, La fin du paganisme. Études sur les dernieres luttes religieuses en Occident au quatrième siècle. 2 vols. 6th ed. 1909.


ABBOTS, Buddhist, in Japan, 121 ƒ.,


Abortion, homicide, 395.
Absolute, in Taoism, 50 f.

Upanishad-Vedanta, 272 ƒƒ., 316,


Mahayana Buddhism, 139, 308.
Plato, 500 f.

Neoplatonism, 533 f., 536.
Absorption, Buddhist, trances, 295 f.
Abstractions, deified, 558, 575, cf.
369 f.

Abydos, Osiris worship, 165 ƒ., 191,

Academy, scepticism, 524, 562.
Açoka, patron of Buddhism, 301, 304.
Açvaghosha, Awakening of Faith,

Mahayana authority, 307.
Açvins, 252 f., 411.

Adad, 208, 217, 228, 234 f., 236.
Adam and Eve, 218.

Adapa, myth of, 218.

Adhvaryu, Vedic priest, 261.
Adibuddha, 310.

See also Buddha, Eternal.

Adityas, 251.

Egæan civilisation, 406 ƒƒ.

Eschines, 456.

Eschylus, 483 ƒƒ.

Esculapius, 555.

Ages of the world, Hesiod, 435.

Zoroastrian, 384, 403.

Agni, 254 f.

Agnosticism, Protagoras, 466.

See Scepticism.

Agriculture, religious merit, 365, 395.

Ahriman (= Angra Mainyu, q. v.), 363.

in later Avesta, 375.

origin, 405.

final defeat, 403 f.

Ahura-Vedic Asura, 368.

Ahura Mazda, in Gathas, 364.

later theology, 380.

relation to Varuna, 367 ƒ.

Ajivikas, 288 ƒ.

Akalis, Sikh sect, 354.

Akkadians, 206.

Alchemy, Chinese, 60.

Allegory, Stoic, 519 f.

Philo, 532.

of Krishna legend, 338.

All-Souls festival, Japan, 141.
Altar, of Heaven, Peking, 17 f.
of Earth, 19 f.

Altars, Greek, 471, 472.
Altruism, of Moh Tih, 37 f.
Amarna, El, 183.

despatches and letters, 186.
Ama-terasu, sun goddess, 98 ff., 119.
Amduat, Book of Underworld, 192 ff.
Amenhotep (Amenophis) III, 181,

IV, 181 ff.

Amesha Spentas, 369 f., 374.
Amida Amitabha, q. v.

Amitabha, Buddha, 131 ff., 140, 311.
in Shingon system, 127.

Amitabha (Sukhavati, q. v.) Sutras,
91, 131 f., 136.

Amitayurdhyani Sutra, 131, 136.
Amitayus, same as Amitabha, 131.
Ammonius Saccas, 533.

Amon, god of Thebes, 172.
Amon-Re, 169.

national god of Theban empire,
180 f.

attempt of Amenophis IV to
supplant him, 182 ff.

restoration, 187 f.

chief priest of Amon, 181, 188 f.

Amorites, in Babylonia, 207 f.

Amritsar, 352.

Amshaspands (= Amesha Spentas,

q. v.), 374.

Amulets, in Egyptian tombs, 195 f.
Amurru, people and god, 208.
Anahita, 372, 373 f.

Analects, Confucian, 5.

Anaxagoras, 462 ƒ.

Ancestors, cult of, in China, 14 ƒƒ.,
18, 74 f., 77.

Japan, 110 ƒƒ.

India, 267, 348.

Rome, 551.

See also Dead, cult of; Tombs.

Ancestral temples, China, 14 ff.

Andania, mysteries, 455.

Anima Mundi, 503, 534.

Animals, Jain and Buddhist rule
against the taking of life, 282 ƒ..

299. 90.

slaughter or sacrifice a sin,

Empedocles, 461 f.

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