Obrázky na stránke



Aback, behind 96, 12.

Abeigh, aloof; stand abeigh 157, 23 507, 24.

Abread, abreed, abroad; set abread

205, 20; spread abreed 158, 15.

Aff-loof, off-hand 82, 6.

Agley, awry 124, 4.

Aiblins, perhaps 6, 12, etc.

Aidle, foul-water 394, 18.

496, 2.

Bairn, child; mammy's ae bairn 329, 14, etc.

Bairn-time, offspring 159, 1; thae bonie bairn-time 228, 1.

Bake, biscuit; bakes an' gills 100,

Bang, blow; an unco bang 255, 20.
Bannock, oatmeal cake 375, 28.
Barm, yeast 397, 30.

Airle-penny, earnest money 468, 27; Barmie, yeasty;

Airles, id. 216, 37.

Airn, iron 176, 13.

Airt (8.), direction; anither airt 3, 18; a' the airts 342, 6.

Airt (v.), to direct; airted till her 375, 31.

Aith, oath; swoor an aith 77, 13. Aiver, cart-horse; a noble aiver 228, 16.

Aizle, a live ember 117, 21.

Ajee, ajar 531, 27.

Ase, ashes 116, 22.

noddle 179, 14. Bauckie-bird, the bat 127, 4. Baudrons, a cat 177, 9; 492, 5; 622, 14.

Bauk, beam 117, 8.

Bauk-en', beam-end 117, 11.
Bawk, a field path, untilled ridge;
a corn enclosed bawk 319, 18.
Baws'nt, white-striped; sonsy baws'nt
face 161, 1.

Bawtie, a dog's name 361, 11.
Bear, barley; Scotch bear, 151, 27;
bearded b. 285, 16; corn an' b.
443, 3.

Asklent, obliquely 48, 7; askance 507, Beas' (=beasts), vermin, 224, 29.


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Beck, curtsey 7, 11.
Beet, to add fuel 63, 21;
fire 498, 12;
233, 6.

- the lover's his hymeneal flame

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Bide, endure; bide the stour 15, 21; 535 n. See bade. Biel', bield, a shelter, dwelling; random b. 208, 23; cozie b. 237, 26; sheltered spot 497, 28; 499, 20; but buss or bield 572, 12. Biel, comfortable; biel and warm 499, 9.

Bien, comfortable; her house sae bien 314, 24; bien and snug 60, 12. Bien, bienly, comfortably; cleeds me bien 499, 8; bienly clad 48, 12. Big, to build 123, 17; 162, 12. Biggin, a building; auld clay b. 184, 24; howlet-haunted b. 391, 20. Bike, swarm 544, 22. Bill, bull 149, 4.

Billie, fellow, brother 71, 16; 236, 7; 237, 31; billie, dam and sire 436, 11; chapman billies 437, 17. Bing, a heap; potatoe-bings 254, 1. Birk, birch 308, 12.

Birken, of birch; birken shaw 318, 30.

Birkie, fellow 100, 23; honest b. 286,

18; a b. weel worth gowd 297, 3. Birr, vigour 427, 10.

Birr,to whirr; birring paitricks 268, 5.
Birses, bristles 224, 18.
Bizz, ferment, bustle 150, 11.
Bizzard gled, kite 625, 4.
Blad, a large piece; a b. o' Johnie's
morals 234, 9. See blaud.
Blae, blue; black an' blae 58, 23;
blae eastlin wind 374, 20.

Blastie, a little wretch 200, 10; 205,

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Blink, a moment; a blink did tarry 315, 4.

Blinkers, wretches 155, 16. Blinkers, pretty girls; witching, curs'd, delicious bl. 272, 1. Blitter, mire-snipe 332, 28. Bluntie, stupid person; look like bluntie 469, 11.

Blype, a large piece; skin in blypes 120, 26.

Bock, vomit; bocked (of a stream) 273, 26.

Boddle, a small coin (2 pennies Scots= 1 boddle: 2 boddles=1 plack); I'll wad a b. 256, 3; cared na a b. 441,


Bode, look for; I'll bode nae want 12, 7.

Bole, recess in the wall 488, 19.
Bonie, beautiful, pretty 1, 4, etc. etc.
Bonnock (bannock), oatmeal cake
171, 26.

Boord, board; the jinglin icy boord 149, 12.

Boor-tree, elder-tree 148, 11. Boost, must needs (for old Scottish behuissit); boost to ride 200, 2; boost to pasture 227, 8.

Boot, extra payment; boot and better horse 388, 24; o' boot (=to boot) 51, 14.

Bore, recess, hole; benmost bore 129,


Bouk, body 401, 25.
Bountith, bounty 495, 23.
Bow-hough'd, crook-thighed 491, 28.
Brae, bank, slope; frae bank to brae
16, 7; the steyest brae 158, 26;


Braik, harrow; pleugh or braik 80,


Brainge, to dash forward 158, 13.
Brankie, gay, fine 403, 18.
Branks, wooden horse-curb; cheeks o

branks 71, 6; the beast an' branks
105, 1; as if led wi' branks 265,
16, etc.

thole their blethers 46, 24 ; stringin | Brash, sudden illness; pain an' brash blethers up in rhyme 185, 5.

154, 14.


Brats, rags; brats o' duddies 412, 12. Brattle, a short race 158, 2; bickering brattle (scamper) 122, 25. Brattle, onset; b. o' winter war 274, 3.

Braw, fine, handsome 1, 9, etc.; mair braw nor when they're fine 114, 7. Brawly, very well; brawly ken 255, 16; 556, 29.

Braxies, sheep that die of disease 87,


Brechan, horse-collar 249, 6.

Brent, smooth, bright; your bonie brow was brent 386, 10; brent new 441, 12.

Brie, juice; the barley brie 154, 3; 398, 9.

Brisket, breast 158, 15.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Cadger, carrier, hawker; a cadger's whip 128, 2.

Caff, chaff; some pyles o' caff 197, 8.

Brock, badger 57, 13; a stinkin brock Caird, tinker 134, 2; 182, 27.

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Brose, meal mixed with boiling water 403, 2.

Browst, a brewing 336, 16.

Brugh, burgh 254, 23.

Brulyie, quarrel, broil 90, 22; 430, 6. Brunstane, brimstone 102, 2.

Brunt, burnt 117, 21.

Brust, burst 167, 26.

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rest 499, 15. Callet, trull 128, 22.

Cankert, cankrie, cankered 270, 29, Cannie, careful, cautious; wi' cannie care 45, 11; 115, 6; cannie for hoarding o' money 11, 5; quict, a cannie hour 37, 17; a cannie errand 141, 26.

Buckie, fellow; that daft buckie 423, Cannie, quietly 74, 29; cleverly 103,


envious buckies 477, 28.

Buckle, curl 389, 10.

Buff, to pound; buff our beef 58, 29. Bughtin-time, folding-time 501, 23. Buirdly, stalwart; buirdly, steeve an'

swank 156, 17; b. chiels 162, 24. Bum-clock, humming beetle 167, 3. Bummle, blunderer 236, 22. Burdies, girls 442, 22. Bure, carried 157, 8.

Burn, burnie, a small stream 86, 11. Burnewin, the blacksmith 153, 17. Busk, to dress up; buskit in a braw new coat 255, 21; bonie b. nest 296, 10; a buskit up naething 244,


Buss, bush 572, 12.


27; carefully 36, 14. Cannilie, quietly 100, 24. Cantie, lively, merry; - as a kittlen 121, 2; kind auld c. carlin 169, 20; hale an' weel an' cantie 411, 12; etc.

Cantraip, cantrip, spell, magic 149, 8; 272, 14; etc.

Care na by, do not mind 2, 18; 35, 21; 390, 7.

Carl, old man ; a gray-hair'd carl 270,


Carlie, dim. of carl; a fusionless carlie 496, 24.

Carlin, old wife; kind, auld cantie carlin 169, 20.

Carle-hemp, male hemp 412, 24.

But, without; but biot 285, 21; but Cartes, playing cards 63, 10; 67, 24.

bush or bield 572, 12.

Catch-the-plack, money making 80, 4.


Cauk, chalk; cauk an' keel 391, 19. Caup, a wooden cup; cogs an' caups

102, 14; the luggit caup 153, 16. Cavie, coop; chicken-cavie 135, 19. Change-house, tavern 100, 28. Chanter, a part of the bag-pipe 32, 14; 85, 21; 105, 16. Chap, fellow 226, 30. Chap, a blow 153, 18. Chap, to strike 94, 26.

like some chicken

Cheep, squeak; wi' tunefu' cheep 176, 10. Cheep, to chirp; 297, 30. Chiel', chield, fellow; an odd kind chiel' 76, 25; a dainty chiel 237, 27; best o'chiel's 60, 20. Chimla, chimlie, chimney 60, 10. Chittering, shivering 274, 11. Chuckie, a hen; auld chuckie Reekie 296, 8; a dainty chuckie (of a woman) 314, 23; 413, 3. Chuffie, fat-faced; vintner 169, 3. Clachan, village 72, 18; 125, 22; the clachan yill 70, 7. Claise, clothes 43, 19.

[blocks in formation]

Cleg, gad-fly; the clegs o' feeling 271, 11.

Clink, coin 3, 7; 376, 13.

Clink, to sit down quickly 98, 31.
Clinkum, the bell-ringer, beadle 251,
27; Clinkumbell 103, 6.
Clips, shears 32, 5.

Clishmaclaver, idle talk 228, 18; 259, 9.

Clockin-time, hatching-time 46, 13.
Cloot, hoof 28, 10; 30, 7.

Clootie, Cloots, Satan 147, 6; 151, 1.
Clour, a blow; clours an' nicks 89, 14.
Clout, to patch; clout the caldron 134,
27; clouted 226, 20.

Clout, a patch 604, 18.

Clunk, to sound (of liquor) 135, 14.
Coble, a fishing-boat 157, 14.

Cock, cockie, good fellow 44, 10; 413,


Cod, a pillow 601, 21; 617, 7.
Coft, bought 443, 10; 599, 11.
Cog, a wooden dish; cogs an' caups
102, 14.

Coggie, dim. of cog 299, 23.
Collieshangie, uproar 422, 22.
Coof, fool, ninny 69, 15; blockhead!
coof! 185, 13.

Cook, to hide ;-underneath the bracs 121, 16.

Cooser, a stallion 423, 14. Coost, did cast, threw a hitch 28, 10; tossed, I her head 507, 22; threw off, their claise 43, 19;

-- moor

her duddies 442, 13. Cootie, a small pail 147, 9. Cootie, with feather'd legs; cocks 268, 6. Corbie, raven 258, 31. Coup, overturn; coup the cran 251, 21. See cowp.

Couthie, kindly, loving 115, 21;
Fortune 478, 7.
Cowe, a fright 89, 25.

Clavers, nonsense 461, 29; an' Cowe, to lop; havers 285, 7.

Claw, to scratch 577, 8.
Claw, a blow 417, 6.

Cleckin, a brood of chickens 297, 31.
Cleed, to clothe 267, 7; etc.
Cleek, to seize, steal; the sterlin
181, 15; cleekit, joined hands 442,

178, 8.

- her measure shorter

Cowp, to fall; I nearhand cowpit 73, 8; to overturn, stooks are cowpit 105, 13.

Cowt, a colt 200, 11; 228, 15. Crack, talk, conversation 52, 7; 76, 10, etc.; pl. cracks 44, 15; 116, 30.


Crack, to talk; cracks o' horses 143, | Daft, foolish 130, 27; 135, 22.

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Crowdie-time, breakfast-time 97, 19.
Crummock, a staff 270, 22; 442, 25.
Crump, crisp 97, 32.
Crunt, a knock 89, 16.

Cuif, ninny; fumblin cuifs 153, 27.
See coof.

Cummock, a staff 237, 13.
Curch, female head-dress 314, 24.
Curchie, curtsey 96, 21.
Curmurring, rumbling noise 75, 2.
Curpin, crupper, haunch 119, 9.
Curple, id. 286, 26.

Cushat, wood-pigeon 86, 29; 433, 1. Custock, heart of a cabbage stalk 115, 3.

Cutty, short; cutty stool 264, 6; cutty sark 443, 5.

Daddie, father 3, 27; 47, 10.

Dails, planks 98, 7.

Daimen, occasional; a daimen icker 123, 11.

Dang, pret. of ding; dang o'er my daddie 496, 18; - her tapsalteerie 544, 19.

Darklins, in the dark 117, 3.
Daud, a large piece 102, 18.

Daud, to pelt 174, 24; daudin showers 104, 8.

Daunder, to saunter 427, 12. Daunton, subdue, depress 47, 7; 337, 17.

Daurk (=day-work), day's labour 159, 7; his han'-daurk 162, 16. Daut, dawt, to fondle; kiss and dawt 47, 24; 603, 6; muckle dautit 229, 20; dautit hawkie 149, 3. Dautie, darling 506, 23. Daviely, spiritless; dowff an' daviely 362, 2.

Daw, to dawn 898, 8; day was dawin 315, 5.

Dawin, the dawning 405, 17. Dawd, dawt, see daud, daut. Dead, death 400, 16. Dead-sweer, very loath 232, 33. Deave, deafen, annoy; deave us wi' their din 178, 14; did deave me 610, 14.

Deil, devil 7, 3, etc.; deil a ane 3, 28; deil-haet 166, 14; deil-ma-care 72, 28.

Delvin, digging 232, 8.

Dern, to hide; dern'd in caves 126, 1.
Devel, a heavy blow 267, 15.
Diddle, move quickly 109, 11; 270,

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Daffin, merry-making 97, 11; 130, Doit, to benumb; my very senses

81; 197, 10.

doited 305, 24.

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