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Nota magis nulli domus est sua quam mihi lucus
Martis, et Aeoliis vicinum rupibus antrum
Vulcani. Quid agant Venti, quas torqueat umbras
Aeacus, unde alius furtivae devehat aurum
Pelliculae, quantas jaculetur Monychus ornos,
Frontonis platani convulsaque marmora clamant
Semper et assiduo ruptae lectore columnae.
Exspectes eadem a summo minimoque poeta.

Martial has this epigram on one Picens, a
bad poet:
"Scribit in aversa Picens epigrammata


Et dolet averso quod facit illa deo."(viii. 62.) Such writings were called 'Opisthographi.' 'Liber' properly belongs only to books of papyrus (chartae'); but it was not confined to those (see Dict. Ant. Liber'). It was usual to have a wide margin; and the larger the book the wider the margin. Priscian (vi. 3. 16, p. 684) quotes this passage to show that 'margo' is sometimes of the feminine gender. The Scholiast makes the same remark, and quotes Ov. Met. i. 13 for the masculine.

7. lucus Martis,] These are such subjects as Horace speaks of, A. P. 16. sq. : "lucus et ara Dianae, Et properantis aquae per amoenos ambitus agros," &c. TheScholiast refers to a grove of Mars on the Appian Way,to another in which Ilia brought forth Romulus and Remus, and that in Colchis where the golden fleece was kept. Any grove of Mars will do, and there were many. Of the group of islands north of Sicily called Aeoliae, Vulcaniae, or Liparaeae Insulae, the most southerly is that now called Volcano, by the Romans Hiera or Vulcani Insula, and by the Greeks Ἱερὰ Ηφαίστου. Virgil describes it in language which leaves little doubt that this is the place Juvenal refers to (Aen. viii. 416-422). Ruperti thinks Aetna must be meant, because the cave is said to be 'near' the Aeolian rocks, whereas Hiera is one of them; which is not worth considering. This island was in early times a very active volcano (see Smith's Dict. Geog., 'Aeoliae Ins.'). Heinrich says that in lucus Martis,' and the cave of Vulcan, and Quid agant Venti,' Juvenal had his eye upon Valerius Flaccus, whose Argonautica were written about this time. See lib. i. 573, sqq.; v. 252, sq.

9. Quid agant Venti,] What the winds are about.' The winds follow naturally the mention of the Acoliae Insulae, one of which is said to have been the abode of the gover


nor of the winds. Strabo says it was Strongyle (Stromboli), ἐνταῦθα δὲ τὸν Αἴολον oinoai paoɩ (vi. p. 424, B.). See Pliny, H. N. iii. 9; Heyn. Exc. i. on Aen. i.

10. unde alius] Jason from Colchis. Horace uses the form 'pellicula' (S. ii. 5. 38); and Persius (v. 116). It has no diminutive force, and is only used for convenience.

11. jaculetur Monychus ornos,] In Ovid (Met. xii. 510, sqq.) Nestor relates how Monychus and the other centaurs tore up the trees from Othrys and Pelion, and hurled them upon Caeneus at the marriage of his friend Peirithous.

12. Frontonis platani] The gardens and corridors of private persons were lent, it appears, for this purpose. Fronto is a name which occurs often under the empire. The most distinguished was M. Cornelius the orator, who was tutor to M. Aurelius. The man in the text may be anybody. The exaggeration of the speaker's powers and the applause of his friends are amusing, and the verses very forcible. In the peristylia of large houses trees of considerable size were grown. "Inter varias nutritur silva columnas " (Hor. Epp. i. 10. 22). The plane tree was much cultivated by the Romans. Compare Hor. C. ii. 15. 4: "platanusque caelebs Evincet ulmos." "Convulsa' and ruptae' Grangaeus says are medical words, as if the pillars were in a state of convulsion and bursting blood-vessels: "Rupti convulsique dicuntur qui nervorum affectione et spasmo laborant; sed et eadem ratione sic appellantur qui nimio clamore venis tumescentes offenderunt." As to the construction ruptae lectore,' see Hor. i. 6. 2, n. Servius quotes this verse on Virgil: "Et cantu querulae rumpent arbusta cicadae” (Georg. iii. 328).

14. Exspectes eadem] "You may look for the same stuff from all sorts of poets, from the greatest to the least; I then (ergo) must write, for I too have been to school and been whipped and declaimed; and since paper must be spoilt, mercy would be thrown away: I may as well spoil it as others." Schoolboys will not want to be told what 'manum feru

Et nos ergo manum ferulae subduximus, et nos
Consilium dedimus Sullae privatus ut altum
Dormiret. Stulta est clementia, quum tot ubique
Vatibus occurras, periturae parcere chartae.

Cur tamen hoc potius libeat decurrere campo
Per quem magnus equos Auruncae flexit alumnus,
Si vacat et placidi rationem admittitis, edam.
Quum tener uxorem ducat spado; Maevia Tuscum
Figat aprum et nuda teneat venabula mamma;
Patricios omnes opibus quum provocet unus,
Quo tondente gravis juveni mihi barba sonabat;

lae subducere' means; but it appears the
commentators are not agreed. It corres.
ponds to Horace's "didicit prius extimuitque
magistrum" (A. P. 415). Grangaeus quotes
several authorities for the expression, which
passed into a proverb.

16. Consilium dedimus Sullae] Jahn on the authority of many of the MSS. writes 'Syllae;' but all inscriptions where the name occurs have 'Sula' or 'Sulla.' The Greek form is Lúllaç. The theme on which he professes to have declaimed belongs to the order called "suasoriae orationes," of which a book was written by the elder Seneca. It appears to have been a favourite subject. Quintilian says (Inst. iii. 8), "neque enim ignoro plerumque exercitationis gratia poni et poëticas et historicas, ut Priami verba apud Achillem, aut Sullae dictaturam deponentis in contione." The advice is, that Sulla should purchase sleep by laying down his power. He did so A.U.C. 675, and died next year in retirement and sensuality. 'Suasoriae' were distinguished from controversiae,' and belonged rather to boys' schools. See note on Pers. iii. 45.

20. Auruncae flexit alumnus,] Suessa, in Campania, the late capital of the Aurunci, whose original town Aurunca (five miles from Suessa) was destroyed by the Sidicini (Livy viii. 15), was called Suessa Aurunca, to distinguish it from Suessa Pometia, an Alban colony in Latium, from which the Pomtine marshes were named. Suessa Aurunca was the birth-place of Lucilius.

21. Si vacat et] On the authority of P. which has si placat ac,' Jahn has adopted ac.' All other MSS. and editions have 'et.'

22. Maevia Tuscum Figat aprum] This refers to the 'venationes,' or fights with wild beasts at the circus and amphitheatres. The beasts fought with each other, or with men trained for the purpose and called 'bestiarii.'

[blocks in formation]

Of these many were free men and volun-
teers fighting for pay, and among them were
sometimes found even women (see ii. 53),
which seems to have happened first in the
year A.D. 63, in the reign of Nero. "Spec-
tacula gladiatorum idem annus habuit pari
magnificentia ac priora: sed faeminarum
illustrium senatorumque plures per arenam
foedati sunt." (Tac. Ann, xv. 32.) Sueto-
nius mentions the magnificent games of Do-
mitian: "Spectacula magnifica assidue et
sumptuosa edidit-venationes gladiatores-
que nec virorum modo pugnas sed et faemi-
narum." Juvenal refers to them again (S. vi.
246, sq.), and his contemporary, Statius,
does the same, Silv. i. 6. 53, sqq.:

"Stat sexus rudis insciusque ferri,
Et pugnas capit improbus viriles.
Credas ad Tanain ferumve Phasin
Thermodontiacas calere turmas."

The practice was put down more than a
century later by a senatusconsultum, in the
reign of Sept. Severus. The boars of Etru-
ria were particularly large. Lucania and
Umbria were also famous for these beasts
(see Hor. S. ii. 3. 234, n.). The women are
said to hunt with their breast bare like the
Amazons, to whom they are likened by Sta-
tius in the above extract.
M. and many
other MSS. have Nevia for Maevia. Martial
has the former name.

25. Quo tondente] There was a barber, Licinus, mentioned by Horace (A. P. 301), of whom the Scholiast there says that he was made a senator by Julius Caesar. There appears to have been some such story connected with a low man of this name, for it passed into a proverb. It may or may not have been the man spoken of below, S. i. 109; xiv. 306; Persius ii. 36. See my note on the above passage of Horace. The verse is repeated below, x. 226. With the prece ding it is wanting in some MSS.

Quum pars Niliacae plebis, quum verna Canopi
Crispinus, Tyrias humero revocante lacernas,
Ventilet aestivum digitis sudantibus aurum,
Nec sufferre queat majoris pondera gemmae:
Difficile est satiram non scribere. Nam quis iniquae 30
Tam patiens Urbis, tam ferreus, ut teneat se,
Causidici nova quum veniat lectica Mathonis
Plena ipso; post hunc magni delator amici,

26. verna Canopi Crispinus,] Canopus, or Canobus, which gave its name to one of the branches of the Nile, was about fifteen miles from Alexandria, and a town of dissolute morals, as seaports are wont to be. It is for this reason that Juvenal makes his upstart Crispinus a native of Canopus. How he commended himself to Domitian, and rose to be an eques, does not appear. One of the Scholiasts says he was a paper-seller of Alexandria. Juvenal attacks him again, in the fourth Satire, in the vilest terms. 'Verna' was a slave born in his master's house: this man was therefore a 'libertinus.' 27. Tyrias humero revocante lacernas,] The 'lacerna' was a loose cloak, worn over the 'toga.' It was usually of costly dye and material, being worn chiefly by the rich. Stapylton translates the words 'humero revocante' 'which falling off his shoulders still revoke;' and some commentators take it in this way. Gifford has

"Crispinus, while he gathers now, now flings His purple open, fans his summer rings." He means that the man is showing off the fine texture of his cloak; and he quotes Ammianus Marcellinus: "Alii summum decus in ambitioso vestium cultu ponentes sudant sub ponderibus lacernarum, quas collis insertas cingulis ipsis adnectunt, nimia subteminum tenuitate perflabiles, expectantes crebris agitationibus, maximeque sinistra, ut longiores fimbriae tunicaeque perspicere luceant." The words describe the way in which the cloak was worn, hitched up on the left shoulder by a brooch or something of that sort, and floating in the wind, so that the shoulder seems to pull it back. Graevius takes 'lacernas' with ventilet,' and conjectures 'aestivo auro.' This man appears to have had light rings for summer, and heavier for winter. That he wore a gold ring does not prove that he was an eques, for by the emperors after Tiberius the privilege was given to the lowest of the people (see Hor. S. ii. 7. 9, n.). 30. iniquae Tam patiens Urbis,] 'So tolerant of the town's iniquities.'

32. lectica Mathonis] This man is mentioned below (vii. 129) as a bankrupt, and (xi. 34) as a blustering fellow. Martial mentions him repeatedly as a profligate (vii. 10), a beggar (viii. 42; xi. 68), a ranter (iv. 81), a coxcombical speaker (x. 46). He was so fat as to fill his litter, which was new as his fortunes were, and short-lived. As to the 'lectica,' or palankeen, see Becker's Gallus, Exc. on the Carriages, and Dict. Ant. Also Hor. S. ii. 3. 214, n.; and Cic. in Verr. ii. 5. 11, Long. See also the note on ver. 65 below. Causidicus' is a title that Cicero only uses with more or less contempt. The proper words for what we call an advocate, or counsel, are 'orator' and 'patronus;' a 'causidicus' was one of these of a lower sort. So Juvenal says below: "nec causidicus nec praeco loquatur" (vi. 438), “nec unquam Sanguine causidici maduerunt rostra pusilli " (x. 120), "nutricula causidicorum Africa" (vii. 148). Forcellini quotes Cic. de Orat. i. 46: "Non enim causidicum nescio quem neque proclamatorem aut rabulam hoc sermone nostro conquirimus." Also Quintilian xii. 1.

33. magni delator amici,] This may be any low informer who betrayed his patron. The informer's trade, of which two members, Sulcius and Caprius, are mentioned by Horace (S. i. 4. 66), reached its height under Tiberius, and throve under his successors. A famous one of the reign of Domitian was M. Aquilius Regulus, who under Nero got promotion and hatred by informing against M. Crassus (Tac. Hist. iv. 42). Baebius Massa was another of the same tribe, a freedman probably of some person of the Baebia gens. Tacitus says he betrayed Piso, and was universally hated then (Hist. iv. 50). This was in the reign of Vespasian, A. D. 70. He was then "e procuratoribus Africae." He became governor of the province of Baetica, and for his oppression of that province was brought to trial, under Domitian, A. D. 93 (Tac. Agr. 45); and though condemned contrived to escape, and lived to become one of the most notorious

Et cito rapturus de nobilitate comesa

Quod superest; quem Massa timet, quem munere palpat 35
Carus et a trepido Thymele summissa Latino;
Quum te summoveant qui testamenta merentur
Noctibus, in caelum quos evehit optima summi
Nunc via processus, vetulae vesica beatae?
Unciolam Proculeius habet, sed Gillo deuncem,
Partes quisque suas ad mensuram inguinis heres.
Accipiat sane mercedem sanguinis, et sic
Palleat ut nudis pressit qui calcibus anguem,
Aut Lugdunensem rhetor dicturus ad aram.

informers in Domitian's time. Carus Met-
tius was another of the same sort, of whom
Tacitus says, that at the time of Agricola's
death (A.D. 93), "una adhuc victoria Carus
Mettius," he had only signalized himself by
one great victory in his profession; which
means that he afterwards became highly
distinguished. Martial mentions him pro-
verbially (xii. 25). The words 'delator ami-
ci' are so like S. iii. 116, that it might be
supposed Egnatius Celer was meant, as the
Scholiast suggests; but he was dead. See
note on that place. Thymele and Latinus
were an actress and actor, to whom Domi-
tian was partial; wherefore Martial begs him
to look on his books as kindly as he looked
at these two persons on the stage (i. 5).
Latinus is often mentioned by Martial, who
wrote an epitaph for him, and flattered Do-
mitian through him, as he did through his
favourites generally. He is mentioned by
name below, vi. 44, and alluded to in viii.
197, in conjunction with the same Thymele.
The Scholiast here and on iv. 53, on the
authority of Marius Maximus, who wrote
the lives of some of the emperors, says that
Latinus was an influential informer. These
informers were all afraid of the great man
of their craft, and did what they could to
make friends with him. Latinus lent him
Thymele, who was either his mistress or his
wife. This is the Scholiast's explanation.
Heinrich supposes some scene is referred to,
in a farce acted by these people. He is obliged
to change 'et' into ' ut' to support this ex-

37. Quum te summoveant] "De hereditate justa tanquam de via; proprie enim 'summovere' verbum lictorum." This is Grangaeus' note; and it is true as respects the lictors. (See Hor. C. ii. 16, 10, n.) 'Summovere' is a term used in the Roman law also. But there is nothing in the text about an hereditas.' Juvenal means when


men elbow you out of the way who have got rich by scandalous means.'

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38. summi Nunc via processus,] Processus' means advancement; and summi processus' advancement to the highest place. So Ovid (Trist iv. 5. 25): "Haec tua processus habeat fortuna perennes.' Rigault quotes an inscription, "OB SPEM PROCESSUS EJUS." It was by these means that Otho got into favour with Nero (Sueton. Otho, c. 2): "libertinam aulicam gratiosam quo efficacius coleret etiam diligere simulavit, quamvis anum ac paene decrepitam: per hanc insinuatus Neroni facile summum inter amicos locum tenuit."

40. Unciolam Proculeius habet] Proculeius has a twelfth part of the estate left him, and Gillo eleven-twelfths: the first is 'heres ex uncia;' the second 'heres ex deunce.' The divisions of the 'as' represented the portions of the estate devised to each heres' (see Hor. S. ii. 5. 53, n. fin.). The men are unknown. 'Unciola' does not occur elsewhere. It does not mean, as Ruperti says, 'less than an uncia; but 8 poor uncia,' as we say.

42. Accipiat sane] There is contempt in this: "Let him take it with all my heart."

43. pressit qui calcibus anguem,] Heinrich thinks this is an allusion to Homer (Il. iii. 33):

ὡς ὅτε τίς τε δράκοντα ἰδὼν παλίνορσος ἀπέστη

ἄψ τ' ἀνεχώρησεν, ὦχρός τέ μιν εἷλε παρ


44. Aut Lugdunensem] Suetonius relates (Vit. Calig. c. 20) that Caligula instituted games, ludos miscellos' (see S. xi. 20, n.), at Lugdunum (Lyon), where there was an altar, dedicated to Augustus on the day that Claudius was born in that city, 1st of August, A.U.C. 744 (Suet. Vit. Claudii, c. 2).

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Quum populum gregibus comitum premit hic spoliator
Pupilli prostantis? Et hic damnatus inani
Judicio (quid enim salvis infamia nummis ?)
Exsul ab octava Marius bibit et fruitur dis
Iratis; at tu, victrix provincia, ploras.
Haec ego non credam Venusina digna lucerna?

Dion Cassius relates that games were cele-
brated there in the life-time of Augustus
(1. 46. c. 50). If so, it was reserved for Ca-
ligula to establish a rhetorical contest in
Greek and Latin, in which those who gave
the emperor greatest offence ("ii qui maxime
displicuissent") were obliged to lick out what
they had written with their tongue, or to be
flogged, or plunged in the nearest stream.
To this two epigrams in the Anthologia,
quoted by Scaliger on the above passage of
Suetonius, are said by him to relate.
τοῦ σοῦ γὰρ πάσχω νεκροῦ χάριν οἷα


οἱ καταλείξαντες βιβλία καὶ καλάμους. Lib. ii. 40. 7. οὐχ ὅτι τὸν κάλαμον λείχεις διὰ τοῦτό σε μισῶ,

ἀλλ ̓ ὅτι τοῦτο ποιεῖς καὶ δίχα τοῦ καλά


Ib. 12. 8. Juvenal seems to refer to the competitors on these occasions who had reason to be afraid their speeches might offend, and who trembled for the consequences. In some cases they would probably be more serious than those Suetonius mentions.

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46. populum gregibus comitum premit] P. and all the older and more trustworthy MSS. have the indicative mood: several of the later have 'premat;' and Heinrich adopts it. Ruperti and Jahn have 'premit,' in reliance on the MSS. and the indicatives that follow; and that mood is, I believe, the right one. As to pupillus,' see Dict. Ant., Art. Tutor;' and Hor. Epp. i. 1. 21, n. This 'tutor' went out to the forum or to the walks, attended, deductus'. (see Hor. S. i. 9. 59), by crowds of parasites, supported by the fortune of his pupillus,' who was left to starve or to support himself by the vilest means. 'Comites' is the word used below, ver. 119. Ruperti thinks 'pupillae' must be the proper word, but does not adopt it. It would be less offensive; but that is not much to the purpose.

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47. Et hic damnatus inani Judicio] We have the private thief and the public brought together. Marius Priscus, proconsul of Africa, was convicted (A.D. 100) of 'repe


tundae,' and banished from Italy. Marius was compelled to refund a part of his bad gains, and retired with the remainder to live comfortably, though not at home. The offence of 'repetundae,' which was that of a magistrate getting money by foul means from the provincials under his government, was punished with different penalties at different times. The latest 'lex' on the subject was the lex Julia,' passed in the dictatorship of Julius Caesar, which abolished the punishment of exile; but it appears to have been revived under the empire. The refunding of the money proved to have been received was always part of the penalty ; and in this instance it appears that 700 sestertia (about 55001. sterling) were paid by Marius into the treasury. An interesting younger Pliny, who acted for the provincials account of the whole affair is given by the (Epp. ii. 11). See Long's Excursus on Cic. in Verr. onRepetundae,' and Dict. Ant. under the same head. 'Infamia' (concerning which see Dict. Ant.) did not result from the offence of 'repetundae;' but Juvenal uses the word loosely. Ab octava bibit' means that he sat down to dinner earlier than usual; the ninth hour in summer, and tenth in winter, being those at which industrious persons generally dined (see Hor. C. i. 1. 20, n.). 'Fruitur dis iratis,' he enjoys the anger of the gods; that is, he makes himself comfortable under his punishment.

50. victrix provincia,] Grangaeus supposes this to be a play upon the words. Even if it were (which is not likely), it would be only from the similarity of sound, and would not support Festus' derivation of 'provincia' from 'vinco.' It is a shortened form of providentia,' and "properly designated the particular functions of a magistrate." See Long's note on Cic. in Verr. ii. 2. 1. Vincere' is the legal word for succeeding in a cause. On 'ploras' Grangaeus adds, "tibi enim fuit victoria Cadmea, in qua jocatur victus plorat victor."

51. Venusina digna lucerna ?] Horace and Juvenal had not much in common; but Horace seems to have been looked upon by

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