THE SPECTATOR, IN EIGHT VOLUMES. VOL. II. GLASGOW: Printed by David Diven; TOR J. DUNCAN, J. & M. ROBERTSON, DUNLOP, & WILSON, EDINBURGH; AND W. COKE, LEITH, TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE CHARLES LORD HALLIFAX, MY LORD, S IMILITUDE of manners and studies is usually mentioned as one of the strongest motives to affection and esteem; but the paffionate veneration I have for your Lordship, I think, flows from an admiration of qualities in you, of which, in the whole course of these papers, I have acknowledged myself incapable. While I bufy myself as a stranger upon earth, and can pretend to no other than being a looker-on, you are confpicuous in the bufy and polite world, both in the world of men and that of letters: While I am filent and unobserved in public meetings, you are admired by all that approach you |