Obrázky na stránke

For the unfaithful housbonde is halowid by the feithful womman, and the unfeithful womman is halowid bi the feithful housbonde: ellis ghoure children weren unclene, but now thei ben hooli.-Wiclif. 1 Corynth. c. 7.

Alle men that wolen lyue feithfulli in Crist Iesu schulen

suffre persecucioun.-Id. Tyte, c. 3.

(But I wol not avowen that I say,

And therfore kepe it secree I you pray)
He is to wise in faith, as I beleve.

Chaucer. Chanones Yemannes Prologue, v. 16,112.

Tha arne they folk that han most god in awe
And strengest faithed ben I vnderstond

And con an errour alderbest withstond.-Id. Troilus, b. i.

Thou lovest me, that wot I well certain,
And art my faithful liegeman ybore.
And all that liketh me I dare wel fain
It liketh thee.

Id. The Clerkes Tale, v. 8185.

Ey goddes moder, quad she, blisful maid,
Is their ought elles? tell me faithfully.

Id. The Sompnoures Tale, v. 7789. Complained eke Heleine of his sickenesse So faithfully that it pety was to here.-Id. Troilus, b. ii. Fayth is the beleuyng of God's promises, and a sure trust in the goodness and truth of God, which fayth iustified Abrah. Gen. xv. and was the mother of all his good workes whiche he afterward did, for faith is the goodnesse of all works in the sight of God.-Tyndall. Workes, p. 7.

He is weake faithed which loueth and enbraceth the trwe doctrine, wold promoue it, suffreth himself to be enstructed, and studieth to profite therein and desyreth the techres to be preserued, and confesseth the trwth in a maner, albeit he dare not defende it openly and frely enoughe nor strongly, nethelesse he nether denieth it nor persecuteth it. Joye. Exposicion of Daniel, c. 6.

Where as agaynst his false ground that ther can be no true fayth but if it be writen in Scripture, I objected against him the faith of many good and faithfull men, in whose dayes we cannot proue that their faith was written, and yet we doubt not but that thei wer good and faithfull: he saieth, I cannot proue that they hadde no Scripture.

Sir T. More, Workes, p. 468.

For Lycurgus succeadinge his brother Polybita in the kingdom of Sparta, when as he might lawfullye haue chalenged it to himselfe, surrendered the same with as muche faithfulnesse as might be, vnto his sonne Charilaus whyche was borne after the deathe of hys father, as soone as he came to mannes estate.-Golding. Justine, fol. 21.

Praye God that he wyll witesafe to worke faith in thyne herte, for else shalt thou remaine euermore faithlesse, fayne thou, ymagin thou, enforce thou, wrastle with thy self, and do what thou wilt or canst.-Udal. Prologue to Romaynes. Or if no skill they think it, but suppose "Tis faith (and faith ne'er thinks heav'n's height too high.) Yet faiths so sev'ral be, that few are those Can choose right wings when they to heav'n would fly. Davenant. Gondibert, b. ii. c. 1.

I shall be nam'd among the famousest
Of women, sung at solemn festivals,
Living and dead recorded, who, to save
Her countrey from a fierce destroyer, chose
Above the faith of wedlock-bands; my tomb
With odours visited and annual flowers.

Milton. Samson Agonistes.

-I provided death; so death becomes His final remedie, and after life Tri'd in sharp tribulation, and refin'd By faith and faithful works, to second life, Wak't in the renovation of the just, Resigns him up with heav'n and earth renew'd. Id. Paradise Lost, b. xi. I' faith sir, if you had told as many lies in his behalfe, as you haue vttered words in your owne, you should not passe heere.-Shakespeare. Coriolanus, Act v. sc. 1.

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Lion. A faithful, not a ceremonious friend;
But one that will stick by you on occasions,
And vindicate your credit, were it sunk
Below all scorn, and interpose his life
Betwixt you and all dangers.

Marmion. The Antiquary, Act i. sc. 1.
But still thy words at random, as before,
Argue thy inexperience what behooves
From hard assaies and ill successes past
A faithful leader, not to hazard all
Through wayes of danger by himself untried.

Milton. Paradise Lost, b. iv. Be briefe, in what thou wouldst command, that so The docile mind may soone thy precepts know, And hold them faithfully.-Johnson. Herace.Art of Poetry.

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He in his furie all shall over-ronne,

And holy Church with faithlesse hands deface,
That thy sad people, utterly fordonne,
Shall to the utmost mountaines fly apace.

Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. iii. c. 3.
If ought seem vile,

As vile hath been my folly, who have profan'd The mystery of God giv'n me under pledge Of vow, and have betray'd it to a woman, A Canaanite, my faithless enemy.-Milton, Samson Agon. Which [peace and unity between England and Ireland] doubtlesse had beene easily effected long ere this, had we all beene faithfull, true, reall to the publike cause of God and our countrey in our severall places, and not faithlessely betrayed, but sincerely discharged the severall trusts reposed in us to the uttermost of our powers.

Prynne. Treachery & Disloyalty, p. 218. App.

If they had gone to God without Moses, I should have praised their faith; but now they goe to Moses without God, I hate their stubborne faithlessenesse.

Bp. Hall. Cont. Golden Calfe.

Faith, is that firm belief of things at present not seen, that conviction upon the mind, of the truth of the promises and threatnings of God made known in the Gospel; of the certain reality of the rewards and punishments of the life to come; which enables a man, in opposition to all the temptations of a corrupt world, to obey God in expectation of an invisible reward hereafter.-Clarke, vol. i. Ser. 1.

Aman. Well my opinion is, form what resolution you will, matrimony will be the end on't.

Ber. Faith, it wont.-Vanburgh. The Relapse, Act ii. sc. 1.
Or if my frowning stars have so decreed,
That one must be rejected, one succeed,
Make him my lord, within whose faithfull breast
Is fix'd my image, and who loves me best.

Dryden. Palamon & Arcite.

And therefore the bishop requires them to deal plainly and faithfully with him and the church, and to tell him, whether they really trust, that they are mov'd by the Holy Ghost to take this office upon them? to which every one is bound to answer, I trust so.-Bp. Beveridge, vol. i. Ser. 3.

The word faith, always contains in it the notion of faith fulness or fidelity.-Clarke, vol. i. Ser. 26.

No natural cause she [Io] found, from brooks or bogs,
Or marshy lowlands to produce the fogs:
Then round the skies she sought for Jupiter,
Her faithless husband; but no Jove was there.

Dryden. Ovid. Metam. b. i.

Let us give a faithful pledge to the people, that we honour indeed the crown; but that we belong to them; that we are their auxiliaries, and not their task-masters; the fellowlabourers in the same vineyard, not lording over their rights, but helpers of their joy.-Burke. Economical Reform.

Though the generality of painters at that time were not equal to the subjects on which they were employed, yet they were close imitators of nature, and have perhaps transmitted more faithfull representations, than we could have expected from men of brighter imagination.

Walpole. Anecdotes of Painting, vol. i. c. 7.

But, as I said before, a case,
So far remov'd by time and place,
Is seldom faithfully related,
Or in most points, exaggerated.

Cambridge. Learning. A Dialogue.
Still nod the plumage o'er the brainless head.
Still o'er the faithless heart the riband spread.
Such toys may serve to signalize the tool,
To gild the knave, or garnish out the fool.

P. Whitehead. Manners, a Satire, 1738. When the heart is sorely wounded by the ingratitude or faithlessness of those on whom it had leaned with the whole weight of affection, where shall it turn for relief?



FALCA'TION. An arched or mitar.

Blair, vol. iii. Ser. 13. Fr. Fauchion, ensis falcatus, (Junius and Skinner,) from the Lat. Falx, a cutter. Applied tocrescent-shaped cutter; a sci

Ne Paul whit his fauchon
That wolde defende me hevene dore, dynge ich nevere so
Piers Ploukman, p. 272.
And on his haunch a rousty fel fauchoun.
Chaucer. Testament of Creseide.
Aeneas sodenly for feare his glistring sword out tooke,
And as they threatning came he towards them his fauchon
Phaer. Virgill. Eneidos, b. vi.

And full as oft came Edward to my side,
With purple faulchion, painted to the hilt,
In blood of those that had encountered him.
Shakespeare. 3 Pt. Hen. VI. Act i. sc. 4.

Queene Margaret saw
Thy murd'rous faulchion smoaking in his blood :
The which, thou once didd'st bend against her brest,
But that thy brother's beate aside the point.

Id. Rich. III. Act i. sc. 2.

The trumpets sound, and they together run
With greedy rage, and with their faulchions smot
Ne either sought the others strokes to shun,
But through great fury both their skill forgot.
Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. v. c.7.

They are all horse men, carrying nothing but a bow, a sheaf of arrowes, and a fauchion sword: they are exper riders, and shoot as readily backward as forward.

Purchas. Pilgrimage, b. iv. c. 15. s. 1.

Venus, Mercury, and our Moon, have phases, and appear sometimes falcated, sometimes gibbous, and sometimes more or less round.-Derham. Astro-Theology, b. v. c. 1.

And this sphæricity, or rotundity, is manifest in our moon, yea in Venus too; in whose greatest falcations the dark part of their globe may be perceived, exhibiting them selves under the appearance of a dull and rusty colour. Id. I The locusts have antennæ or long horns before, with a long falcation or forcipated tail behind. Brown. Vulgar Errours, b. v. c. 1. Heaven's queen, who favours both, gave this command, Suppress thy wrath, and stay thy vengeful hand, Be all thy rage in tauntful words exprest; But guiltless let thy thirsty falchion rest.

Tickell. Homer. Iliad, bi

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Amidde a tree for dry, as white as chalk
As Canace was playing in hire walk
Ther sat a faucon over hire hed ful hie,
That with a pitous vois so gan to crie,
That all the wood resouned of hire cry.

Chaucer. The Squieres Tale, v. 10.725

The faucon whiche fleeth ramage,
And sufreth no thyngs in the waie,
Wherof that he maie take his praie:
Is not more set vpon rauayne,
Than thilke man.

Gower, Con. A. b. iii. In lyke manner as by coparyson of faucons pelegrynes that haue stande and rested longe on the perche hath g desyre to flye abrode, in lyke manner the knyghtes a squyers of Englonde desyred to fynde dedes of armest auaunce themselfe.-Berners. Froiss. Cron, vol. ii. c. 46.

Well, said the admiral, the matter is not great, for ther can be no danger in this sally, for where they worke is within falcon-shot of the ships.

Hackluyt. Voyages, vol. iii. p. 7:4
Eft fierce retourning, as a faulcon fayre,
That once hath failed of her souse full neare,
Remounts againe into the open ayre,
And unto better fortune doth herselfe prepayre.

Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. ii. c. 1 Hee is much delighted with pleasures of the field, fo which in Græcia and Natolia he hath fortie thousand fa coners; his huntsmen are not much fewer.

Purchas. Pilgrimage, b. iii. c. 9. s. 5

I have noted this fault in many of our younger brood gentry, who either for want of education in learning. their owne neglect of learning, have no sooner attained t the strength of making their fist a pearch for a hawke, b by the help of some bookes of faulconry, whereby they ar instructed in the words of art, they will ran division up discourse of this pleasure.

Brathwait. English Gentleman, (1633.) p. 229 Wee find in faulconrie, sixteen hawkes or fowls tha prey.-Holland. Plinie, b. x. c. 8,

Our hopes, like towering falcons, aim
At objects in an airy height:
The little pleasure of the game
Is from afar to view the flight.

Prior. To the Hon. Charles Montagur, En

For still to be deluded so

Is all the pleasures lovers know;

Who, like good falconers, take delight Not in the quarry, but the flight.

Waller. To the Mutable Fair.

So, when a falcon skims the airy way,
Stoops from the clouds, and pounces on his prey;
Dash'd on the earth the feather'd victim lies,
Expands its feeble wings, and, flutt'ring, dies.

P. Whitehead. The Gymnasiad, b. iii. FALDING. Falding, Skinner says, is a FALDSTOOL. kind of coarse cloth, perhaps from the A. S. Feald, a fold, from Feald-an, to fold.

It. Faldisto-ro; "Fr. Fauldetueil,-a low, large, and easie foulding chair, having both a back and elbows," (Cotgrave.) Skinner has, faldistor, which he derives from falde, septum, and stow, locus. It is probably no more than a folding stool. (See Du Cange in v. Faldistorium.)

His presse ycovered with a falding red.

Chaucer. The Milleres Tale, v. 3212.

He rode upon a rouncie, as he couthe,
All in a goune of falding to the knee.

FALL, v.

FALL, n.



Id. The Prologue, v. 393. Dut. Uallen; Ger. Fallen; Sw. Falla; A. S. Feall-an, cadere, decidere, ruere. Fall is properly applied to a change of place, when a body moves by its own weight from a higher to a lower place. It is used as equivalent to the Latin verbs, cadere and ruere; and by conséquence denotes, suddenness, quickness, destruction.

To move from an upright to a flat or prostrate position; from an elevated or raised, to a low, dejected, or depressed, station or condition; to drop, to sink, to lower; to descend, to depress, to leject; to drop, droop or decay; to chance, Fr. Cheoir, Lat. Cadere, to happen or come to pass, as by the motion or action of falling;) and generally, to happen or come to pass. (See BEALL.)

Fall, with prepositions subjoined, has various netaphorical and consequential usages; the force or import of which must be collected from the context.

To fall away,-he, i. e. his fleshiness, has fallen

way; he is thinner.

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They have fallen away, or fallen off, — i. e. noved off or away, ceased to accompany, quitted he ranks or party; and thus, to revolt, to apo


To fall in or into,-to coincide, to concur, to


To fall on or upon,-to rush upon, to attack, to ssault.

To fall off or out,-to separate from, to sever, o sunder, to disagree, to quarrel.

Faller, n.-is used in the margin of the Bible n Jer. xlvi. 6.

Vor he let hym myd hors to drawe fram strete to strete, That the peces felle of ys fless aboute monye and grete. R. Gloucester, p. 313.

R. had minoures, that myned vndere the walle, A pece with a grete cours at ons felle doun alle. R. Brunne, p. 179. And thenne falleth the fur. on false menne houses. Piers Plouhman, p. 43. Jhesus seide to hise disciplis that the boot schulde kepe im fro the puple, lest thei thristen him, for he helide anye, so that thei felden faste to him to touch him. Wiclif. Mark, c. 3. Netheles it bihoueth me to day and to morowe and the ay that sueth to walke: for it fallith not a profete to erische out of Jerusalem.-Id. Luke, c. 13

Anon ther is a noise of peple begonne

It semed that the listes shulden fall.

For joye of this, so loud and high withall,

Chaucer. The Knightes Tale, v. 2664.

For sothly ther na's no discomfiture,

For falling n'is not but an aventure.-Id. Ib. v. 2724.

And natheless there is no man

In all this worlde so wise, that can

Of loue temper the measure:

But as it falleth in auenture.-Gower. Con. A. b. i.

But it is saide, and euer shall

Betwene two stooles is the fall,

When that men wenen best to sitte.

Id. Prol.

For the children from their youth oughte to geue theim selfe to trauayle, whereby thei ought to liue and resyste the disfauour and falles of fortune.-Golden Boke, c. 25.

The which on al parts roud about hauing most high rockes and steepe fallings, had left on one syde an ascent gentlye rising by littel, not passing two hundred fote brode. Goldyng. Cæsar, fol. 62. A cause farre fetched' is this. Such a one fell out with his neighbour. Ergo, he killed him, falling out bringeth' chyding, chyding bringeth hatred, &c.

Wilson. The Arte of Logike, fol. 44.

Cleon. Never varlets
So triumph'd o'er an old fat man: I was famish'd.
Timag. Indeed you are fallen away.

Massinger. The Bondman, Act iv. sc. 4.

Hot. Reuolted Mortimer?
He neuer did fall off, my soueraigne leige,
But by the chance of warre.

Shakespeare. 1 Pt. Hen. IV. Act i. sc. 3.

Cons. Thou cold blooded slaue
Hast thou not spoke like thunder on my side?
Beene sworne my souldier, bidding me depend
Vpon thy starres, thy fortune and thy strength,
And dost thou now fall ouer to my foes!

Id. K. John, Act iii. sc. 1.

Ah doe not teare away thy selfe from me;
For know, my loue, as easie maist thou fall
A drop of water in the breaking gulfe,
And take vnmingled thence that drop againe
Without addition or diminishing,
As take from me thy selfe, and not me too.

Id. Comedy of Errors, Act ii. sc. 2.

And as she fled, her mantle she did fall;
Which lyon vile with bloody mouth did staine.

Id. Midsummer Night's Dreame, Act v. sc. 1.
Oh diuell, diuell;

If that the earth could teeme with woman's teares,
Each drop she falls would proue a crocodile :
Out of my sight.
Id. Othello, Act iv. sc. 1.
For meeting her of late behinde the wood,
Seeking sweet sauors for this hatefull foole,
I did vpbraid her, and fall out with her.

Id. Midsummer Night's Dreame, Act iv. sc. 1.

I pray you fall too, if you can mocke a leeke you can eate a leeke.-Id. Hen. V. Act v. sc. 1.

The hope and expectation of thy time
Is ruin'd, and the soule of euery man
Prophetically doe fore-thinke thy fall.

Id. 1 Pt. Hen. IV. Act iii. sc. 2.

How did he shew his condescension to his appostles, to his disciples, who had great differences, great fallings short? Goodwin. Works, vol. iv. pt. iv. p. 402. Cask. He fell downe in the market-place and foam'd at mouth, and was speechelesse.

Brut. 'Tis very like he hath the falling-sickness. Cassi. No, Cæsar hath it not but you and I, And honest Caska, we haue the falling-sickness.

Shakespeare. Julius Cæsar, Acti. sc. 2. Your own notion of dignity (if you have any sense in it) falls in with mine of substance; for whatever expresses intrinsic dignity, (and not mere outward relation) expresses the nature and substance) the seat and ground of that

intrinsic dignity.-Waterland. Works, vol. iii. p. 200.

Tho' all we can possibly do, must needs fall infinitely short of our most perfect pattern, yet we are indispensibly obliged to be like it in our proportion, and according to our capacity.-Clarke, vol. vi. Ser. 17.

Doctor London, who had by his most servile flatteries insinuated himself into Cromwell, and was much employed in the suppression of monasteries, and expressed a particular zeal in removing all images and relics which had been abused to superstition, did now upon Cromwell's fall apply himself to Gardner, by whose means he was made a prebendary there.-Burnet. Hist. of the Reformation, an. 1543.

And three indirect insinuations will go as far in law towards the giving a downright lie, as three foils will go towards a fall in wrestling.

Dryden. The Duchess of York's Paper Defended. And therefore if any of our divines following the Remonstrants abroad, have herein departed from the principles of our church, it is high time to take notice of this falling-off, and to endeavour to call them back again to our old and sound principles.-Waterland. Works, vol. v. p. 466.

Rest certainly tends to relax; yet there is a species of motion which relaxes more than rest; a gentle oscillatory motion, a rising and falling.—Burke. Sublime & Beautiful.

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Here playeth master More the suttle sophister, and would deceive men wyth a fallace, which lyeth in thys woorde, true, so that when he sayeth that such apparitions be true, thys sentence may be taken two maner of wayes. Frith. Workes, p. 46.

He sayd the fallacion was very pretty and notable, and tooke his penne and wrote in my booke the very wordes wherein the very controversy stode. Ascham. State of Germany.

My eares shut up that easie dore
Which did proud fallacies admit;
And vow to hear no follies more;
Deafe to the charmes of sinne and wit.

Habington Castara, pt. iii.

So spake the son of God, and Satan stood
A while as mute, confounded what to say,
What to reply, confuted and convinc't
Of his weak arguing, and fallacious drift.

Milton. Paradise Regained, b. iii. Such an one that fallaciously pretends religion, though by this disguise he escape here, yet shall surely pay for it here after.-Hammond. Works, vol. i. p. 301.

In the 149 page he reasoneth thus: those which autho rized the book of Common Prayer, were studious of peace, and buylding the churche, therefore those which finde fault with it are pullers downe of the churche, and disturbers of the peace, which was a fallation of the accident, when a man thinketh that every thing which is veritied of the subiect, may be likewise verified of that which is annexed vnto it. Whitgift. Defence, p. 30. (T. C.) Secondly, your minor is ambiguous, and therefore in that respect, your argumente may be also placed in the fallacion of equiuocation.-Id. Ib. p. 63.

The fallax of this colour is, first in respect of hope, which is a great antidote against evills, for the reformation of a fault is many times in our own power, but the amendment of fortune is not.-Bacon. Learning, by G. Wats, b. vii. c. 3. Maranta enumerates forty cases in which (a negative ought to be proved:) and Socinus sets down eight hundred and two fallencies (that's the word of the law) concerning the contestation of suits and actions at law.

Bp. Taylor. Rule of Conscience, Pref. p. 7. Then fallible, it seems,

Of future we may deem him, though till now Omniscient thought. Milton. Paradise Lost, b. vi.

Besides, let me tell you, that decisions and anathematizings have sometimes done as much hurt toward occasioning of breaches, as licence and acknowledgment of fallibility hath done.-Hammond. Works, vol. ii. p. 508.

few principles, I leave you to the farther consideration of the
Having mentioned the weakness and fallibleness of these
frailness, and danger of those superstructures, which shall
be erected on any, or all of these.-Id. Ib. vol. i. p. 335.
His principal and most general fallacy, is his making
essence and person to signify the same.
Waterland. Works, vol. i. pt. ii. p. 283.

But here gay Folly keeps her Court, and here,
In crowds, her tributary fops appear;
Who, blindly lavish of their golden days,
Consume them all in her fallacious ways.

Pomfret. Love triumphant over Reason. Being persuaded by trials purposely made, as well as by the reason of the thing, of the fallaciousness of such thermoscopes.-Boyle. Works, vol. iii. p. 334.

It would require a long disclosure to point out to you the many fallacies that lurk in the generality and equivocal nature of the terms "inadequate representation." Burke. On the French Revolution.

Descartes thus, great Nature's wandring guide,
Fallacious led philosophy aside,

Till Newton rose, in orient beauty bright
He rose, and brought the world's dark laws to light.
Fawkes. Will with a Wisp.

This fallacious idea of liberty, whilst it presents a vain shadow of happiness to the subject, binds faster the chains of his subjection.-Burke. A Vindication of Nat. Society.

On a little enquiry, they will be found as great an imposition as the successes they are meant to depreciate; for they are all either false or fallaciously applied; or not in the least to the purpose for which they are produced.

Burke. On a late State of the Nation.

The followers of Democritus and Epicurus conceived the forms of heat, and sound, and colour, to be in the mind only, but that our senses fallaciously represented them as being in bodies.-Reid. Enquiry, c. 6. s. 5.

What nave we to judge of visible objects beside the eye? yet this eye, upon their being brought nearer or placed in a different light, may discover the fallaciousness of the notices itself had given before or on perceiving a haziness in the prospect, may know its own appearances to be imperfect and yield to the information of others who stand in a situation to discern them clearer.

Search. Light of Nature, vol. i. pt. ii. c. 35. FA'LLOW, v. A. S. Fealewe. Flavus, FA'LLOW, adj. yellow, yellowish. Falewe, FA'LLOW, n. helvus, gilvus, (Somner.) FA'LLOWNESS. Dut. Vaeluwe, value; Ger. Fal, which Wachter renders, pallidus; and says, it is spoken of the paleness of all colours, especially tawny, yellow, and black, as the Lat. Helvus and gilvus. It. Falvo; "Fr. Fauve,-deep-yellow, lyontawny, light-dun," (Cotgrave.) To fallow is thus used as a verb in an old poem quoted by Hickes, (Thesaurus Gram. Anglo-Sax. 232,) and somewhat modernized by Ellis, (Early Eng. Poets, i.89,) to become pale, to fade.

There beth rosis of red ble. And lilie, likful for to se.

Thai faloweth neuer day no niyt. Fallow-field, so called (says Lye) ob colorem, on account of the colour which land newly tilled or turned presents.

To lie fallow,-to be prepared for seed or plant; not yet sown or planted; unsown, unplanted; and by further consequence, uncultivated, neglected. That false traitouresse vntrewe

Was like that falowe horse of hewe,

That in the Apocalips is shewed.-Chaucer. R. of the R.
His eyen holwe, and grisly to behold,
His hewe falwe, and pale as ashen cold.

Id. The Knightes Tale, v. 1366.
Whoso that bildeth his hous al of salwes,
And pricketh his blind hors over the falwes,
And suffereth his wif to go seken halwes
Is worthy to be honged on the galwes.

Id. The Wif of Bathes Prologue, v. 6238. Burning of thistles, and diligente weeding them out of the corne, doth not halfe so much rydde them, as when the ground is falloed and tilled for good grayne.

Ascham. Toxophilus.

He [the slothfull] enters bonds and forfeits them by forgetting the day; and asks his neighbour when his owne field was fallowed, whether the next piece of ground belonged not to himselfe.-Bp. Hall. Characterismes of Vices.

In the warmer countries, lands should bee broken up and fallowes made immediately after the winter solstice or sunstead-Holland. Plinie, b. xviii. c. 19.

If the climat be such as yeeldeth but little heat in summer, and therewith many showrs of raine, where the soile also is fat and beareth a thicke greene-sord, it were better to breake up ground and fallow in the hotest season.-Id. Ib.

O be thou such to me, as thou appearedst unto Magdalene; break up the fallowes of my nature, implant me with grace, prune mee with meet corrections, bedew me with the former and latter raine, doe what thou wilt to make me fruitfull. Bp. Hall. Cont. The Resurrection.

It is my birth-day,

And I'd doe it betimes; I feele a grudging

Of bounty, and I would not long lye fallow.

I pray thee thinke, and speake, or wish for something.
B. Jonson. The Staple of Newes, Act i. sc. 2.

Lik one, who in her third widowhood did profess
Herself a nun, ty'd to retiredness,

So affects my Muse now a chaste fallowness.

Donne. To Mr. Rowland Woodward.

A Christian, if he will apply their rules to the spiritual Georgicks, the culture of his soul, shall be able to husband it the better; and by their directions have a further insight into those fallow-grounds of his own heart, which the prophet speaks of.-Hammond. Works, vol. iv. p. 619.

Genius himself (nor here let Genius frown)
Must, to ensure his vigour, be laid down,
And fallow'd well.
Churchill. The Journey.
Young kids light skipping, and the timorous fawns
Brush through the copse and bound along the lawns;
While in fresh pastures or on fallows gray
Lambs nimble in the wantonness of play.
Fawkes. Description of May.

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Harald thys false erl. tho Seynt Edwarde dede lay,
Hym selue he let crouny kyng thulke sulue day
R. Gloucester, p. 354.
Haralde's falshede tho the pope ysey there,
And per auenture me hym tolde more that soth were.
Id. p. 358.
The right lawes did he loke for fals men and fikelle.
R. Brunne, p. 36.
What did Jon Baliol, that Edward did auance,
Bot falsely, as a fole, bigan a disceyuance?
Thorgh conseile of hise he sent vnto the pape,
& controued aquaintise, a new falsnes did schape.

With wrong all it cam, with gile salle gyuen be, Dilexit Sir Adam gilerie & faisle.

Id. p. 265. Id. p. 247.

Hit ys nogt semly forsoth. in cyte ne in borw ton
That usurers oth regratours. for eny kynne geftes
Be fraunchised for a free man. and have false name.
Piers Plouhman, p. 43.
And ful meny fayre flus [fleece] falsliche wasshe.
Id. p. 161.
Thise tokens hauen freres taken, but I trowe that a fewe
Folwen fully that cloth, but falslyche that vseth.
Id. Crede.
They freten [eat] vp the firste froyt, and falsliche lybbeth.
Id. Ib.
Thanne Jhe to Judas. and to the Jewes seyde
Falsnesse ich fynde in thy faire speche.-Id. Vision, p.313.
The good that thow ygete, by gan al with falshede.

[ocr errors]

Id. Ib. p. 104. But for falshed of freres, I fele in my soule.-Id. Crede. To bagbyten and to bosten, and bere fuls whitnesse. Id. Vision, p. 28. But Saul, which is seid also Poul, was fillide with the Hooli Goost, and biheelde in to hym and seide, a thou ful of al gile and al falsnesse, thou sone of the Deuel, thou enemye of al rightwisnesse, thou leeuuyst not to turne upsodoun the righful weies of the Lord.-Wiclif. Dedis, c. 13.

fals-witnessyng agens Jhesus that they schulden take him And the prince of prestis & al the counseil soughten to deeth. And thei founden not, whanne many false witnessis weren come, but at the laste, tweyne false witnessis camen, and seiden, this seide I may distrye the temple of God & aftir the thridde day bilde it agen.-Id. Matthew, c. 26.

The chief priestes and the elders, and all the councell, sought false witnesse agaynste Jesus for to put him to death, but founde none. In so much, that when manye false witnesses came, yet founde they none. At the last came two false witnesses, and sayde: Thys felowe sayde: I can destroye the temple of God, and build it agayne in iii. dayes. Bible, 1551. Ib.

And therfore every gentil wight I pray,
For Goddes love as deme not that I say
Of evil entent, but that I mote reherse
Hir tales alle, al be they better or werse,
Or elles falsen som of my matere.

Chaucer. The Milleres Prologue, v. 3176.

For paramours they do but faine
To loue truely they disdaine,
They falsen ladies traitorously.-Id. The Rom. of the Rose.
He sterte him up out of the bushes thikke,
And sayde: False Arcite, false traitour wicke,
Now art thou hent, thou lovest my lady so,
From whom that I haue all this peine and wo.
And art my blood, and to my conseil sworn.
Id. The Knightes Tale, v. 1582.

And now thou woldest jalsly ben aboute
To love my lady, whom I love and serve,
And ever shal til that min hert sterve.

Chaucer. The Knightes Tale, v. 11

His sleightes and his infinite falsenesse
Ther coude no man writen, as I gesse,
Though that he mighte live a thousand yere;
In all this world of falsenesse n'is his pere.

Id. The Chanones Yemannes Tale, v. 16,4
God thanke I, and in good time be it sayde,
That ther n'as never man yet evil assayde
For gold ne silver that he to me lent,

Ne never falshede in min herté I ment.-Id. Ib. v. 16,5 These felons full of falsitie,

Haue many sithes begyled me,

And through her falshed her lust achiued

Wherof I repent, and am agreued.-Id. Rom. of the Re

And yet vnto this day, men seith,

A lapynke hath lost his feith,

And is the birde falsest of all.-Gower. Con. A. b. v.

Whan the emperour it herde seine
And knewe the falsehead of the vice,
He saide, he wolde do justice.

Logike hath eke in his degree
Betweene the trouth and falshede
The pleyne wordes for to shede.
The tauerner that falsethe othes,
And litle reckes to lye,

Id. Ib. b. i.

Id. Ib. b. vii.

The souldyer that doth deale the battes,

And makes his foes to flye.-Drant. Horace, Sat. 1. Dauid in Psalm 101 abhorreth soche false accusers (fa tale bringers into the kynges eares and the wrath of G shall they neuer escap.-Joye. Exposicion of Daniel, c.

If I translate, nonnulli sacerdotes, sundrie priestes, crie oute, a corrupter, a falsarie. I should have sa certaine priestes, or somme priestes: but I should not in a wise haue saide sundrie. Jewell. To Maister Hardinge, Oct. 15

All thei which haue received the gospell as the Germa and thei that vnder the same pretence debarre him ef false vsurped powr & money falselyer exacted, as Engin fight yet ayenst him.-Joye. Exposicion of Daniel, c. 12

Tha he sware by his father's soule, wherby he was re forsworne, that he woulde gette it agayne, and that wolde make ye traytours derely abye their faisnesse. Berners. Froissart. Cronycle, vol. i. c. 3

The next day following, earlye in the morning, ye G manes vsing the like dyssemblyng & falshod yt they done before, came to our camp in great number accompany wyth all theyr nobles and auncient men.

Goldyng. Cesar, fel Shall you suffer this kind of man to raygne! No let make all the speede wee may to see him crucified, ands shewe vnto all kinges and nations a justice done vppen that so vilely falsified his fayth.

Brende. Quintus Curtius, fol. As before he misreported S. Cyprian, euen so death be likewise misreporte S. Hierome, and so shoareth vp a ous mater with the falsification of his doctours. Jewell. Replie to M. Hardinge, p As for Grattan, M. Hardinge knoweth he is a com falsifier of the doctours, and therefore his credit in sut cases cannot be greate-Id. Ib. p. 407.

Maie wee not now allow you with fauour, to take al the that ye cal fittons, lies, corruptions, and falsifieinges, hot againe vnto yourselfe?-Id. Defence of Apology, p. 178. And therein all the famous history

Of lason and Medæa was yritt; Her mighty charmes, her furious loving fitt, His goodly conquest of the golden fleece, His falsed fayth, and loue too lightly flitt Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. li. c. Such one was I, my beauty was mine own; No borrow'd blush, which bankrupt beauties seek, That new-found shame, a sin to us unknown; Th' adultrate beauty of a falsed cheek.

Daniel. Complaint of Rosama What thou would'st highly, That would'st thou holily: would'st not play false, And yet would'st wrongly winne.

Shakespeare. Macbeth, Acti. sc. All states are good, and they are falsly led, Who wish to be vnborne, or quickly dead. Beaumont. The Answer of Metrador Dye had she rather in tormenting griefe Then any should of falseness her reprove. Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. iii. € Such end had the kidd, for he nould warned be Of craft, covered with simplicitie; And such end, perdie, does all hem remayne That of such falsers friendship bene fayne.

Id. Shepheard's Calendar. Jul Yet in this thing, which all men thought so plain, And to have been accomplish'd with such care, Their inward falsehood hidden did remain, Quite from the colour that the outside bare. Drayton. The Barons' Wars, b

Whereof hee soon aware,

Each perturbation smooth'd with outward calme,
Artificer of fraud; and was the first

That practic'd falshood under saintly show,
Deep malice to conceale, coucht with revenge."

Milton. Paradise Lost, b. iv.

Charles himself refutes you, you prodigy of impiety! who thinking that oath no light matter, chose rather by a subterfuge to avoid the force of it, or by a fallacy to elude it, than openly to violate it; and would rather falsify and corrupt the oath, than manifestly forswear himself after he had taken it.-Id. Defence of the People of England, c. 12.

True humility, in opposition to this false and proud appearance of it, consists in making, not our own will, but the will of God, the rule of our duty.-Clarke, vol. i. Ser. 44.

To these was Allen the conjurer joined, of whom we have poken before: but Underhil soon forsook them, by reading he Scriptures and hearing the preachers; and then, as some satisfaction to the world, he put forth a satire against he wickedness of these men, revealing the falsehood and navery that he was made privy to.

Strype. Memorials. Edw. VI. an. 1548. He divers ways falsely defamed King Henry with intents f submission (as though he had intended to submit himself nd his realme to the Pope again) such was the bishop's Gardner's] impudence.-Id. Ib. Q. Mary, an. 1554.

They that reject superstition in theory, and yet retain it n life, and that upon principle too, do but expose their own olly and falseness both in one. Waterland. Works, vol. viii. p. 60.

If the Evangelists had falsified in these narratives, it is nfinitely improbable, that the enemies of the Christian reliion who could so easily have convinced them of such falification, should not sometime or other have objected it gainst the truth of our religion, which yet they never did. South, vol. xi. Ser. 4. The Macedonians also in their turn pleaded tradition for heir rejecting the Divinity of the Holy Ghost. But the reat St. Basil laid open the falsity of their pretences that ray, and demonstrated that tradition was on the contrary ide-Waterland. Works, vol. v. p. 324.

While impious men despise thy sage decree,
From vain deceit, and false philosophy:

Let us its wisdom own, its blessings feel,
Receive with gratitude, perform with zeal.

Mason. Hymn for York Cathedral.

The commentators on Homer apologize for the glaring alsehoods which Ulysses relates, by showing they are told o the Phaacians, a credulous people. Cambridge. The Scribleriad, (Note.)

We cannot, I fear, falsify the pedigree of this fierce people, and persuade them that they are not sprung from a nation n whose veins the blood of freedom circulates.

Burke. On Conciliation with America.

Extreme necessity (to do his lordship all the right we are ible forced him upon this bold and violent falsification of the doctrine of the alliance.-Warburton. Works, vol. vii. p. 328. He was prepared to shew the madness of their declaration of the pretended rights of man; the childish futility of some of their maxims; the gross and stupid absurdity, and the palpable falsity of others.

Burke. Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs. A strange uncouth thing, a theatrical figure of the opera, his head shaded with three coloured plumes, his body fantastically habited, strutted from the back scenes, and after a short speech, in the mock heroick falsetto of stupid tragedy, delivered the gentleman who came to make the representation, into the custody of a guard, with directions not to lose sight of him for a moment.

FALTER, or FA'ULTER, V. FA'ULTERING, n. Sp. Faltar is, to fail.

Id. On a Regicide Peace, Let. 1.
Minshew says from the
Fr. Faulte, a fault. Skinner
refers to fall, and fault.

To fail or fall short; to fail, (sc.) in utterance;

to hesitate.

Fooles, the whiche fauten in witt. Piers Plouhman, p. 175. Bestyre youre werye handes, plucke vp youre weake and foltreng knees, and runne streyght to the marke that is set before you.-Udal. Hebrues, c. 12.

Whan the Emperor had ended his said recommendacions, the day began to springe, and his eie strynges began to breake, & his tongue faultered, and his handes shooke. Golden Boke, c. 47.

How can the uncorrupt and majestic law of God, bearing in her hand the wages of life and death, harbour such a repugnance within herself, as to require an unexempted and impartial obedience to all her decrees, either from us or froin our Mediator, and yet debase herself to faulter so many ages with circumcis'd adulteries by unclean and slubbering permissions.-Milton. Doctrine of Divorce, b. ii. c. 13. Wee found in a nouke remote farre out of the way one souldior lying hid alone by himselfe : who being presented unto our captain, faltered in his speech for feare, so that his words hung not together.-Holland. Ammianus, p. 114.

[blocks in formation]

The kyng hadde eke a brother, Nenny was hys name,
Strong knygt and hardi, and mon of gret fame.
R. Gloucester, p. 48.
Ac thow hast famede me foule. by fore the kynge here.
Piers Plouhman, p. 49.

And his fame wente into al Syrie, and thei broughten to him alle that weren at mal ese.-Wiclif. Matthew, c. 4.

And his fame spred abrode thorow out al Siria. And they brought vnto hym al sycke people that were taken with diverse diseases.-Bible, 1551. Ib.

The fame anon thurghout the toun is born,
How Alla King shal come on pilgrimage,
By herbergeours that wenten him beform.

Chaucer. The Man of Lawes Tale, v. 5417.
So that the name,
And of wisedome the high fame,
Towarde himselfe he wolde wynne.-Gower. Con. A. b. i.
There was a clerke one Lucius

[blocks in formation]

But bycause that Samuel shulde be famed abroad to haue bene promysed and borne by myracle, he was receyued of Heli the hygh preste, and offered as a peculyar gyfte to God, to be more dylygently loked to.-Bale. Apologie, fol. 69.

There haue been diuers sonnes of Rome, whiche beyng in straunge countreies, haue doen great profite to the comon welth, and no lesse famed throughout the worlde, which after thei were retourned to their own houses, haue spilt more bloud in innocents, than thei had done before of the Barbariens.-Golden Boke, c. 13.

I answere that Master Wyclife was noted whyle he was lyuynge, to be a man not onely of moste famous doctryne, but also of a very syncere lyfe and conuersació.

A Boke made by John Fryth, fol. 19.

This is certaine and cannot be denied, but that he being the publick reader of diuinitie in the uniuersitie of Oxford was for the rude time wherein he liued, famously reputed for a great clearke, a deepe schooleman, and no less expert in all kind of philosophy.

Fox. Martyrs, p. 390. John Wickliffe, his History. Unto this heauenly matter there was specially deputed a tendre young virgin, not set forth to the world with aboundaunce of riches or possessions, not by famousness of name, not portlynesse of lyfe, ne with the other thynges whiche this world vseth to haue in highe regarde, but endewed with excellent vertues of the minde, the whiche doe make a man acceptable in the sight of God.—Udal. Luke, c. 1.

A mischiefe Fame, there is none else so swift;
That mouing growes, and flitting gathers force:
First small for dred, sone after climes the skies:
Stayeth on earth, and hides her hed in cloudes.

Surrey. Virgile. Æneis, b. iv.

This wit Futelli brings a suit of love
From Levidolche, one, however mask'd
In colourable privacy, is fam'd
The Lord Adurni's pensioner, at least.

Ford. The Lady's Trial, Act i. sc. 3.

Mar. Why, art thou fam'd for any valour?
Bes. Fam'd I, I warrant you.
Mar. I'me e'en heartily glad on't, I have been with thee
e're since thou cam'st to th' wars, and this is the first word
that ever I heard, prethee who fames thee?

Beaum. & Fletch. King & No King, Act i. sc. 1.
D. Zan. Madam, 'tis true, that absent at Madrid,
The custom of the Court, and vanity,
Embark'd me lightly in a gallantry
With the most fam'd of beauties there, Elvira.

Digby. Elvira, Act v. Julius Cæsar took Pompey unprovided, and laid asleep his industry and preparations, by a fame that he cunningly gave out, how Cæsar's own soldiers loved him not; and being wearied with the wars, and laden with the spoils of Gaul, would forsake him as soon as he came into Italy. Bacon. Fragment of an Essay on Fame.

Fame is the spur that the clear spirit doth raise
(That last infirmity of noble mind)

To scorn delights, and live laborious days;
But the fair guerdon when we hope to find,
And think to burst out into sudden blaze,
Comes the blind Fury with th' abhorred shears,
And slits the thin-spun life. Millon. Lycidas.

Petill. That man that loves not this day,
And hugs not in his arms the noble danger,
May he dye fameless and forgot.

Beaum. & Fletch. Bonduca, Act iii. sc. 2.

Arabia may be happy in the death
Of her reviving phenix: in the breath
Of cool Favonius, famous be the grove
Of Tempe while we in each other's love.

For that let us be fam'd. Habington. Castara, pt. ii.

She that with silver springs for ever fills
The shady groves, sweet meddowes, and the hills,
From whose continuall store such pooles are fed,
As in the land for seas are famoused.

Brown. The Inner Temple Masque.

Marvellous piece of divinity! and well worth that the land should pay six thousand pounds a year for, in a bishoprick; although I read of no sophister among the Greeks that was so dear, neither Hippias nor Protagoras, nor any whom the Socratic school famously refuted without hire.

Millon. Reason of Church Government, b. i. c. 5. Bernard Gilpin, fam'd in the North for his zeal in religion, and his care of his flock, was sent for up to court, to preach before the King.-Strype. Memorials, an. 1552.

Macrobius too relates the vision sent
To the great Scipio, with fam'd event;
Objections makes, but after makes replies,
And adds that dreams are often prophesies.

Dryden The Cock and the Fox.

In such base sentence if thou couch thy fear,
Speak it in whispers, least a Greek should hear.
Lives there a man so dead to fame, who dares
To think such meanness, or the thought declares.

Pope. Homer. Iliad, b. xxiv.

Since you do me the favour to desire a name from me, take that of Corinna, if you please; I mean not the lady with whom Ovid was in love, but the famous Theban Poetess, who overcame Pindar five times, as historians tell us.

Dryden. To Mrs. E. Thomas, Nov. 1699.

He [W. Thorne] was reputed eminent, not only for his incomparable skill in the oriental sacred tongues by men unmatchable in them (worthily famoused on this side and beyond the sea), but also for other learning.

Wood. Athen. Oxon.

Fame is a blessing only in relation to the qualities, and the persons that give it, since otherwise the tormented prince of Devils himself were as happy as he is miserable; and famousness unattended with endearing causes is a quality so undesirable, that even infamy and folly can confer it. Boyle. Works, vol. ii. p. 306.

It may be fit that I should set out with reminding you, that the great Earl of Chatham began and established the fame and glory of his life upon the very cause which my unfortunate clients were engaged in, and that he left it as an inheritance to the present minister of the crown, as the foundation of his fame and glory after him; and his fame and glory were accordingly raised upon it.

Erskine. Speech on the Trial of Hardy.

He [Du Fresnoy] had read his poem to the best painters in all places through which he passed, and particularly to Albano and Guercino, then at Bologna; and he consulted several men famous for their skill in polite literature.

Mason. Life of Monsieur Du Fresnoy.


Fr. Famille, familier; It. Famiglia, famigliare; Sp. Familia, familiar; Lat. Familiaris, from familia; Gr. 'Ouiia, from ouixos, an assembly, a gathering; from duos, and an, a crowd, a multitude. A family,Many assembled, gathered or collected together; under the same household, of the same kin or kind, or lineage.

Familiar, adj.-domestic, living together, as of one family; and thus, well known to, or acquainted with, each other; free from, or without restraint or ceremony; free, unceremonious, unrestrained; common, frequent,

Familiar, n. is applied to a supposed demon or spirit, who serves as a familiar or domestic attendant ;-to an officer of the Inquisition. Familism, familist, – see the quotation


Famuler fo, in Chaucer,-a domestic foe:

Famulate is, in the old vocabulary of Cockeram,
to serve;
and famulative, in Cudworth, is-
serving, aiding, abetting.

Ful wel beloved, and familiar was he
With frankeleins over al in his countree.

Chaucer. The Prologue, v. 216.

This yonge monk, that was so faire of face,
Acquainted was so with this goode man,
Sithen that hire firste knowlege began,
That in his hous as familiar was he,
As it possible is any friend to be.

Id. The Shipmannes Tale, v. 12,961.

Lo in aduersity, thilke been his foes that glosed and seemed frendes in wealth; thus arne his familiars his foes & his enemies and nothing is werse ne more naughty for to annoy, than is a familiar enemy.-Id. Test. of Loue, b. ii. She [Fortune] vseth ful flattering familiaritie with hem that she enforceth to beguile.-Id. Boecius, b. ii.

O perilous fire, that in the bedstraw bredeth:
O famuler fo, that his service bedeth!

Id. The Murchantes Tale, v. 9658.

I Nebucadnezar, happye and prosperous in my familie, and ryche in my palace, did see a dreame so ferefull, that my thoughtes in my bedde troubled my head greuously. Joye. Exposicion of Daniel, c. 4.

He called Diuitiacus vnto him, and remouinge his accustomed interpreters, commoned with him by Caius Valerius Troacillus, chiefe gouernour of the Romane Prouince in Gallia, his familiar friend whom he chiefly trusted vnto in al thinges.-Goldyng. Cæsar, fol. 15.

He saide to her in sport that ye Gods gaue him good aduice and thereupon called back his familiars, and sat drynking till it was two houres after day light. 'Brende. Quintus Curtius, fol. 227.

This grudge was perceiued, by their mutuall frendes, whiche by charytable exhortacion and godly aduertisement, exhorted theim to renewe their old loue and famylyarytye, and to mete and enteruieu, in some place decent and conuenient.-Hall. Hen. VI. an. 12.

But ye that knowe me nerer & more familiarly, who doe ye saie yt I am? There Peter being more ardet and fyerie then the residue, made answer in ye name of them al: we know the to be Messias, whom God hath enoincted with al heauenly giftes of grace.-Udal. Luke, c. 9.

Mor. Jun. My lord, the family of the Mortimores Are not so poor, but, would they sell their land, Could levy men enough to anger you.-Marlow. Edw. II. Nor is 't inconstancie to change

For what is better, or to make

(By searching) what before was strange, Familiar, for the use's sake.

B. Jonson. Women's Inconstancie.

Thus your aunt of Burgundy,

Your dutchess aunt inform'd her nephew; so
The lesson prompted, and well conn'd, was moulded
Into familiar dialogue, oft rehearsed,
Till, learnt by heart, 'tis now received for truth.

Ford. Perkin Warbeck, Act iv. sc. 2.

Mel. Dost know that spirit? 'tis a grave familiar, And talk'd I know not what.

Id. Lover's Melancholy, Act v. sc. 1.

I have discovered, that a fam'd familiarity in great ones is a note of certain usurpation on the lesse. For great and popular men faine themselves to bee servants to others, to make those slaves to them.-B. Jonson. Discoveries.

Intending, though it be the highest and uttermost point of Christian philosophy, to familiarise it [final resignation to ourselves] between us as much as I can, and to address it in form of a letter to yourself.-Reliquice Wotton. p. 478. We have descended

Somewhat (as we may term it) too familiarly
From justice of our birthright, to examine
The force of your allegiance,-sir, we have,—
But find it short of duty.

Ford. Perkin Warbeck, Act ii. sc. 3.

Yet it pleas'd God to make him see all the tyranny of Rome, by discovering this which they exercis'd over divorce, and to make him the beginner of a reformation to this whole kingdom, by first asserting into his familiary power the right of just divorce.-Milton. Doctrine of Divorce, b.ii. c.21.

At this time [23 Eliz.] there arose up in Holland a certain sect, naming themselves, the Family of Love, who persuaded their followers, that those only who were adopted into their family were elected.-Baker. Chronicle, an. 1602.

Such mystical, mist-all and misse-all interpreters are our familists in these times, by vnseasonable and vnreasonable allegories, raysing mysts ouer the Scripture sense, which thereby they misse and cannot finde.

Purchas. Pilgrimage, b. i. c. 3.

This was their constant way of working miracles, insomuch that the Jewish exorcists taking notice of it, they also called over them that had familiar spirits, in the name of our Lord Jesus, saying, We adjure you by Jesus, whom Paul preaches, Acts, xix. 13.-Bp. Beveridge, vol. ii.

And this he received from certain of their own familiars, as he called them, and their privy conveyers, but now repentant.-Strype. Mem. Q. Mary, an. 1553.

We should, as learned poets use,
Invoke th' assistance of some Muse;
However Critics count it sillier

Than Jugglers talking to familiar.—Hudibras, pt. i. c. 1. All this was before his [Horace] acquaintance with Mæcenas, and his introduction into the court of Augustus, and the familiarity of that great emperor. Dryden. Origin and Progress of Satire.

Our blessed Lord has told us, that he and the Father are one; that whosoever hath seen him hath seen the Father, that he is in the Father, and the Father in him; and very familiarly speaking of the Father and himself, he says, "we will come unto him," (that loveth Christ,) " and make our abode with him."-Waterland. Works, vol. i. pt. ii. p. 234.

The whole world is the house and family of God: and in this great family of the universe good angels and good men are, by way of eminence, styled the sons of God and his firstborn.-Clarke, vol. ii. Ser. 123.

Hereby the divine creative power is made too cheap and prostituted a thing, as being famulative alwaies to brutish, and many times to unlawful lusts. Cudworth. Intellectual System, p. 45.

But Socinianism being (as was observed) an heresy much too fine for the gross and thick genius of vulgar capacities, the Devil found it requisite, sometimes, to change his engine, and amongst such as these, to set up his standard in familism, or enthusiasm.-South, vol. v. Ser. 3. Antinomianism, as both experience and the nature of the thing has sufficiently taught us, seldom ends but in familism.

The lawn-rob'd prelate and the plain presbyter,
Ere-while that stood aloof, as shy to meet,
Familiar mingle here, like sister streams
That some rude interposing rock had split.

Id. Ib.

Blair. The Grave. Since we have been familiarized to the study of landscape, we hear less of what delighted our sportsmen ancestors-a fine open country. Walpole. Anecdotes of Painting, vol. iv. c. 7. Of the family of Isaac Oliver I find no certain account, nor is it of any importance; he was a genius; and they transmit more honour by blood than they can receive. Id Ib. vol. i. c. 7. Fr. Famine; It. Fame; Lat. Fames; according to Perottus, Απο του φαγείν, because he who labours under famine, desires pay-ew, i. e. to



Hunger; a craving for food; starvation, scarcity, dearth or want of food.

Hit is no thing for love, thei labour thus faste
Bote for fere of famyn.-Piers Plouhman, p. 139.
Al shulde hire children sterven for famine,
Nay, I wol drinke the licour of the vine,
And have a joly wenche in every toun.

Chaucer. The Pardoneres Tale, v. 12,385.

But deadly warre hath his couine
Of pestilence, and of famine,

Of pouertee and of all wo.-Gower. Con. A. b. iii.

Moreouer the yearth itselfe, as though it were not content to nourish so wicked and vngodlie people, shal be shaken with yearthquakes, and so shall there be in sondry places of the worlde, greate dearthe and famyne, because it shall denye men theyr natural foode and sustenaunce.

Udal. Marke, c. 13. There was no bread in al the lande, for the derth was exceedynge sore; so yt the land of Egypte, and the land of Canaan, were famyshyd by reason of the derth.

Bible, 1551. Genesis, c. 47. To be without pestelence, warre and famishment, and all maner other abhominable diseases & plagues pertayne to vs as well as to them, if we keepe our temporall lawes. Tyndall. Workes, p. 206. And Eliah went to shewe him selfe vnto Ahab, for there was a great famyshment in Samaria. Bible, 1551. 3 Kings, c. 18. As when two tygers prickt with hunger's rage Have by good fortune found some beast's fresh spoyle, On which they weene their famine to asswage, And gaine a feastfull guerdon of their toile.

Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. iv. c. 3.

In this mood and fit, whiles they were minded to famish the poore bellie, behold the other lims, yea and the whole bodie besides, pined, wasted, and fel into an extreme consumption.-Holland. Livivs, p. 65.

You must have patience, royall Agrippina.

Agr. I must have vengeance, first: and that were nectar Unto my famish'd spirits.-B. Jonson. Sejanus, Act iv.

Eleuen of our men, after much misery and famish (which killed some of them in the way) got to Coro. Purchas. Pilgrimage, b. ix. c. 3. s

So shipwreck'd passengers escape to land,
So look they, when on the bare beach they stand
Dropping and cold, and their first fear scarce o'er
Expecting famine on a desert shore.

Dryden. Prol. The first Day of Acting after the Fi
Horace had ease and plenty when he writ,
And free from cares for money or for meat,

Did not expect his dinner from his wit;
'Tis true; but verse is cherish'd by the great,
And now none famish who deserve to eat.
Id. Threnodia Augusta,

Still mark if vice or nature prompts the deed;
Still mark the strong temptation and the need.
On pressing want, on famine's powerful call,
At least more lenicnt let thy justice fall.

Langhorn. The Country Justice, pl
Forcibly drawn from many a close recess,
They meet with little pity, no redress;
Plung'd in the stream they lodge upon the mud,
Food for the famish'd rovers of the flood.

FAN, v.
FAN, n.


Cowper. Charil Fr. Van; It. Vanno; Ge Wanne; Dut. Wanne. Wo "A. S. Fanne, ventilabrum, ra withall," (Somner.) nus, a fanne or vanne, to winnow and clean co "And Hys fann ys on h handa." "Whos wynewing tool in his hond (Wic. Luke, iii. 17.) The Lat. Vannus is derive from the Gr. BaλA-e, to cast or throw, (Vo sius;) and means—

Any thing thrown, so as to strike, and the move the air; to blow gently; to winnow. S WINNOW.

Upon this word in Chaucer's Manciples Pr logue, Mr. Tyrwhitt remarks, that the thing mear is the quintaine, which is called a fan or van, fro: its turning round like a weathercock. And strouted as a fanne large and brode.

Chaucer. The Milleres Tale, v. 3518 Now, sweete sire, wol ye just at the fan.

Id. The Manciples Prologue, v. 16,991
The king gaue our captaine at his departure a plume
fanne of herushawes feathers died in red.
Hackluyt. Voyages, vol iii. p. 308
My being heere it is, that holds thee hence,
Shall I stay heere to doo't? no, no, although
The ayre of Paradise did fan the house,
And angels offic'd all.

Shakespeare. All's Well that Ends Well, Act iii. se.
Now was the sun in western cadence low
From noon; and gentle aires, due at their hour,
To fan the earth now wak'd, and usher in
The evening cool.

Milton. Par. Lost, b. x. Nature worketh in vs all a loue to our owne counsels, the contradiction of others is a fan to inflame that loue.

Hooker. Ecclesiasticall Politie, Pre Others take this fanning (Luke, iii. 16, 17) for that dis covery which shall be made at the day of judgment, bat me it seems clear to be in this life, whilst the corn is on floor, as the several degrees of this comparison do show. Goodwin. Works, vol. v. pt. ii. p. It

By slow degrees he fans the gentle fire,
Till perseverance makes the flame aspire.

King. Art of Love. pt. xiv Women are armed with fans as men with swords, an sometimes do more execution with them: to the end there fore that ladies may be entire mistresses of the weapon which they bear, I have erected an academy for the training up young women in the exercise of the fan, according to the most fashionable airs and motions that are now practised sa court.-Spectator, No. 102.

The grateful fair the hero's worth confess'd;
Love found admittance in her gentle breast;
His early virtues rais'd her first desire;
His manly beauty fann'd the blameless fire.

Hoole. Jerusalem Delivered, b. vi I find little of her work [Magdalen Pas] but a very sca little head in my own collection, representing the Lady Ca therine, at that time Marchioness, afterwards Duchess, ef Buckingham, with a feather fan.

Walpole. Catalogue of Engravers, vol v. Foes to the Dryads, they remorseless fell Each shrub of shade, each tree of spreading root, That woo the first glad fannings of the breeze.


Granger. The Sugar Cane, bi Fr. Fanatique; It. Fanatico; Sp. Fanatico; Lat. Fanaticus, a priest; from Fanum, a temple; then applied (says Vossius) farioso et insano, to the furious

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