Obrázky na stránke

and in the course of his travels fallen in Potiphar's house, probably he might have given that lewd proposal another kind of entertainment, and while he was learning fashions not to have refused so fashionable a temptation. South, vol. vi. Ser. 5.

The latter are little trifles, scarce welcome to any but children in understanding, and admired only for a gaudy effeminate dress, which will quickly either be sullied or worn out; and a fashionableness which will within a short while perhaps be ridiculous.-Boyle. Works, vol. ii. p. 306.

But as a rich and glittering garment may be cast over a rotten, fashionably-diseased body, so an illustrious, commanding word, may be put upon a vile and ugly thing; for words are but the garment, the loose garments of things. South, vol. vi. Ser. 3.

For some, who have his secret meaning guess'd,
Have found our author not too much a Priest:
For fashion-sake he seems to have recourse
To Pope, and Councils, and Tradition's force.
Dryden. The Art of Poetry.

Unskillful he to fawn, or seek for pow'r,
By doctrines fashion'd to the varying hour;
Far other aims his heart had learn'd to prize,
More bent to raise the wretched than to rise.

Goldsmith. The Deserted Village.

He [an etymologist] brings it from facio, which, among other things, signifies to do. Hence, he supposes people of fashion, according to the old derivation of lucus a non lucendo, to be spoken of those who do nothing: but this is too general, and would include all the beggars in the nation.

Fielding. The Covent Garden Journal, No. 37.


Taste is now the fashionable word of the fashionable world. Every thing must be done with Taste that is settled; but where and what that Taste is, is not quite so certain.--Chesterfield. Common Sense, No. 16.

The difference is greater or less, according as the fashionableness and scarcity of the wine render the competition of the buyers more or less eager. Smith. Wealth of Nations, b. i. c. 11.

For he, with all his follies, has a mind
Not yet so blank, or fashionably blind,
But now and then perhaps a feeble ray

Of distant wisdom shoots across his way.-Cowper. Hope.

FASTEN, v. FAST, adj.

FAST, ad.




Goth. Fast-an; A. S. Fastnian, afæstnian, figere, firmare, confirmare, to fix, to fasten or make firm and fast. Dut. Vasten; Ger. Vesten, fæsten; Sw. Faesta.

To fix, to confirm, to keep or hold, to put or place, to unite or join closely, firmly, tightly, steadfastly; to cause to adhere or stick together; to keep close to or upon.

Doth out this water, quoth Merlyn, & wen it is aweye,
Ge schul bi nethe get yfinde holwe stones tweye;
And in eyther a dragon ther inne slepe faste.

R. Gloucester, p. 131. A ma dame marcy quath ich. me lyketh wel goure wordes Ac the moneve of this molde that men so faste kepeth. Piers Plouhman, p. 15. Bydders & beggers. faste aboute goden.-Id. p. 3.

Thou sayst, we wives wol our vices hide,
Til we be fast, and then we woll hem shew.

Chaucer. The Wif of Bathes Prologue, v. 5865
And sith she dorst nat telle it to no man
Doun to a mareis faste by she ran.

Id. The Wif of Bathes Tale, v. 6553.

And with this noyse, and with this crie
Out of a barge faste by

Men sterten out and weren ware
Of this felon.

Gower. Con. A. b. viii.

Also it hath beene sene, that the weaker person, by the sleight of wrastlyng, hath ouerthrowen the stronger, almost or he coulde fasten on the other any violent stroke.

Sir T. Elyot. The Governour, b. i. c. 17.

By whose footing when the hunters perceiue where their haunt is, they do eyther vndermyne or els cutte wythin the ground, all the trees there awayes, in such sorte that by thupper part they may seme to stad fast stil.

Goldinge. Cæsar, fol. 163. And at this meting ye Lord Hasting, whose trouth towarde the king no manne doubted nor neded to doubte, perswaded the lordes to belieue, that the Duke of Gloucester was sure and fastlye faithfull to hys prince.

Sir T. More. Workes, p. 43. Ergo he confesseth here plainely, the contrary of that he so fastelye before hath affirmed.-Id. Ib. p. 556.

And where thou didst see the feete and toes partely erthen and parte yerne, it signifieth the kingdom to be diuided, nethelesse yet shal it retain some what of the ferme fastnes of yerne as it were vnder ye sole of his fote.

Joye. Exposicion of Daniel, c. 2.

Who shewed and declared unto him, how the hope of victory was much more assured to the Romanes than to King Antiochus; and withall, how the Romanes would be the faster and surer friend of the twaine, yea and make more conscience of keeping amitie.-Holland. Livivs, p. 959.

So there were environed, intercepted, and killed in the place together with Hanno himselfe the generall, fast upon a thousand, even as many as were in the vaward, and could not well retire themselves backward.-Id. Ib. p. 735.

Which well I prove, as shall appear by triall,

To be this maides with whom I fastned hand, Known by good markes and perfect good espiall: Therefore it ought be rendred her without denial. Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. v. c. 4.

The congruent, and harmonious fitting of parts in a sentence, hath almost the fastning, and force of knitting, and connexion; as in stones well squared, which will rise strong a great way without mortar.-B. Jonson. Discoveries. Thereto both his owne wylie wit, she sayd, And eke the fastnesse of his dwelling place, Both unassaylable, gave him great ayde.

Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. v. c. 9.

The king also beeinge fast-handed, and loth to part with a second dowrie, but chiefly being affectionate both by his nature, and out of politicke considerations to continue the alliance with Spaine, preuailed with the prince (though not without some reluctation, such as could bee in those yeares, for hee was not twelve years of age) to bee contracted with the Princesse Katherine.-Bacon. Henry VII. p. 207.

It is the more obvious and common opinion, that this [the art of flying] may be effected by wings fastened immediately to the body, this coming nearest to the imitation of nature, which should be observed in such attempts as these. Wilkins. Dedalus, c. 7.

Six lions' hides, with thongs together fast,
His upper part defended to his waist:
And where man ended the continued vest
Spread on his back the houss and trappings of a beast.
Dryden. Ovid. Metam. b. xii.
But where the fancy waits the skill
Of fluent easy dress at will,

The thoughts are oft, like colts which stray
From fertile meads, and lose their way,
Clapt up and fasten'd in the pound

Of measur'd rhyme and barren sound.—Lloyd. On Rhyme. I know there is an order, that keeps things fast in their place; it is made to us, and we are made to it.

Burke. Reform of Representation.

The capital, or rather chief fastness, of Cassibelan was then taken, with a number of cattle, the wealth of this barbarous city.-Id. An Abridgement of English History.

As soon as the petty sovereigns of Asturias ventured to steal out of their mountainous fastnesses and retreats, to extend the limits of their little kingdom at the expense of Mahometan caliphs, their conquest seems to have been entrusted to the care of generals or counts.

Swinburne. Spain, Let. 44. FAST, adj. A. S. Fæste. Junius says,—fast FAST, ad. or swift in pace. Celer, citatus, FA'STLY. præceps. The English have manifestly retained this word from the Welsh Ffest, properus, festinus. But it is more probably a consequential application of fast, close: He comes fast behind, i.e. close behind; to attain which closeness or nearness of position (suppose in a race) speed was exerted. And by usage the word was transferred from the end to the means, i. e. from the place or position to the speed exerted in attaining it. Speedy, quick.

And lepte on ys stede, and siwede and slog fast ys fon.
R. Gloucester, p. 63.

Ac Wyles & Wit, weren aboute faste
To overcome the kynge.

Piers Plouhman, p. 68.

But that science is so fer us beforne,
We mowen not although we had it sworne,
It overtake, it slit away so fast;

It wol us maken beggars at the last.

Chaucer. The Chanones Yemannes Prologue, v. 16,150. To my iudgement these princes are not chosen, that they should eate more meate, than all other, nor to be aparayled Tychelyer than all other, nor to renne faster than all other: but with presupposicion, that they ought to knowe more than all other.-Golden Boke, c. 30.

But plenteous Avon strives The first to be at sea; and faster her to hie, Clear Kessilgum comes in, with Hergum by and by. Drayton. Poly-Olbion, s. 9. Seianus hearing this answere was nothing pleased, not so much in regard of the marriage, as because he feared Tiberius's secret suspicions; the rumour of the people; and enuie which grew fast vpon him.

Greneway. Tacitus. Annales, p. 103.

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Goth. Fastan; A. S. Fast-c Sw. Fasta; Dut. Vasten; Ger Fasten, jejunare; which (Wash ter thinks) is the verb, Fest FA'STINGLY. servare, to keep, to guard, t secure; applied to the keeping or observing a ri of the church: observare and jejunare, he re marks, are frequently found synonymous in eccle siastical writers. Applied to the peculiar rite abstaining from food, as a religious observass and then extended to such abstinence from ar cause. To fast, then, will mean

To observe or keep, (sc.) abstinence from food and thus, consequentially, to forbear from food to abstain from food.

His flesshe wolde haue charged him with fatnesse, ta that the wantonnesse of his wombe with trauaill and fast he adaunteth, and in ridyng & goyng trauay leth muygh liche his youthe.-R. Gloucester, p. 482. Note 7.

Vigiles and fastyng dayes. fortheremore to knowe And fulfille tho fastynges.-Piers Ploukman, p. 159. But whanne thou fastist anointe thin heed, and wais thi face: that thou be not seen fastyng to men, bat to fadir that is in hidlis, and thi fadir that seeth in hidis sc yelde to thee.-Wiclif. Matthew, c. 6.

thy face, yt it appeare not vnto men how yɩ thou fea But ya, when thou fastest, annoynt thyne head, and was

but vnto thy father which is in secrete: & thy father wh seith in secrete, shal rewarde the openlye.-Bitte, 1551 7

In hungur and thirst, in manye fastyngs, in coold ani nakidnesse.-Wiclif. 2 Cor. c. 11.

In honger, in thyrste, in fastinges often, in colde an nakednes.-Bible, 1551. Ib.

Ye shul understond also, that fasting stont in three things in forbering of bodily mete and drinke, in forbering of w jolitee, and in forbering of dedly sinne: this to say, that man shall kepe him fro dedly sinne with all his might. Chaucer. The Person To

And when thei wene all shall be wele,
Thei ben downe throwe at laste
Than am I fed of that faste,

And laugh, of that I see them loure-Gower. Con. A. bã

Nowe harken what difference ought to be betwene y father, and profitable to yourselves. It is not the fervaring fastes, and theyrs, yf ye wil haue them acceptable to of the meat that commendeth fastyng vnto God, but the and cleane affeccion of the minde, feruently desiring please God only.-Udal. Matthew, c. 6.

Thyncke ye thys fast pleaseth me, that a man she chasten him selfe for a daye, and to wrythe his heal lyke an hoke in an heerry cloth, and to lye vpon the ear) Bible, 1551. Esaye, c^ Wherefore as often as godlynesse shall proucke fast, folow not certayn menne which be not faviers counterfeyters of fasting, setting foorth the colour and a of fasting with a sower countenaunce.-Id. Ib. At lengthe bespeakes the citte mouse: my frende why lyke you still, To lyue in countrye fastynglye,

vpon a craggie hill.-Drant. Horace, b. ii. Sat. €. In the which, (for as much as he [Moses] first rested t after seuen dayes fasting and trauel of hymselfe an people through the deserrtes of Arabia) he hallowed seventh day, and called it after the manner and sage f countrie, the Sabboth day, commaundyng it to be Fastyng-day for euer after to the worldes end, because that day had made an end of all their trauill and hunger. Goldyng. Justine, foi. 13. Some with a whip their pamper'd bodyes beate, Others in fasting live, and seldom eate.

Browne. Britannia's Pastorals, b. i. s. 5 I have even wearied heav'n with pray'rs, dried up The spring of my continual tears, even starv'd My veins with daily fasts.

Ford. 'Tis Pity She's a Whore, Act is

I see Moses the receiver of the law, Elias the restorer of the law, Christ the fulfiller of the old law and author of the new, all fasting forty dayes: and these three great fasters I ande together glorious in Mount Tabor.

Bp. Hall. Cont. Of the Vaile of Moses.

But this notion of the word cannot at all belong to this place, where the hypocritical fasters, that desire their devotions should parnai, be seen and commended by men, are said to be exupwo, of sad countenance. Hammond. Works, vol. iii. p. 35. That holy number (as he calls it) of forty, which our Saviour honoured with his fasting is by this reckoning exluded.-Drayton. Poly-Olbion, s. 11.

6. Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the ands of wickednesse, to undo the heavie burdens and to let he oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke.

7. Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou ring the poor that are cast out, to thy house? when thou eest the naked, that thou cover him, and that thou hide ot thyself from thine own flesh.-Bible. Isaiah, c. 58.

From hence may an account be given why the inhabitants f hot countries may endure longer fasting and hunger than 10se of colder; and those seemingly prodigious and to us arce credible stories of the fastings and abstinence of the gyptian monks be rendered probable.

Ray. On the Creation, pt. ii.

John the Baptist came, neither eating or drinking, Matt.
1. 18. That is, when he was sent to preach, came solitary
to the wilderness with great austereness and severity of
fe, with fasting and abstinence, with mortification and self
enial; and they said, he is mad, and hath a Devil.
Clarke, vol. ii. Ser. 99.

Study and pains were now no more their care;
Texts were explain'd by fasting and by prayer.

Dryden. Art of Poetry. And upon these considerations, the king commanded all ersons, of whatsoever state and degree, to observe and eep from henceforth such fasting-days, and the time of ent, as had been heretofore used in the realm. Strype. Memorials. Edw. VI. an. 1548.

For months together these creatures of sufferance, whose ry excess and luxury in their most plenteous days had llen short of the allowance of our austerest fasts, silent, tient, resigned, without sedition or disturbance, almost ithout complaint, perished by an hundred a day in the reets of Madras.-Burke. On the Nabob of Arcot's Debts.

Others there are, and not a few,
Who place it in the bug bear view!
Think it consists in strange severities:
In fastings, weepings and austerities.

Dodsley. Religion, a Simile.

Tillotson in a fast-sermon on a thanksgiving occasion, 1st January, 1689, says, Twenty-years agone. Tooke. Diversions of Purley, vol. i. p. 467.


FASTIDIOUS. Fr. Fastidieux; It. FasFASTIDIOUSLY. tidioso ; Sp. Fastidioso FASTIDIOUSNESS. Lat. Fastidiosus, from fasFASTIDIO'SITY. tidire, quod propriè est cum stu aspernari; fastus (from fari, to speak ;) pro perbia, because proud or arrogant persons speak reat things, grandia fantur, (Vossius.)

Affecting or arrogating superior taste or disrnment; a nicer sensibility; disdaining ordinary common gratifications; disdainful; contemptuas, squeamish, nauseating, disgusting. Fastidiosity, in Swift, is coined for the occasion.

Also by a cruel and irous mayster, the wyttes of chyldren dulled and that thynge, for the whiche chyldren be often mes beaten, is to them after fastidious.

Sir T. Elyot. Governour, b. i. c. 9. Southistel] causeth fastidiousness or lothsomness of the macke.-Id. The Castel of Helth, b. ii.

Let their fastidious, vain

Commission of the brain

Run on, and rage, sweat, censure, and condemn :
They were not made for thee, less thou for them.
B. Jonson. The Author's just Indignation.

As for the [ifs] that he is so fastidiously displeased with,
hath, I doubt not, judgment enough, to discern that all
severals so introduced, are things that we assume to have
ally proved.-Hammond. Works, vol. ii. p. 273.
What was blameable in the Pharisees, was not their bare
g of some lawful indifferent, or else good, and commend-
things. not commanded by God; but their teaching
h for doctrines, and laying them as burthens on others,
what was consequent to this, their discriminating them-
es proudly and fastidiously from other men, upon this
Junt.-Id. Ib. vol. ii. pt. iii. p. 192.

He reproved the fastidiousnesse of the Pharisee, that e with Eucharist to God and contempt to his brother. Bp. Taylor. Great Exemplar, pt. iii. § 14.

This knowledge, which so many neglect and despise, nay, which the generality of men do, more than any other, fastidiously slight, or studiously shun, is, next the knowledge of its prototype, that which best deserves our study, and it most concerns us to attain.-Boyle. Works, vol. vi. p. 752.

Less licentious and more discerning times (which may be, perhaps, approaching) will repair the omissions and fastidiousness of the present, by an eminent gratitude to the names of those that have laboured to transmit to others, in the handsomest dress they durst give them, the truths themselves most valued.-Id. Ib. vol. ii. p. 309.

As mankind is now disposed, he receives much greater advantage by being diverted than instructed; his epidemical diseases being fastidiosity, amorphy, and oscitation.

Swift. Works, vol. i. A Digression in the modern kind.

On what ground, except the constitutional policy of forming an establishment to secure that kind of succession which is to preclude a choice of the people for ever, could the legislature have fastidiously rejected the fair and abundant choice our own country presented to them, and searched in strange lands for a foreign princess.

Burke. On the French Revolution.

The fastidiousness of those critics reproved, who pretend to take offence at the freedom of some of those images which are found in the sacred writings; the nature of those images explained.

Louth. Lectures. By Gregory, vol. ii. Lect. 31. Contents. FASTIGIOUS. Lat. Fastigium, the highest point. Applied to an angular or pointed roof;— contradistinguished from flat.

The ancients dwelling-houses [were] generally flat at the top, Julius Cæsar being the first that they indulg'd to raise his palace in this fastigious manner, as Salmasius tells us in Solin.-Evelyn. On Architecture.

FASTUOUS.Y See FASTIDIOUS. Lat. FasFA'STUOUSLY. -tuosus; "Fr. Fastueux; proud, FA'STUOUSNESS.) lofty, scornful, disdainful, arrogant, high-minded," (Cotgrave.)

In this notion it will accord, and associate very well with Bλaopnua, calumny, and veрnoavia, pride, which immediately precede; the calumniating, fastuous (insolent) and vain-glorious behaviour, going ordinarily together.

Hammond. Works, vol. iii. p. 158.

Injustus fuit, se super aliquem extulit, á vero declinavit, recessit, insolenter se gessit, mentitus est, fastuosè incessit, being unrighteous, proud, transgressor, insolent, lyars, fastuous.-Id. Ib. p. 389.

It [piety] fenceth him from insolence and fastuous contempt of others, rendereth him civil, condescensive, kind and helpfull to those who are in a meaner state. Barrow, vol. i. Ser. 2. We are apt to despise or disregard others, demeaning ourselves insolently and fastuously toward them. Id. vol. iii. Ser. 29.

St. Chrysostome's reflexions on those passages are very Church, and the souls of those primitive Christians were good, that indeed then there was no fastuousness in the clear of vanity.-Id. Of the Pope's Supremacy.

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And both fat, and food, in A. S. Fat, and fod, are, in Tooke's opinion, the past tense and past part. of this verb fed-an, to feed. To fat, or fatten, is

To feed well; to feed, to nourish, to a state of fulness or plumpness of size, to coarseness or grossness of body, or bodily habit.

And of fatte wetheres an hundred thousand also. R. Gloucester, p. 52. His flesshe wolde haue charged him with fatnesse but that the wantonnesse of his wombe with trauaile and fastynge he adaunteth, and in rydinge and goyng travayleth myghteliche his youthe.-Id. p. 482. Note 7.

And fatte thy faucones. to culle wylde foules. Piers Plouhman, p. 129. On fat londe and ful of donge. foulest wedes groweth. Id. p. 213. What if ony of the braunchis ben brokun whanne thou were a wielde olyue tree art graffid among hem, and art maad felowe of the roote and of the fatnesse of the olyue tree? nyle thou have glorie aghens the braunchis. Wiclif. Romaynes, c. 11.

Thoughe some of the braunches be broken of, and thou beynge a wylde olyue tree, arte grafte in among them, and made partaker of the rote and fatnes of the olyue tree, bost not thyselfe agaynst the braunches.-Bible, 1551. Rom. c.11. Ful many a fat patrick hadde he in mewe.

Chaucer. The Prologue, v. 351.

For loue leveth colour ne cleernesse, Who loueth true hath no fatnesse.-Id. Rom. of the Rose. Fynally the dyete, whiche doth extenuate and make leane, is more sure for kepyng of helth, than that whiche fatteth moch.-Sir T. Elyot. The Castel of Helth, b. iv.

It is little marueyle that ydlenesse and meate of another man's charge will soone feede vp and fatte likely men. Sir J. Cheke. The Hurt of Sedition. They were very fat, so that we were constrained to cast the fat away.-Hackluyt. Voyages, vol. iii. p. 101. And praye him, for to make me sheepe, and cattle verye fatte, And for to fatten all I haue,

excepte my witte alone:

If that be fatte, adew good lorde,

our Musies may be gon.-Drant. Horace, b. ii. Sat. 6. The king [John] vpon a time in his hunting comming where a verie fat stag was cut vp and opened (or how the hunters term it I cannot tell) the king beholding the fatnesse and the liking of the stag: see, saith he, how easilie

and happilie he hath liued, and yet for all that he neuer heard any masse.-Fox. Martyrs, p. 233. King John.

The ground they neuer fatten with mucke, dung or any thing, neither plow nor digge it as we in England. Hackluyt. Voyages, vol. iii. p. 271.

Next was November; he full gross and fat,
As fed with lard, and that right well might seeme;
For he had been a fatting hogs of late,
That yet his browes with sweat did reek and steem.
Spenser. Faerie Queene, c. 7. Of Mutabilitie.

As the bear, the hedge-hog, the bat, the bee, &c. These all wax fat when they sleep, and egest not. The cause of their fattening during their sleeping time, may be the want of assimilating; for whatsoever assimilateth not to flesh, turneth either to sweat, or fat.

Bacon. Naturall Historie, s. 899. She largely it bestows

On marsh land, whose swoln womb with such abundance flows,

As that her batt'ning breast her fallings sooner feeds, And with more lavish waste, than oft the grasier needs. Drayton. Poly-Olbion, s. 28.

For like as cooks pray for nothing, but good store of fatlings to kill for the kitchen, and fishmongers plenty of fishes; even so curious and busy people wish for a world of troubles, and a number of affaires, great news, alterations and changes of state.-Holland. Plutarch, p. 114.

So deckt with floods, so pleasant in her groves,
So full of well-fleec'd flocks and fatned droves.

Browne. Britannia's Pastorals, b. ii. s. 1. Having now spoken of hardning of the juices of the body, we are to come next to the oleosity or fattiness of them. Bacon. Of Life and Death.

Now what were peace without religion, but like a Nabal's sheep shearing; like the fatting of an Epicurean hogge; the very festivall revels of the Devil.

Bp. Hall. An Holy Panegyrick.

You may turn (almost) all flesh into a fatty substance. If you take flesh, and cut it into pieces, and put the pieces into a glass covered with parchment, and so let the glasse stand

six or seven hours in boyling water.

Bacon. Naturall Historie, § 678.

Cattle fatted by good pasturage, after violent motion, sometimes die suddenly; in such the liver is found to be inflamed and corrupted.-Arbuthnot. On Diet, c. 3.

All the superfluous weight of an animal beyond the vessels, bones, and muscles, is nothing but fat: but the conversion of the aliment into fat is not properly nutrition, which is a reparation of the solids and fluids.

Id. On Aliments, c. 2. The hire of the milk, and the prices of the young veals, and old fat wares, were disposed to the relief of the poor. Strype. Memor. Edw. VI. an. 1547.

London, thou great emporium of our isle;

O thou too bounteous, thou too fruitful Nile!
How shall I praise or curse to thy desert?
Or separate thy sound from thy corrupted part?
I call'd thee Nile: the parallel will stand:
Thy tides of wealth o'erflow the fatten'd land.

Dryden. The Medal. The wind was west, on which that philosopher bestowed the encomium of fatner of the earth.-Arbuthnot. Spirit of nitre will turn oil of olives into a sort of fatty substance; but acids may be used as stimulating.

Id. On Aliments, c. 6.

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The purport of a vision, thrown into prophetical language, would run thus: "The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, and the calf and the young lion and the falling together: the cow and the bear shall feed, and their young ones shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox." Horne. Works, vol. v. Dis. 17. The same voice, while it retains its proper distinctions, may yet be varied many ways, by sickness or health, youth or age, leanness or fatness, good or bad humour.

Reid. Enquiry, c. iv. s. 1.

FAI. (Now written Vat.) A. S. Fat, fata, fæt; Dut. Vat; Ger. Fass, dolium, cadus: all, says Skinner, from the Lat. Vas. Wachter (including vas) from the Ger. Fassen; Dut. Vatten; Sw. Fatta; capere, continere, to hold, to contain. Traces of the ancient word remain, (Mark xii. 1; Luke xiv. 23,) in the Gothic noun, Fatha, sepes. Junius derives from the Dut. Vatten.

Put ye in the sicle, for the harvest is ripe come, get ye down; for the press is full, the fats ouerflow; for their wickedness is great.-Bible. Joel, iii. 13.


Very many even of those who have no religion, nor any sense at all of the Providence of God; yet know very well, by the light of their own natural reason, that there neither is or can be any such thing as Chance, that is, any such thing as an effect without a cause; and therefore what others ascribe to Chance, they ascribe to the operation of Necessity or Fate. But Fate also is itself in reality as truly nothing, as Chance is.-Clarke, vol. i. Ser. 98.

Great therefore is the deceit, and fatal the errour, by which all those delude themselves, who continue in sin, because God's mercy (they think) and his goodness and compassion abound.-Id. vol. ii. Ser. 120.

Hence, if the orbs have still resisted been
By air, or light, or ether, ne'er so thin;

Long since their motion must have been supprest,
The stars had stood, the sun had lain at rest;
So vain, so wild a scheme, your fatalists have dress'd.
Blackmore. Creation, b. v.
It makes me think that there is something in it like

fatality; that after certain periods of time, the fame and
memory of great Wits should be renewed, as Chaucer is
both in France and England.-Dryden. Pref. to the Fables.
The loss and gain each fatally were great :
And still his subjects call'd aloud for war:
But peaceful kings, o'er martial people set
Each other's poize and counterbalance are.

Id. Annus Mirabilis, (1666.) Who knows, says Segrais, but that his [Achilles] fated armour was only an allegorical defence, and signified no more, than that he was under the peculiar protection of the Gods?-Id. Discourse on Epic Poetry.


It. Fato; Sp. Hado; Lat. FaBut Fate, derived from the Latin fari, signifying to speak, must denote the word spoken by some intelligent being, who tum, past part. of Far-i, to speak, has power to make his words good; so that whatsoever he FATAL. to utter, to say; fatum, (Vossius,) says shall be done, will infallibly come to pass; and does FATALISM. a fando; nam ita dicitur, Dei fa- not at all relate to the causes or manner whereby it is acFATALIST. tum, hoc est, dictum, jussum, de-complished, unless those causes be made to act in conseof the word spoken. FATALITY. cretum, voluntas Dei; the word, Search. Light of Nature, vol. ii. pt. ii. c. 26. FATALLY. the order, the decree, the will of When a man plants a peach tree, can you properly say it is FATEFUL. God. Literallytherefore fated that he should gather peaches and not plums Any thing spoken, uttered, or said; decreed, or filberds therefrom? or if he sows oats in his field, does ordained, destined; and thus applied to any thing he think any thing of a fatality against his reaping wheat or barley? so neither if we know a collection of atoms having preordained, predetermined; to any thing inevi- motions among them which must form a regular world, table; as death; whence fatal is— should we esteem every thing fatal that might be produced Deadly, mortal, destructive. by them.-Id. Ib.

[blocks in formation]

The day is comen of hire departing,
I say the woful day fatal is come,
That ther may be no longer tarying,
But forward they hem dressen all and some.

Id. The Man of Lawes Tale, v. 4681. Wherfore he sayeth, Confitebor, I shall knowlege togyther all my synnes, not accusynge hys fate or destenye, nor any constellacion, neyther the Deuill or anye other thynge, but onelye hys owne selfe, therfore he sayeth, Aduersum me. Fisher. On the Seuen Psalmes, Ps. 32.

We cleft the walles, and closures of the towne;
Wherto all helpe: and vnderset the feet
With sliding rolles, and bound his neck with ropes :
This fatal gin thus ouerclambe our walles,
Stuft with arm'd men: about the which there ran
Children and maides, that holy carolles sang.

Surrey. Virgile. Æneis, b. ii.

Either to disinthrone the King of Heav'n
We warr, if war be best, or to regain
Our own right lost him to unthrone we then
May hope when everlasting Fate shall yield
To fickle Chance, and Chaos judge the strife.

Milton. Paradise Lost, b. ii.

So without least impulse or shadow of Fate,
Or aught by me immutablie foreseen,
They trespass, authors to themselves in all
Both what they judge and what they choose.-Id. Ib. b. iii.

Where's the large comet now whose raging flame

So fatal to our monarchy became ;

Which o'er our heads in such proud horror stood,
Insatiate with our ruin and our blood.

Cowley. Ode on his Majesty's Restoration.
And now great deeds

Had been achiev'd, whereof all Hell had rung,
Had not the snakie sorceress that sat
Fast by Hell gate, and kept the fatal key,
Ris'n, and with hideous outcry rush'd between.

Milton. Paradise Lost, b. ii.

The flames of one triumphant day,
Which, like an anti-comet here
Did fatally to that appear,
For ever frighted it away

Cowley. Ode on his Majesty's Restoration.

A treacherous armie leuied, one midnight
Fated to th' purpose, did Anthonio open
The gates of Millaine, and i'th' dead of darknesse
The ministers for th' purpose hurried thence

Me, and thy crying self.-Shakes. Tempest, Act i. sc. 2.

Add to all this, that ne saw with concern the ill use which some were ready to make of the supposed fatalism of Mr. Pope, and how hurtful it was to Religion to have it imagined, that so great a genius was ill-inclined towards it. Hurd. Life of Warburton.

Being a fatalist in natural things, and at the same time maintaining free-will in man, he [Aristotle] thought, if Providence were extended to individuals, it would either impose a necessity on human actions, or as employed on mere contingencies, be itself frequently defeated; which would look like impotency: and not seeing any way to reconcile freewill and prescience, he cut the knot and denied its care over individuals.-Id. The Divine Legation, b.iii. s.4.

Nor fateful only is the bursting flame; The exhalations of the deep dug mine, Though slow, shake from their wings as sure a death. Granger. The Sugar Cane, b. iv. The Gr. Πατηρ ; Lat. Pater; Fr. Père; It. Padre; Dut. Vader ; Ger. Vater; Sw. Fadder; A. S. Fader; Goth. Fad-rein, sunt parentes; all which, Wachter thinks, must have had a common origin, either in the infantile cry, pa, pa, or dispersed by that people For the former Vossius


in some Scythian word, over the whole world. decides.

The parent, producer or begetter; the progenitor; applied also, to aged or reverend persons; to those who act with paternal kindness; who afford or bestow the protection of a father.

To father; to bear, impute or assume, the character or functions of father, the parentage or production.

Ych [Cordeille] the loue as the mon that my fader ys,
And euer habbe y loued as my fader, & euer wole ywys.
R. Gloucester, P.
Id. p. 142.
And ge sholde be here fadres. & techen hem hetere.
Piers Plouhman, p. 6.

Al so ich wole make to day thine sones faderles.

I schal rise up and go to my fadir and I schal saye to him fadir I haue sinned into heuene, & before thee, and now I am not worthi to be clepid thi sone: make me as oon of thin hirid men.-Wiclif. Luke, c. 15.

I wyll aryse and goo to my father, and wyll saye vnto him: father, I haue synned agaynst heauen and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy sonne, make me as one of thy hyred seruantes.-Bible, 1551. Luke, c. 15.

For grace of this thing I bowe my knees to the fadir of oure Lord Iesus Crist, of whom ech fadirheed in Lecents and erthe is named.-Wielif. Effesiese, c. 3.

For thys cause I bowe my knees vnto the father of our Lorde Jesus Chryst, which is father ouer al that is caled father in heauen & in erthe.-Bible, 1551. 16.

A cleen religioun and an unwemmed anentis God and the fadir is this, to visite fadirles and modirles children and widewis in hir tribulacioun, and kepe himsilff undefouled fis this world. Wiclif. James, c. 1.

Pure deuocio and vndefiled before God the Father, is tha, to visite the fatherless and wyddowes in theyr aduersitye. and to kepe hymselfe vnspotted of the worlde.

And ay she kept hire fadres lif on loft With every obeisance and diligence, That child may don to fadres reverence.

Bible, 1551. Ib

Chaucer. The Cierkes Tale, v. 8105,

Jason, whiche sigh his fader olde, Upon Medea made hym bolde Of art magike, whiche she couth, And praieth hir, that his father's youth. She wouide make ayenewarde newe.-Gower. Con, A. b v. The inuencion of this arte [remembraunee] is fathered vpon Simonides.-Wilson. Arte of Rhetorique, p. 216.

Of whiche nombre of heathens, ye Romaines are als touching your nacion, but by adopcion and fathering, talki all to the right title of inheritaunce and surname of Jests Christe. Udal. Romaines, c. 1.

In the yeare of our Lorde (as I sayd afore) D. C. and r Antichrist fast approaching to the fulnesse of his age, ge into a vniuersall fatherhode.-Bale. English Votaries, pt. 1.

If fatherhood go by age, I suppose that King Henrie was elder than Becket. If fatherhood consist in authorite iudge the authoritie of a king to be aboue the authoritie f an archbishop.

Fox. Martyrs, p. 195. Clenches vpon Becket's Letter When hee toke his journey returnynge home it fortunet so his father espyed hym commyng a far and anone mont with mercy and fatherlye pytye wente to mete hym

Fisher. On the Seven Psalmes, pt. ii. Ps. 14

If any man be a most holy father, then hee doth holily observe and keepe his fatherlinesse, and if he hea naughty and wicked father, then doth he most wickedly keepe the same.

Fox. Martyrs, p. 564. Articles, &c. against Stephen Paint. Rhescuporis was carried to Alexandria, and there ring about to escape, or because it was so fathered on him, was killed. Greneway. Tacitus. Annales, p. 56.

The. What say you, Hermia? be aduis'd faire maide, To you your father should be as a God; One that compos'd your beauties; yea and one To whom you are but as a forme in waxe By him imprinted and within his power, To leaue the figure, or disguise it. Shakespeare. Midsummer Night's Dreame, Acti.se. The first that there did greet my stranger soule, Was my great father-in-law, renowned Warwicke, Who spake alowd; what scourge for periurie, Can this darke monarchy affoord false Clarence? And so he vanish'd.

Id. Rich. III. Aet i. se 4 But as for himselfe, seeing that his house grieved mourned for the death of his brother Q. Fabius, and that t Commonwealth was half fatherlesse as it were, for the of a consull, he would not accept the lawrell so deformed and foully blemished, both with publike and private sorrow, Holland. Liit, p.76

He cannot choose but take this seruice I have do fatherly.-Shakespeare. Cymbeline, Act ii. sc. 3.

Tiberius made an oration tending to the great commenda tion of his sonne; bicause he tendered his brother's che with a fatherly affection.-Greneway. Tacitus. Ass. p. H Whereto thus Adam fatherly displeas'd.

O execrable son so to aspire
Above his brethren, to himself assuming
Authoritie usurpt, from God not giv'n.

Millon. Paradise Lost, b. r In original nounes adjective, or substantive, derived according to the rule of the writer of analogie, the acter!" intreated to the first in fatherlinesse, motherlinesse P. Jonson. English Grammar, b. Le Those heretics who fathered the Gospel and first Epist which we received as St. John's, upon Cerinthus, were Epiphanus deservedly named 'AXoyo, men in this void all sense and reason.-Bp. Bull. Works, vol. ii. p. 142.

The true rendering therefore of these words of the prop is, not the everlasting father, but the father or lord of t future everlasting age, the age of the Gospel: concert. which the apostle declares Heb. ii. 5. that to Christ only a not to angels, hath God put in subjection this age to com Clarke, vol. ii. Ser

The Catholic writers, both they that were before and they that were after the Council of Nice, have unanimously declared God the Father to be greater than the Son; even according to his divinity: yet this not by nature indeed, or by any essential perfection, which is in the Father, and is wanting in the Son: but only by fatherhood, or his being the author and original, forasmuch as the son is from the father, not the father from the son.-Bp. Bull. Life, by Nelson.

For why should he that's impotent
To judge, and fancy, and invent,
For that impediment be stopt
To own, and challenge, and adopt,
At least th' expos'd and fatherless
Poor orphans of the Pen and Press,
Whose parents are obscure or dead
Or in far countries born and bred.

Butler. Satire upon Plagiaries. The latter part of my poem, which describes the fire, I owe, first to the piety and fatherly affection of our monarch to his suffering subjects; and, in the second place, to the courage, loyalty, and magnanimity of the city.

Dryden. Letter to Sir R. Howard. But yet, to do justice to these [Homer, Virgil, Horace]

and the rest,

Of the poor Pagan Poets, it must be confest, That time, and transcribing, and critical note Have father'd much on them, which they never wrote. Byrom, Epistle 2. In truth he [Languerre] was, says Vertue, a modest, unatriguing man, and, as his father-in-law John Tijou said, God had made him a painter, and there left him.

Walpole. Anecdotes of Painting, vol. iv. c. 1.

O reader! if thou doubtest of these things,
Ask the cries of the fatherless, they shall tell thee,
And the tears of the widow shall confirm their truth.
Dodsley. Epitaph on Queen Caroline.

FATHOM, v. A. S. Fæthm; Dut. Vadem; FA'THOM, n. or Ger. Fadem; a measure of six FA'DOM. feet. A. S. Fæthmian; Dut. FATHOMABLE. Vademen, utraque manu exFATHOMLESS. tensa complecti, to embrace rith each hand extended. Wachter derives from Ger. Fassen, capere, comprehendere, to take, hold or comprehend.

To comprehend or embrace, (met.) to compreend, to conceive; and (from the noun, as a meaure of depth) to dive to the bottom, discern, iscover or ascertain, the depth; (met.) the deaning.

Thus running north-east by north, and north-east fiftie agues, then we sounded, and had 160 fadomes whereby we bought to be farre from land, and perceiued that the land ly not as the globe made mention. Hackluyt. Voyages, vol. i. p. 236. The temple after the China manner of building is most of mber, the walls of brick diuided into fiue iles with rowes f pillars on both sides, which are of round timber as bigge s two men can fathome.-Purchas. Pilgrimage, b. iv. c. 19. There is indeed such a depth in nature, that it is never ke to be throughly fathomed: and such a darkness upon ome of God's works, that they will not in this world be und out to perfection.-Glanvill, Ess. 4.

The Christian's best faculty is faith, his felicity therefore onsists in those things which are not perceptible by sense, ot fathomable by reason, but apprehensible by his faith, and the evidence of things not seen either by the eye of sense treason; and as his felicity, so is his life, spirituall.

Bp. Hall. Satan's Fiery Darts Quenched, Dec. 3.
Will you with counters summe

The past proportion of his infinite;
And buckle in a waste most fathomlesse
With spannes and inches so diminutive,
As feares and reasons.

Shakespeare. Troil. & Cress. Act ii. sc. 2. But here lies the fathomless absurdity, that granting this or bodily defect, they will not grant it for any defect of the ind, any violation of religious or civil society.

Milton. Tetrachordon.

Where fadom-line could neuer touch the ground. Shakespeare. 1 Pt. Hen. IV. Act i. sc. 3.

The short reach of sense, and natural reason is not always ble to fathom the contrivance, or to discern the rare and urious disposal of them, (the events and contingencies of fe.-South, vol. x. Ser. 5.

Sincere was Amri, and not only knew,
But Israel's sanctions into practice drew;
Our laws, that did a boundless ocean seem,
Were coasted all, and fathom'd all by him.

Dryden. Absalom & Achitophel.

They were rather willing to patch up a present difficulty, at any rate, than to meet it fairly, to fathom its depth, and to consider what was likely to be a solid and permanent means of remedying a real evil, and preventing its arising in future.-Fox. Speech on the Affairs of Ireland, 1782. Ocean exhibits, fathomless and broad, Much of the pow'r and majesty of God.


Even from out thy slime

The monsters of the deep are made; each zone Obeys thee; thou goest forth, dread, fathomiess, alone. Byron. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, c. 4. FATIDICAL. Fr. Fatadic; Lat. Fatidicus; FATIFEROUS. compounded of fatum, and dicere, or ferre, to tell or declare, to bring or bear fate or that which is fated. See FATE.

Declaring what is fated, ordained or determined.

And if it be true what the antients write of some trees, that they are fatidical, these come to foretel, at least wise to wish you, as the season invites me, a good new year. Howell, b. iv. Let. 4. Lat. Fatigare, -atum, quasi fatim agere, sive agitare, atque ita ad lassitudinem perducere, to reduce to a FATIGUE, n. state of weariness. Fatim, perhaps from fando, quasi copiam signet, quam difficile sit furi, (Vossius.)


Fatigate has given place to fatigue. "Fr. Fatiguer, to weary, tire, trouble, cloy, overtoyl; to give no rest unto."

He, whiche should write the negligent losses, and the pollytyque gaynes, of euery citee fortresse and turrett, whyche were gotten and loste in these dayes, shoulde fatigate and weary the reader.-Hall. Hen. VI. an. 12.

And Fabius, beinge payneful in pursuinge Anniball from place to place awaytynge to haue hym at aduauntage at the laste dyd so fatigate hym and his hoste, that therby in conclusion his power mynyshed, and also the strength of the Carthaginenses, of whom he was generall capytayne.

Sir T. Elyot. Governour, b. ii. c. 10.

The Athenienses, by feare beinge put from theyr accustomed accesse to their gouernours to require iustice, and therewith being fatigate as men oppressed with continuall iniurie, toke to them a desperate courage, and in conclusion

expelled out of the cytie all the said tyrates, and reduced it vnto his pristinate gouernance.-Id. Ïb. b. ii. c. 9.

For the poore and needy people beyng fatigate, and wery with the oppression of their new landlordes, rendered their townes before thei were of theim required.

Hall. Hen. VI. an. 35. The earth alloweth him nothing, but at the price of his sweat or fatigation. Mountague. Devoute Essayes, pt. i. Treat. 20. s. 1. Mahumete [the Second] leaueth no time vnspent, no diligence vnsought, but maketh all his power to Cyprus and Albaniæ, which hee after long fatigation of siege, at length ouercame and subdued.-Fox. Martyrs, p. 683. And so the conqueror, fatigu'd in war, With hot pursuit of enemies afar, Reclines to drink the torrent gliding by, Then lifts his looks to repossess the sky.

Parnell. The Gift of Poetry.

One of the missionaries witnesses, that being himself so fatigued, that he could hardly sit on the horse, a mandarin gave him one of these; [the gin-seng ;] upon eating half of it, in an hour's time he was not, in the least, sensible of any weariness.-Cambridge. The Scribleriad, (note 19.)

When at last he [Mr. Zincke] raised his price from twenty to thirty guineas, it was occasioned by his desire of lessening his fatigue, for no man, so superior in his profession, was less intoxicated with vanity.

Walpole. Anecdotes of Painting, vol. iv. c. 5. FA'TUOUS. Videtur fatuus a fando, id est, FATUITY. Ja vaticinando, (presaging) dictus, sed quia vates furore correpti vaticinarentur; inde pro vesanis sumi cœpit, (Vossius.)

The common word now, as applied to persons, is infatuated; bereft of reason, of common sense; foolish, imbecile.

And may the sun, that now begins t' appear

I' th' horison to usher in the year,

Melt all those fatuous vapours, whose false light Purblinds the world, and leads them from the right. Brome. Epistles. A New Year's Gift.

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Fr. Fausset, quasi faucis obturaCowper. Retirement. mentum, the stop of the mouth, (Minshew.)


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But nature has so placed the dug, that as it endeth one way in a spongeous kind of flesh full of small pipes, and made of purpose to transmit the milk, and let it distill gently by many little pores and secret passages so it yieldlittle babe's mouth.-Holland. Plutarch, p. 181. eth a nipple in manner of a faucet, very fit and ready for the


FAVEL. A name given to yellow coloured horses, as bayard, blanchard, to bay or brown and grey. See CURRY.

Neither yet let any man curry fanell with him selfe after this wise; the faute is but light, the law is broken in nothing but in this parte.-Udal. James, c. 2.

FAUGH, or Is the past part. of the A. S. FOн. verb Fian, to hate; and means (any thing) hated, (Tooke, ii. 176.)

Get. An emperour's cabinet? Fough, I have known a charnel-house smell sweeter. If emperour's flesh have this savour, what will mine do, When I am rotten?-Beaum.& Fletch.Prophetess, Act ii.sc.2. FAVILLOUS. Lat. Favilla, bright or hot embers, or ashes; from Gr. Þaw, sive Colico pauw, luceo,-lucere, to shine.

Of or pertaining to embers or ashes.

The fungous parcels about the wicks of candles onely signifieth a moist and pluvious ayr about them, hindering the evolation of the light and favillous particles: whereupon they are forced to settle upon the snuff.

Brown. Vulgar Errours, b. v. c. 22.

FAULT, v. FAULT, n. FAULTER, n. FAULTFUL. FAULTY. FA'ULTILY. An error, a mistake; an FAULTINESS. offence, trespass or transgresFAULTLESS. Jsion; a failure; defect or deficiency; a want. And

Fr. Faulte; It. Fallo; Sp. Fálta; from the Lat. Fallere, to deceive; that into which any one is deceived or beguiled; and thus

To fault; to be in error or mistake; also, to accuse of being in error or mistake; to lay an error or mistake, offence or transgression, to the charge of another.

O Deuel, said the king, this is a foltid man,
When he with trechettyng bi nyght away so ran.
Thei red him alle a mysse, that conseil gaf therto.
R. Brunne, p. 164.

And to the tree she goth ful hastily,
And on this faucon loketh pitously,
And held hire lap abrode, for well she wist
The faucon muste fallen from the twist
Whan that she swouned next, for faute of blood.

Chaucer. The Squieres Tale, v. 10,757.

He that faulteth, faulleth against God's ordinaunce, who hath forbidden all faultes, and therefore ought againe to be punished by God's ordinaunce, who is the reformer of faultes, for he sayeth, leaue the punishment to mee, and I will reuenge them.-Sir J. Cheke. The Hurt of Sedition.

Knowledge your fautes one to another: and praye one for another, that ye may be healed.-Bible, 1551. James, c. 5.

Unto him that is able to keep you, that ye fall not, & to present you fautles before the presence of hys glory we ioye, that is to saye: to God our Saviour, whyche onely is wyse, be glorye, maiestye, dominion, and power, nowe and for

euer.-Id. Ib. Saynete Judas, c. 1.

For a plaine supersticion is it, to make Angels equal with Christ. And a faultie humbleness it is, through Angels to loke for that whiche should of Christ himselfe be asked, or at the least wise through Christ of the Father.

Udal. Colossians, c. 2.

O how sorowfull am I, for in all these am I fautie. Golden Boke, Let. 6. Fenner an Englishman's book, which boastingly and stately enough bore the title of Theologia Sacra, which by stealth and very faultily, came out here first, was not long after printed again by them, [of Geneva,] although it were the same cramb of discipline with Travers's, and stuffed with infinite heterodox doctrine and errors.

Strype. Life of Whitgift, vol. ii. p. 166. Whitgift to Beza. Lamachus rebuked and checked a certaine captaine of footmen, for some fault committed in his charge; and when the other said for himselfe; That he would do no more so: he replied againe: Yea, but you must not fault twise in warre.-Holland. Plutarch, p. 345.

Her scorn and pride had almost lost her life;

A maid so faulted seldom proves good wife.

Machin. The Dumb Knight, Act iii. sc. 1.

If we can be good with pleasure, hee grudgeth not our joy; if not, it is best to stint ourselves: not for that these comforts are not good, but because our hearts are evill: faulting not their nature, but our use and corruption.

Bp. Hall. Holy Observations, § 13, 5 F

Leost. 'Tis my fault.

Distrust of others springs, Timagoras,

From diffidence in ourselves. but I will strive,
With the assurance of my worth and merits,
To kill this monster, Jealousy.

Massinger. The Bondman, Act v. sc. 1.

If iustice said, that iudgement was but death
With my sweete words, I could the king perswade,
And make him pause, and take therein a breath
Till I with suite, the faultors peace had made.

Mirrour for Magistrates, p. 499.

So fares it with this faultful lord of Rome.

Shakespeare. Rape of Lucrece.

And so long as it may bee encreased, surely that which is lesse than it ought, is faulty, from which faultinesse it must needes follow, that there is no just man upon earth which doth good, and sinneth not, and thence in God's sight shall none living be justified.-Bp. Hall. The Old Religion.

But faulty men use oftentimes

To attribute their folly vnto fate, And lay on heaven the guilt of their own crimes. Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. v. c. 4.

[blocks in formation]

And verily it is a great comfort to us that though there be but few, there are some chosen; especially considering that you and I also are as capable of being in the number of those few, as any other whatsoever, and it is our own faults if we be not.-Beveridge, vol. ii. Ser. 90.

O Nature! frail and faulty in thy frame,
Fomenting wishes, Honour must condemn ;

Or O too rigid Honour thus to bind,
When Nature prompts, and when desire is kind.

Lansdown. The British Enchantress, Act v. sc. 1.

He [King Charles II.] said she [the Queen] was a weak woman, and had some disagreeable humours, but was not capable of a wicked thing: and considering his faultiness towards her in other things, he thought it a horrid thing to abandon her.-Burnet. Own Time, an. 1678.

Nor is the People's judgment always true;
The most may err, as grossly as the few,
And faultless Kings run down by common cry,
For vice, oppression, and for tyranny

Dryden. Absalom & Achitophel.

He who is gratified with that which is faulty in works of art, is a man of bad taste: and he who is pleased or displeased, according to the degree of excellence or faultiness,

is a man of good taste.

Beattie. Elements of Moral Science, pt. i. c. 1. s. 11. For who is there among the sons of men that can pretend, on every occasion, throughout his own life, to have preserved a faultless conduct.-Blair, vol. v. Ser. 13.

FAUN. Dii agrorum silvarumque; Gods
FAUNIST. of the fields and woods; so called
from Faunus, an ancient King of Italy.
Faunist, generally-a naturalist.

The Satyrs, and the Fawns, by Dian set to keep,
Rough hills and forest holts were sadly seen to weep,
When thy high-palmed harts, the sport of bows and hounds,
By gripple borderers' hands were banished thy grounds.
Drayton. Poly-Olbion, s. 24.
The God [Bacchus.] returning ere they [the vines] dy'd,
"Ah! see my jolly fawns," he cry'd,
The leaves but hardly born are red,

And the bare arms for pity spread.-Parnell. Bacchus.

The southern parts of Europe, which may be supposed to receive during winter, many of our land birds, have as yet produced no faunist to assist the inquiries of the naturalists, which must account for the imperfect knowledge we have of the retreat of many of our birds.




Barrington. On the Migration of Birds.








Fr. Favoriser; It. Favorire; Sp. Favorecer; Lat. Favere, from the Gr. Þaw, (q.d.) cupio fari in gratiam alicujus. See Vossius, and Lennep.

To bear good will to or towards; to will, wish or desire, the interests or advantages; to aid or assist with service or support, or protection; to further, promote or advance the interests or advantages;

to countenance or protect.

A favour is applied to the colours, the badge of distinction worn by the party favoured. And, to favour,

To follow the party, wear the colours or badge; and thus, to imitate or resemble the colour, hue, complexion, feature, countenance, and other qualities or qualifications; and, generally, to resemble. And

Well or ill favoured; well or ill complexioned, countenanced, qualified.

The pape sauh out of cours the wikkedness of Jon,
Him & his fautours he cursed euerilkon,
& enterdited this lond.
R. Brunne, p. 209.

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Ther hue is wel wyth eny kynge, wo is the reome For hue is faverable to fals. that defouleth treuthe. Piers Plouhman, p. 47. While fortune vnfaithfull, fauoured me with light goods, that sorowful houre, that is to saie, the death, had almost drent mine hedde.-Chaucer. Boecius, b. i.

Her. There's some ill planet raignes: I must be patient, till the heauens looke With an aspect more favourable.

Shakespeare. Winter's Tale, Act ii. sc. 1.

We (having such abundant securitie of the partialitie of divine providence) ought to rest persuaded of its facourti

ness, ev'n in all those encounters which seem the mest irreconcileable to our sense.

Mountague. Devoute Essayes, pt. ii. Treat. 4. s. 4.

If any seemed either in point of religion or morality to be better than others, such persons were by the favourers of episcopacy termed Puritans.

Milton. Defence of the People of England.

For, look how many favourites ye have ben, following and courting one patrone, so many shalle ye now be opposed to one enemie.-Holland. Livivs, p. 228.

Revenge at first thought sweet,
Bitter ere long back on itself recoiles;
Let it; I reck not, so it light well aim'd,
Since higher I fall short, on him who next
Provokes my envy, this new favorite
Of heaven.
Milton. Paradise Lost, bix
And for they seigh, he was a semely knight,
Well fauoured in euery man's sight.
Yea, and he [Socrates] pierced deeper into the souls and
Lidgate. The Story of Thebes, pt. i. hearts of his hearers, by how much he seemed to seek cur
the truth in common, and neuer to favorize and maintai
any opinion of his own.-Holland. Plutarch, p. 833.

But nathelesse the lacke of her [Fortune] favour
He may not doe me sing though that I die.
Chaucer. Balade of the Village.

The whiche our olde mother is
The erthe, doth that and this
Receyueth, and aliche deuoureth,

That she to nouther part fauoureth,-Gower. Con. A. b. v.
The God of loue is favourable
To hem, that ben of loue stable.

But fortune is more
Unto that one parte fauourable.

Id. Ib. b. iv.

Id. Ib. b. v.

And as the common people regardeth more fauour, than iustice, suche officers are most fauoured, to whom the princes doth most incline. All this we saie, to shew, howe that in the time of this good emperour, wise men were fauoured. Golden Boke, c. 4.

Whan the Kyng of Nauerr knewe the trouth of the dethe of the prouost, his great frede, and of other of his sect, he was sore displeased, bicause the prouost had ben euer to hym right fauourable.-Berners. Frois. Cron. vol. i. c. 188.

But anon after, he returning to hys disciples, aduised and exhorted them to a more larger fausurablenesse, that thei shoulde not onely not murmour against the goodnesse of God, but also thei shulde by al meanes and wales possible, folow the same goodness of God on their own behalfes. Udal. Luke, c. 16. Which request being verye agreeable to ye quietness &

tranquilitee of his realme, & especially at yt time, he dyd fauourably graunt & benygnly assent vnto.

Hall. Hen. VII. an. 13. He brought in men of arms to defed his cause, the monkes laide about the like prety men, with stoles, pottes, and candlestickes, till the warriours heades were wel fauerdly broken. Bale. English Votaries, pt. ii.

I left a certain letter behind me which was read in the church of Bethleem, the which letter my aduersaries haue very euil faueredly translated and sinisterly expounded.

Fox. Martyrs, p. 577. Letters of John Huss.

For of fence, almost in everye towne, there is not onely maisters to teach it, with his provosters, ushers, scholers, and other names of arte and schole, but there hath not fayled also, which hath diligentlye and favouredlye written it, and is set oute in printe, that euerye man maye reade it. Ascham. Toxophilus.

Therefore we praye you for the honnour and reuerence of the Goddes, whych were then fauourers of oure societye and fellishipp, and in remembrance of all the seruices and merittes towardes all the Grekes: that you wylle appease and mytygate youre hartes towardes us.

Nicolls. Thucidides, fol. 85.

And after was the sayde Frenshe kynge hadde vnto a place called Sauoy, whiche thenne was a pleasaunt palays and fayre lodgynge, belongyng that tyme vnto the Duke of Lancastre, and after brent and dystroyed by Jak Strawe and his fawtours.-Fabyan, vol. ii. an. 1356.

Though, of all men,
He hated you, Leosthenes, as his rival,
So high yet he prized my content, that, knowing
You were a man I fauour'd, he disdain'd not,
Against himself, to serue you.

Massinger. The Bondman, Act iv. sc. 3.
Great things, and full of wonder in our eares,
Far differing from this world, thou hast reveal'd,
Divine interpreter, by favour sent

Down from the Empyrean to forwarne
Us timely of what might else have bin our loss,
Unknown, which human knowledge could not reach.
Millon. Paradise Lost, b. vii.

Cym. I haue surely seene him,
His fauour is familiar to me: boy,
Thou hast look'd thyselfe into my grace,

And art mine owne.-Shakespeare. Cymbel. Act. v. sc. 5.

There chaunced to bee one who perceiving him commiss betweene and inclining to favorize ene part above th other; rayled bitterly at him.-Id. Suetonius, p. 93.

Sith of that Goddesse I have sought the sight, Yet no where can her find: such happinesse Heven doth to me envy and fortune favourlesse.

Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. ii e s

For when that men of merit go ungrac'd,
And by her fautors ignorance held in,
And parasites in good men's rooms are plac'd

Only to soothe the highest in their sin :
From those whose skill and knowledge is debas'd,
There many strange enormities begin..
Drayton. The Barons' Wars, biv
In the while,
Take from their strength some one or twaine or more
Of the maine fautors.
B. Jonson. Sejanus, Acti

Thou, thou, the fantresse of the learned well;
Thou nursing mother of God's Israel;
Thou, for whose loving truth the heaven raines
Sweet mel and manna on our flowery plaines.

Browne. Britannia's Pastorals, b. i. s. When she [Queen Elizabeth] was enlarged and dismisse home, yet a guard was appointed over her at her own les which were, Sir Thomas Pope and Sir George Gage; were always spies upon her, and her family; and oftentica her servants, whom she most favoured, were sent away fre her.-Strype. Memorials. Mary I. an. 1553.

The Church, when it was first planted by Christ, and y pagated by his Apostles, subsisted, as we know, a creased for near 300 years together without the assista of the Civil Powers, which were generally so far fr shewing it any favour, that they endeavoured all they e to extirpate and root it up.-Bp. Beveridge, vol. i. Ser. 24. He liv'd with all the pomp he could devise, At tilts and tournaments obtain'd the prize; But found no favour in his lady's eyes; Relentless as a rock, the lofty maid, Turn'd all to poyson that he did or said.

Dryden. Theodore & Hosur The violent on both sides will condemn the character Absalom, as either too farourably or too hardly drawn. Id. Absalom & Achitopel. To the Ready

The comparison betwixt Horace and Juvenal is m difficult; because their forces were more equal. A di has always been, and ever will continue, betwixt the vourers of the two Poets.

Id. On the Origin and Progress of Sativ But he that for your sakes could part with such s broth and such a friend, you may be sure hath now no face but his people.

Parliamentary Hist. 30 Charles II. an. 16

They were made to swear, that they should discover whom they knew to hold these errors, or who were pected of them or did keep any private converticles. were fautors, or comforters of them that published si doctrines.-Burnet. Hist. of the Refor. vol. i. b. i. an. 15

Confess that beauty best is taught,

By those, the favor'd few, whom heav'n has lent
The power to seize, select, and reunite
Her loveliest features; and of these to form
One archetype complete of sovereign grace.
Mason. The English Garden, b

He [Neckar] is conscious, that the sense of mankind f clear and decided in favour of economy, and of the w and value of its resources, that he turns himself to ev species of fraud and artifice, to obtain the mere reputat of it-Burke. Speech on Economical Reform.

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