Obrázky na stránke

To eat that which feedeth, to take or receive food or nourishment; to supply, provide or give food or nourishment; to graze, to pasture, to foster; to pamper, to glut.

Feeders, in our dramatic writers, is a term applied to servants or dependants, whose great pleasure or business was to feed or eat. See EATERS. That men with the bestes in feldes thei tham fedde. R. Brunne, p. 7. & saue gour other fodes, to maynten my partie.-Id. p. 261. He gaf Godes men goodes. and nat to grete lordes And feddeth that a fyngrede [a hungered] wher.

Piers Plouhman, p. 289. And tho that fynden me my fode. vochen saf ich trowe To be wol come wan ich come.-Id. p. 77.

And whanne thei hadden eten, Iesus seith to Symound Petir, Symound of Ioon louest thou me more than these? he Iesus seith to him, ghe Lord thou woost that I loue thee. seith to him, fede thou my lambren.-Wiclif. Jon, a 21.

When they had dined Jesus sayde to Simon Peter: Simon Joanna louest thou me more than these? He sayde vnto

him: yea Lord thou knowest that I loue thee. He sayde vnto hym: fede my lambs.-Bible, 1551. Ib.

O good lady (qd. I then) see now how seuen yeare passed and more, haue I graffed and groubed a vine and with all the waies that I coud, I sought to a fede me of the grape, but fruite haue I none found.

Chaucer. The Testament of Loue, b. i.

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Whose neck whan Sibly sawe with startling snakes to swelling fixt:

A soppe of bread with sleepy feedes, and hony sweete commixt

Against his throte she threw.

Phaer. Virgill. Eneidos, b. vi. Therefore ye whome I haue chosen to be the kepers and feders of my flocke must diligently take hede of all suche. Udal. Matthew, c. 7. Pastours, or feeders they are not, for they feede not: doctours or teachers they are not, for they teache not. Jewell. Defence, p. 637.

The hypocrites hath loste their more than pryncely habitacions, theyr monasteries, couentes, hospitalles, prebendaries and chaunteryes, with theyr fatte fedyng and warme couches, for yl gotten good wyl home agayne. Bale. Image, pt. i. The sute in the courte of Fraunce is longe when they liste, and right well they canne foode forthe the people to make theym spende moche, and bringe lytell to effecte.

Berners. Froissart. Cronycle, vol. ii. c. 132.

And in the vii. plenteous yeres they made shewes & gathered vp al the fode of the vii. plenteous yeres which were in the lande of Egypte & put it into ye cytyes. Bible, 1551. Genesis, c. 41. And though he fall under foot, he shall not lie, Catching his hand for God shall straight him stay Nor yet his seed foodless seen for to be.-Wyatt, Ps. 37. And in his lappe a masse of coyne he told, And turned upside downe, to feede his eye And covetous desire with his huge threasury.

Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. ii. c. 7.

Then feed on thoughts, that voluntarie move
Harmonious numbers; as the wakeful bird
Sings darkling, and in shadiest covert hid
Tunes her nocturnal note.-Milton. Paradise Lost, b. iii.
For know, whatever was created, needs

To be sustained and fed; of elements
The grosser feeds the purer, earth the sea,
Earth and the sea feed air, the air those fires
Ethereal, and as lowest first the moon.

To pluck and eat my fill

I spar'd not, for such pleasure till that hour
At feed or fountain never had I found.

For swinish gluttony

Id. Ib. b. v.

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The climate [Boeotia] not much befriended by the heavens, for the air is thick and foggy; and consequently the inhabitants partaking of its influence, gross feeders and fat witted, brawny and unthinking.-Id. Life of Plutarch.

But as there is a sacramental feeding and a spiritual feeding; and as the spiritual is the nobler of the two, and of chief concern, and what the other principally or solely looks to, I conceive it will be proper to treat of this first. Waterland. Works, vol. vii. p. 101.

The farmer is as pleas'd as he To look upon his menial crew,

That sit around his cheerfull hearth, And bodies spent in toil renew

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During th' autumnal heats th' infection grew, Tame cattle, and the beasts of nature slew. Poisoning the standing lakes, and pools impure; Nor was the foodful grass in fields secure. Id. Virgil, Georg. 3. Were both constrain'd to wield, Foodless, the scythe along the burthen'd field; Or should we labour, while the ploughshare wounds, With steers of equal strength, th' allotted grounds: Beneath my labours how thy wondering eyes Might see the sable field at once arise. Pope. Homer. Odyssey, b. xviii. The foodless wilds Pour forth their brown inhabitants. All the time he lived at Brecknock, which is a very poor town, about sixty necessitous people, truly indigent, were fed with meat, or served with money every Lord's day at dinner time.-Nelson. Life of Bp. Bull, s. 87.

Thomson. Winter.

Walk in, walk in, (so Prudence votes,)
And give poor Ball a feed of oats. Smart, Fable 11.
The sun now mounted to the noon of day,
Began to shoot direct his burning ray;
When with the flocks, their feeders sought the shade,
A venerable oak wide-spreading made.-Philips, Past. 5.
Who [politicians] e'er on wing with open throats
Fly at debates, expresses, votes,
Just in the manner swallows use,
Catching the airy food of news.

Green. The Spleen.

'Tis art and toil
Teaches her woody hills with fruits to shine,
The pear and tasteful apple; decks with flowers
And foodful pulse the fields, that often rise,
Admiring to behold their furrows wave
With yellow corn.

Dyer. The Fleece, b. ii. The democratick commonwealth is the foodful nurse of ambition.-Burke. Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs.


A. S. Felan; Dut. Voel-en; Ger. Fulen; which Wachter, after Martinius, derives from the Lat. Vola, manus, the hand.

To have or receive sensations or feelings restrictedly, from the sense of touch; generally, from any of the senses; to perceive, to be sensitive or sensible, (properly, sentient,) to be Id. Ib. b. ix. percipient.

Ne'er looks to heav'n amidst his gorgeous feast,
But with besotted base ingratitude
Crams, and blasphemes his feeder.

Id. Comus.

Now servants he has kept, lusty tall feeders,
But they have beat him and turn'd themselves away.
Beaum. & Fletch. The Nice Valour, Act iii. sc. 1.

Yet, falling to my lot, this stoutly I maintain
'Gainst forests, vallies, fields, groves, rivers, pasture, plain,
And all their flatter kind (so much that do rely
Upon their feedings, flocks, and their fertility)
The mountain is the king.-Drayton. Poly-Olbion, s. 7.

[He] felde well that he was hoole of the fallyng euelle. R. Brunne, App. to Pref. p. cc. For he ghyueth lyf to alle men, and brething and alle thingis, and made of oon al the kynd of men to enhabite on al the face of the erthe, determynynge tymes ordeyned & teermys of the dwellyng of hem, to seke God, if perauenture thei felen hym eyther fynden, though he be not fer fro ech of ghou.-Wiclif. Dedis, c. 17.

Seyng he himselfe geueth lyfe and breath to all men euery where and hathe made of one bloude all nacyons of menne, for to dwell on the face of the earth, and hath assigned

before howe longe tyme, and also the endes of their inhabitacyon, that they shoulde seke God, if they myght fele and fynde hym, though he be not farre from euery one of vs. Bible, 1551. Acts, c. 17.

Only the intellect, withouten more,
That dwellede in his herte sicke and sore,
Gan faillen, whan the herte felle deth.

Chaucer. The Knightes Tale, v. 2807,

And if that he may felen out of drede,
That ye me touch or love in vilanie,
He right anon wol sleen you with the dede,
And in your youthe thus ye shulden die.

Id. The Second Nonnes Tale, v. 15, All togither I was rauished, I cannot tell how, but why al my passions and feelings weren loste, as it semed for the time. Id. The Testament of Loue, b. i.

So felingly thou spekest, sire, I aloue the
As to my dome, ther is non that is here,
Of eloquence that shal be thy pere,
If that thou live.

Id. The Frankeleine's Prologue, v. 10.988.

For he sette of no vertu prise :

But as hym liketh for the while, So feeleth he ful ofte gile,

Whan that he weneth seker to stonde.

For man of soule resonable Is to an angell resemblable,

Gower. Con. A. b. iv

And like to beast he hath felyny,
And like to tres he hath growyng.-Id. Ib. Prol.

For he feeleth not the power of faith, not ye working of the Spirite in his hart, but enterpreteth the Scriptures whi speake of fayth and workes after his owne blynd reass foolish fantasies, & not of any feeling that he hath in hart.-Tyndall. Workes, p. 66.

Methinkes I heare hir speake, methinkes I see her st
Methinkes I feele hir feelingly, methinkes I know bir an
Gascoigne. Dan Bartholomew of Bains

Thither by harpy-footed Furies hal'd,
At certain revolutions, all the damn'd
Are brought and feel by turns the bitter change
Of fierce extreams, extreams by change more fierce,
From beds of raging fire to starve in ice
Their soft ethereal warmth.-Milton. Paradise Lost, b..

Iach. Had I this cheeke

To bathe my lips vpon: this hand, whose touch, (Whose very touch) would force the feeler's soule To th' oath of loyalty.-Shakes. Cymbeline, Act i. sc. 7.

Max. He endures beyond The sufferance of a man. Sap. No sigh nor groan, To witness he hath feeling.

Massinger. The Virgin Martyr, Act v. sel

There is not a living creature throughout the world, but hath the sence of feeling, although it have none else. I even oisters and the earth wormes, if a man touch them doe evidently feele.-Holland. Plinie, b. x. c. 71.

I have heard

My gracious mistress often mention you,
When I served her as a page, and feelingly
Relate how much the duke her sire repented
His hasty doom of banishment, in his rage
Pronounc'd against you.

Massinger. The Bashful Lover, Act v. sc. 1
So the false spider, when her nets are spread,
Deep ambush'd in her silent den does lie;
And feels far off the trembling of her thread.
Whose filmy cord should bind the struggling fy
Dryden. Annus Mirabil

It is a long time, commonly, before men come to have s right clear sense and feeling of law and justice, and of the rules of society.-Waterland. Works, vol. ix. p. 30.

The words of men leaving the world make usually the deepest impressions, being spoken most feelingly, and w least affectation.-Bates. Dr. Thos. Jacomb's Funeral Serm

This tomb, inscrib'd to gentle Parnell's name,
May speak our gratitude, but not his fame.
What heart but feels his sweetly-moral lay,
That leads to truth through pleasure's flow'ry way!
Goldsmith. Epitaph on Dr. Parne

Pressing my hand with force against the table, I feel pain, and I feel the table to be hard. The pain is a sensat the mind, and there is nothing that resembles it in the tab The hardness is in the table, nor is there any thing rese bling it in the mind. Feeling is applied to both; but in a different sense; being a word common to the act of sensa tion, and to that of perceiving by the sense of touch

Reid. Ess. 2. c. 16.

- Yet he [Rousseau) knew How to make madness beautiful, and cast O'er erring deeds and thoughts a heavenly hue Of words, like sunbeams, dazzling as they past The eyes, which o'er them shed tears feelingly and fast. Byron. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, &


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FE/INTISE. tation.

Fr. Feindre; Sp. Fingir; It. Fingere; Lat. Fingere, which Scaliger (de Causs. c. 87) thinks is the same (detractâ aspiratione) as pingere. Est igitur fingere, exprimere imitatione veram rem; to express the true thing by imi

To portray or image, (sc.) a likeness or resemblance; to imagine or invent, contrive or pretend, (sc.) a likeness or resemblance; and thus, to dissemble, or give or display a false appearance, a false colouring.

Ac he feynede hym somdel syk, & ney the see to be,
He byleued at Douere, gyf neod were to flie.
R. Gloucester, p. 336.
Muche thing that ys eldore loren thorw feyntyse.
Thoru strengthe he wann.
Id. p. 39.

It is not lawful indeed to contradict a point of History which is known to all the world; as for example, to make Hannibal and Scipio contemporaries with Alexander; but in the dark recesses of antiquity, a great poet may and ought to feign such things as he finds not there, if they can be brought to embellish that subject which he treats.

Dryden. A Discourse on Epick Poetry.

The mind by degrees loses its natural relish of real solid truth, and is reconciled insensibly to any thing that can be but dressed up into any feint appearance of it.-Locke.

And, ruffled more, delighted less,
The busy mind does seldom go

To those once charming seats below;
But, in the breast incamp'd, prepares

For well-bred feints and future wars.-Prior. Alma, c. 2. And much she marvell'd that a youth so raw Nor felt, nor feign'd at least, the oft told flames, Which, though sometimes they frown, yet rarely anger dames.-Byron. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, c. 2. FEIZE. To fease, or feag, says Skinner, flagellare, virgis cædere; to the same purport, Hearne. And the othere lewis assentiden to his feyning, so that ye;-fese, in Chaucer, is from the A. S. Fesian, fugare, to rout, to put to flight. Mr. Tyrwhitt Skinner takes no notice of fese, in Chaucer. thinks the word may be derived from the Ger. Feg-en, verrere, purgare, to sweep, to cleanse Fuller (who writes it veze, perhaps for the sake of a pun) interprets it to drive away; in the dialect of the West. He and Lye are probably right.

Barnabas was drawen of them into that feynyng.

Wiclif. Galathies, c. 2. She feined hire, as that she muste gon Ther as ye wote that every wight mot nede. Chaucer. The Merchantes Tale, v. 9824.

Ye han erred also, for ye han maked no division betwix youre counseillours; this is to sayn, betwix youre trewe rendes and youre feined counseillours.

After my young childly wit

Without drede I beset it

Id. The Tale of Melibeus.

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But ye pretended but a feigned reuerence towardes John, those witnesse cōcerning me ye do not belieue, and ye doe hew your selues to regarde the saiynges of the prophetes at feignedly, in that ye do now persecute him whom they aue promised.-Udal. John, c. 5.

Meaning that they were so naught, and so fainedly made heir praier to false Gods, without mind to amend their aughtie life, that the liuing God would not leaue them vnunished, though they cried out neuer so fast.

Wilson. The Arte of Rhetorique, p. 202.

King Ethelred required peace with the Danes, promising o them stipendes and tribute; to the which they fainingly ssented, but they never left their cruelties.

Slow. West Saxons, an. 1011.

Why? Lucill lyude who euer vsde, all fayners to detecte

With satyres sharpe, and quippies rounde,

Of deth he neuer rackt.-Drant. Horace, b. ii. Sat. 1.

He stayd his steed for humble miser's sake,

And badd tell on the tenor of his playnt:

Who feigning then in every limb to quake Through inward feare, and seeming pale and faynt, With piteous mone his percing speach gan paynt. Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. ii. c. 1. Only the bishop had power left him of the remitting of his severity, if he saw them by humility, and teares, and atience, and alms-deeds, demonstrate their conversion to e sincere, not feigned.-Hammond. Works, vol. i. p. 453. Out of a love and desire, to sequester a man's selfe, for a igher conversation: such as is found, to have been falsely and fainedly, in some of the heathen; as Epimenides the Candian, Numa the Roman, Empedocles the Sicilian, and Appollonius of Tyana.-Bacon. Ess. Of Friendship.


poet is that, which by the Greeks is call'd kar' efoxny, Ts, a maker or a fainer: his art, an art of imitation, faining; expressing the life of man in fit measure, memsers, and harmony, according to Aristotle: from the word rote, which signifies to make, or fayne. B. Jonson. Discoveries.

And these three voices differ, as the thing done, the doing, and the doer; the thing fained, the faining, and the fainer: so the poeme, the poesy, and the poet.-Id. Ib.

Picture tooke her faining from poetry: from geometry her rule, compasse, lines, proportion, and whole symmetry. Id. Ib.

The church is not the school of feignednesse and hypocricy, but of truth and sincerity.

Harmar. Translation of Beza's Sermon, p. 39.


To drive away, to rout; and thus, to beat, to chastise, to humble.

See the commentators on Shakespeare; Gifford's Ben Jonson, iv. 188; and Nares's Glossary. Thise Sarazins were so fesid that fled was Saladyn, And Cisare has he sesid Japht & Joppyn.

R. Brunne, p. 192. Love. Come, will you quarrel? I will feize you, sirrah, Why do you not buckle to your tooles? B. Jonson. The Alchymist, Act v. sc. 5. Aia. And a be proud with me I'le phese his pride; let me goe to him. Shakespeare. Troil. & Cress. Act ii. sc. 3. Bishop Turbervil recovered some lost lands, which Bishop Voysey had vezed, (driven away, in the dialect of the West.) Fuller. Worthies of England. Dorcet-shire, p. 312. FELANDER. See FILANder. FELE. Goth. Filu; A. S. Fela; Ger. Viel; Dut. Veel, many. An old word found in all the northern tongues, and having (the etymologists observe) an affinity with the Gr. Пoλus. R. of Gloucester, as Dr. Jamieson notices, writes it, Vale. See Feil, in Jamieson.



And nowe so fele shippes this yeere there ware, That moch losse for vnfreyght they bare. Hackluyt. Voyages, vol. i. p. 201. Fr. Féliciter; It. Felicitare; Sp. Felicitar; from the Lat. Felix. Vossius is inclined to adopt the opinion of Becman, that Felix is from the Gr.HA, which signifies generally Ætas, though commonly restricted to ætas florens belloque apta; quâ ratione, felix proprie sit, qui vegetæ est ætatis, corpore animoque valens; blooming age, and fit for war; wherefore, felix may properly be applied to him who is of vigorous age, strong in body and mind. Felicity is used as equivalent to

Good fortune, good hap, happiness; good success, prosperity.

To felicitate,-to confer happiness or cause to be happy; and also, to congratulate upon any happiness or good fortune.

In that citty virtue shall never cease,
And felicity no soule shall misse,
Magnifying the name of the Kinge of Blisse.
R. Gloucester, App. p. 584.

For certes, lord, so wel us liketh you
And all your werke, and ever have don, that we
Ne couden not ourself devisen how
We mighten live in more felicitee.

Chaucer. The Clerkes Tale, v. 7985.

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I [Cromwell] shall pray, that that most noble Imp, the reign long, prosperously, and felicitously to God's pleasure. Prince's Grace, your most dear Son, may succeed you to

Burnet. Records, b. iii. No. 17. To Hen. VIII
I professe

My selfe an enemy to all other ioyes,
Which the most precious square of sense professes,
And finde I am alone felicitate

In your deere highnesse loue.-Shakes. Lear, Act i. sc. 1. And all the way as they passed along the capital, the castle, and other temples, they besought the Gods, as many as were presented to their eye, as many as they could conceive in their minds to vouchsafe that squadron to be attended upon with good successe and fortunate felicitie, and soone to returne home againe in safetie, to their native countrie and loving parents.-Holland. Livivs, p. 78.

That life may be more comfortable yet,

And all my joys refin'd, sincere and great;

I'd choose two friends, whose company would be
A great advance to my felicity.-Pomfret. The Choice.

Is it because liberty in the abstract may be classed amongst the blessings of mankind, that I am seriously to felicitate a madman, who has escaped from the protecting restraint and wholesome darkness of his cell, on his restoration to the enjoyment of light and liberty?

Burke. On the French Revolution.

I sincerely rejoiced to hear of your advancement to the purple, yet on these occasions I did not think myself warranted to break in upon you, either with my acknowledgments or felicitations. Anecdotes of Bp. Watson, vol. i. p. 177.

That this pleasure [eating] depends, not only on our being in the possession of the sense of taste, which is different from any other, but upon a particular state of the organ in which it resides, a felicitous adaptation of the organ to the object, will be confessed by any one, who may happen to have experienced that vitiation of taste which frequently occurs in fevers, when every taste is irregular, and every one bad.-Paley. Natural Theology, c. 26.

Is that faith and obedience, which constitute us the disciples of Christ, less uniformly productive of good? did faith ever violate civil peace; or obedience impair domestic felicity.-Warburton. Works, vol. ix. Ser. 1.

Bartholomew Dandridge, son of a house painter, had great business from his felicity in taking a likeness.

Walpole. Anecdotes of Painting, vol. iv. c. 3. FELL. "Wherever you fare by frith or by fell," occurs (says Skinner) in Juliana Barns: sive per sylvam, sive per campum. Fell is felled, field.

The sylvans that about the neighbouring woods did dwell, Both in the tufty frith, and in the mossy fell, Forsook their gloomy bowers.-Drayton. Poly-Olbion, s.17. FELL. Sw. Fiaell; Ger. Fels. Ray (Gloss. Northan.) explains Fell, mons, a mountain; and refers to the Scholiast upon Aristophanes. Ihre and Wachter both refer to Deλes, (in Suidas,) h. e. toñoi netpwdeis, loca petrosa, montana: and the former says, that both peλxeʊs and (in Hesychius) parai, montes et speculæ, seem to be of The Sw. Fiaell (Ihre) the same family with fell. is properly, A ridge of mountains or rocks. May it not be

A fall, a descent, a declivity?

So may our ewes receive the mounting rammes;
And wee bring thee the earliest of our lambes:
So may the first of all our fells be thine,
And both the beestning of our goats and kine,
As thou our folds dost still secure.

B. Jonson. Pan's Anniversarie, Hymn 4.

On a nearer approach appeared, farmers and their families, esquires and their daughters, hastening up from the dales, and down the fells from every quarter, glittering in the sun, and pressing forward to join the throng.



Gray. Letters. To Dr. Warton.

A. S. Felle; Dut. Fel; Fr. Felle, felon; It. Fello, fellon. The A. S. Felle, Somner says, is Crudelis, cruel, fell; it. bilis, gall, anger, choler, melancholinesse.


FE'LLY, ad. Lat. Fel, Vossius thinks, is from the Gr. Xoλn, x into f. It is used as the

Fr. Felle,-cruel, fierce, furious, untractable, outragious," (Cotgrave.)

Fellon, so called from the fierceness, the keenness, of the pain," (Skinner.)

5 G

The parties wer so felle altercand on ilk side,

That non the soth couth telle, whidir pes or werre sulde tide,

Bot God that is of myght, & may help whan he wille.
R. Brunne, p. 314.
Thanne is flesshe a fell wynde. in flouryng time
Thorgh licherie and lustes. so loude he gynneth blowe.
Piers Plouhman, p. 306.
For the wisdom of this world is foli anentes God, for it is
written I schal catche wise men in her fel wisdom.
Wiclif. 1 Corynth. c. 3.

Ther n'is ywis no serpent so cruel,
Whan man tredeth on his tail, ne half so fel,
As woman is, whan she hath caught an ire;
Very vengeance is than hire desire.

Chaucer. The Sompnoures Tale, v. 7584.

For me fortune so felly list dispose
My harme is hid, that I dare not disclose.

Id. The Floure of Curtesie.
Stormes riefest rende the sturdy stoute pine apple tree,
Of lofty ruing towers the falles the feller be,
Most fers doth lightning light, were furthest we do see
The hilles the valley to forsake.

Vncertaine Auctors. The Golden Meane.

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The kyng loked felly on theym, for greatly he hated the people of Calys for the gret damages and dyspleasures they had done him on the see before.

Berners. Froissart. Cronycle, vol. i. c. 146.

O let him far be banished away,

And in his stead let Love for ever dwell! Sweete Love, that doth his golden wings embay In blessed nectar and pure pleasures well Untroubled of vile feare or bitter fell.

Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. iii. c. 11.

The she-beare, a most fell, savage, and cruell beast, bringeth forth her young whelps, withoute forme or fashion, unknit and unjoynted, having no distinct limbs or members to be seene.-Holland. Plutarch, p. 179.

A feller grief

Than ever skilful hand did give relief
Dwells on my soul, and may be heal'd by you,
Fair beauteous virgin.

Beaum. & Fletch. The Faithful Shepherdess, Act ii. sc. 1. It is neither a rich patrician's shooe that cureth the gout in the feet, nor a costly and precious ring that healeth the whitlaw or felon in the fingers; nor yet a princely diadem that easeth the headach.-Holland. Plutarch, p. 120.

Like as a curre doth felly bite and tear The stone, which passed straunger at him threw. Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. iv. c. 8.

He was neither given to greedie extortion or over-fiercely and felly bent, or hotly set upon doing mischief.

Holland. Ammianus, p. 49.

Als when his brother saw the red blood rayle
Adowne so fast, and all his armour steepe,
For very felnesse lowd he gan to weep.

Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. ii. c. 8.

The same wild beast, notwithstanding they be always raging, yet become mild and leave off all their outrageous felnesse for the space of those seven ceremonious holy days, wherein the priests at Memphis celebrate the nativitie of Apis.-Holland. Ammianus, p. 212.

Fell Arcite like an angry tyger far'd,
And like a lion Palamon appear'd.

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And as the clerke Ouide telleth,

The great trees to grounde he felleth,
With strength of his owne might,

And made an huge fire vpright,
And lepte hym selfe therin at ones,
And brent himself both fleshe and bones.

Gower. Con. A. b. ii.

But so soone as the Russians had felled the woods and had built townes and villages in their place, the said pension ceased together with the trees which were cut down. Hackluyt. Voyages, vol. i. p. 225.

Yet did he [January] quake and quiver like to quell,
And blowe his nayles to warme them if he may;
For they were numb'd with holding all the day
An hatchet keene, with which he felled wood,
And from the trees did lop the needlesse spray.

Spenser. Faerie Queene, c. 7. Of Mutabilitie.

For as most of them were felled and strucken starke dead, either with the bodies of the trees, or broken arms and boughes; so the rest of the multitude, affrighted with this unexpected and unhappie accident, were killed by the Gaules that beset all the streights and passages of the wood. Holland. Livivs, p. 490.

Two high brow'd rockes on eyther side begin,
As with an arch to close the valley in,
Upon their rugged fronts short writhen oakes
Untouch'd of any feller's banefull stroakes.

Browne. Britannia's Pastorals, b. ii. s. 3.

Thus you will have a copse, ready for a felling within eight years.-Evelyn. Sylva. Of the Chestnut.

And looking underneath the sun He [Theseus] saw proud Arcite and fierce Palamon, In mortal battel doubling blow on blow: Like lightning flam'd their fauchions to and fro, And shot a dreadful gleam, so strong they strook, There seem'd less force required to fell an oak. Dryden. Palamon & Arcite, b. ii.

FELL, n. A. S. Fell; Goth. Fill; Dut. Vel; which Junius derives from the Lat. Pellis, a skin or hide; and pellis from the Gr. Þeλλos, the bark or hide of a tree; observing that the A. S. Fell was also so applied.

The skin or hide.

And said: he and al his skinne atones Were worthy to be brent both fell and bones. Chaucer. Troilus, b. i. In this xxiiii. yere, the kyng, for ye great warre that he had with the Frenshe kynge and ellys where cōmauded a new subsydie to be leuyed vpon al ye sarplers of wolle goynge out of Englande with all fellys and hydes in lyke maner. Fabyan, an. 1296. And after she shuld be made sitte on a fell with woolle, that shee might learne, what she ought to do at home.

Vives. The Instruction of a Christian Woman, b. i. c. 2. God sendeth her in season a goodly faire feruent feuer, that maketh her bones to rattle, & wasteth away her wanton flesh, & beautyfieth her faire fell wyth the coloure of a kite's claw. Sir T. More. Workes, p. 1149.

Macb. The time has beene, my senses would have cool'd
To heare a night-shrieke, and my fell of haire
Would at a dismall treatise rowze and stirre

As life were in't.-Shakespeare. Macbeth, Act v. sc. 5.

A prince is the pastor of the people. Hee ought to sheere, not to flea his sheep; to take their fleeces, not their fels. B. Jonson. Discoveries.

FELLOE. A. S. Fælge. The iron wherewith Dryden. Palamon & Arcite, b. ii. the cart-wheel is bound, says

Inrag'd at first, he scorn'd so weak a jail,

And leapt, and flew, and flounced to and fro; But when he found that nothing could avail, He set him felly down and gnaw'd his bitter nail,

FELL, v. Fe'ller. FE'LLING, n.

Thomson. The Castle of Indolence. A. S. Fyllan, gefyllan; Dut. Vellen; Ger. Faellen; Sw. Falla; to cause to fall.

To fall or cause to fall; to strike, throw, or hurl down; to knock down; to hew down.

For he and Tytus ys sone of oure Lord vnderstoode,
Fourti ger aftur that he deide on the rode,

And wende to Jerusalem and that toun felde to grounde.
R. Gloucester, p. 70.

The burgeis of London were wrothe & stoute, & said thei suld fond to felle Knoute's pride.

Somner. Ger. Felge; Dut. Velge, flexura, curvatura. Ger. Felgen; Dut. Velgen; A. S. Wealow-ian, volvere.

And the facion of the wheeles was like the facion of a charet wheele, their axeltrees, and their naues and their felloes, and their spokes were all molten. Bible, 1553. 1 Kings, vii. 33. Out, out, thou strumpet-fortune, all you Gods, In generall synod take away her power: Breake all the spokes and fellies from the wheele, And boule the round naue down the hill of heauen, As low as to the Fiends.-Shakes. Hamlet, Act ii. sc. 2.


Spelman (in v. Felagus) says, from the Sax. Fe, i. e. fides, and lag, ligatus; hence the Anglo-Normans, changing (according to their custom) R. Brunne, p. 48. g into w, pronounced it Felawe: and we, fellow. And he quotes a passage from the laws of Edward Maple, thorn, beche, ew, whipultre, the Confessor, in which the Low Lat. Felagus ejus, How they were feld, shal not be told for me. Chaucer. The Knightes Tale, v. 2927. is interpreted, fide cum eo ligatus.


then, (lit.) is

A follower; a companion, an associate; one with whom others match or mate, suit or pair, unite or consort. And to fellow, is—

To match or mate, to pair.
Fellow is much used prefixed.

To hys felawes he wende anon, & bad hem hardi be;
So that the Brytones were vp the poynt to flie.
R. Gloucester, p. 62.
The barons & the kyng were mad felaukes & frendes,
Asoiled & alle on euen.
R. Brunne, p. 211.
Id. p. 186.

Haluendale asked Philip, as for first conant,
& for felawschip of Cipres conquerand.
Bothe faith and hus felawe spes folweden faste after.
Piers Ploukman, p. 325.

That ich ne shal folwie. thy felaushupe yf fortune lyke.
Id. p. 195.

And seyen, if we hadden ben in the daies of oure fadris, we schulden not have be her felowis in the blood of profetia Wielif. Matthew, c. 23.

If we sein that we han felawschip with him, and we wandren in derknessis, we lien and doen not treuthe; b if we walkin in ligt as also he is in ligt we han felse togidre, and the blood of Iesu Crist his sone clensith us fre al synne.-Id. 1 Jon, c. 1.

So wel they loved, as olde bokes sain,

That whan that on was ded, sothly to telle,
His felaw wente and sought him doune in helle.
Chaucer. The Knightes Tale, v. 120

Hast thou not herd (quod Nicholas) also
The sorwe of Noe with his felawship,
Or that he might get his wif to ship?

Id. The Milleres Tale, v. 359

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Thou coactiue art,

And fellow'st nothing.-Shakes. Winter's Tale, Acti.se. Let me rather be disliked for not being a beast, then good-fellowed with a hug, for being one.

Feltham, pt. i. Res And Hipothebs, whose wel-built wals, are rare, and f lowless.-Chapman. Homer. Iliad, b. ii.

Holy Gonzallo, honourable man,
Mine eyes ev'n sociable to the shew of thine
Fall fellowly drops.-Shakespeare. Tempest, Act v. sc. 1

She, proude of that new honour, which they redde
And of their lovely fellowship full glade,
Daunst lively, and her face did with a lawrell shade.
Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. iii. c. 1
Of fellowship I speak,
Such as I seek, fit to participate
All rational delight, wherein the brute
Cannot be human consort.-Milton. Paradise Lost, d. vi

I must also add, that if the last Eneid shine amongst fellows, it is owing to the commands of Sir William Tr ball, one of the principal Secretaries of State, who rec mended it, as his favourite, to my care; and for his st particularly I have made it mine.

Dryden. Postscript to Firg

any appetite or sense be natural, the sense of fellowship If eating and drinking be natural, herding is se too the same.-Shaftesbury. Ess. on Freedom, &c. s. 2.

And oft I wish, amidst the scene to find

Some spot to real happiness consign'd,

Where my worn soul, each wand'ring hope at rest,
May gather bliss, to see my fellows blest.

Goldsmith. The Traveller.

As we must give away some natural liberty to enjoy civil advantages; so we must sacrifice some civil liberties, for the advantages to be derived from the communion and fellowhip of a great empire. Burke. Speech on Conciliation with America.

FE'LON, n. Skinner says, either from FE'LON, adj. the A. S. Felle; Fr. Fellon; FELO'NIOUS. It. Fellone, crudelis, cruel, fell; FELO'NIOUSLY. or from feah, beneficium, stiFE'LONOUS. pendium; and Ger. Lon, preFE'LONY. tium, (sc.) the crime that is punished by loss or forfeiture of the fee. Hickes (Gram. Franco Theo. p. 95) is of the former opinion; and Spelman favours the latter: accordng to Hickes, the forfeiture of the fee was an ncidental punishment, adjudged to the felness, ruelty or atrociousness of the crime. According o Spelman, this forfeiture was the cause of the mposition of the name upon the crime so puished. Vossius (de Vitiis, p. 202) proposes the ier. Faelen, vel feelen, errare, delinquere, cadere; his etymology is noticed by Spelman, and reected by Wachter; quia non explet mensuram riminis. The common usage among our older riters, as well as amongst the French, confirms le opinion of Hickes.

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Fr. Fellonnie,-felness, curstness, despightfuless, ire, anger; untractableness, cruelty, unercifulness, outragiousness; also, disobedience; eachery, treason; any such hainous falshood or fence, committed by a vassal against his lord, or 7a subject against his soveraign, whereby he ses, or is worthy to lose, his estate," (Cotgrave.) nd see the quotation from Blackstone.

Vor al that the felon hath, the kinges it is.
R. Gloucester, p. 471.
He bythoughte him of feloyne, and lette him arme there.
Mid armes of Brytones, as he of this lond were.-Id. p. 63.
In the courte of France he was cald a feloun.

R. Brunne, p. 206.
Now the bode is gon to France Arthure is dede,
And somond has thie Jon, to Philip courte him dede,
To tak his jugement of that felone.
Id. p. 207.

For thauh the fader be a frankelayne. and for a felon be

The heritage that the air sholde have ys at the kynges
Piers Plouhman, p. 178.
Ful ofte hath he drede
That fals folke fetche away. felonliche hus godes.

or daungere, that is so feloun Telly purposeth thee to werrey Which is full cruel the soth to sey.

Id. p. 214.

Chaucer. Rom. of the Rose.

and moreover, certes pride is gretly notified in holding of
t meinie, when thei ben of litel profite or of right no
fite, and namely whan that meinie is felonous and da-
geous to the peple by hardinesse of high lordeship, or by
of office.-Id. The Persones Tale.
her saw I first the derke imagining
f felonie, and alle the compassing.

Id. The Knightes Tale, v. 1998.

Id. Ib. b.iv.

hough I no death to the deserue,
(ere shall I for thy loue sterue,
fere shall I a kyng's sonne die
or loue, and for no felonie.
Tha he [Tanner] had thus contynued a season, not with-
some rumoure in the lande, lastelye he was takyn out
hat place and caryed as a felon vnto Northampton, and
re reygned and judged for his falsenes and soo drawen
bangyd.-Fabyan, vol. ii. an. 1315.

hen like a woolfe most vehemente

agaynst him, and his foo

neens'd, with fellon fasting face

he flings, and fayreth so,

The councter captaines standerd straighte

he swayed to the ground.

Drant. Horace. Epistle to Julius Florus. They sayd it was falsely and felonously done, to assemble rychesse of the realme, and to sende it into other strauge treys wherby the realme was greatly impouerysshed. Berners. Froissart. Cronycle, vol. ii. c. 94.

And so the said jury hathe sworn vpon the holy Euanist, yt the sayde William Horsey, clercke, Charles Joseph, 1 John Spaldynge, of their set malice then, & their, felously kylled & murthered the sayde Richard Hun, in the iner and forme abouesayde.-Hall. Hen. VIII. an. 6.

Notorious felons, and which openly be of euil name, &
will not put themselues in enquests concerning the felonies
that men shal lay to their charge before the justices at the
king's suite, shall be sent backe to strong and hard impri-
sonment, as they which refuse to be iustified by the common
lawe of the land.-Rastali. Statutes, p. 170. Felonie.

He ask'd the waves, and ask'd the felon winds
What hard mishap hath doom'd this gentle swain.
Milton. Lycidas.

Else. O thievish night,
Why shouldst thou, but for some felonious end,
In thy dark lantern thus close up the stars,
That nature hung in heav'n, and fild their lamps
With everlasting oil, to give due light
To the misled and lonely traveller?

Id. Comus.

The wicked rable (I say) and offscouring of the base mul-
titude (not to be reckoned) committed such fellonious out-
rages, as forced men to naile up covers and cases before
these faire lights and beautiful prospects.
Holland. Plinie, b. xix. c. 4.


An argument much like this in substance. No man
ought to rise up against an honest officer or captaine in the
due execution of his office, when he offers him no injury at
Therefore he ought not in conscience to resist him
when he turnes a theefe or murtherer, and felloniously
assaults him, to rob him of his purse, or to cut his throate.
Prynne. Treachery and Disloyalty, &c. pt. iii. p. 84.
Yet she was of such grace and vertuous might,
That her commaundment he could not withstand,
But bit his lip for felonous despight,
And gnasht his yron tuskes at that displeasing sight.

If Lord Balmerino, in the last rebellion, had driven off the cattle of twenty clans, I should have thought it would have been a scandalous and low juggle, utterly unworthy of the manliness of an English judicature, to have tried him for felony as a stealer of cows. Burke. Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol.

Felony, in the general acceptation of our English law, comprises every species of crime, which occasioned at common law the forfeiture of land and goods.

Blackstone. Commentaries, b. iv. c. 7. FELT, v. A. S. Felt; Dut. Vilt; Ger. Filz; FELT, n. Fr. Feultre, feutre; It. Feltro; Sp. FE'LTRE, v. Fieltro; Low Lat. Feltrum. WachFE/TRE, n. ter says, it may be derived either from the Gr. Пλovv, arctare, densare, lanam cogere, or from the Lat. Villus or villosus. Skinner suggests to full, (qv.) Spelman calls it Pannus crassior ex pilis, proprie coactus, non textus; and see the quotation from Holland's Pliny. The word is probably a mere consequential usage of fell,A hide, or skin; a covering.

The poorer sort do line their clothes with cotto cloth which is made of the finest wooll they can pick out, & of the courser part of the said wooll, they make felt to couer their houses and their chests, and for their bedding also.

Hackluyt. Voyages, vol. i. p. 98.
They make also of the said felt couerings for their stooles,
and caps to defende their heads from the weather.-Id. Ib.
Xenophanes saith, that the moon is a thick, compact, and

Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. iv. c. 10. | felted cloud.-Holland. Plutarch, p. 179.
When, suddenly casting aside his view,
He spide his foe with felonous intent,
And fervent eyes to his destruction bent.

Id. Virgil's Gnat.

Sir, I arrest you at your Country's suit,
Who, as a debt to her, requires the fruit
Of that rich stock, which she by nature's hand
Gave you in trust, to th' use of this whole land;
Next she indites you of a felony

For stealing what was her propriety,

Yourself, from hence.-Carew. To Master W. Montague.
The gentlemen, and other commons of the kingdome
might haue thought their ancient libertie, and the clemencie
of the lawes of England inuaded, if the will in any case of
felonie should be made the deed.-Bacon. Hen. VIII. p. 65.

But he the king of heaven, obscure on high,
Bar'd his red arm, and launching from the sky
His writhen bolt, not shaking empty smoke,
Down to the deep abyss the flaming felon strook.
Dryden. Virgil. Eneid, b. vi.
For courtesies, though undeserv'd and great,
No gratitude in felon minds beget;
As tribute to his wit, the churl receives the treat.
Id. The Hind and the Panther.
Nor outward tempest, nor corrosive time,
Naught but the felon undermining hand,
Of dark corruption can its frame dissolve,
And lay the toil of ages in the dust.-Thomson. Liberty.
In thy felonious heart though venom lies
It does but touch thy Irish pen and dies.

Dryden. To Sir Robert Howard.
The next accusation is particular to me,-"That I the
said Bays would falsely and feloniously have robbed Nat.
Lee, of his share in the representation of Oedipus."

Id. Vindication of the Duke of Guise.

Lord Hyde. We are to look to that which is according to law; the goods of a man that is accused of felony (he is but only so yet) he forfeits none of his goods, until convict; more than that, he is to live upon them during his trial.

State Trials, an. 1664. Col. Turner & Others.

The fact is the same in all,-the death of the man is the
imputed crime: but the intention makes all the difference;
and he who killed him is pronounced a murderer,-a single

felon, or only an unfortunate man, as the circumstances by
which his mind is deciphered to the jury show it to have
been cankered by deliberate wickedness or stirred up by
sudden passions.

Erskine. Speech on the Trial of Lord George Gordon.

Yes, Leila sleeps beneath the wave,

But his shall be a redder grave;

Her spirit pointed well the steel

Which taught the felon heart to feel.-Byron. The Giaour.
There could therefore be no doubt of his [Damaree] pur-
pose and intention, nor any great doubt that the perpetration
of such purpose was from its generality, high treason, if
perpetrated by such a force, as distinguishes a felonious riot
from a treasonable levying of war.

Erskine. Speech on the Trial of Lord George Gordon.
They declared it to be high treason to dispute the queen's
authority, to deny that the parliament was competent to
confine and limit the succession, and, finally, to render
attempts to introduce a system, different from that which
they had established by the laws, feloniously penal.
Pitt. Speech, November 17, 1795.

Or els verily as Anaxagoras affirmeth, by reason of violent winds getting close within the ground below; which when they happen to hit and beat upon the sides thereof, hard baked or felted together, finding no way of issue, shake those parts of the earth at which they entred when they were moist.-Holland. Ammianus, p. 89.

It were a delicate stratagem, to shoo

A troope of horse with felt.-Shakes. Lear, Act iv. sc. 6. Moreover, wool of itselfe driven together into a felt without spinning or weaving, serveth to make garments with: Lance et per se coactam vestem faciunt,] and if vinegre be used in the working thereof, such felts are of good proof to bere off the edge and point of the sword, yea and more than that, they will checke the force of the fire.

Holland. Plinie, b. viii. c. 48.

His feltred locks, that on his bosom fell, On rugged mountains briars and thorns resemble. Fairefax. Godfrey of Bullogne, b. iv. s. 7. They put things call'd executorships upon me, The charge of orphans, little senseless creatures, Whom in their childhoods I bound forth to felt-makers, To make 'em lose, and work away their gentry. Beaum. & Fletch. Wit at several Weapons, Act i. sc. 1. FELUCCA. It. Filucca. "Fr. Falouque," which Cotgrave calls, " a barge, or a kind of bargelike boat, that hath some five or six oars on a side." "Falcatoria," says Du Cange, "a species of ship; perhaps the same with our felouque or falouque."

Naples, 1645. Having well satisfied our curiosity among these Antiquities, we retir'd to our felucca, which rowed us back againe towards Plazzolo, at the very place of St. Paule's landing. Evelyn. Memoirs.

Letters from Genoa of the 14th instant, [April, 1709] say, that a felucca was arrived there in five days from Marseilles with an account that the people of that city had made an insurrection by reason of the scarcity of provisions.

FEMALE, adj.





Taller, No. 6.

Fr. Femelle, feminin; It. Femina, feminina; Lat. Femina, which Scaliger derives from Fatus, and fœtus from oitav, coire; Vossius, from the ancient Lat. Feo, fetum, of the same meaning, i. e. coire, copulare, and therefore, gignere, parere; and thus, femina, that which beareth, which bringeth forth. And Female, whe

ther animal or vegetable,—

That which bringeth forth, which produceth, which beareth offspring,-young of its own species or kind.

For Feme-covert, see the quotation from Blackstone, and Coverture.

[blocks in formation]

O Soudannesse, rote of iniquitee,

Virago, thou Semyramme the second,

Of serpent under femininitee,

Like to the serpent depe in helle ybound.

Chaucer. The Man of Lawes Tale, v. 4780.

The males go with the female,
And so began there a quarele

Betwene loue and hire owne herte.-Gower. Con. A. b.iv.

As soon as the man looked upon the femall of his kinde, he began to loue aboue all things, and saide: Now is this bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh.

Vives. Instruction of a Christian Woman, b. ii. c. 2. With halfe a bearde, as a feminate man.

Golden Boke, Let. 14. So that as in Xerxes was to be sene a kinde of femine fearfulness, so in her was to be seene the kynde of manlye couragiousnesse.-Goldyng. Justine, fol. 18.

When the hunts-men haue made prouision, & the eliphant is so entangled, they guide the feminines towards the pallace which is called Tambell.

Hackluyt. Voyages, vol. ii. pt. i. p. 235. Affyrming that in the queene rested nothyng but fraude and feminyne malice, which rulyng the kyng at her pleasure and will studied nothyng so muche, as the destruccion of the nobilitie, and peeres of the realme. Hall. Henry VI. an. 37. The ark is finish'd, and the Lord is wrath, To aid just Noah, and he provided hath His blessed Angels, bidding them to bring The male and female of each living thing Into the ark, by whom he had decreed T' renew the world.

The boy is faire,

Drayton. Noah's Flood.

Of femall fauour, and bestowes himself
Like a ripe sister: the woman low
And browner then her brother.

Shakespeare. As You Like It, Act v. sc. 1.
But to Adam in what sort
Shall I appear? shall I to him make known
As yet my change, and give him to partake
Full happiness with mee, or rather not,
But keep the odds of knowledge in my power
Without copartner? so to add what wants
In femal sex, the more to draw his love,
And render me more equal, and, perhaps,
A thing not undesirable, sometime
Superior; for inferior who is free?

The which with pleasure so did her enthral,
That for ought else she had but little care,
For wealth, or fame, or honour feminal,
Or gentle love, sole king of pleasures natural.
West. On the Abuse of Travelling.

But nothing will be found of such extensive use for supplying the deficiences of Chaucer's metre, as the pronunciation of the e feminine, and as that pronunciation has been for a long time totally antiquated, it may be proper here to suggest some reasons for believing (independently of any arguments to be drawn from the practice of Chaucer himself) that the final e in our ancient language was very generally pronounced, as the e feminine is at this day by the French.-Tyrwhitt. Ess. on the Language and Versification of Chaucer.

Of higher birth he seem'd, and better days, No mark of vulgar toil that hand betrays, So femininely white it might bespeak Another sex, when match'd with that smooth cheek, But for his garb and something in his gaze, More wild and high than woman's eye betrays. Byron. Lara, c. 1. s. 27. By marriage the husband and wife are one person in law: that is, the very being or legal existence of the woman is suspended during the marriage, or at least is incorporated and consolidated into that of the husband: under whose protection, wing, and cover, she performs every thing; and is therefore called in our law French a feme-covert, fœmina viro co-operta.-Blackstone. Commentaries, b. i. c. 15.

FEMORAL. Lat. Femur, the thigh, quia, says Perottus, ferat ac sustineat animal. Vossius, from the obsolete feo.

Of or pertaining to the thigh.

The largest crooked needle should be used in taking up the femoral arteries in amputation.-Sharp. Surgery.



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Goth. Fani; A. S. Fenn; Dut. Venne. Fen, or fan, is the past tense, and therefore past part. of fyn-igean, (to corrupt, to decay, to wither, to fade, to spoil in any manner;) and means,-corrupted, spoiled, decayed, withered. In modern speech (Tooke continues) we apply fen only to Milton. Paradise Lost, b. ix. stagnated or corrupted water; but it was formerly applied to any corrupted, or decayed, or spoiled substance." (Div. of Pur. ii. 61. 76.) Nisus is said, by G. Douglas, to fall grufeling (grovelling) amid the fen or beistes blude of sacrifyce. And in Lybeaus Disconus, Ritson, Met. Rom. ii. 64, (referred to by Dr. Jamieson,)

And other suns perhaps,
With thir attendant moons thou wilt descrie,
Communicating male and femal light,
Which two great sexes animate the world
Stor'd in each orb perhaps with some that live.

Id. Ib. b. viii. So if in the minority of natural vigour, the parts of feminality take place; when upon the encrease or growth thereof the masculine appear, the first design of nature is atchieved, and those parts are after maintained.

Brown. Vulgar Errours, b. iii. c. 17.

And while all things are judg'd according to their suitableness or disagreement to the fond feminine, we shall be as far from the tree of knowledge, as from that, which is guarded by the Cherubim.-Glanvill. Vanity of Dogmatizing, c. 12. Yet the fourth time when must'ring all her wiles, With blandisht parlies, feminine assaults, Tongue-batteries, she surceas'd not day nor night To storm me over-watch't, and wearied out.

Milton. Samson Agonistes.

The serpent said to the feminized Adam, why are you so demure. More. Conject. Cabb. (1663.) p. 45.

Now to dispose the dead, the care remains
To you, my son, and you, my faithful swains;
Th' offending females to that task we doom,
To wash, to scent, and purify the room.

Pope. Homer, Odyssey, b. xxii.
We saw, as unperceiv'd we took our stand,
The backward labours of her faithless hand.
Then urg'd, she [Penelope] perfects her illustrious toils;
A wond'rous monument of female wiles !-Id. Ib. b.ii.

And when they consider, besides this the very formation of the word Kolvovanμoovn upon the model of the other femalized virtues, the Ευγνωμοσύνη, Σωφροσύνη, Δικαιοσύνη, &c. they will no longer hesitate on this interpretation.

Shaftesbury. On the Freedom of Wit and Humour, pt. iii. Could no more title take upon her To virtue, quality, and honour, Than ladies errant unconfin'd,

And feme-coverts to all mankind.—Hudibras, pt. iii. c. 1. The caterpillar cannot meet her companion in the air. The winged rover disdains the ground. They might never therefore be brought together, did not this radiant torch direct the volatile mate to his sedentary female.

Paley. Natural Theology, c. 19. On his ear the cry Of women struck, and like a deadly knell Knock'd at that heart unmoved by battle's yell. "Oh! burst the haram-wrong not, on your lives, One female form-remember-we have wives."

Byron. The Corsair, c. 2. s. 5.

And thorughout Synadowne Both maydenes, and garsfoun, Fowyll fen schull on the throwe. See the quotation from Gilpin. Grantebrugye and Hontyndone mest plente of deep fen. R. Gloucester, p. 6.

The farre-fam'de fen-affecter (seeing him) said;
Ho? stranger? what are you? and whence, that tred
This shore of ours? who brought you forth? replie,
What truth may witnesse, lest I finde, you lie.
Chapman. Homer. Batrachomyomachia,

Thomson. Liberty, pt. i.

Come! by whatever sacred name disguis'd,
See Nature's richest plains to putrid feas
Turn'd by thy fury.
Quicken'd with fire below, your monsters breed
In fenny Holland, and in fruitful Tweed.

Dryden. The Hind and the Panther.

Nor need we wonder how in a ditch, bank or glass plat newly dig'd, or in the fen-banks in the Isle of Ely, mustard should abundantly spring up, where in the memory of man none hath been known to grow, for it might come of seed that had lain there more than man's age.

Ray. On the Creation, pt. The fen is a plashy inundation, formed on a flat-withert depth-without lineal boundary-of ambiguous texturehalf water, and half land-a sort of vegetable fluid. Gilpin. On the Mountains and Lakes, s.7. Ah, luckless swain, o'er all unblest, indeed! Whom late bewilder'd in the dank dark fen Far from his flocks, and smoking hamlet, then! Collins. On the Popular Superstitions of the Highland.

through all the eastern parts of Britain; at the same time, He [Carausius] cut canals with vast labour and expence draining those fenny countries, and promoting comm cation and commerce.

Burke. An Abridgement of English History, an. 18.
Lat. Fend-ere, (used only
in composition,) i. e. arcere,
depellere; to drive away or
FENCELESS. repel; and thus to keep sa
or secure, guard or protect;
FE'NCIBLE, n. and fence,-
FEND, v.

That which keeps safe or secure, which guards or pretects; a guard, security er protection; any hedge, ca closure, wall, mound, dit structed for security or safety, or protection. or other thing built or con Fender, i. e. defender, that which fends, defends or guards. A common word in speech, but act in writing.

And fendede hem fro foule uvels. fevres and fluxes. Piers Ploumaa, p. 33 For executynge of which disporte the place of Smithfee by the kynge was appoynted, and barryd and jeugd for the same intent.-Fabyan, vol. ii. an. 1508.

Such as are great men hauing ye rewle of thinges, & s as are euil, shal murmour and grutche againste your trine. Against these men doe I send you forth make wtout weapō or fense.-Udal. Luke, c. 10.

It is thought to be the surest fence, & strongest warde f that Religion, that they should be keapte still in ignoran and know nothinge.-Jewell. Replie vnto M.Hardinge, po Disciplina gladiatoria, is-the preceptes and way of tras yng men in the weapons, and the schooles that maysters Also the mylk of beastes, fedynge in large pastures. and fence kepe.-Udal. Flowres of Latine Speaking, fol. 16

He lyeth amōg the redes in the mosses, the fennes hyde hi with their shadowe, & the wylowes of the broke couer hym round about.-Bible, 1551. Job, c. 40.

out of fennes and marshes, is better than of them whiche be
fedde in lyttell closes, or in watry grounds.

Sir T. Elyot. The Castel of Helth, b. ii. c. 20.

It was not the northerne wind, whiche blustereth colde
out of the cloudes: nor the southerne winde, that bryngeth
warmthe with hym oute of the marryshe and fennie places,
pestilente to all liuyng bodies.-Udal. Actes, c. 2.

But now his cruelty so sore she drad,
That to those fennes for fastnesse she did fly,
And there herselfe did hide from his hard tyranny.
Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. v. c. 10.

By reason that he [Hannibal] had overwatched himselfe,
and the moist nights besides together with the dampe and
moiste of the foggie fens stuffed his head and filled him full
of rhewmes, and because neither time nor place served for
any cure and to take physicke, he lost one of his eyes quite.
Holland. Livivs, p. 433.

Therefore is a little water proceeding from a good foun-
taine, by stones and leade kept from things that may hurt
it, hardlier putrifyed and corrupted, than all the fennishe
waters in the whole country, than mightie pooles, yea than
the Thames itselfe.-Whitgift. Defence, p. 378.

Occasion calls the Muse her opinions to prepare,
Which (striking with the wind the vast and open air)
Now in the fenny heaths, then in the champains roves,
Now measures out this plain, and then surveys those
Drayton. Poly-Olbion, s. 3.


Here never shall you more, O're hang this sad plaine with eternall night! Or change the gaudy greene she whilome wore To fenny blacke.-Browne. The Shepheard's Pipe, Ecl. 4.

The whiche bysshop had made there a stronge garys so that this castell doubted none assaute, for theri square toure thick walled and fensably furnisshed for t warre.-Berners. Froissart. Cronycle, vol. i. e. 209. Walls here are men, who fence their cities more Than Neptune, when he doth in mountains rear, Doth guard this isle.-Drummond. Speech of Caledon": No pitched battaile in plaine field, no campe so well f tified, no citties and fortes howsoever fensed were able withstand the puissant Romanes in force of open arres Holland, Litics, p. 3

Dear! on yon mountain stands my humble ect.
'Gainst sun and wind by spreading oaks secur'd,
And with a fence of quickset round immur'd,
That of a cabin make't a shady grot.

Sherburne. A Shepherd inviting a Nymph to his C You were never at the dealing of fence blowes, bet had foure away for your part.-Edwards. Damn & Fili A bridge

Of length prodigious, joyning to the wall
Immovable of this now fenceless world,
Forfeit to Death.

Milton. Paradise Lost, b. x. But to pourtraie in imagerie tables, and painted cloth. publike shews of fencers and sword-players, and so set up to be seen in open place to the view of the world be by C. Terentius, a Lucan.-Holland. Plinie, b. v. c. 7.

No fort so fencible, nor wals so strong,
But that continuall battery will rive,

Or daily siege, through dispurvayaunce long
And lacke of reskewes will to parley drive.
Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. ii. c.

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