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What false Italian

As poysonous tongu'd, as handed) hath preuail'd
On thy too ready hearing?

Shakespeare. Cymbeline, Act iii. sc. 2. 'faith, I would faine see that Dæmon, your cutpurse,

u talke of, that delicate handed Diuell.

B. Jonson. Bartholomew Fayre, Act iii. sc. 5.

Now, O thou sacred muse, most learned dame,

Faire impe of Phoebus, and his aged bride,

The nurse of time, and euerlasting fame,
That warlike hands ennoblest with immortall name.

Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. i. c. 11.

Te durst not for offending God & his owne conscience, though he had occasion, and opportunity) once lay his ada on God's high officer the king.

Homilies. Sermon of Obedience, pt. ii.

About him exercis'd heroic games
Ch' unarmed youth of heav'n, but nigh at hand
Jelestiall armourie, shields, helmes, and speares,
fung high with diamond flaming, and with gold.
Milton. Paradise Lost, b. iv.

There's 20 duckats in hand, at my return
'll give you a 100.

Beaum. & Fletch. Fair Maid of the Inn, Act iv. Because the work might in truth be judged brainish, if hing but amorous humour were handled therein, I have erwoven matters historicall.

Drayton. England's Heroical Epistles. To the Reader.

Il vessels are best handled by their ansæ or ears, on at part soever they stand; he that handleth them othere, handleth them but aukwardly so it is with men's ids: there are in every man's opinion or affections certain or ears, whereon a wise perswader should lay his 1, to draw men unto him.

Mede. On Texts of Scripture, Dis. 35. ursue and use your swiftest speed, that we may take for prise

he shield of old Neleides, which Fame lifts to the skies, Quen to the handles, telling it, to be of massie gold. Chapman. Homer. Iliad, b. viii.

hat my frayle eies these lines with teares do steepe,
To thinke how she through guyleful handeling,
Though true as touch, though daughter of a king,
hough faire as ever living wight was fayre,
Though nor in word nor deede ill meriting,
from her knight divorced in despayre.

Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. i. c. 3.

t Ariminum, there were two infants both of free conon borne without eies and nose, and another in the Picene ntrey handelesse and footelesse.-Holland. Livivs, p. 879. Artegall at length him forst forsake

His horses backe for dread of being drown'd, nd to his handy swimming him betake.

Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. v. c. 2.

nd can it be, that this most perfect creature, his image of his Maker, well squar'd man, hould leave the handfast, that he had of grace, o fall into a woman's easie armes. Beaum. & Fletch. The Woman Hater, Act iii.

Te that tooke him [Sir James of Desmond] was a smith, seruant to Sir Cormac, who foorthwith handfasted him. Holinshed. Chronicles of Ireland, an. 1580.

The which if the Scottes would most holilie and handlie promise, the English would foorthwith depart with a et armie.-Id. History of Scotland, an. 1546. ohn Speed was born at Farrington in this county, as his n daughter hath informed me. He was first bred to a idicraft, and as I take it to a taylor.

Fuller. Worthies. Cheshire.

Having gathered to them a multitude of artisanes and adicraftsmen, whom in hope of spoile they had called th, they purpose and prepare to besiege the cittie also, ich aforetime had been altogether unacquainted with the e sturres.-Holland. Livivs, p. 146.

And so covering his head, and holding an handkerchiefe fore his face, to horseback hee went. Holland. Suetonius, p. 205.


My Delia hath the waters of mine eyes,

The ready hand-maids on her grace t'attend; That never fall to ebb, but ever dries; For to their flow she never grants an end. Daniel. Sonnets to Delia, s. 45.

In this text, 'tis evident it [Hell] cannot be understood in that signification, [the state of the damned.] For, that David was not condemned to that place of torment, is agreed on all hands.—Sharp, vol. v. Ser. 14.

He shall have 501. for such discovery aforesaid of the printer, or the publisher of it from the press, and for the hander of it to the press 1007. &c.

Life of Marvell. Proclamation, an. 1678.

The enemy took here, and in the town, as also of those who pursued them in the night contrary to my orders, fourscore prisoners: and had taken more, if they had not received a check upon their first arrival in the town by a handfull of men.-Ludlow. Memoirs, vol. i. p. 124.

Therefore it was fit to proceed slowly, that the world might see with what moderation as well as justice the matter was handled.-Burnet. History of the Reformation, an. 1529.

An olive's cloudy grain the handle made,
Distinct with studs; and brazen was the blade.

Pope. Homer. Iliad, b. xiii.

Afterwards, his innocency appearing, he was delivered,

and escaped those severe handlings that some of the duke's Strype. Life of Sir T. Smith, c. 4.

friends and retainers underwent.

And so much for the explanation of my text, wherein I have been of necessity so large, that I have little time left me for the handling of the useful observations that may be drawn from it.-Bp. Bull. Works, vol. i. Ser. 5.

Of all their treatises on this subject which the ancient ages furnished, and the succeeding ones have handed down to us, the best, without dispute, is that which Cicero wrote concerning the Offices or Duties of men. Pearce, vol. i. Ser. 15. I, for one, as a member of this House, and as a Bishop of this realm, lay my hand upon my heart, and say in the most solemn manner, That, in my judgment, we shall best promote these great ends by appointing his royal highness the Prince of Wales and heir apparent to the crown, regent, with full regal power.

Bp. Watson. Speech on the Regency Bill, Jan. 22, 1789. Were they then to be awed by the super-eminent authority and awfull dignity of a handfull of country clowns, who have seats in that assembly, some of whom are said not to be able to read or write?-Burke. On the French Revolution.

A common smith, who, though accustomed to handle the hammer, has never been used to make nails, if, upon some particular occasion, he is obliged to attempt it, will scarce, I am assured, be able to make three hundred nails in a day. Smith. Wealth of Nations, b. i. c. 1.

A very learned and polite author, whose just esteem for Cicero's writings has betrayed him, perhaps, into some partiality towards his actions, acknowledges that "the defence of Vatinius gave a plausible handle for some censure upon Cicero."-Melmoth. Cicero, b. ii. Let. 17. Note 5.

It will prove, that some degree of care and caution is required in the handling such an object; it will show that you ought not, in reason, to trifle with so large a mass of the interests and feelings of the human race.

Burke. On Conciliation with America.

A good man, who chances to be present, is often backward to rebuke him because he is at a loss about the manner of doing it, and fears to expose a good cause by his method of handling it.-Pearce, vol. iii. Ser. 15.

HANDSELL, v. A. S. Hand-selen, or sylen, HANDSELL, n. mancipatio, a putting over into another's hand, or possession. Hence our handsell, (Somner.) And Junius, that it is a word of Saxon origin, composed of hand and sellan, the latter signifying not only vendere but dare; and that handsell is equivalent to hand-gift. And see Jamieson, and Tooke.

A sale, gift, or delivery into the hand of another; a taking or receiving in hand; applied to the first delivery or receiving; to a first using; to a delivery or receiving as a pledge, or earnest, of something to follow.

To handsell,-to use or try the use, to try ex-
perimentally; to try, to make experiments.
Geuen Gloton with glad chere goud ale to ansele.
Piers Plouhman, p. 106.
Eneas first the rusticke sort sets on
For happy hansils sake, and Latynes layes the ground
uppon, (stravitque Latinos.)
Phaer. Virgill. Eneidos, b. x.

For consecrating after popes
They golden rites prefer,
And, hansling Rome with heresies,
In factious schismes did erre.

Warner. Albion's England, b. xii. c. 75.

For earst I had obseru'd this arte,

Delay giues men desier:

Yeat lothe to hurt my haste, and least
The hansell should retyer,

I was not ouer coye, nor he
To warme him at my fier.

Warner. Albion's England, b. ix. c. 47.

And Eutropius reporteth, that even unto this time, when a new Emperour came to be received of the Senate, among the cries of good handsell, and the wishes of good luck that were made unto him, one was, Happier be thou than Augustus, and better than Trajan.

North. Plutarch. Amiot to the Readers.

Neither as yet is it for certaine knowne, why he first and above all others was counted a meet man to take hansell, or take sey of this new dignitie and promotion.




Holland. Livivs, p. 188

Hand, and term. some, hoc est aliquid, (Wallis.) See SOME.

Dut. Hand-saem, dexter, manu promptus, dexterous or handy, prompt or ready with the hand; and thus

Clever, skilful; cleverly or skilfully done; and thus, further, suitable or well adapted, convenient or becoming; suiting the state, or condition, or rank; graceful, liberal, noble.

He is very desyrus to serve yor Grace, and seymes to me to be a very handsome man.-Lodge. Illustrat. vol. i. 178. p. Gresham to the Duke of Northumberland.

At theyr comming, forasmuche as they had not so handsome horses, he toke the horses frō the Marshals and Romane horsmen, and from such as he had raised vpon the sodeine, and distributed them among ye Germanes. Goldynge. Cæsar, fol. 220.

But in making them [engines of war] hereunto, they have chief respect that they be both easy to be carried, and handsome to be moved and turned about.

More. Utopia, by Robinson, b. ii. c. 10. Phauorinus the Philosopher (as Gellius telleth the tale) did hit a yong man ouer the thumbes very handsomely, for vsing ouer old, and ouer straunge words. Wilson. Arte of Rhetorique, p. 3. There are many townes and villages also, but built out of order, and with no hansomeness.

Hackluyt. Voyages, vol. i. p. 248.

Saying, "Him, whom I last left, all repute
For his device, in handsoming a suit,

To judge of lace, pink, panes, print, cut, and plait,
Of all the court to have the best conceit."-Donne, Sat. 1.

But first I'll tell you, by this honest ale,
In my conceit this is a pretty tale;
And if some handsome players would it take,
It (sure) a pretty interlude would make.

Drayton. The Moon-Calf.

And his design there was plainly no other, than to reduce the civil and poetical theologies of the Pagans into some handsome conformity and agreement with that philosophical, natural, and real theology of theirs, which derived all the Gods from one supreme and universal Numen.

Cudworth. Intellectual System, p. 498.

But the gravity which was usually found in the Lacedemonians, hinder'd them (perhaps) from playing their game handsomely against so nimble a wit. Ralegh. History of the World, b. iii. c. 8. s. 6.

We met with one ship more loaded with linnen, China-silk, and China-dishes, amongst which we found also a faulcon of gold, handsomely wrought with a great emerald set in the breast of it.-Sir F. Drake. The World Encompassed, p. 61.

Yet if there be a lady not competently stock'd that way, she shall not on the instant utterly despair, if she carry a sufficient pawn of handsomeness.

Carew. Cœlum Britannicum.

The Romans were so fully convinced of the power of beauty, that the word fortis, strong or valiant, signifies, likewise, fair or handsome.—Fawkes. Cupid Benighted, Note.

We should never, at least with much earnestness, meddle with affairs more properly belonging to others, and which we do not, or may not, handsomely pretend to understand so well as others; such are affairs beside our profession. Barrow, vol. i. Ser. 21.

By a life spent in abject servility, in courting a capricious world, in deceiving the credulous, in contriving schemes of advantage or pleasure, and in hardening his conscience, he has, at last, in his fiftieth year, obtained some promotion, and accumulated a handsome sum of money. Knox. Essays, No. 102.

No more could Augustin, when upon second thoughts, but not the wisest, he contended for the doctrine of persecution, in some letters which Bayle has taken to pieces very handsomely, in his philosophical commentary.

Jortin. Remarks on Ecclesiastical History.

6 G

HANG, v. Goth. Hahan; A. S. HangHA'NGER. an, pendere, suspendere. Dut. HA'NGING, n. and Ger. Hang-en; Sw. Hanga. HA'NGBY. Junius derives from Goth. HA'NGMAN. Hauh, high. Wilkins, speaking of the several kinds of actions or gestures, positions or postures of material substance, which do refer to the weight being incumbent upon something, first, below it,-second, above it, classes hanging in the second division.

To append, depend, impend, or suspend; to fix or fasten to, in a dependent, a pendulous state or position; to rest, or remain in a dependent state; in a pendulous, or hovering, or elevated state; as if incumbent upon, or supported by, something above.

Vor hor wiues & hor dogtren the king ofte uor lay & hangede men gultles vor wraththe al longe day. R. Gloucester, p. 509. First was he drawen for his felonie, & as a thefe than slawen, on galwes hanged hie.

R. Brunne, p. 247. And hope hongeth ay ther on. to have that treuthe deserveth. Piers Plouhman, p. 241. An haywarde and an heremyte. the hangman of Tyborne Dauwe the dyker. with a dosen harlotes. Id. p. 106.

And Claudius,

That servant was unto this Appius,
Was demed for to hange upon a tree.

Chaucer. The Doctoures Tale, v. 12,205. Their heare hanged about their eares.-Gower. Con. A. b. i. And the Sonday after Bartelmew daye, was one Cratwell hangman of London, and two persones more hanged at the wrestlyng place on the backesyde of Clerkenwell besyde

Londo.-Hall. Hen. VIII. an. 30.

I am blacke (O ye doughters of Jerusalem) like as the tentes of the Cedarenes, and as the hagings of Salomon.

Bible, 1551. Salomon's Ballettes, c. 1.

Me thinke if then their cause be rightly scande,
That they should more delight to follow drummes,
Than byde at home to come in hangman's thumbes.
Gascoigne. The Fruites of Warre.

Thou chafes at me

For payring of my nayle

Amisse, at me thy frinde, and eke

An' hangeby at thy tale.-Drant. Horace, Ep. 1. Show your sheepe-biting face, and be hang'd an houre. Shakespeare. Measure for Measure, Act v. sc. 1. Though he had lost his place, his pow'r, his pains; Yet held his love, his friends, his title fast; The whole frame of that fortune could not fail; As that which hung by more than by one nail.

Daniel. Civil Wars, b. vii. Lys. Hang off thou cat, thou bur; vile thing let loose, Or I will shake thee from me like a serpent.

Shakespeare. Mids. Night's Dream, Act iii. sc. 2.

With that two sumpters were discharg'd,

In which were hangings braue,
Silke couerings, curtens, carpets, plate,
And all such turns should haue.

Warner. Albion's England, b. viii. c. 42.

Being affrighted at the rumour of that murder, [Claudius] slily crept forth and conveied himselfe into a Solar (solarium) next adioyning, and there hid himselfe betweene the hangings that hung before the dore.

Holland. Suetonius, p. 157. And though his face be as ill As theirs, which in old hangings whip Christ, still He strives to look worse, he keeps all in awe.

Donne, Sat. 4.

Though divers creditable witnesses deposed that Gregory Bandon, who was common hangman, had confessed and owned to have executed the King, yet the jury found him [Capt. Wm. Howlet] guilty of the indightment. Ludlow. Memoirs, vol. iii. p. 74.

The nest of the Guira tangeima, the Icterus minor, and the Jupujuba, or whatever other name the American hangnests may be called by, are of this kind. Derham. Physico-Theology, b. iv. c. 13. Note 10. That thieves are hanged in England, I thought no reason why they should not be shot in Otaheite; because, with respect to the natives, it would have been an execution by a law ex post facto.-Cook. Voyages, b. i. c. 14.

I'd hangings weave in fancy's loom,
For Lady Norton's dressing room.

Mason. Ode to Sir Fletcher Norton. This indeed may be the height of the hangman's charity,

who waits for your clothes; but it could never be St. Paul's. Warburton. Commentary on the Essay on Man.

But now her wealth and finery fled,
Her hangers-on cut short all;
The doctors found, when she was dead,
Her last disorder mortal.

Goldsmith. On Mrs. Mary Blaze. HANGER. A weapon. Dut. Hangher, pugio de zonâ pendens: hangherken, gladiolus qui a femore suspenditur, (Kilian.) And Skinner

"A short sword, so called because it is hanged to the side."

I hapned to enter into some discourse of a hanger, which I assure you, both for fashion and work-manship, was most peremptory-beautifull, and gentleman-like.

B. Jonson. Every Man in his Humour, Act i. sc. 5. Finding himself attacked at the same time in the rear by Jowler, and fearing Cæsar might recover, he drew his hanger, and wheeled about, and by a lucky stroke severed

Jowler's head from his body.

Smollett, Roderick Random, c. 3. HANK, n. Lye thinks may be from the Isl. HANK, v. Hank, vinculum; Skinner, from to hang; and Tooke (who produces the examples of the verb from Hoper) that, "to have a hank upon any one, is, to have a hold upon him; or to have something hank, hankyd, hanged, or hung upon him." To hantch, in the passage from the Bible, seems to be the same word, k softened into tch. See HAUNCH.

And a hank of thread as much as is hankyd or hanged together.

teache them his death.

He hankyd not the picture of his body upon the crosse to Johan Hoper. Declaration of Christe, c. 5. The same bodye that hankyd upon the crosse.-Id. Ib. c. 8. They shall roare, and hantche vp the praye, [lay hold of] and no man shall recover it or get it from them.

Bible, 1551. Esay, c. 5. Lady. But had I known this, had I but surmiz'd it, you should have hunted three trains more, before you had come to th' course, you should have hankt o' th' bridle, Sir, i' faith. Beaum. & Fletch. The Scornful Lady, Act v. Others had no certainty of their holds, which were wont

to be let by copy for lives, or otherwise for years; so that their landlords might have them upon the hank at no time, nor in any thing, to offend them. Strype. Memorials. Edw. VI. an. 1549.

I love a friendship free and frank, And hate to hang upon a hank.-Byrom. Careless Content. HANKER. Skinner says, hank, in LinHA'NKERING, n.colnshire, is used for an inXerxes out of Asia into Greece, in all kinds, rise to the clination, or propensity of mind, from the verb to hang, q.d. to hang or hanker after. Met.

Then will the whole number of them which followed

number of 2317610 thousand [1817610] men, besides horseboyes and other servants, hangers on, &c.

Usher. Annals, an. 3524.

The most part of Nicias' riches was in ready money, and thereby he had many cravers and hangers on him, whom he gave money unto.-North. Plutarch, p. 452

Lady. They do slander him.

Orl. Hang them, a pair of railing hangbies.

Beaum. & Fletch. The Honest Man's Fortune, Activ. Amo. Enter none but the ladies, and their hang-bies; welcome beauties, and your kind shadowes.

B. Jonson. Cynthia's Revells, Act v. sc. 3.

He said then nodding with the fumes of wine,
Dropp'd his huge head, and snoring lay supine.
His neck obliquely o'er his shoulders hung,
Press'd with the weight of sleep that tames the strong!
Pope. Homer. Odyssey, b. ix.

So, in some well-wrought hangings, you may see
How Hector leads, and how the Grecians flee:
Here, the fierce Mars his courage so inspires,
That with bold hands the Argive fleet he fires.

Waller. To a Friend.

To hang about, stay, or remain, hanging or loitering as in suspense; to loiter or linger, as unwilling to quit; to long after or for, to keep or continue in a state of longing.

Besides the Scriptures, there hath been so full an attestation given to them [wizards and magicians] by persons unconcerned in all ages, that those our so confident exploders of them, in this present age, can hardly escape the suspicion, of having some hankring towards Atheism.

Cudworth. Intellectual System, p. 703. Are these barbarians of man-eating constitutions, that they so hanker after this inhumane diet, which we cannot imagine without horror.-Bentley, Ser. 1.

And as for sensuality, though it cannot be supposed that a soul should retain the appetites of the body, after it is separated from it; yet having wholly abandon'd itself to corporeal pleasures while it was in the body, it may, and doubtless will retain a vehement hankering after the reunion with it, which is the only sensuality, that a separated soul is capable of.-Scott. Christian Life, pt. iii. c. 6.

We shall be able to part both with it and them, without any great regret or reluctancy, and to live from them for ever, without any disquieting longings or hankerings after them.-Scott. Christian Life, pt. i. c. 3.

[He is] content to sit still, and let his train of thought glide indolently through his brain, without much use, perhaps, or pleasure, but without hankering after any thing better, and without irritation.


Paley. Moral Philosophy, b. i. c.6. Skinner says, a very common word in Lincolnshire, from A. S. Heapian, cumulare, q.d stragulis cumulare: and Ray

To happe, to cover for warmth, from heap, I suppose, to heap clothes on me.

Happing, a coarse covering, a rug for a bed. Hapharlat, a coarse covering made of divers shreds, (Baret's Alvearie.) Skinner doubts whe ther the word be nostræ linguæ civis. Hap harlot, a coverling for a servant, is a very oid word, (Brocket.)

There one garment will serve a man most commonly two years for why should he desire more! seeing if he had them, he should not be the better hapt or covered from cold, neither in his apparel any whit the comelier.

More. Utopia, by Robinson, b. I. c.

The second is the great (although not generall) amen ment of lodging, for (said they) our fathers (yea, and we ourselues als) haue lien full oft vpon straw pallets, on react mats couered onelie with a sheet vnder couerlets made dagswain or hop-harlots, (I vse their owne termes and good round log vnder their heads in steed of a bolster t pillow.-Holinshed. Description of England, b. ii. c. 12.


Wachter has, Happen, which he interprets contingere, acc dere, bene vel male succedere: and remarks that the Engi preserve the word. The Go and Dut. have Happeres, pres dere, apprehendere, to seize take in the hand. Fr. Herper

to catch; which latter Menage derives from the Lat. Capere. The suggestis of Skinner leave the English word quite uns tain. It probably is the Goth. and A. S. Hob to have or hold; and, consequentially, to ta or catch hold: and thus, hap will signify, a thing had; and (as luck also does) any t caught. See HABNAB.

Any thing, something, that comes or falls int our hold or possession, any thing caught; chic accident, luck.

Happy, applied to those, to whom, or it whose hold or possession, good comes or fals lucky, or having or causing good luck, success fortunate, or having or causing good success i good fortune; prosperous.

Happy,-(in Prologue to Hen. VIII.) is equ valent to Lat. Felix, i. e. propitious, favourable In Cymbeline,.d. causing happiness. happily endowed; accomplished.

Happily, as haply, was used without referee to good or bad fortune; accidentally, perhaps. He had bien in his courte, whan his happe was ma hard.-R.Brunne, p. 59.

And whenne Brigheric was dede, as aboue is saide b poyson happeliche I dronke, atte Warham his body take to buriels.-Id. p. 13, Note.

And hute after the fende. happe hou hit myghte
Piers Ploshman, p. 5

For whan a man hath overgret a wit,
Ful oft him happeth to misusen it.
Chaucer. The Chanones Yemannes Prologue, v. 16.li
For evermore mote we stand in drede
Of hap and fortune in our chapmanhede.

Id. The Shipmannes Tale, v. 13.15 Certes (qd. she) if any wight definish hap in this man that is to saine, that happe is betidyng ybrought feerth foolish mouing, and by no knitting of causes, I ca that hap nys right naught in no wise, and I deeme terlie, that hap nis, ne dwelleth but a voyce, as who se but an ydell woorde, without any significacion of the committed to that voyce.-Id. Boecius, b. v.

At sondrie seasons, as fortune requireth
Seuerally they came to see her welfare,
But ones it happened, loue them so fireth
To see their lady they all would not spare.
Id. The Remedie of Lew

[blocks in formation]

But the fortunes of warre be ryght peryllous, and so it oped to hym, for he was putte downe feersly with a glayue, that he fell downe to the botome of the dyke, and with the brake his necke, and there he dyed.

Berners. Froissart. Cronycle, vol. i. c. 321.

Who would haue thought that my request
Should bring me furth such bitter frute?

But now is hapt that I feard least,

And al thys harme comes by my sute.
Vncertaine Auctors. When Adversitie is once fallen, &c.

uch happes which happen in such haplesse warres,
Take me to tearme them broyles and beastly iarres.

Gascoigne. The Fruites of Warre.

hou wilt happely say: the subiectes euer chose the ruler make hym sweare to keepe their law and to mainteine r priuilegies and liberties; and vpon that submit their es vnto hym: Ergo, if he rule amisse they are not ade to obey.-Tyndal. Workes.

esides these aduersities of the Carthaginienses, to the
mentation of their miserable calamities, it hapned that
r captain withal his army was vtterly destroyed in Sicil.
Goldyng. Justine, fol. 102.

or thee I longde to liue, for thee nowe welcome death:
nd welcome be that happie pang, that stops my gasping
Gascoigne. In Trust is Treason.

ote therfore howe playnlye ye kinge here describeth his
e arrogacye) sayinge I kinge Nebucad. was blessed
ye &c. he saith not) the God of heuene made me thus
ye and so ful of prosperite and welthe) but I was hap-
quiete riche victoriouse sewer &c. and all thorowe my
ne wisdome prudence & policye.

Joye. Exposicion of Daniel, c. 4. euertheles it pleased God to bring the wind more wes,& so in the moneth of May, 1592, we happily doubled Comori without sight of the coast of India.

Hackluyt. Voyages, vol. ii. p. ii. p. 105.

ie si quid nobis forte aduersi euenerit, tibi erunt parata 1. If any thyng shall happily chavunce vnto vs in this er otherwise than well, thou shalt percase heare of it. Udal. Flowers for Latine Speakinge, fol. 138.

a, many a time the nymphs, which happ'd this flood to see,

ed from him, whom they sure a satyr thought to be.
Drayton. Poly-Olbion, s. 18.

His bare thin cheekes for want of better bits,
id empty sides deceived of their dew,
uld make a stony hart his hap to rew.

Spenser. Faerie Queene b. i. c. 8.

id in the bosom of his courtly press unteth the hap of this victorious day, hilst the sick land in sorrow pines away.

Drayton. The Barons' Wars, b. i.

Isample make of him your haplesse ioy,
And of my selfe now mated, as ye see;
hose prouder vaunt that proud avenging boy
Did soone pluck downe, and curb'd my libertee.
Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. i. c. 9.

hat Troians then were to their deaths, by Teucer's shafts

aplesse Orsylochus was firste.

Chapman. Homer. Iliad, b. viii.

et did he attain to no higher preferment in the church than Deanry of Winchester; haply because he did not consent the Church of England concerning some things indifat.-Camden. Elizabeth, an. 1589.

often happeneth, althings commonlie from a good being fall into woorse estate.

Holinshed. Historie of Scotland, an. 1219. h. God help (quoth he) what a world is this; that Greeks ald all of them know well enough what is good and est; but the Lacedemonians only practice it! Some e, that the same hapned in Athens also, at the festival mnity called Panathenæa.-Holland. Plutarch, p. 390. Why, the law makes a man happy, without respecting any er merit: a simple scholler, or none at all may be a yer.-B. Jonson. Poetaster, Act i. sc. 2.

And sure, had not his massie yron mace

Betwixt him and his hurt bene happily,
It would have cleft him to the girding place;
Yet, as it was, it did astonish him long space.
Spenser. Fuerie Queene, b. iv. c. 8.

The thrusting of the Bible out of the house of God, is
rather there to bee feared, where men esteeme it a matter
so indifferent, whether the same bee by solemne appoint-
ment read publiquely, or not read, the bare text excepted,
which the preacher happily chuseth out to expound.

Hooker. Ecclesiasticall Politie, b. v. § 20.

Bap. Not in my house Lucentio, for you know
Pitchers haue eares, and I haue manie seruants,
Besides old Gremio is hark'ning still,
And happilie we might be interrupted

Shakespeare. Taming the Snrew, Act iv. sc. 4.
What booteth it to have beene rich alive?

What to be great? what to be gracious?
When after death no token doth survive
Of former being in this mortall hous,

But sleepes in dust dead and inglorious,
Like beast, whose breath but in his nostrels is
And hath no hope of happinesse or blis.

and all that opposition of interests, you had that action and
counteraction, which, in the natural and in the political
world, from the reciprocal struggle of discordant powers,
draws out the harmony of the universe.
Burke. On the French Revolution.

The above account of human happiness will justify the two following conclusions, which, although found in most books of morality, have seldom, I think, been supported by sufficient reasons. First, that happiness is pretty equally distributed amongst the different orders of civil society. Secondly, that vice has no advantage over virtue, even with respect to this world's happiness.

Paley. Moral Philosophy, b. i. c. 6.

One who knew him not so well as I do, would suspect this was done to serve a purpose. No such matter; 'twas pure hap-hazard.-Warburton. Divine Legation, b. vi. Notes.


Skinner writes Harang. It. Aringa, arringo; Fr. Harangue; Fr. verb ha

ranguer. Skinner thinks it may be from the Eng. Ring, because assemblies of auditors were held in Spenser. The Ruines of Time. rings or circles. "The word (says Tooke) is

Him, to whose happy-making sight alone
When once our heav'nly-guided soul shall clime,
Then, all this earthly grossness quit,
Attir'd with stars, we shall for ever sit,
Triumphing over Death, and Chance, and thee, O Time.
Milton. Ode on Time.

And the hope that I conceive of this good opportunitie and
effect thereof (my souldiours) ariseth not upon some fantas-
ticall imagination of mine owne braine, by hap-hazard and
upon vain presumption, but grounded upon good reason and
present experience.-Holland. Livivs, p. 578.

To brandish it [tongue] wantonly, to lay about with it
blindly and furiously, to slash and smite therewith any that
happeth to come in our way, doth argue malice or madness.
Barrow, vol. i. Ser. 17.

Oft he resolves the ruins of the great,
And sadly thinks on lost Bavaria's fate,
The hapless mark of fortune's cruel sport,
An exile, meanly forc'd to beg support
From the slow bounties of a foreign Court.

Rowe. To the Earl of Godolphin.

Meantime for others of heroic note,
I waited in the lists of ancient fame
Enroll'd illustrious; and had haply seen
Great Theseus; and Pirithous his compeer,
The race of Gods.

Fenton. Homer. Odyssey, b. xi. In Milton's Style.
In such cases, and by the help of such qualities as these,
it is possible, I grant, and sometimes happens, that men
have gone out of the world, as they lived in it, defying con-
science, and the power of it, and deriding the flames of
hell, 'till they were in the midst of them.

Atterbury, vol. iv. Ser. 4.

O Happiness! our being's end and aim!
Good, Pleasure, Ease, Content! whate'er thy name:
That something still which prompts th' eternal sigh,
For which we bear to live, or dare to die,
Which still so near us, yet beyond us lies,
O'erlook'd, seen double, by the fool and wise:
Plant of celestial seed! if dropp'd below,
Say, in what mortal soil thou deign'st to grow.
Pope. Essay on Man, Ep. 4.
Her pencil drew whate'er her soul design'd,
And oft the happy draught surpass'd the image in her mind.
Dryden. To Mrs. Ann Killegrew.

Though the proposition (to be careful for nothing) be so
worded as to seem to forbid all manner of carefulness, yet it
means nothing less. Indeed it is impossible to live without
caring, at least to live happily.-Sharp, vol. iv. Ser. 1.
With these fine fancies, at hap-hazard writ,
I could make verses without art or wit.

Butler. Satire to a Bad Poet.
Oh hear a hapless maid,
That ev'n thro' half the years her life has number'd,
Ev'n nine long years, has dragg'd a trembling being
Beset with pains and perils.
Mason. Caractacus.

Haply some hoary-headed swain may say,
Oft have we seen him at the peep of dawn,
Brushing with hasty steps the dews away,
To meet the sun upon the upland lawn.

Gay. Elegy written in a Country Church-yard.
When four different persons are called upon in a court of
Justice to prove the reality of any particular fact that hap-
pened twenty or thirty years ago, what is the sort of evidence
which they usually give? why, in the great leading cir-
cumstances, which tend to establish the fact in question,
they in general perfectly agree.-Porteus, vol. i. Lect. 2.

The word happy is a relative term; in strictness, any condition may be denominated happy in which the amount or aggregate of pleasure exceeds that of pain; and the degree of happiness depends upon the quantity of this excess.

Paley. Moral Philosophy, b. i. c. 6.

In your old states you possessed that variety of parts corresponding with the various descriptions of which your community was happily composed; you had all that combination,

merely the pure and regular past part. Hrang, of the A. S. verb, Hring-an, to sound, or make a great sound. (As hrino is also used.) And M. Caseneuve alone is right in his description of the word, when he says, 'Harangue est un discours prononcé avec contention de voix.' (Diversions of Purley, ii. 274. And see Menage on the Fr. and It. nouns; and Junius, in v. rank.) To harangue, then, is

[ocr errors]

To speak aloud, in a loud, sounding voice. The author of the Ecclesiastical Politie had in so many books of his own indeavoured to harangue up the nation into fury against tender consciences. Marvell. Works, vol. ii. p. 307.


Grey-headed men and grave, with warriours mixt,
Assemble, and harangues are heard.

Milton. Paradise Lost, b. xi.

And though amongst the antient Romans, men were not forbidden to deny, that which in the poets is written of the pains and pleasures after this life; which divers of great authority and gravity in that state have in their harangues openly derided; yet that belief was always more cherished than the contrary.-Hobbs. Of Man, pt. i. c. 12.

What act is more instructive to the people, than any arguments drawn from the title of sovereign, and, consequently, fitter to disarm the ambition of all seditious haranguers for the time to come.-Id. Behemoth, pt. iv.

For he at any time would hang,
For th' opportunity t' harangue;
And rather on a gibbet dangle,
Than miss his dear delight, to wrangle.

Hudibras, pt. iii. c. 2.

There ought to be a difference of style observed in the speeches of human persons, and those of deities; and again, in those which may be called set harangues, or orations, and those which are only conversation or dialogue.

Pope. Postscript to the Odyssey, b. xvi.
With them join'd all th' haranguers of the throng,
That thought to get preferment by the tongue.

Dryden. Absalom & Achitophel.

I was then asked, How long I intended to stay? on my saying, Five days, Taipa was ordered to come and sit by me, and proclaim this to the people. He then harangued them in a speech mostly dictated by Feenou.

Cook. Voyage, b. ii. c. 5.

Having come pretty near us, a person in one of the two last stood up, and made a long harangue, inviting us to land as we guessed by his gestures.-Id. Ib. b. v. c. 13.

There be enthusiasts, who love to sit
In coffee-houses, and cant out their wit.
The first in most assemblies would you see,
Mark out the first haranguer, and that's he.

Byrom. Enthusiasm. HARBINGER, prodromus, (an avantcoureur, or forerunner,) q.d. Ger. and Dut. Herberger, i.e. qui alicui de hospitio prospicit, one who looks out for a harbour, or lodging for another, (Skinner.) (See HERBER.) Applied, generally, to

A forerunner, that which comes before; and by consequence, announces the approach of something else.

Souldiours behold, and Captaynes marke it well,
How hope is harbenger of all mishappe.

Gascoigne. The Fruites of Warre.

A starr which did not to our nation
Portend her death, but her translation:
For when such harbingers are seene,
God crownes a saint, not kills a queene.

Corbet. Elegy on the Death of Queen Anna.

His father Antigonus perceiving that they had lodged his son Philip on a time in a house, where there were three young women, he said nothing to Philip himself, but before he sent for the harbinger, and said unto him, wilt thou not remove my son out of this straight lodging, and provide him, a better?-North. Plutarch, p. 740.

Light'ning and thunder (Heaven's artillery)
As harbingers before th' Almighty fly:
Those but proclaim his style and disappear;
The stiller sound succeeds; and God is there.




Dryden. The Character of a Good Parson. Think not, however, that success on one side is the harbinger of peace: on the contrary, both parties must be heartily tired to effect even a temporary reconciliation. Goldsmith. Citizen of the World, Let. 17. Fr. Herberge; It. Albergo; Sp. Alvergue ; Dut. and Ger. Herberg; Sw. Herberge, herbergera; Low Lat. Herebergium. (See HERBER.) Vossius derives from her, or HA'RBOROUS. heir, exercitus, an army, and berg-en, custodire, servare, continere. The A. S. Beorg-an, byrg-an, is to defend, to secure, to fortify. 'Here-berga is (Somner) statio, mansio, a station or standing where the army rested in their march," i. e. in security, protected; and herebyrigan, to harbour, to abide, to lodge, to quarter. To harbour is, generally,—


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To secure or protect; to receive or take under protection; to stay, remain, or abide, in security; to shelter, to lodge; to afford or grant shelter or lodging.

Also charge Charity. a churche to make

In thyn hole hte. to herborghwen alle Treuthe
And fynde alle maner folke. foude to hure soules.
Piers Plouhman, p. 124.
For archa Noe, nemeth hede. ys no more to mene
Bote holychurche. herbergh to alle that ben blessede.
Id. p. 196.
Wiclif. Matthew, c. 25.
I was herbourless & ye lodgid me.-Bible, 1551. Ib.
Therfor he ledde them ynne and resseyuyde in herbore,
and that nyght thei dwelliden with him.
Wiclif. Dedis, c. 10.

I was herbarweles, and ye herboriden me.

And the eleventh day at sixe of the clocke at night we saw land which was very high, which afterward we knew to be Island and the twelfth day we harboured there, and found many people.-Hackluyt. Voyages, vol. iii. p. 109.

Then went foorth our pinnesse to seeke harborow, & found many good harbours, of the which we entered into one with our shippes.-Id. Ib. vol. i. p. 235.

Haue a better eye and care to all suspitious and miscon-
tented persons, to their sayings and doings, to their false
bruits and reports, to the places and corners of their haunt
and resort, to their harborers, companyons, ayders, and
maintayners.-Stow. Queene Elizabeth, an. 1586.
For I was hungry, and yee gave me meate, thirsty, and yee
gave me drinke; naked, and yee cloathed me; harbourlesse,
and ye lodged me.
Homilies. Sermon against Perill of Idolatry, pt. iii.
Those who would have ministers live of alms and bene-
volence, make their reason, that they must follow the
example of Christ and the apostles; but by the example of
Christ and the apostles they are taught to abound in all
works of charity themselves; to feed the hungry, to cloath
the naked, lodge the harbourless, &c. and how shall they
perform this, living in want?-Spelman. On Tythes, c. 12.
On the left hand the haven-lesse and harbourlesse coasts
of Italie, and on the right, the Illyrians, Liburnians, and
Istrians, fierce nations, and for the most part, reputed infa-
mous, for roving and robbing by the sea side, put him in
exceeding feare.-Holland. Livivs, p. 352.

Then if by me thou list aduised be,

Forsake thy soyle, that so doth thee bewitch:
Leaue me those hilles, where harbrough nis to see,
Nor holy-bush, nor brere, nor winding witch.

Spenser. Shepheard's Calender. June.

bouroughes for shippes.-Stow. Descript. of Engl. &c.
In which part there be very good hauens, and safe har-

Halos harbor-towne, that Neptune beats upon.
Chapman. Homer. Iliad, b. ii.

Now stern Æneas waves his weighty spear
Against his foe, and thus upbraids his fear:
What farther subterfuge can Turnus find?
What empty hopes are harbour'd in his mind.

Dryden. Virgil. Æneis, b. xii.
They judged, that all men who suspected any to have been
in the rebellion were bound to discover such their suspicion,
and to give no harbour to such persons: that the bare suspi-
cion made it treason to harbour the person suspected, whe-
ther he was guilty or not.-Burnet. Own Time, an. 1682.
Nay more, when it has home return'd,
By some proud maid ill-us'd and scorn'd,
I still the renegade carest,
And gave it harbour in my breast.

Walsh. Loving one I never saw.

[Love] like the soul its harbourer,
Debarr'd the freedom of the air,
Disdains against its will to stay,

But struggles out, and flies away.-Hudibras, pt. iii. c. 1.
Geneva was famous for its religion and a great nurse of
pious men, and harbourer of exiles for religion.

Strype. Life of Abp. Grindal. an. 1582.

In this, however, I acted contrary to the opinion of some persons on board, who in very strong terms expressed their desire to harbour for present convenience, without any re

For of an harbourer of deuils, was he sodainly made a dis- gard to future disadvantages.—Cook. Voyage, b. ii. c. 7. ciple, and scholar of Jesus.-Udal. Luke, c. 8.

Whether she haue to her smal power ben herberous to the sainctes, lodged them and washen their fete.

Id. 1 Timothye, c. 5. An other sorte promyseth their howse to be herbourouse to the household of fayth, and a great vowe do they make. Bale. Apology, fol. 38.

If they wolde vse but a fewe nombre of houndes, onely to harborowe or rouse the game.

Sir T. Elyot. Governour, b. i. c. 18.

Eke the vndaunted Numides compasse thee;
Also the Sirtes, vnfriendly harbroughe.

Surrey. Virgile. Eneis, b. iv. The ground we were on grewe to bee streight, and not aboue fiftie paces ouer, hauing the maine sea on the one side of it, and the harbour-water, or inner sea (as you may tearme it) on the other side.

Hackluyt. Voyages, vol. iii. p. 541. There were many commodious havens and fair baies for ships to harbour, and ride in with safety.

Holland. Plutarch, p. 802.
And all within were pathes and alleies wide
With footing worne, and leading inward farr :
Fair harbour that them seems: so in they entred are.
Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. i. c. 1.

O, in what safety temperance doth rest,
Obtaining harbour in a sovereign breast!
Which if so praiseful in the meanest men,
In pow'rful kings how glorious is it then i

Drayton. Matilda to King John.
Your king, whose labour'd spirits
Fore-wearied in this action of swift speede,
Craues harbourage within your citie walles
Shakespeare. K. John, Act ii. sc. 1.
She calls her barren jade,

Base quean, and rivel'd witch, and wish'd she could be
But worthy of her hate, (which most of all her grieves)
The basest beggar's bawd, a harbourer of thieves.

Upon the whole, Rio de Janeiro is a very good place for
ships to put in at, that want refreshments; the harbour is
safe and commodious, and provisions, except wheaten bread
and flour, may be easily procured.-Id. Ib. b. i. c. 2.

Yet here, ev'n here in this disastrous clime,
Horrid and harbourless, where all life dies;
Adventurous mortals, urg'd by thirst of gain,
Through floating isles of ice and fighting storms
Roam the wild waves, in search of doubtful shores.
Mallet. The Excursion.

HARD, v.
HARD, adj.
HARD, ad.
HA'RDY, adj.



Goth. Harau; A. S. Heard;
Dut. Hard; Ger. Hart; Sw.
Heard; from the A. S. Heard-
ian, aheard-ian, ahyrdan; du-

bent, broken, as, steel is hardest; (met.) impene trable, insensible, stupid.

2. Difficult; or that cannot (easily) be done or performed by labour or skill; be understood, be learned, as Greek is hardest to come by: a hard task, a hard road or way;-difficult, laborion, toilsome.

3. Difficult; to be borne or suffered, as a hard saying, a hard season, a hard case; harsh, rough, rigorous, severe, unjust; hard beer, harsh, rough; a hard trot, harsh, violent.

4. Difficult; to be moved, or acted upon; as a hard man, a hard heart; a 'man not easily acted upon or moved by kind or good feelings; and therefore, unkind, harsh, severe, austere, grinding, oppressive.

Hard is sometimes used as equivalent to hardy, or rather hardily; as he died hard, i. e. resolutely, obdurately; or, sometimes, with difficulty.

Hard by, joined hard to, i. e. close to. To strive hard; i. e. laboriously, vehemently. To harden, to confirm, to fortify, to strengthen. stout, strong, resolute, bold, daring, confident, as Hardy, adj.,-enduring, or able to endure, fire, sured; hence hardily, assuredly, or as Mr. Tywhitt, certainly.

To hard, and to hardy; i. e. to harden, to courage.

Hardise is used by old writers with fool pro fixed,—fool-hardize, i. e. hardiness.

Corineus ther with harde smot and stured hym a hote
And made his wey bi either syde, and percede the route
R. Gloucester,
Tho he com out ward with ys folk, the emperour with


And dredde of hys hardynesse, & thougte yt was not
Id p
Vor me mygte bere by hys daye & lede hardeyche
Tresour aboute & other god oueral apertelyche
In wodes & in other studes, so that non tyme nas
That pes bet ysusteined, that by hys tyme was.
Id. p. 2

Lucye, to hardye ys men, pryked her and ther.-14. p. 23
Vor he was strong man & hardy, the strengeste of ys lee

Edward told William of Alfred alle the case,
& praied him of help, for he dred harder pase.
R. Brune, p

& if he wild it wynne with dynt, als duke hardie
He suld fynd therinne kyng Harald redie.-Id. p. M.
Arme we vs I rede, & go we hardilie.—Id. p. 159,
The gode bisshop Antoyn ther he bare the pris
His dedes here to alowe, for hys hardynesse-Id. p. 22

God shal take veniaunce, in alle swiche preestes
Wel harder & grettere.

Piers Plosimas,&

Honger was nat hardy, on hem for to loke.-Id. p. 1
And to be cald conquerour. that cometh of special
Of hardynesse of heorte. and of hendeness.-I. p. 36.
And go honte hardiliche, to hares and to foxes.

But he lepe vp on heigh, in hardenesse of herte.

Id. Cred

But he that hadde takun oo besaunt, came and seide Lore Y woot that thou art an harde man, (durus home,) then s

rare, indurare, durescere, w

indurescere. "Hard, as ap-
plied to material substances,
(says Locke,) is opposed to
soft, that being generally called
hard by us, which will put us
to pain sooner than change

thou hast not spred abrood.-Wiclif. Matthew, c. 25.

Then he whiche had receaued the one talente care, and sayde: Master, I considered that thou waste anerest wa which repest where thou sowedst not, and gatherest whe

thou strawedst not.-Bible, 1551. Ib.

And Jhesus seynge him maad sorye seyde, how har figure by the pressure of any c. 18. (quam difficile) thei that han money schulen entre into t part of our bodies; and that, on the contrary, soft, which

changes the situation of its parts upon any easy and unpainful touch. Hard

But moneste ghousilf bi alle daies the while to dai

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But exhorte one an other daylye, whyle it is called to deve

ness consists in a firm cohesion of the parts of least any of you waxe hardherted thorow the deceitfulness

matter making up masses of a sensible bulk, so
that the whole does not easily change its figure."
(On Hum. Underst. b. ii. c. 4. s. 4.)
numerous consequential applications, as opposing

of synne.-Bible, 1551. Ib.

Hence its word is hard, who may here it -Wiclif. Jon, c. 6.
Therfor manye of hise disciplis heringe, seiden, th

Many therfore of his disciples: when they hearde th

or resisting the motion of its own parts; generally, sayde: this is an harde sayinge: who can abvde the heary

as opposing or resisting, bearing, suffering or en- of it ?-Bible, 1551. Ib.
during; and thus,-

And he seide to hem, for Moyses for the herdnesse of
Drayton. Poly-Olbion, s. 3. done, (sc.) be compressed, separated, penetrated, it was not so. Wiclif. Matthew, c. 19.

1. Difficult; or that can or may not (easily) be herte suffride you leve youre wyues, but fro the begyny

Moses because of the hardnes of youre hertes suffered you to put awaye youre wyfes: but from the begynnyng it was not so.-Bible, 1551. Matthew, c. 19.

Therfor we ben hardi [audentes] algatis and witen, that the while we ben in this bodi we goon in pilgrimage fro the lord, for we walken by feith, and not bi cleer sight.

Wiclif. 2 Corynth. c. 5. Olitel child, alas! what is thy gilt, That never wroughtest sinne as yet parde? Why wol thin harde father have thee spilt.

Chaucer. The Man of Lawes Tale, v. 5277.

They speken of sondry harding of metall,
And speken of medicines therwithall,
And how, and whan it shuld yharded be,
Which is unknow algates unto me.

Id. The Squieres Tale, v. 10,557.

For loue me youe such hardiment
For to fulfill his commandement.-Id. Rom. of the Rose.
And hardily they dorsten lay hir necke,

The miller shuld not stele hem half a pecke
Of corn by sleighte, ne by force hem reve.

Id. The Reves Tale, v. 4008.

A wifis Goddes yefte veraily;

All other maner yeftes hardely,

As londes, rentes, pasture, or commune,
Or mebles, all ben yeftes of fortune.

Chaucer. The Marchantes Tale, v. 9186.

She toke her leaue at hem ful thriftely

As she wel could, and they her reuerence
Unto the ful didden hardely.-Id. Troilus, b. iii

O noble markis, your humanitee

Assureth us and yeveth us hardinesse,
As oft as time is of necessitee,
That we to you mow tell our hevinesse.

Id. The Clarkes Tale, v. 7969.

Now cometh slouthe, that wol not suffre no hardnesse ne
> penance for sothly, slouthe is tendre and so delicat, as
yth Salomon, that he wol suffre non hardnesse, ne penance,
id therfore he shendeth all that he doth.
Id. The Persones Tale.

And how asseged was Ipolita
The faire hardy quene of Scythia.

Id. The Knightes Tale, v. 884.

[blocks in formation]

I wolde haue hym lerne Greke and Latine authours bothe one tyme, or els to begyn with Greke, for as moche as at is hardeste to come by.

Sir T. Elyot. The Governour, b. i. c. 10.

But when the braine is cold and drie, things are therfore e faster holden, because it is the propertie of colde and ought, to thicken all things, and to harden them fast gether.-Wilson. Arte of Rhetorique, p. 213.

And I wyl nowe onely speake of those exercises, apte to e furniture of a gentyll mannes personage, adaptynge his dy to hardenesse, strengthe, and agilitie.

Sir T. Elyot. The Governour, b. i. c. 16.

My woundes are wide, yet seme they not to bleed,
And hidden wounds are hardly heald we see.

Gascoigne. Dan Bartholomew of Bathe.

The Bactrians bee the most hardyest people amongst those acios vnciuill men, and much abhorring from the delicatees of the Persians.-Brende. Quintus Curtius, fol. 66.

And he departed thence, & entred into a certayne mannes ouse, named Justus, a worshypper of God, whose house yned harde to the synagoge.-Bible, 1551. Actes, c. 18.

Hee is a great adventurer (said hee)

That hath his sword through hard assay forgone,
And now hath vowd, till he avenged bee
Of that despight, neuer to wearen none.
Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. ii. c. 3.

Besides, the Briton is so naturally infus'd
With true poetic rage, that in their measures, art
Doth rather seem precise, than comely; in each part
Their metre most exact, in verse of th' hardest kind.
Drayton. Poly-Olbion, 8. 6.

[blocks in formation]

Mir. Alas, now pray you

Worke not so hard: I would the lightning had
Burnt vp those logs that you are enioyned to pile.
My father

Is hard at study; pray now rest your selfe.
Shakespeare. Tempest, Act iii. sc. 1.

But victuals being very straight and scant at that time even to find the men, the poor geese were so hard handled and so little regarded, that they were in manner starved for lack of meat.-North. Plutarch, p. 124.

Upon his crest the hardned yron fell;
But his more hardned crest was armd so well,
That deeper dint therein it would not make.
Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. i. c. 11.
And now his heart
Distends with pride, and hardning in his strength
Milton. Paradise Lost, b. i.

Enflam'd with fury and fiers hardyhed,
He seemd in hart to harbour thoughts unkind,
And nourish bloody vengeance in his bitter mind.
Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. i. c. 4.
Where if he be,-with dauntless hardihood,
And brandish'd blade rush on him, break his glass,
And shed the luscious liquor on the ground,
And seise his wand.
Milton. Comus.

Come, come, my Lords,
These oracles are hardly [hardily] attain'd,
And hardly vnderstood.

Shakespeare. 2 Pt. Hen. VI. Act i. sc. 4. At the first the Gaules and Spanyards, equall to their enemies both in force and courage, mainteined the conflict right hardily, and kept their order and arraies. Holland. Livivs, p. 461.

But thankt be God, and your good hardiment!
They have the price of their owne folly payd.
Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. v. c. 8.

He did confound the best part of an houre
In changing hardiment with great Glendower.

Shakespeare. 1 Pt. Hen. IV. Act i. sc. 3.

The wingd-foot god so fast his plumes did beat,
That soone he came whereas the Titanesse
Was striving with fair Cynthia for her seat;
At whose strange sight and haughty hardinesse
He wondred much, and feared her no lesse.

Spenser. Faerie Queene, c. 6. Of Mutabilitie.

And thus I hang a garland at the dore;
(Not for to shew the goodness of the ware;
But such hath beene the custome heretofore,
And customes very hardly broken are.)

Ignoto. Verses to Spenser.
And eke that age despysed nicenesse vaine
Enur'd to hardnesse and to homely fare,
Which them to warlike discipline did trayne,
And manly limbs endur'd with little care
Against all hard mishaps and fortunelesse misfare.
Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. iv. c. 8.

Still so hard-hearted? what may be
The sin thou hast committed;
That now the angry deity
Has to a rock congealed thee,
And thus thy hardness fitted?

Brome. Songs. The Hard Heart. [They] had such affection for their religion, and the rights and liberties of their country, that, pro aris et focis, they were willing to undergo any hardships or dangers, and thought no service too much, or too great for their country. Whitelock. Memorials, an. 1643.

It was to weet a wilde and salvage man;
Yet was no man, but onely like in shape,
And eke in stature higher by a span;
All overgrowne with haire, that could awhape
An hardy hart. Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. iv. c. 7.
But Jove's minde hath evermore outstept
The minde of man; who both affrights and takes the vic-
From any hardiest hand with ease.

Whom when the Trojan hero hardly knew,
Obscure in shades, and with a doubtful view,
(Doubtful as he who runs through dusky night,
Or thinks he sees the moon's uncertain light)
With tears he first approach'd the sullen shade.
Dryden. Virgil. Æneis, b. vi.

Of all hardnesses of heart, there is none so inexcusable as that of parents towards their children. An obstinate, inflexible, unforgiving temper, is odious upon all occasions, but here it is unnatural.-Spectator, No. 181.

To complete the sense of the words we must have recourse to the two precedent verses; which being compared with the text (Deut. xxix. 4.) present us with a description of such a brutish and irrational temper, such an invincible hardness, as is not to be found in any people mentioned throughout the whole book of God, or any history whatsoever.-South, vol. viii. Ser. 13.

Heroes are always drawn bearing sorrows, struggling with adversities, undergoing all kinds of hardships, and having in the service of mankind a kind of appetite to difficulties and dangers.-Spectator, No. 312.

Juba commands Numidia's hardy troops,
Mounted on steeds unus'd to the restraint
Of curbs or bits, and fleeter than the winds.

Addison. Cato, Act ii. sc. 1. Have you been evil spoken of and your character injured? When you knew yourself innocent, this is hard to bear on worldly principles. But religion makes even calumny light. Gilpin, vol. i. Ser. 14.

Tell such people of a world after this-of their being accountable for their actions; and of the gospel denunciations of damnation upon all who lead such ungodly lives, without repentance; they are hardened to every thing of this kindit has no effect upon them.-Id. vol. i. Ser. 5.

My lords, I assert, confidently and hardily I make the assertion, and I challenge confutation; let any one, who will take the trouble to follow me in the calculations upon which I am about to enter, confute me if he can,-I do assert, my lords, that the healthiest of their ships are nothing better than pestilential gaols }

Bp. Horsley. Speech, July, 1799. Hard by yon wood, now smiling as in scorn, Muttering his wayward fancies he would rove.

Gray. Elegy in a Country Church-yard.

Nor should it be forgotten, that he was the first who, in this dialogue, had the hardihood to displace Jonson from the eminence to which, by the unanimous voice of Dryden's contemporaries, he had most unjustly been elevated, and to set Shakspeare far above him.-Malone. Life of Dryden.

That domestick grief is, in the first instance, to be thanked for these ornaments to our language, it is impossible to deny. Nor would it be common hardiness to contend, that worldly discontent had no hand in these joint productions of poetry and piety.—Johnson. Life of Young. Where works of man are cluster'd close around, And works of God are hardly to be found.

Cowper. Retirement. Divines, with the best intentions, have said more than the scriptures have said concerning repentance, and have thereby precipitated men into despair, and consequent impenitence and hardness of heart.

Anecdotes of Bp. Watson, vol. ii. p. 313.

He suffered persecution gladly for the sake of Christ and his truth: he stripped himself of all the comforts of this life, and yielded himself up to all the hardships and evils that man can suffer.-Sherlock, vol. iii. pt. ii. Dis. 60.

Though it [the life of Benvenuto Cellini] was read with the greatest pleasure by the learned of Italy, no man was hardy enough, during so long a period, to introduce to the world a book in which the successors of Saint Peter were handled so roughly.

Johnson. Some Account of Benvenuto Cellini. HARE. To hare one, (says Skinner,) that is, to terrify, to throw into a consternation, to strike with terrour, from the Fr. Harier, to harass; and this, perhaps, from the A. S. Herg-ian, to

Chapman. Homer. Iliad, b. xvi. harry, (qv.)

Think not my judgment leads me to comply
With laws unjust, but hard necessity:
Imperious need, which cannot be withstood,
Makes ill authentic, for a greater good.

Dryden. The Hind and the Panther.

Lord Ranelagh died on Sunday morning; he died hard as their term of art is here to express the woeful state of men, who discover no religion at their death.

Swift. Letter to Dr. King, London, Dec. 8, 1712. For let the venal try Their every hardening stupifying art, Truth must prevail, zeal will enkindle zeal, And nature, skilful touch'd, is honest still.

Thomson. To the Memory of Lord Talbot. They who were not yet grown to the hardiness of avowing the contempt of the king (whom they provoked) would sooner have been checked, and recovered their loyalty and

obedience.-Clarendon. Civil Wars, vol. i. p. 465.

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