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form, cp. Sat. 2. 1. 24 foll. 'Quot capitum vivunt totidem studiorum Milia: me pedibus delectat claudere verba,' &c.

Metre First Asclepiad.

Line 1. See on 3. 29. 1 Tyrrhena regum progenies.' In neither case is there the special purpose in the address which there is in Sat. 1. 6. 1. Compare Od. 1. 20. 5 with 3. 16. 20. It is, however, a little more than a pleasing compliment; in connection with the next line it has the force of 'so far above us, yet whose power is my protection, and whose glory is my pride.' The Cilnii, Maecenas' ancestors on his father's side, are named (Liv. 10. 3) as a powerful family at Arretium in the fourth century B.C

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atavis, ancestors,' cp. Virg. Aen. 7. 56 Turnus avis atavisque potens.' When contrasted with other compounds of ‘avus, atavus winannos, the fifth ancestor-' pater, avus, proavus, abavus, atavus,' Plaut. Pers. 1. 2. 6.

edite, Virg. Aen. 8. 137 Electram maximus Atlas Edidit.'

2. Cp. Od. 2. 17. 4 'mearum Grande decus columenque rerum'; Epp. 1. I. 103 rerum tutela mearum'; Virg. G. 2. 40 O decus, O famae merito pars maxima nostrae.' Notice that here, as with the corresponding word in the other passages, 'meum' is in the emphatic place, 'to me.'

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3. sunt quos. . iuvat. Sunt qui' may take either a Subjunctive, in which case qui' has its consecutive force: sunt qui dicant,' 'there are people to say': or an Indicative, in which case 'sunt-qui,' like 'nescio quis,' becomes a new pronoun, the subject of a definite categorical statement. The former is the more Latin construction, more consonant with the usages of the Relative, and is preferred in prose, although the Indicative is also found, as in Sall. Cat. 19. 4, where see Kritz' note. Horace, swayed perhaps by his love of Greek constructions, prefers the Indicative, after the model of cloiv oï. Cp. Od. 1. 7. 5, Sat. 1. 4. 24, 2. 1. 1, &c. But he uses the Subjunctive also, Sat. 1. 2. 28, 1. 4. 74, Epp. 1. 1. 77. In Epp. 2. 2. 183 Sunt qui non habeant, est qui non curat habere,' he seems to use the two constructions as a means of contrasting the vagueness of a general statement with the definiteness of a known particular instance. There are who have not, I know one who cares

not to have.'

curriculo may mean either the course,' as in Cic. Mur. 27 ' quadrigarum curriculum,' or the 'chariot,' as in Ov. Trist. 4. 8 'curriculo gravis est facta ruina meo.'

4. collegisse. On comparison with Sat. 1. 4. 31 'pulvis collectus turbine,' perhaps rather to have raised a cloud of dust' than 'to have become dusty.' The perf. may be regular, see on 3. 4. 51.




'Men have different ideas of glory and happiness-success in the Olympic games, civic honours, wealth. The farmer will not turn trader for any prospect of riches, nor the trader give up the sea for any danger. One likes a life of ease; another the excitements of war or sport. My taste is lyric poetry, and my glory that you should rank me with the lyric poets of Greece.'

The Ode is clearly written as an introduction. (Cp. the tone of Od. 3. 30, when the work is done.) It is dedicated to Maecenas-as is the first of the Epodes, the first of the Satires, the first of B. i. of the Epistles. See Introd. to Books i-iii. § 11. 2.

Compare also Od. 4. 3, which recalls the main thoughts of this Ode, though its confident tone and the absence of a patron's name point the change which had by that time come upon the poet's circumstances. There is no need in either Ode to trace the 'incongruous' mention of the Olympic games as among the natural objects of ambition to the remembrance of any special Greek original, such as Pind. Fr. 201 :

ἀελλοπόδων μέν τιν ̓ εὐφραίνοισιν ἵππων

τίμια καὶ στέφανοι τοὺς δ' ἐν πολυχρύσοις θαλάμοις βιοτά, κ.τ.λ. The purpose is to give the feeling of a wide survey of human life, and Horace does not draw a strong line between the Greek life which survived in literature and the actual Roman life of his own day. The apology for poetry, as one among the various tastes of mankind, is as old at least as Solon (2. 43-52), and Horace would remember the end of Virg. G. 2, esp. vv. 503 foll. For the same thoughts in a less poetical

in a series which descends both in fulness of sense and in weight of sound.

7. mobilium. The epithet, if it reflects the poet's own feeling (cp. Epp. 1. 19. 34 'ventosae plebis,' Od. 3. 2. 20 'popularis aurae '), suits also the feeling of the poem. It is the parallel of the 'dust' of v. 3, the dangers of v. 24, the discomforts of v. 25, &c. 'Each pursuit has its drawbacks, yet men follow it in spite of them.'

turba has a similar force, something of Juvenal's 'turba Remi,' 10. 73. Cp. Cicero on the uncertainty of the comitia, pro Mur. 17, pro Planc. 4' Non est consilium in volgo, non ratio, non discrimen.'

8. certat tollere. See App. 2. § I.

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tergeminis. Tergemini' properly meant 'three born at a birth,' as 'gemini' (Plaut. Amph. 1. 2. 18 duos geminos') by usage meant two so born. Afterwards it was used generally for 'triple,' cp. 'centumgeminus' (Virg. Aen. 6. 287), &c.

honoribus, the instr. abl. as 'Cl. Marcellum pontificatu . . extulit,' Tac. Ann. 1. 3. The 'triple honours' are apparently those of curule aedile, praetor, consul.

9. proprio horreo. Cp. 3. 16. 26 'si quicquid arat impiger Apulus Occultare meis dicerer horreis.' For other metaphorical descriptions of the passion for enormous properties, which was a characteristic of the age, see the latter stanzas of that Ode, and 2. 2. 10 foll.

10. verritur, is swept together after threshing.'

11. gaudentem, 'one whose pleasure it is.' The point of the following lines is the tenacity with which men cling to their own pursuit— so the instance taken is no longer the lordly owner of a latifundium' in the provinces, but the humble cultivator of an 'avitus fundus,' 1.

12. 44.

findere sarculo. The verb and the implement seem to imply difficult and personal work; a harsher soil as well as a smaller farm. Contrast 'scindere' and 'proscindere,' used of ploughing, and compare Virg. G. 1. 94 'rastris glebas qui frangit inertes.'

12. Attalicis condicionibus, 'by offers such as Attalus could make.' An allusion to the proverbial wealth of the kings of Pergamus; see on Od. 2. 18. 5. For the use of condicio,' cp. Cic. ad Q. Fr. 1. 1. 2. 8 ' ut nulla condicio pecuniae te . . ab summa integritate deduxerit.'

13. Cypria, Od. 3. 29. 60 Cypriae merces.'

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14. Myrtoum. Speciem pro genere ponit more suo,' Porph. on Od. 1. 16. 4. So with Cypria,' 'Icariis,' &c. When Horace puts a special for a general designation in this manner he usually selects a Greek one. Four names are commonly assigned to different parts of the Aegean Thracium, the northern part: Myrtoum, the western part, outh of Euboea, so named from the small island Myrto, off the south

fervidis, Virg. G. 3. 167 'volat vi fervidus axis'; the object was to round the 'metae' as closely as possible, and with the chariot going at full speed.

5. palma nobilis, 'the palm of glory,' Paus. 8. 48 ès dè tùv defiáv ἐστι καὶ πανταχοῦ τῷ νικῶντι ἐστιθέμενος φοίνιξ.

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6. terrarum dominos. Ovid seems to have taken these words as in apposition to 'deos'; for in Pont. 1. 35, 'Nam tua non alio coluit penetralia ritu deorarum dominos quam colis ipse deos,' the play lies in applying to the gods a familiar designation but in a new sense, 'the gods' being a metaphorical term for Caesar and his family. Lucan (8. 208) uses the expression again in the sense merely of kings,' the original passage probably being hardly in his mind. Dillenburger would take terrarum dominos' here as=' ='quasi sint facti terrarum domini,' 'raises them to heaven, very lords of the world,' i.e. in their own feeling and estimation; (cp. Od. 4. 2. 17 'quos Elea domum reducit Palma caelestes'); and he is followed by many editors. For the reason given above this is probably wrong, but the same sense is to be elicited from the simpler way of taking the words; raises them to the gods in so far as the gods are "terrarum domini," "makes them like gods, lords of the world.' Those who have constructed the verse (see next note) with the sentence which follows, have sometimes taken the words as a designation of the Romans who are contrasted with the Greeks, the objects of the preceding verses. Cp. the contrast of the two peoples in the parallel Od. 4. 3. 3-9. The expression would then be the same as Virgil's 'Romanos rerum dominos,' Aen. 1. 282; but Mr. Yonge rightly points out that in Virgil it is used of the Romans collectively, and that we still lack proof that it could have been tolerated if used, as it would be here, of individuals.

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7-9. hunc.. illum. We must supply 'iuvat' from v. 4. The interposition of the fresh verb 'evehit' has been felt to be a difficulty. Bentley avoided it by altering 'evehit' to 'evehere,' which he took with 'nobilis,' as 6 superare pugnis nobilem,' Od. 1. 12. 24. Rutgers had previously suggested the course which has been followed lately by Macleane and Munro, supported by the emphatic advocacy of Dr. Kennedy.' They put a full stop at 'nobilis,' making evehit' the verb of the new sentence, and 'hunc,' 'illum' the distribution of the collective accusative 'terrarum dominos,' in the sense of the Romans'; see preceding note. The serious objection to this view lies in the break of rhythm, resulting in an anti-climax, which is caused by stopping at 'nobilis.' The parallels which Mr. Munro alleges, such as 3. 30. 5, quite dispose of any difficulty which may have been raised against the break in the fifth line of the system, but they leave untouched the poverty of 'palmaque nobilis' if it is the subject of the preceding verb, the last

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in a series which descends both in fulness of sense and in weight of sound.

7. mobilium. The epithet, if it reflects the poet's own feeling (cp. Epp. 1. 19. 34 'ventosae plebis,' Od. 3. 2. 20 'popularis aurae '), suits also the feeling of the poem. It is the parallel of the dust' of v. 3, the dangers of v. 24, the discomforts of v. 25, &c. Each pursuit has its drawbacks, yet men follow it in spite of them.'

turba has a similar force, something of Juvenal's 'turba Remi,' 10. 73. Cp. Cicero on the uncertainty of the comitia, pro Mur. 17, pro Planc. 4 Non est consilium in volgo, non ratio, non discrimen.'

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8. certat tollere. See App. 2. § I.

tergeminis. Tergemini' properly meant three born at a birth,' as 'gemini' (Plaut. Amph. 1. 2. 18 duos geminos') by usage meant two so born. Afterwards it was used generally for 'triple,' cp. 'centumgeminus' (Virg. Aen. 6. 287), &c.

honoribus, the instr. abl. as Cl. Marcellum pontificatu . . extulit,' Tac. Ann. 1. 3. The triple honours' are apparently those of curule aedile, practor, consul.

9. proprio horreo. Cp. 3. 16. 26 'si quicquid arat impiger Apulus Occultare meis dicerer horreis.' For other metaphorical descriptions of the passion for enormous properties, which was a characteristic of the age, see the latter stanzas of that Ode, and 2. 2. 10 foll.

10. verritur, is swept together after threshing.'

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11. gaudentem, one whose pleasure it is.' The point of the following lines is the tenacity with which men cling to their own pursuitso the instance taken is no longer the lordly owner of a latifundium' in the provinces, but the humble cultivator of an avitus fundus,' 1. 12. 44.

findere sarculo. The verb and the implement seem to imply difficult and personal work; a harsher soil as well as a smaller farm. Contrastscindere' and 'proscindere,' used of ploughing, and compare Virg. G. 1. 94' rastris glebas qui frangit inertes.'

12. Attalicis condicionibus, 'by offers such as Attalus could make.' An allusion to the proverbial wealth of the kings of Pergamus; see on Od. 2. 18. 5. For the use of condicio,' cp. Cic. ad Q. Fr. 1. 1. 2. 8 ' ut nulla condicio pecuniae te . . ab summa integritate deduxerit.' 13. Cypria, Od. 3. 29. 60 ‘Cypriae merces.'

14. Myrtoum. Speciem pro genere ponit more suo,' Porph. on Od. 1. 16. 4. So with 'Cypria,' 'Icariis,' &c. When Horace puts a special for a general designation in this manner he usually selects a Greek one. Four names are commonly assigned to different parts of the Aegean Thracium, the northern part: Myrtoum, the western part, south of Euboea, so named from the small island Myrto, off the south

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