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its public meeting as the Old Scots Independent Church? If the answers to these questions must be in the negative, let them frankly avow that there must be something wrong in a plan which only flourishes in obscurity.


We have said flourishes, but must retract that word; for it ought to be evident to the parties concerned that their cause is a sickly, if not a dying one. The narrative furnishes ample evidence that most of their churches are gradually mouldering away. The church at Galashiels consists of five, that at Kirkaldy of six, Edinburgh of twenty, and London of eight members; (although this last has one of the ablest men in the kingdom, the editor of the Philosophical Magazine, among its members), while on several of the number, the punishment threatened to the church of Ephesus has been executed-the Candle stick has been altogether removed. Yet the authors of this pamphlet do not seem to have attended to this fact; and neither endeavour to ascertain the cause, nor to prevent the evil: We shall attempt to supply their lack of service.

The system of Old Independency we observe, makes no provision for the preaching of the gospel to the world. Indeed this is an object to which they and the oldest class of Baptists little attend. The edification of the church is the only thing which it seems to consider of importance To use special means to turn the attention of the ungodly to the gospel, they seem to think no, or a comparatively small, part of their duty. A few individuals among them at the beginning were men devoted to the preach

ing of the gospel; but for a long time the work of Christ has been in the hands of traders and manufacturers, whose time is wholly engaged in the pursuits of this world. What can be expected in such circumstances but languor and decay? With perhaps few exceptions, their churches have been made up of christians from other denominations; they have been content to take the stones already prepared to their hand, but have not been at the pains to go to the quarry themselves.Within the last fifteen years these resources have been cut off by the intervention of a new body of Independents, into which, from its greater publicity, enquirers naturally fall: so that if they do not use some other means to preserve their existence than they have hitherto employed, the extinction of most of them can be at no great distance. They consider the world to be lying in wickedness, they look upon this country as in a state of darkness and error; and yet we do not believe that ali these churches have for twenty years put themselves to half the

trouble to remove this, that the correspondence about this union has cost them. We would faithfully and affectionately recommend them to consider the epistle to the church of Laodicea. To speak strongly about faith and order, to affect to pity the wretchedness of mankind-to treat with contempt the means employed by others for their relief, and all the while to be doing nothing ourselves but looking on as unconcerned spectators, betray a state of mind little affected by regard to the glory of God, or compassion to the souls of men. In primitive times many ran too and fro to promote the increase

of knowledge, and if Christians now do not imitate them in this as well as in other things, they have little to boast of. There is no allusion in this pamphlet to men exclusively devoted to the minis try of the gospel, but to sneer at them; there is no reference to the divine appointment of their support from the churches, but to condemn it; that they should in their decline and prospective ruin eat the fruit of their own doings, is therefore the natural conse quence, as well as their just retri


All bodies naturally degenerate, and without the greatest watch fulness will not only leave their first love, but depart from their first purity; and in proportion as Christian Churches become loose in their admission of members, and in their attention to them afterwards, will they cease to prosper in the ways of the Lord. It ought also to be attended to, that there may be a flaming zeal about separation from the world in worship, and in ordinances, while the greatest conformity to it in spirit, and in practice, is discoveréd.

We wish these Churches to consider how far these remarks are applicable to them, and whether perhaps something of this nature does not explain the causes of their declension. We think we discover in some parts of this pamphlet a decision of language about some things of less importance, and an indecision as to some of the most important points closely connected with the practical influence of the gospel, which looks extremely ill. The churches in England ask whether the church es in Scotland, "allow of blood eating, and things strangled." The answer is, "Certainly not.

Surely no conscience under a sense of divine authority, can willingly break so plain a commandment." This is sufficiently decided on such a subject. But in answer to the enquiry," Do the churches in the north allow of what some call innocent amusements, as plays, dancing, horse racing, &c.?" we have the following equivocal answer. "We do not ad

vocate any of these things," (very good not to advocate evil). "As such practices are conducted and carried on, we view them as calculated to stir up and gratify the lusts of the flesh, and the pride of life:" (Does not this seem to im ply, that if dancing and horse rac ing were better conducted, they would not gratify the lusts of the flesh?) "But though a brother should happen to be a witness to a dance or a horse race, it would have to depend on the circumstances, of the case, whether or not we should consider him a transgressor of the law of God," p. 36. For those who eat blood, no apology it seems, can be made, but towards the frequenter of the vain and sinful amusements of this world, much compassion may be shewn. We simply ask, is this the language of men who consider conformity to the world, prostitution of time and money, dissipation of mind, and incitements to fleshly lusts, serious evils? Indeed we are afraid Mr. M'Gavin, who conducts this correspondence, could not return a more decided answer; for if such practices are not advocated, he may know, that they are neither condemned nor abstained from, by the body with which he is connected.

If self-conceit, and the pride of supposed superiority soon destroy the religion of an individual, these

dispositions must have the same pernicious effect on a community. It is utterly impossible that religion can prosper where they are indulged. As an example of what we refer to, we observe repeated allusions in this pamphlet to those who had not bowed the knee to Baal; giving the reader to understand in the plainest manner, that they consider themselves to be the only true worshippers of God in this country. We could pity the ignorance which this discovers, did it not display a state of mind which deserves the severest censure. As another proof of the same thing, a number of the letter writers shew, that they view what is called oecasional communion, as among the greatest evils into which a Christian Church can fall. It is not our object to vindicate this practice, but we may be allowed to remark in passing, that a body which considers fellowship with a Christian who does not altogether follow with them, a deadly sin, must have a very high opinion of themselves, and a very strange opinion of some parts of Christianity. Another evidence of what we allege will be found in the fearless manner in which they censure and judge the motives of others. Thus speaking of the whole body of Christian ninisters who are not of their number, they represent them as "teachers of uncircumcised hearts, seeking after filthy lucre; preferring indolence to industry, and receiving to giving." They accuse them of "laying aside the gospel as the bond of union, and substituting in its place a speaking of the world, that the world might hear them." It is malitiously asserted that "to draw together multitudes of people to

render the seat rents productive by any means, appears to be a greater object to this class of professors, than preaching Christ and him crucified; and looking for gain from any quarter, more than rendering thanks to God, on perceiving the genuine effects of the gospel." p. 44. We suppress

what we intended to say upon this passage, knowing that the expression of our feelings would be of no avail, and praying that our God may not mete out to them the measure which they have meted out to others.

Indeed it is plain to us, that the leading men of these churches, if we may judge from their letters, have drunk so deeply of the bitter waters of Glas and Sandiman, as to leave little hope that any thing said by others will be productive of good. Both Glassites and Old Independents seem to use almost mechanically the language of the Publican, and at the same time discover so much of the spirit of the Pharisee, that they form a character at once so unamiable and repulsive, as to render improvement hopeless, and correction unavailing. Both parties seem to be languishing under a fatal consumption, arising from similar causes; the incipient stage is long since passed, the springs of life are now deeply tainted, and the disease, which is fast preying on their vitals, will speedily issue in their dissolution. We do not think any thing we have said likely to retard its progress; and without a very complete renovation of their system, a protracted existence is desir able neither for their sakes, nor for the sake of others. Should what we have said lead but a few of them to perceive the mistakes into which they have fallen, and

to attempt the recovery of their brethren, our object in these remarks, which we assure them have been written with the most friendly intentions, will be so far attained; and if they would listen to an admonition from fellow-sinners, we would beg leave to say to them:

all, remember, "That not he that commendeth himself is approved, but whom the Lord commendeth." For ourselves and our christian connections, we hope to profit by the example before us. We see the extreme danger to the cause of Christ from underrating the qualifications necessary for the "Be not high-minded, but pastoral office, and following a fear. Let the annihilation of scheme which necessarily ensome of your churches be a warn- tangles teachers in the affairs of this ing to those that remain. Such life, and impedes their progress things must always be considered and improvement. We perceive as tokens of the Divine displea- the consequences of making orsure, and ought powerfully to operate on those who are concerned. Lay aside your caustic language in speaking of those who follow not with you; and if you are pitied and despised on account of it, do not impute it to the offence of the cross. Shew that you are distinguished by your active benevolence towards men's souls, as well as by your patient endurance of reproach for Christ's sake. Instead of sneering at others, and rashly arraigning the motives of their religious zeal, shew us a more excellent way, by giving an example of labour, self-denial, and perseverance in the work of the gos pel. Let us see that you are willing to sacrifice your farms and your merchandize, and to encounter reproach, and shame, and want, that you may win souls to Christ. Be not satisfied with other mens' line of things made ready to your hand, but endea vour to gather others to Christ besides those who are already gathered. Be not proud of your order, and apparent conformity to the word of God;-where the end of divine institutions is lost sight of, the machinery of ordimances is at work in vain. Above

der and ordinances ultimate things, the objects of glorying, and the distinguishing features of a system. We see that the declaration, "My kingdom is not of this world," may be used as the watch-word of a party, while its meaning is not understood, and its spirit completely violated. It is the spirit which quickeneth, the flesh profiteth nothing. We hope to remember that the kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness, and, peace, and joy, in the Holy Ghost We grieve to see important principles combined with other things, which not only neutralize them, but actually render them pernicious, and operate as stumbling-blocks in the way of the world. Let every religious party recollect, that its conformity to the word of God, can only be made evident by its eminently promoting the spiritual welfare of men, and the glory of God.If this be not done, all boasting is vain-strong language about faith and order is merely high swelling words of vanity-and confident assertions about love and purity, are no better that sounding brass and a tinkling symbal.

P. S. Since these remarks were written, we learn that the statements in this pamphlet of matters of fact are very imperfect, and some of them erroneous.

We hope in our next Number to be able to correct these, and to give a fuller narrative of some circumstances respecting them.




The West Lothian Bible Society lately met at Linlithgow. It still continues its active and successful exertions, in supplying the poor in the neighbourhood with the Scriptures, and in aiding the funds of the British and Foreign Bible Society. Much assistance is derived from penny and weekly associations. These are increasing in number, and especially among the young. One has been formed in the town of Linlithgow, among the youth in that place, with an agreeable prospect of success. Such Societies are calculated, under the Divine blessing, to have the best effect on those who encourage and support them.


At a meeting of several of the inhabitants of Braehead and its neighbourhood, on the 16th August, 1815, (the Rev. William Horne, Braehead, in the chair), the following Resolutions were read and unanimously adopted :

1. That we form ourselves into an Association, for the purpose of aiding the funds of the Edinburgh Bible Society, in order that we may the more effectually contribute to the general ciréulation of the Sacred Scriptures at home and abroad.

II. That all persons, (without any respect to the religious denominations to which they belong), who contribute at the rate of One Penny a-week, shall be members of the association:-the contributions to be payable weekly, month) ly, quarterly, or annually, as members may find convenient.

VOL II.-No. 10.

III. That for every twelve members there shall be a collector, to whom their contributions shall be paid; and these collections shall be delivered to the Treasurer on the first Tuesday of November, February, May, and August.

IV. That the business of the association shall be under the management of Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, a committee, consisting of a President, and other five members of the association, to meet on the second Tuesday of November, February, May, and August; five a quorum.

V. That there shall be a General

Meeting of the association annually, on the third Tuesday of August, for the purpose of electing Office-bearers, and receiving the Committee's report of the transactions of the past year.

VI. That whenever the sum in the Treasurer's hauds shall amount to Three Pounds sterling, it shall be remitted to the Treasurer of the Edinburgh Bible Society.

VII. That there shall be a Sermon

preached, and a Collection made annu. ally, to aid the funds of the association, on the afternoon of some Lord's day in August; it being understood to be the business of the President to procure a Minister to officiate on that occasion.

Committee of Management. Rev. Wm. Horne, Braehead, President.' Mess. T. Somervile, farmer, Carnwath, Vice-President.

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