Obrázky na stránke

Asbury Park, N. J.

"The Fenimore"


One and a Half Blocks

from Ocean.

Capacity for

Two Hundred Guests.

For Booklet, Etc., address


Books for Borderers.

Armstrong of Gilnockie, with facsimile of Armstrong

Seal, 25 cents.

Border Magazine, Vols. I to VI, $6.00.

Borders, Map of, mounted on cloth, 25 cents.

Hermitage Castle, Guide to. Maps and Plans, 15 cents. Leyden's Poems, with Life, $1.00.

Border Raids and Reivers, 60 cents.


W. & J. Kennedy, SCOTLAND.

Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!!

Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup

has been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MIL LIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN while TEETHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS, ALLAYS all PAIN; CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRHEA. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cts. a bottle


will furnish rough stock for Monuments, Mauso-
leums, Vaults, Headstones, Markers, Posts and
Coping from the famous "Klondike" Quarry, which
produces the finest Blue-White stock. Rough stock
a specialty.





[blocks in formation]


Established 1854


Via Quebec and Moville

HE ALLAN FLEET consists of twenty-eight ocean steamers, aggregating about 150,000 tons. The long experience of the Company has enabled them to profit to the fullest extent in every device both for the safety of the ship and the comfort of the passenger.

Calling at Moville

The Allan Line was the first to build steel steamers and also the first to adopt the bilge or side keels, rendering the vessels steady even in bad weather.

New Twin-Screw Steamers Tunisian, 10,500 tons; Bavarian, 10.375 tons; Ionian, 9,000 tons. New Single-Screw Steamers Sicilian, 6,284 tons; Corinthian, 6,226 tons; Pretorian, 6,000 tons.

ST. LAWRENCE ROUTE, Shortest, Smoothest and

Most Picturesque

These steamers are unsurpassed in their accommodation for all classes of passengers, the new vessels, the largest that the navigation of the St. Lawrence will permit, being practically floating hotels. The Salons, Ladies' Boudoirs, Smoking Rooms, Cabins de Luxe, are marvels of beauty in their adornment as well as in their adaptation for sea-going vessels. The vessels on the Glasgow-New York service are not so large or quite as fast as the mail steamers on the St. Lawrence route, but are comfortable ships and the prices of passage exceedingly moderate, the cost of a firstcabin return ticket, $100 to $135, being not greater than the single passage of many

other lines.

For rates, sailings or further information apply to any Agent of the Company. H. & A. ALLAN, Gen'l Agents, Montreal, or AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO., 53 Broadway, New York

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