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I forgive from my heart, all those who have at any time offended or injured me; and I humbly ask pardon of those whom I have at any time offended.

Have mercy on me, O God! according to thy great mercy; and according to the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out my iniquities.

Who will give water to my head, that night and day I may bewail my transgressions?

O Lord, be merciful to me a sinner; Jesus, Son of the living God, have mercy on me.

I commend my soul to God my Creator, who made me out of nothing; to Jesus Christ, my Saviour, who redeemed me with his precious Blood; to the Holy Ghost the Comforter, who sanctified me in Baptism Into thy hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit.

O holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for me a sinner, now and at the hour of my death. O all ye Saints and Angels of God, make intercession for me. Amen.

A Prayer before receiving the Viaticum.

O DEAR Jesus, I adore thee with all my heart! ] give thee thanks for that infinite love which thou didst show to poor sinners, in dying for them on the cross, and for thy unspeakable goodness, displayed in the institution of thy adorable Sacrament. To this heavenly banquet thou art now pleased to invite me ; but how can I approach! I who have so ungratefully offended thee, and who have lived so unworthy of the name of a Christian. I acknowledge, O God, that I am a sinner, a poor miserable sin..er; thou alone art my hope, to thee I raise my eyes, who art rich in mercy; who art my advocate and most powerful mediator. I commit my cause into thy hands; help me now in my distress; let thy precious blood, the i finite treasure of thy merits, supply all my def.c'é cies, while I partake of this sacred food. Thou knowest my weakness, and the depth of my urworthiness; hou seest how unfit I am, through the multitude and enormity of my sins, to appear before thy judgment

seat; I tremble at that dreadful hour, when I shall clearly see the extent of my ingratitude. What shall I do then, O divine Lord? what shall become of me, f my iniquities are to decide my eternal destiny? O good Jesus, let thy infinite merits accompany me to that place of terror; let all thy mercies plead on my behalf; I have nothing to trust to in myself, yet upon thy infinite goodness I have every reason to rely; my sins cry aloud for justice, but thy precious blood cries still louder for mercy. On this mercy I depend; and in this hope I desire to die; come, dear Jesus, now into my soul, and possess it for ever.

Short Acts of Thanksgiving, after having received the Viaticum.

GLORY and thanksgiving be to thee, O Lord, who in thy sweetness hast been pleased to visit my poor soul. Now let thy servant depart in peace according to thy word.

Now thou art come to me, I will not let thee go; I willingly bid farewell to the world, and with joy I go to thee, my God.

Nothing more, O dear Jesus, nothing more shall separate me from thee; in thee I will live in thee I will die, and in thee I hope to abide for ever.

I desire to be dissolved, and to be with Christ, for Christ is my life, and to die will be my gain.

Now I will fear no evils, though I walk in the shadow of death, because thou art with me, O Lord: as the hart pan s after the fountains of water, so does my soul after thee; my soul thirsts after the fountain of living water: O when shall I come, and appear before the face of my God!

Give me thy blessing, O divine Jesus, and establish my soul in everlasting peace; such peace, as only thou canst give; such peace, as it may not be in the power of my enemy to destroy.

O that my soul were at rest in thy happiness, and in the enjoyment of thee, my God, for ever.

What more have I to do with the world? And in Heaven, what have I to desire, but thee, my God?

Into thy hands I commend my spirit; receive me, sweet Jesus! In thee may I rest; and in thy happiness rejoice without end. Amen

A Prayer before Extreme-Unction.

O LORD Jesus Christ, who in thy great mercy hast Instituted the Sacrament of Extreme-unction for the benefit of the sick, grant, I beseech thee, that it may heal my soul, fortify me against temptation, support me in the hour of anguish, and prepare me for a happy passage to eternity, or for whatever may be thy divine appointment. If thou foreseest that my health will be conducive to thy greater glory, and expedient for my eternal salvation, let this be the means to restore it. Dispose of me as thou knowest best; all I desire is the accomplishment of thy will; give me health or sickness, life or death; give me whatever thou pleasest; not my will, but thine be done; it is a greater happiness to fulfil thy adorable will, than to enjoy ten thousand lives. How happy should I be, if the destruction of my body could repair the injuries I have offered to thy divine Majesty! My eyes, alas! have seen vanities; my ears have been open to sinful and unprofitable discourse; my tongue has many ways offended in speaking and tasting; my hands have contributed to innumerable follies; my feet have gone astray in the paths of iniquity. By this holy unction, and by the prayers of thy Church, pardon me, O Jesus, all the sins I have committed by the gratification of my senses. Let those avenues through which sin has made its way into my soul, be now closed to the world; let my eyes be open to thee alone; my ears attentive to thy sacred word; my tongue solely employed ir soliciting for mercy. Let my prayers ascend like incense in thy sight; let my hands be lifted up to Heaven for pardon; let my feet walk in thy ways, and let my heart be the living temple of the Holy Ghost

Into thy hand, O dear Jesus, I commend my spirit In thee I will live; in thee I will die; in thee I will abide; and in thee I hope to possess eternal rest for ever and ever. Amen.

A Prayer after Extreme-Laction.

O MY God, thou hast nourished me with the adorable Sacrament of thy body and blood, and hast now enabled me to receive the rites of thy Church, preferably to so many others, who were carried off by a sudden and unprovided death. For these, and all other blessings, I offer thee the pure and perfect thanksgiving thou receivest from thy blessed Mother and all the saints.. I do not desire to be freed from my pains; thou knowest what is best for me; give me patience to suffer whatever thou pleasest, and as long as thou pleasest. If it be thy divine pleasure to inflict on my weak body still greater punishments than those I now suffer, my heart is ready, O Lord, my heart is ready to accept them, and to suffer in whatever manner and measure shall be conformable to thy holy will. This one grace I most ardently beg of thee, my God, that I may die the death of thy Elect, and be admitted, after the sufferings and tribulations of this transitory life, into the kingdom of thy glory, there to see and enjoy thee, in the company of the blessed, for all eternity. Amen.

Preparation for Death.

LORD, have mercy on her.

Christ, have mercy on her, &c. &c.
Holy Mother of God,

All ye holy Angels and Archangels,
All ye blessed company of the just,
All ye holy Patriarchs and Prophets,
All ye holy Apostles and Evangelists.
All ye holy Disciples of our Lord,
All ye holy Martyrs,

All ye holy Bishops and Confessors,

Pray for her

All ye noly Virgins and Widows, Pray for her. All ye holy Saints of God, make intercession for her.

Have mercy, O Lord' and spare her.

Have mercy, O Lord! and hear her.

From all her offences, and the punishment due

to them,

From all the snares and temptations of the devil,

From all impatience and repining at thy just chastisements,

From dejection of spirit, and diffidence in thy mercies,

From all undue fear of death, and immoderate desires of life,

From distraction of mind, and neglect of preparation for eternity,

By thy Cross and Passion,

By thy Death and Burial,

By thy glorious Resurrection and Ascension, By the grace of the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, in the hour of death, and in the day of judgment,

We sinners, beseech thee hear us.

Delwer her, O Lord.

That it would please thee to comfort her in her anguish, and enable her to look to a happy futurity We beseech thee, hear us.

That it would please thee to remind her of all thy mercies, and encourage her to confide in thy goodness. We beseech thee, &c.

That thou wouldst vouchsafe to grant her the grace to forgive those by whom she may have been offended, and to satisfy those whom she may have injured in word or deed. We beseech thee, &c.

That being thus reconciled to thee, and all creatures, she may with assured hope, and steadfast faith, receive the sacrament of thy blessed body, and by this heavenly food be strengthened against the pangs of death. We beseech thee, &c.

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