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ufficient sum for the establishment and endowment of the Chair, but that all sums promised by Burns Clubs had been paid.

The Constitution and Rules of the Federation, as revised and amended by a special committee, were submitted by Mr F. C. Anderson, Brechin, and after a short discussion were unanimously adopted by the meeting.

Mr Alex. Pollock, Glasgow, reported on the educational work that was being carried on by many Burns Clubs, and strongly advised all Clubs to organise children's competitions, not only in the works of Burns, but in works of other Scottish poets and authors. Mr Pollock also promised to give any assistance necessary to any Club beginning this very valuable work.

Mr Hugh M'Coll, Glasgow, also referred to the importance of the educational work which was being carried on under the auspices of Burns Clubs, and singled out for commendation Bridgeton, Sandyford, Rosebery, Albany, Thornliebank, and the Western Burns Clubs.

The Chairman expressed his entire approval of the work brought before the meeting by Messrs Pollock and M'Coll, who were cordially thanked for their reports.

On the motion of Mr Andrew Sinclair, Kilmarnock, all the existing office-bearers were re-elected, and on the respective motions of Messrs Amos and Jeffrey Hunter, Mr Hugh M'Coll and Col. Bennett were added to the list of Vice-Presidents.

Mr Jeffrey Hunter moved that a small committee be appointed to consider and report on the expediency of establishing some memorial to the three founders of the Federation-Colin Rae-Brown, Provost Mackay, and Captain Sneddon. He suggested the memorial might take the form of a scholarship or prize of some kind in connection with the study of Scottish History. Mr Jas. Thomson, London Robert Burns Club, seconded the motion, which was unanimously adopted. The following committee was then appointed Mr M'Naught, Mr Amos, Provost Smith, Mr M'Coll, Mr Jas. Ballantyne, Ex-Provost Wilson, Mr Sulley, Mr Jos. Martin, Mr James Thomson, and Mr J. Jeffrey Hunter.

Mr Reid, Carlisle, gave the Delegates a hearty invitation to that ancient Border city, where it had been agreed to hold next annual meeting. On the motion of Mr Philip Sulley, it was agreed to meet at Galashiels in 1913.

On the motion of Mr Hugh Mayberry, seconded by Ex-Bailie Nicol, Glasgow, a hearty vote of thanks was awarded to the President. The business meeting then terminated.


The delegates were afterwards entertained to luncheon in their magnificent banqueting hall by the Corporation of Glasgow. In the unavoidable absence of the Lord Provost, Bailie Archibald Campbell, senior magistrate, occupied the chair. The croupiers were exBailies Robert Anderson, Battersby, Steele, W. F. Anderson, Willock, M'Farlane, R. S. Brown, and Master of Works Stewart. Among the guests were Sir John Ure Primrose, Bart.; Sir James Sivewright, K.C.M.G., Hon. Vice-President of the Federation; Mr A. L. Brown, ex-M.P. for the Border Burghs; and nearly every office-bearer of the Federation.

After an excellent luncheon, enlivened by the strains of a string band, the Chairman offered the delegates a hearty welcome to the city

of Glasgow, and thereafter in eloquent terms proposed the toast of "The Burns Federation," which was ably acknowledged by Mr M'Naught.


The Corporation of

Provost Smith, Kilmarnock, proposed Glasgow," to which the Chairman briefly replied.

[graphic][graphic][merged small][merged small]

The company was thereafter shown through the Municipal Buildings and photographed in the quadrangle.

The delegates were then conveyed in private Corporation cars through the west-end of Glasgow and back to the National Exhibition. The expense of this, as well as the entrance fee to the Exhibition, was generously defrayed by the Burns Clubs of Glasgow and District. The delegates met in the Historical Section of the Exhibition, which had been reserved for them, and Mr M'Naught gave an interesting description of the Burns portraits and some of the other exhibits in the Burns section.

The delegates were afterwards entertained to high tea in the Atholl Restaurant by the local Burns Clubs. Ex-Provost Wilson, Pollokshaws, presided over a large gathering, and in the course of the proceedings several toasts were proposed and honoured.

On the evening previous to the meeting a most successful smoking concert was held in Sloan's Arcade Café under the auspices of the Glasgow and District Burns Clubs, who entertained all the delegates from a distance. Under the genial chairmanship of Mr M'Coll an excellent programme was submitted to a most enthusiastic audience, which filled two large halls. The whole proceedings in connection with the Conference were most orderly, well-arranged, and enjoyable, and the thanks of the delegates are due to the Corporation of Glasgow and to the Glasgow and District Burns Clubs for their most generous hospitality. The whole of the local arrangements were admirably carried out by a willing band of workers, with Mr M'Coll as chairman and Mr Jeffrey Hunter as secretary.

The Glasgow Conference will certainly rank as the best of the meetings held by the Federation.


List of Clubs which have subscribed for the Publishing Fund from 1st Jan, 1911., to 21st Dec., 1911.

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[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

No. 28. Mauchline Jolly Beggars 175. Meikle Earnock 194. Middlebie

8. Morpeth (dormant) 101. Motherwell

56. Muirkirk Lapraik

65. Musselburgh

199. Newbattle and District

32. Newark

133. Newarthill

156. Newcastle and Tyneside 131. Nottingham

17. Nottingham (d rmant) 151. Old Kilpatrick

172. Oregon, U.S.A. 48. Paisley

77. Paisley Gleniffer 161. Paisley Charleston 205. Paisley St. Mirren

72. Partick

135. Partick Western

26. Perth

54. Perth St. Johnstone 162. Plymouth and District 140. Pollokshaws

190. Port-Glasgow 177. Prestwick

176. Renfrew

191. Renfrew Moorpark

132. Riccarton Kirkstyle

168. Riccarton

130. Row

105. Rutherglen

193. Rutherglen Jolly Beggars

31. San Francisco

91. Shettleston

195. Shiremoor

13. St. Andrews 182. Stane Mossgiel

50. Stirling

141. Stonehouse

147. Stonehouse Haggis

200. Stonehouse Jolly Beggars 89. Sunderland

[blocks in formation]
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