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FRIEZE'S AENEID (Revised Edition).

FRIEZE. AENEID, First Six Books. With Notes

and Vocabulary

FRIEZE. AENEID, Complete. With Notes and Vo-

AENEID, Complete. Text Edition





W. P. 17

A6 F7 1902 a MAIN

In compliance with current copyright law, U. C. Library Bindery produced this replacement volume on paper that meets the ANSI Standard Z39.481984 to replace the irreparably deteriorated original.



In this edition of the Aeneid the revising editor has attempted to make only such alterations and additions as Dr. Frieze would have himself made. The Introduction has been enlarged by the addition of sections on the plan of the Aeneid, the meter, manuscripts, editions, and helpful books of reference. The English form of the poet's name is changed to Virgil, in accordance with the practice of leading scholars on both sides of the Atlantic.

Changes have been made in the text only where readings, formerly disputed, have now become established. In accord with the spelling of words in inscriptions of the first century A.D., the forms vulnus, vulgus, vult, Vulcanus,' etc., are preferred to volnus, volgus, etc. To meet the need of early assistance in reading hexameter verse metrically, the long vowels in the first two books are indicated. The markings sanctioned by Lewis's Elementary Latin Dictionary, and by the Appendix to Bennett's Latin Grammar, where these are in disagreement, have been followed, although the editor is aware that some hidden quantities are still in dispute, e.g. vowels before gn, eius, huius, cuius, maximus, and some others.

The Notes have been thoroughly revised. Old grammar references have been corrected, and new ones (to Lane and Morgan's and Bennett's grammars) added. But few of the old illustrations are retained.

Acknowledgment is made of the free use of all critical and annotated editions of the poet, especially of those of Page (1894–

1 See the Classical Review, 1899, pp. 116 and 156. In words involving assimilation also (summoveo, summitto, etc.) I have followed the results published in this periodical.

1900), Sidgwick (1894-1897), and the excellent edition of Papillon and Haigh (1892), whose dignified renderings make one wish that these editors would prepare a prose translation of the entire works of Virgil.

Thanks are due to Professor John C. Rolfe, of the University of Michigan, for many helpful suggestions and for assistance in reading the proof, and to Professor Francis W. Kelsey for valuable hints and for the critical examination of the entire book.

The reviser has constantly been impressed with the scholarly character of the last edition to which Dr. Frieze put his hand. It was something more than a mere schoolbook. The preparation of this new volume has therefore been a privilege as well as a pleasure.

W. D.


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