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"Since we last met, Colonel R. J. Bennett, one of our Vicepresidents, has passed into the silent land. He was a man of wide sympathies, and was well known in Art and Volunteering circles in the West of Scotland. He was also a discriminating Burns collector and a generous giver to any of the schemes of the Federation which called for assistance. His genial, kindly presence will be much at our meetings, and we respectfully offer our sympathy to his relatives. During the year only one Club-St. James, Paisley --was added to our roll, but I have quite recently had applications from two clubs for initiation, and these will be laid before the Committee to-day. There is still a call for pocket diplomas, especially among Masonic Burns Clubs, and I have sent out 76 since last October. The twenty-fifth number of the Burns Chronicle was,


In view of

It was the unanimous wish of the committee to con

like its predecessors, a literary and financial success. the warning received by us from Government regarding the scarcity of paper the Executive Committee at a recent meeting resolved to restrict the number of the forthcoming edition, and to sell at the usual price. tinue the publication, which we feel is one of the binding influences Our worthy President has for a quarter of a century acted as Editor, and, in addition, he has annually contributed articles which have won the admiration of all thoughtful Burns students.

among us.

Once more we offer him our best thanks.

The Gribbel Album is now very nearly completed. The address has been signed by our Hon. President, Lord Rosebery, and the other signatories, and the album is at present in the hands of the


The album will cost more than we thought, but in

honouring Mr Gribbel for his priceless gift to this country we are honouring ourselves. The good work undertaken by the Carlton and in supplying Burns literature to the blind pro


In addition to the Braille edition of the Poet's works, the

Committee hopes to be able to present an edition in the Moon type before the end of this year. To many Scottish soldiers who have lost their sight these editions of our National Bard's works will prove a great boon.


The children's competitions in Scottish song Poetry, which have been so popular and of so great educational value, have in the meantime been nearly all discontinued, but we hope as soon as the war is over that Mr Pollock, the indefatigable of these competitions, will be able again to give us as



stimulating reports on this work as he has given in years past. Clasgow Burns Clubs Association is to be congratulated on the success of the Burns House at Mauchline.

Comfortable homes

have been provided for aged people, and a nucleus of an interesting Burns Museum has been formed.

The Association takes a great

interest and pride in the house, and periodical visitations are made by Members of the Committee.

No finer monument could have

Mauchline, with its

been devised in honour of the memory of our Poet's devoted wife, and the interest taken in the scheme must be gratifying to the generous donor of the house, Mr C. R. Cowie. splendid Burns Memorial Homes and Burns House, is to be envied. I have much pleasure in recording the presentation of a handsome mallet for our Chairman from Ye Cronies Burns Club, Govan, and

I can

ciates the gift.


assure this energetic Club that the Federation greatly appreOwing to the war our meetings for two years have deprived of much of the interest which made them so highly be able to revive the social gatherings which were a distinctive feature appreciated in the Burns world, but we hope that soon again we may

at our conferences.

There is at hand just now much that we could do, and the practical interest in our wounded soldiers shown by the London Burns Club and the Birmingham Burns Club, along with some others, has much of the sympathy of the man who felt so keenly for thepuir and honest sodger.

Mr Alex. Pollock, Glasgow, suggested the Roll of Honour should be made as complete as possible before the publication of the Chronicle, and it was agreed to incorporate all names sent to the Secretary before the end of November.


Mr Ceo. A. Innes presented the Annual Financial Statement, which showed a balance of £266 6s 6d at the credit of the Federation.


In his report on the Chronicle, the Chairman stated that owing to the increased price of paper and printing, the size of the Chronicle would have to be reduced one-third if it was to be sold at its former price.

Mr Lennox, Kilmarnock, thought the Chronicle should be uniform in size with the preceding numbers.

Mr Leiper Gemmill, Glasgow, suggested the Editor might reduce the size of the volume a little, and the Clubs pay sixpence more per copy for the publication.

This was unanimously agreed to, and on the motion of Mr M'Coll, it was agreed to renew the annual grant of £25.


Mr Alex. Pollock reported that, as far as he knew, only two Clubs --Glasgow Albany and Glasgow Bridgeton--had continued their competitions as before, and he thought these Clubs deserved to be congratulated on the continued success of their School Competitions. He thought every Burns Club ought to make this work one of its main objects, as it would give the Clubs a better status, and remove the undeserved stigma that they existed for purely selfish social


Mr Robt. M. Milholm, Shettleston, intimated that last year Shettleston Burns Club had introduced Children's Competitions with great success, and ex-Provost Brand, Portobello, also stated that Portobello Burns Club had carried on these competitions most successfully for twenty-one years, It was also reported that successful competitions are being held in Dumfries by the Dumfries Burns Club.

Mr Pollock hoped that in future secretaries would advise the Committee of such competitions, so that they might be officially reported upon to the Federation, and the Secretary was requested to insert a note to this effect in his annual circular.


Mr J. A. Biggs, L.D.S., Glasgow, in his report on the work done by the Committee of the Rosebery and Carlton Clubs, said that the Braille edition of Burns's Works, including a volume of letters selected and edited by Mr Pollock, had been in eirculation for two


The edition in Moon type was now well advanced.



J. C. Ewing had given his services gratuitously to supervise the publication of the edition in Moon type, and deserved the thanks of all Burns admirers. The Committee also thankfully acknowledged the personal interest shown in the work by Mr Henry Stainsby, General Secretary of the National Institutions for the Blind, London. Committee had recently sent full sets of the Braille edition to all institutions in Scotland and England in which our brave soldiers who had lost their sight through the war were resident. To give some idea of the magnitude of the work, Mr Biggs mentioned that the Braille edition of seven volumes weighed 283 lbs., and the Moon edition would weigh 40 lbs.


Mr Hugh M'Coll, in his report, said the Glasgow and District Burns Clubs Association appointed monthly visitors to their property, and these gentlemen reported that the buildings were in excellent order and the pensioners comfortable and contented. The Museum was progressing and extending, and the visitors' book gave evidence that the Burns House was very much appreciated by outsiders. Mr Charles R. Cowie, the generous donor of the

house, at the request of the Chairman also addressed the meeting. In the course of his remarks he said Burns had many memorials, but memorials to his true-hearted wife were few, and in this house he rejoiced she had been, and would continue to be, the principal


He also referred to the gift to the Museum of a Portrait

of Dr M'Kenzie, the family physician and friend of the Burns family; and likewise the presentation of a chair that had been in the

possession of Jean Armour.


Mr J. C. Ewing reported that the Album was now out of the hands of the lithographer, who had done his work most creditably, and is now in the hands of the bookbinder, who would do his best to finish well what was so well begun.


All the Office-bearers were re-elected, and the names of Mr and Mr James Thomson, F.S.A.(Scot.), Secretary of the London Alex. Mackenzie, President of the National Burns Club, Glasgow, Robert Burns Club, were added to the list of Vice-presidents.


On the motion of Deacon-Convener Hugh Alexander, the Chairwas awarded a hearty vote of thanks.


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List of Clubs which have Subscribed for the Publishing Fund from 29th December, 1915, to 19th December, 1916.

[blocks in formation]

Atlanta, U.S.A.

Baillieston Caledonia

Bannockburn Empire



...£0 10 6



0 10 6

0 10

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0 10




0 10



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Blairadam Shanter

Bristol Caledonian Society 0 10

Cambuslang Wingate

0 10

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0 10 6


0 10 6

0 10 6

0 10 6

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0 10 6

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Kilmarnock Jolly Beggars 0 10 6

Larkhall Cronies

0 10 6

0 10 6

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Alphabetical List of Federated Clubs.

No. 40. Aberdeen

84. Abington

23. Adelaide
20. Airdrie

143. Airdrie Gateside

2. Alexandria

6. Alloa

82. Arbroath

174. Ardrossan Castle

232. Arniston

224. Ashington

238. Atlanta

123. Auchinleck
19. Auckland

192. Ayrshire Association
157. Baillieston Caledonia
218. Bannockburn Empire
99. Barlinnie

12. Barrow-in-Furness
64. Beith

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

244. Dalmuir

35. Dalry

158. Darlington 122. Darnconner

55. Derby 37. Dollar

146. Dublin

10. Dumbarton

52. Dumfries Mechanics 104. Dumfries Oak

226. Dumfries

112. Dumfries Howff

204. Dundalk

14. Dundee

69. Dunedin

80. Dunoon Cowal

85. Dunfermline United 188. Duns Working Men 134. Duntocher Heron 5. Earlston 229. Eastbourne 108. East Calder

22. Edinburgh

111. Edinburgh South 124. Edinburgh Ninety

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