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No. 173-IRVINE Burns Club.

Instituted 1826. Federated 18th November, 1908. President, Rev. John Paterson, B.D., Fullarton Manse, Irvine ; Vice-president, John Irving Moffat, Parklea, Irvine; Secretary, R. M. Hogg, Stratford, Bank Street, Irvine; Treasurer, R. F. Longmuir, Roseville, Irvine.

No. 174 ARDROSSAN Castle Burns Club. Federated 1908. Secretary, Wm. Gibson, Hill Cottage, 90 Glasgow Street, Ardrossan.

No. 175-MEIKLE EARNOCK Original Burns Club. Instituted 16th March, 1906. Federated 21st December, 1908. Place of meeting, John Crowe, Cadzow Vaults. President, James Shepherd, 2 Moore Street, Cadzow, Hamilton; Vice-president, Alex. Laird, 50 Eddlewood Buildings. Hamilton; Secretary, John Hepburn, 36 Eddlewood Buildings, Hamilton. Committee-Andrew Hamilton, John Hamilton, William Pollock, and Robert Lees. Special features of Club- To keep ever green the memory of Scotia's greatest son, and disseminate the principles he strove to inculcate.

No. 176-RENFREW Burns Club.

Federated 6th December, 1898. Place of meeting, Renfrew. Vice-president, A. Whyte, Friars Croft, Renfrew; Secretary, Wm. S. Cochran, 20 Renfield Street, Renfrew.



No. 177-PRESTWICK Burns Club. Instituted 1902.
1908. Place of meeting, Royal Hotel.
Councillor James Meikle, Powbank, Farm: Treasurer,
James M Cance.

No. 178-KILMARNOCK Begbie's Burns Club. Instituted 1908. Federated 1909. Place and date of meeting. Angel Hotel, third Wednesday of each month. President, John Stewart, 13 Hill Street, Kilmarnock ; Vice-president, Andrew Sinclair, 65 M'Lelland Drive, Kilmarnock ; Secretary, William Lennox, 11 Nursery Avenue, Kilmarnock. Committee--John Brown, Wm. Johnstone, Hugh Dale, A. MD. Anderson, David Lang, John Douglas, and Wm. Muir. Special features of Club---Reading of papers elative to the works of Burns and kindred subjects; celebrating the birthday of the Poet.

No. 179-DAILLY Jolly Beggars Burns Club. Instituted 22nd January, 1902. Federated 22nd January, 1902. Place of meeting, King's Arms Hotel Hall. President, Thomas Dykes, King's Arms Hotel, Dailly; Vice-president, Adam Wilson, wood merchant, Dailly; Secretary, Hugh Dykes, King's Arms Hotel, Dailly. Committee-S. M'Blain, H. M'Culloch, Robt. Smith, Dr Macdougall, and Dr MacInroy. Special feature of Club-Celebrating the Poet's anniversary.

No. 180-GLASGOW Tollcross Burns Club. Instituted 1908. Federated 1909. Place and date of meeting, Tollcross


Bowling Club-house, first Tuesday every month. President,
Allan Shaw, Clyde Terrace, Tollcross : Vice-president,
William M'Gregor, West Thorn Farm, Tollcross;
tary, Alex. Wilson, Braidfauld Cottage, Tollcross;
surer, Walter Newton, Movern, Tollcross.


No. 181- GLASGOW Primrose Burns Club. Instituted 1901. Federated 11th February, 1909. No regular meetings being held during war. President, Thos. S. Turnbull, 310 Colfhill Drive, Clasgow; Vice-president, George J. M'Callum, 2 West Regent Street, Glasgow; Secretary, Thos. H. Hellier, 205 Crow Road, Broomhill, Glasgow ; Treasurer, William Lithgow, 40 Rowallan Gardens, Broomhill, Glasgow. Special features of Club-Monthly meetings, anniversary dinner, school children's competition, lectures and musical evenings.

No. 182-STANE (Shotts) Mossgiel Burns Club. Instituted 3rd February, 1908. Federated 24th February, 1909. Place and date of meeting, Stane Hotel, first Friday of month, except June, July, and August. President, Jas. Cairns, 121 Tarbothie Road, Stane, Shotts ; Vice-president, William Rodger, 104 Main Street, Stane, Shotts; Secretary, Alex. Walker, 9 Tarbothie Road, Stane, Shotts; Treasurer, Jas. White, I Stane Place, Stane, Shotts. Special features of Club--Papers on Poet's works and Scottish literature, school competitions, celebration of all anniversaries.

No. 183-LONDONDERRY Burns Club and Caledonian Society. Instituted 1907. Federated 10th June, 1909.

No. 184


of meeting, Working Men's Institute, Diamond.
sident, Alex. M'Lean, J.P., Victoria Park, Londonderry ;
Vice-president, Geo. Burns, Sackville Street, London-
derry ; Secretary, Jas. C. Scrimgeour, 3 Sunnyside
Terrace, Londonderry; Treasurer, Walter Nichol.

BLAIRADAM Shanter Burns Club. Instituted 21st
August, 1907. Federated 29th August, 1909. Place
and date of meeting, Blairadam Tavern, Kelty, alternate
Saturdays, at 5 p.m. President, James Wilkie, Hutton's
Buildings, Black Road, Kelty: Vice-president, Adam
Lees, Adam's Terrace, Kelty; Secretary, Thomas Ander-
son, Blairforge, Blairadam; Treasurer, Geo. Burden.
Croupier, Andrew Anderson. Committee David Camp-

bell, Robt. Storrar, David Storrar, Wm. Clark, Win.
Dryburgh. Special features of Club- -Recitations, songs,
and readings.

No. 185- BURTON Burns Club. Instituted 1908. Federated


No. 186- KILMARNOCK Glencairn Burns Club. Instituted 1909. Federated 1910. Place and date of meeting, Bridge Inn, Robertson Place, second Friday of each month, at 8 p.m. President, Alex. Smith, 13 Arbuckle Street, Kilmarnock ; Vice-president, James Gilmour, 22 Arbuckle Street,

Kilmarnock ;

Secretary, John Thorburn, 12 Fairyhill Road, Kilmarnock, Committee-John Ferguson, Alfred Dunmore, and Alex. Anderson. Special features of Club -The encouragement of social intercourse amongst its members and kindred Clubs; the celebration of the Poet's birth; meetings for the reading of literary papers relative to the works of Burns and kindred subjects.

No. 187-GALASHIELS Burns Club. Instituted 10th December, 1908. Federated 9th December, 1909. Place and time of meeting, Town Hall, at 8 p.m. President, Provost Sutherland, Albert Place, Galashiels ; Vice-president, Rev. Dr Butler, The Manse, Galashiels; Secretary, Tom C. Hutchison, 83 High Street, Galashiels; Treasurer, John Hodge, jun., 12 Island Street, Galashiels. Special feature of Club-School competitions.

No. 188-DUNS Working Men's Burns Club. Instituted 1902. Federated 1910. Secretary, Robt. Cameron, British Linen Bank, Duns.

No. 189-CLYDEBANK Barns o' Clyde Burns Club. Instituted 25th January, 1896. Place and time of meeting, Hutcheon's Restaurant, Clydebank, 7 p.m. President, T. Abbott, 123 Glasgow Road, Clydebank; Vice-president, G. Latto, Canal Street, Clydebank; Secretary, J. Abercrombie, 17 Cochno Street, Clydebank; Treasurer, J. B. Macready, 914 Yoker Road, Yoker.

No. 190-PORT-GLASGOW Burns Club. Instituted 13th JanPlace and

uary, 1910. Federated 5th April, 1910.

date of meeting, Co-operative Hall, Princes Street, first
Friday, September till March. President, Thomas
Wylie, High-holm Street, Port-Clasgow; Vice-president,
Wm. R. Niven, 47 Firth View, Port-Glasgow: Secretary,
Jas. Hicks, jun., 20 John Wood Street, Port-Glasgow ;
Treasurer, John S. Pearson, Flemington, Port-Glasgow.

No. 191-MOORPARK Burns Club.

Instituted 1908.



1910. Place of meeting, Moorpark Hall.
Alexander Blackley, St. Andrew's Drive, Moorpark, Ren-
frew; Vice-president, William M'Intyre, Renfrew House,
Renfrew; Secretary, Ebenezer Inglis, Glasdale, Faulds-
head Road, Renfrew; Treasurer, James Clark, Moorpark,
Renfrew. Special features of Club-To provide social
and literary evenings for members and friends; to encourage
the study and love of Burns's works by holding an annual
children's competition in Moorpark School in March:
to celebrate the birth of the Poet by annual festival on
25th January.

No. 192- AYRSHIRE ASSOCIATION of Federated Burns Clubs. Instituted 1908. Federated 1910. Place and date of meeting, Quarterly, at various places and times in the county. President, Andrew Sinclair, 65 M'Lelland Drive, Kilmarnock ; Secretary, William Lennox, 11 Nursery Avenue, Kilmarnock,


Laird, James Moir, Hugh Campbell, Wm. Hall, John M'Gregor, James Queay, and Thos. Neilson. Special features of Club-To further the interests of the Burns cult by promoting closer union between the Clubs in the county, and to render all possible assistance to the work of the Federation.

No. 193-RUTHERGLEN Jolly Beggars Burns Club. 1910. Federated 1910.

No. 194

-MIDDLEBIE Burns Club.


Instituted 1909. Federated 1910. Secretary, Walter A. Mather, Donkins House, Kirtlebridge, Ecclefechan.



Blue Bell Burns Club. Instituted November, 1906. Federated 14th November, 1910. Place and date of meeting, Blue Bell Hotel, every four weeks from 30th August. President, John Wilson, 11 Duke Street, Shiremoor, Newcastle-on-Tyne ; president, John Marshall, C. Pit Cottages, Backworth, Newcastle-on-Tyne; Secretary, James Fyfe Wilson, 29 Harrow Street, Shiremoor, Newcastle-on-Tyne; Treasurer, Wm. Richardson. Committee-Robt. Fyfe, G. Fyfe. M. Armstrong, J. Aitchison, and J. Sneddon. Special features of Club-To foster the memory and songs of the Poet: annual celebration in rooms; annual summer outing; and musical evenings.

No. 196-MID-ARGYLL Burns Club. Instituted 11th January, 1909. Federated 27th December, 1910. Place of meeting, Royal Hotel, Ardrishaig. President, John Campbell, Glenfyne House, Ardrishaig; Vice-president, Robert Finlay, Royal Hotel, Ardrishaig: Secretary, Andrew Y. Roy, Tigh-an-Eas, Ardrishaig. CommitteeWm. C. Harvey, J. M. Montgomerie, Alexander Blue, Archibald Campbell, John M'Alister, Archibald MacBain, and John M'Arthur. Special features of Club--Celebration of the Poet's birthday and to encourage the study of his works.

No. 197-WINNIPEG Burns Club. Instituted 1905.


1911. Secretary, A. G. Kemp, Box 2886, Winnipeg.

No. 198-GOREBRIDGE Twenty-five Jolly Beggars Burns Club, Federated 28th November, 1913. Place of meeting, Mr Brunton's Inn, Gorebridge. President, Robert Burnside, Main Street, Corebridge; Vice-president, Robert Weir, Victoria Street, Arniston, Gorebridge; Secretary, John Duncan, 5 Slate Row, Arniston, Gorebridge. Committee Robert Davidson, William Weir, John Darling, Robert Millar, Robert Robertson, and Andrew Walker. Special features of Club-Holding the Poet's anniversary ; also children's competitions, and concerts during the


No. 199-NEWBATTLE and DISTRICT Burns Club. Instituted October, 1910. Federated November, 1910. Place

and date of meeting, Bowling Green Pavilion, Newtongrange, first Saturday in each month, from October to April, at 7 p.m. President, Geo. Humphrey, Saughs, Newtongrange; Vice-president, Wm. Carson, Saughs, Newtongrange ; Secretary, James Kennedy, 14 Lingerwood Road, Newtongrange, Midlothian. Committee— J. Samuel, P. Dickson, J. Dickson, J. Gilmour, J. Currie, P. Gray, G. M'Intosh, S. Dalgleish, D. Richardson, J. Brown, W. Brown, D. Richardson, D. Pryde and J. Pryde. Special features of Club-The celebration of the birth of Burns; the cultivation of social and intellectual intercourse amongst members and friends; promoting concerts for charities during the winter months (by this means we have been successful in distributing close on £130 to various local charities within the last three years); annual trip (cancelled during the war). Membership about 130.

No. 200-STONEHOUSE Jolly Beggars Burns Club.


1911. Federated 21st March, 1911. Place and date of meeting, Buckshead Inn, every alternate Friday. President, Samuel Kennedy, Queen Street, Stonehouse; Vice-president, Daniel Todd, Hill Road, Stonehouse; Secretary, Matthew Steel, Camnethan Street, Stonehouse; Treasurer, Robt. Anderson, Buckshead Inn, Stonehouse. Special features of Club -To promote social intercourse among people in the village.

No. 201-CARLISLE Newtown Burns Club. Instituted November, 1910. Federated 27th April, 1911. Place of meeting, Green Dragon Hotel. President, P. T. Paterson, 71 Scotland Road, Stanwix, Carlisle ; Vice-presidents, G. E. Edmondson, Millbourne Arms Hotel, and John Hare, 16 Orchard Street, Carlisle ; Secretary, Robert Burns, Green Dragon Hotel, Carlisle. Committee - R. Gillespie, J. M'Gregor, T. Pearson, R. Scott, J. Reid, R. Cartner, J. Scott, J. Maxwell, D. Wilson, J. Carruthers, D. Inglis, G. Jeffrey, J. Bainbridge, and J. Johnstone.

No. 202--COVAN Ye Cronies Burns Club. Instituted 1893.


1911. Place and date of meeting, Red Lamp, Maxwell Street, Govan, second Saturday each month, at 6 p.m. President, James Rellie, 18 Elder Street, Govan ; Vicepresident, Matthew Stirling, 13 Hutton Drive, Govan ; Secretary, Wm. Stirrat, 67 Graham Street, Govan ; Treasurer, J. M'Kinnon; Bard, T. M. Walker. Committee---A. M'Dowell, D. Thomson, L. M'Leane, J. Orr, James Hutchieson. Special features of Club-The Club shall consist of men who honour and revere the memory of Burns; the membership shall not exceed 100, and each candidate for membership must be a Freemason; to promote social and friendly intercourse amongst its members.

No. 203- DENNISTOUN Jolly Beggars Burns Club. Instituted 25th January, 1911. Federated 6th June, 1911. Place and date of meeting, Chalmers Street Church Hall, last

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