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separately, as the eighth prince in succession, the fourteenth Menu, and first king of the postdiluvian world. The Egyptians name him the Semedio; to denote that although his Antara was among the divinities, his reign was among mortals. A reference to the fifth Table will elucidate the following, and prove that there were only six princes who reigned, and that the aggregate time of their rule was 725 years.

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Admitting the same number of sovereigns in the race of Cain, the fourteen dynasties are complete according to the Hebrew Scriptures. Adam, one; the six princes in the line of Seth, seven ;

the six in the line of Cain, thirteen; and Noah fourteen. From the foregoing table it appears, that the aggregate years of the reigns of the six princes from the death of Adam to the deluge was 725 years. In the fifteenth table, as taken from the account of Berosus, they are stated at 740. But those were prophetic years. For the account is given in Zapot, or periods of 3600 days. The Chaldeans, equally with the Hindus and Chinese, place the deluge at 1680 prophetic years from the creation, or 168 Zapo. For the 120 Zapo, mentioned by Abydenus, allude to the rule of Cain, or the Chaldeans; and 1680 prophetic years answer to 1656 Julian years. Now 740 prophetic years of 360 days answer to 728 Julian ones; and 940 prophetic years to 928 Julian ones. Thus 928 +

728 = 1656, and 740 + 940 = 1680. This places the death of Alorus at A. M. 928, in lieu of 931; and allots 728 years, in lieu of 725, for the reign of the six princes. But we must recollect that Berosus recorded in Zapot, or periods of 3600 days; and as it is morally impossible that the several princes should have died precisely at the end of one of those periods, we must suppose the time to have been marked by the Zapos to which it came most near, and the princes to have reigned collectively for 73 Zapo and 7 years. It is in round numbers stated at 74 Zapot. Consequently, VOL. I.


the three years, which were taken from the life of Adam, were added to the reign of the princes. There is no doubt, but that the original account was more correct. For Berosus would scarcely have taken the trouble to inform us, that a Σwoos was one month of 60 days, and a Nepos ten months of the same length, if he had not intended them to convey information. The Nepos and Ewoos of the Chaldeans served to divide the Zapos, in like manner as the divine age and Parouvan divided the Menwantara. Most probably Berosus wrote 73 Σαροι, 4 Νειροι, and 2 Σωσοι ; and his translator, not understanding the measurement of time, gave all in round numbers, so as to complete the period. Be that as it may, it is proved beyond controversy, that the deluge is placed in the same year, that we find it in the Hebrew pentateuch. And then, whether Adam lived 928, or 931 years, is not very material.

The reign of Adam has not been included in either table: because the Hebrews who reckon from the creation, consider the whole period of his life regal. Almost every other nation, reckoning from the cycle of 60, places the commencement of his reign at A. M. 817. The motive was probably, a desire to reconcile the various dates that appeared, in consequence of the different lengths of the year, used by different nations. The Chinese

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allot 115 years for his reign; the Chaldeans ten Zapoi, or an hundred years; the Egyptians three myriads of years, equal to 83 years and 120 days. The two latter nations, although they differ in the terms used, agree in their calculations. The usual Zapos of the Chaldeans appears to have been 360. But here the time is marked by Eusebius, who tells us the Nepos was of six hundred, instead of sixty; thereby making ten Zapot, or 36000 days, equal to an hundred years, as 3600 is to 10. For an hundred years of 360 days, or 360 × 100=36000. The same mode reduces the three myriads of years, or days, to 83 years and a fraction of 120 days. For 30000 360 = 8310. 83. The different modes in which those different nations recorded time, obliged them to make an alteration in the number of years assigned for the reign of the first-created; each nation reckoning the commencement of his reign from A. M. 817, and the commencement of the reign of the first postdiluvian prince from the expiration of 1680 prophetic years, answering to A. M. 1657. The Chinese allot 115 years to the reign of Fohi; for 932-115817. This differs in only one year from the date of the death of Adam A. M. 931: and although they do not specify the number of years which the six succeeding princes reigned, yet as they place the commencement of the reign of Yau one year after the deluge, fixing

that epoch at 1680 prophetic years from the creation, or A. M. 1656, the intervening space was by implication 724 years. And this And this agrees well with the Hebrew text which states it at 725 years The Chaldeans, tracing the reign of the six princes back from A. M. 1616 by prophetic years, place the death of the first-created at A. M. 917†. They therefore assign one hundred years for the reign of Alorus or 917-100-817. While the Egypttians, using symbolic expressions, say, "the third age being completely ended, Buddha," or the firstcreated, "ended his mortal career." They therefore assign three myriads of years to the reign of Helius for 900-83-817. But the Hindus, like the Hebrews, do not assign any given number of years to the reign of the first-created; considering his whole Antara as such. And it has already been explained, that although the Hindu cypher is kept in even numbers, yet that they consider the year as consisting of 365 days and a quarter, or the life of Brahma divided by a Menwantara, adding at the end of each month, the minutes necessary for its completion. The Fakiers assign to every year 365 days, 15 hours, 31 minutes, 15 seconds; which answers to 365 days, 6 hours, 12

* Vide Table XVI.

+ Vide Table XIX.

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