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CURATE." And lo! when they arose in the morning, they were all dead corpses !"

HIGH BAILIFF.-But for God's sake, good Sir, in that case, what will the people justly say of me?

CURATE." Let a gallows be erected fifty cubits

bigh, and to-morrow speak unto the King,

that MORDECAI may be hanged thereon !"

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WHEREAS by public orders from this office, all GENTLEMEN RUNNERS and SCRIBBLERS, PUNNERS and QUIBBLERS, PUFFERS, PLAISTERERS, DAUBERS and SPATTERERS, in our pay, and under our direction, were required, for reasons therein specified, to be particularly diligent in defending and enforcing the projected DUTY ON COALS.

AND WHEREAS the virtuous and illustrious CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER, patriotically resolving to prefer the private interests of his friends to the public distress of his enemies; and prudently preferring the friendship of Lord LONSDALE to the satisfaction of ruining the manufactures of IRELAND, has accordingly signified in the HOUSE OF COMMONS, that he intends to propose some other tax as a substitute for the said duty,

THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE to all Gentlemen Runners, and Scribblers, as aforesaid, that they hold themselves ready to furnish, agreeably to our future orders, a sufficient number of panegyrical paragraphs, properly ornamented with Italics and CAPITALS, notes of interrogation, and notes of admiration, apos

trophe's and exclamations, in support of any tax whatever, which the young Minister in his wisdom may think proper to substitute. AND in the mean time that they fail not to urge the public spirit and zeal for the national welfare, humanity to the poor, and regard for the prosperity of our manufacturers, which considerations ALONE induced the Minister to abandon his original purpose of taxing coals: AND that they expatiate on the wise exemptions and regulations which the Minister would certainly have introduced into his bill for enacting the said tax, but that (as he declared in the House of Commons) unfortunately for the finances of this country, he had not time in the present Session of Parliament to devise such exemptions and regulations: AND FINALLY, that they boldly assert. the said tax to have been GOOD, POLITIC, JUST, and EQUITABLE; but that the new tax, which is to be substituted in place of it, will necessarily be BETTER, MORE POLITIC, MORE JUST, and MORE EQUITABLE.


Superintendant-general of the Press.



SIGNOR PINETTI the Conjuror, and Mr. PITT the Premier, have a wonderful similitude in the principal transactions and events by which they are distinguished.

PINETTI, in defiance of Mr. COLMAN, took possession of his property in the HAYMARKET THEATRE, and by the help of a little agency behind the scenes, played several tricks, and became popular!

Mr. PITT in like manner seized upon another THEATRE-ROYAL, in the absence of the rightful possessor, the Duke of PORTLAND. He had not, it is true, the permission of a LORD CHAMBERLAIN as PINETTI had but the countenance of a LORD OF THE BEDCHAMBER was deemed equivalent. Here he exhibited several surprising tricks and deceptions: we will say nothing of the agency, but all present appeared delighted. PINETTI also exhibited in the presence of Royalty, and with equal success, as the sign manual he boasts of will testify.

PINETTI cuts a lemon in two, and shews a KNAVE OF DIAMONDS-Mr. PITT in like manner can divide the HOUSE OF COMMONS, which for its acidity may be called the political lemon. He cannot at present shew a KNAVE OF DIAMONDS; but what may he not do when Mr. HASTINGS arrives?*

PINETTI takes a number of rings, he fastens them together, and produces a CHAIN. -Does any person dispute Mr. PITT's abi lity to construct a CHAIN?

PINETTI has a SYMPATHETIC LIGHT, which he extinguishes at command-Mr. PITT'S method of leaving us in the dark is by BLOCK ING UP Our WINDOWS!

PINETTI takes money out of one's pocket in defiance of all the caution that can be used Mr. PITT does the same, without returning it. In this the Minister differs from the Conjuror !

PINETTI attempted to strip off an Englishman's shirt; if he had succeeded, he would

*The Editor feels it necessary to declare, in justice to Mr. HASTINGS's character, that the charges since preferred by the HouSE OF COMMONS, and MAJOR SCOTT's benour as a Gentleman, have amply disproved all parts of this comparison.

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