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the truth of thy Gospel, hearing thereof, may be discomfited, and that thy fear may fall upon thine enemies to the perpetual glory of thy holy name, and that we, escaping the rage and fury of those which seek after our lives and the overthrow of thy truth, may in thy holy Church here militant, and after in the Church triumphant in heaven, eternally sing praises to thee our heavenly Father, the only giver of all victory. Grant these things for thy Son Christ Jesus' sake, to whom with thee and the Holy Ghost, three persons, and one eternal, immortal, invincible, and only wise God, be all honour, praise, glory, and dominion, now and for ever. Amen.

A1 prayer.

Most mighty God and merciful Father, forsomuch as thou hast promised to maintain and defend the cause of thy Church so dearly purchased and redeemed, even with the precious blood of thy dearly beloved Son: We thy humble servants, confessing our own unworthiness, through the infinite number of our wilful transgressions, do at this time prostrate our selves here before thy divine majesty, and, wholly relying upon thy promises, most heartily beseech thee through the merits of Jesus Christ our Saviour, to protect and strengthen thy Servants our brethren in France, that are now ready to fight for the glory of thy name. Thou knowest (O Lord) how the adversaries, that come to fight against them, have entered into a league, and combined themselves together, never to desist until they have destroyed all such as profess thy Gospel, and laid the glory of thy Sion and Temple in the dust. And although both our and their offences do most justly deserve, that both they and we should be delivered to the edge of the sword: yet seeing that these conspirators and rebellers do hate thy servants only for the cause of thy truth, and that they are noted in the world for such as outwardly profess thy name, and the true doctrine of the Gospel of thy Son our Saviour Christ; save them in thy mercy (O heavenly Father) from the cruelty of their enemies, cast a fear and trembling into the hearts of their adversaries, take the cause of thy Gospel into thine own hands: go before them, fight the battles of thy children, and subdue their enemies: so shall that proud generation have no cause to insult over thy

[When this prayer comes last, its title is Another. See p. 650, n. 1.]

true Church, and over thy servants, nor to say with thy old enemies, Where is now their God? And we thy penitent and most humble suppliants, that do here at this time make intercession both for our brethren and for ourselves, will from henceforth declare thy name with cheerful hearts in the midst of the congregation; we will ever praise thee and magnify thy salvation, world without end. Grant this (O merciful Father) for thy dear Son's sake, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, to whom with thee and the Holy Ghost, three persons and one God, be all honour, glory, power and dominion, now and for ever. Amen.


O MOST mighty Lord God, the Lord of hosts, the governour of all creatures, the only giver of all victories, who alone art able to strengthen the weak against the mighty, and to vanquish infinite multitudes of thine enemies with the countenance of a few of thy servants calling upon thy name, and trusting in thee: Defend, O Lord, thy servant the French King; and especially at this time give him power, to withstand the cruelty of those which be common enemies as

[' In archbishop Harsnet's copy this prayer is placed first, but, as the next note will shew, not without material variations. Its title there is, 'A prayer to be vsed in euery parish Church at Morning and Euening prayer, during the time of these present troubles in France.' It was likewise published alone by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, in its altered state, with the same title, and, most probably, for the same occasion, on a broadside, one of which is also at Colchester. Thus we have four modifications of the prayer originally put forth in 1562. See pp. 476, 536, 645.]

[2 the most Christian king, the French King, and specially at this time giue him power to withstand the crueltie of all his enemies, as well forreners, as notorious rebels to his crowne and Realme, which thou hast of thy diuine prouidence assigned vnto him in these our dayes. O most mercifull Father, (if it be thy holy will) plucke downe those ambitious and rebellious heartes that exalt themselues against their natural Lord and King. Conuert them to the knowledge of their offences, that in so iust a cause for so noble a King, a friend to our soueraigne Lady & Queene, both these realmes may liue in amitie, and bee ioyned in strength to withstand the rage and crueltie of such as, not content with their own, aspire to depriue others of their kingdomes. Abate therefore their crueltie, (O most mightie Lorde,) that such Christian Regions as desire the peace of thy Church, may obtaine by thy aide and strength.]

well to the truth of thine eternal word, as to his Crown and Realm, which thou hast of thy divine providence assigned unto him in these our days. Most merciful Father, if it be thy holy will, make soft and tender the stony hearts of all those, that exalt themselves against thy truth, and seek to oppress the professors thereof. Convert them to the knowledge of thy Son, the only Saviour of the world, Jesus Christ, that we and they may jointly glorify thy mercies: lighten (we beseech thee) their ignorant hearts to embrace the truth of thy word, or else so abate their cruelty, (0 most mighty Lord,) that such Christian regions as confess the holy Gospel, may obtain by thy aid and strength surety from their enemies without shedding of Christian and innocent blood, whereby all they that be oppressed with their tyranny may be relieved, and all which be in fear of their cruelty may be comforted. And finally, that all Christian Realms, and specially this Realm of England, may by thy defence and protection enjoy perfect peace, quietness, and security. And that we for these thy mercies jointly altogether, with one consonant heart and voice, may thankfully render to thee all laud and praise, and in one godly concord and unity amongst our selves may continually magnify thy glorious name, who with thy Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost, art one eternal, Almighty, and most merciful God, to whom be all laud and praise, world without end. Amen.

XXXIV. A PRAYER used in the Queen's Majesty's house and Chapel, for the prosperity of the French King and his nobility, assailed by a multitude of notorious rebels that are supported and waged' by great forces of foreigns2. 21 Aug. An. 1590.

O MOST mighty God, the only protector of all Kings and Kingdoms, we thy humble servants do here with one heart, and one voice, call upon thy heavenly grace, for the prosperous estate of all faithful Christian Princes, and namely at this time, that it would please thee of thy merciful goodness to protect by thy favour, and arm with thine own strength, the most Christian King, the French King, against the rebellious conspirations of his rebellious subjects, and against the mighty violence of such foreign forces, as do join themselves with these rebels, with intention not only to deprive him most unjustly of his kingdom, but finally to exercise their tyranny against our Sovereign Lady, and this her Kingdom and people, and against all other, that do profess the Gospel of thy only Son our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Now (O Lord) is the time, when thou mayest shew forth thy goodness, and make known thy power; for now are these rebels risen up against him, and have fortified themselves with strange forces, that are known to be mortal enemies both to him and us. Now do they all conspire and combine themselves against thee, O Lord, and against thy anointed. Wherefore, now, O Lord, aid and maintain this just cause; save and deliver him, and his army of faithful subjects, from the malicious cruel bloody men: send him help from thy holy Sanctuary, and strengthen him out of Zion. O Lord, convert the hearts of his disloyal subjects, bring them to the true and due obedience of Jesus Christ. Command thy enemies not to touch him, being thy Anointed, professing thy holy gospel, and putting his trust only in thee: break asunder their bands, that conspire thus wickedly against him; for his hope is in thee let his help be by thee: be unto him as thou wast to king David, whom thy right hand had exalted, the God of his [Waged hired, kept in pay.] [ Spaniards.]

salvation, a strong castle, a sure bulwark, a shield of defence, and place of refuge. Be unto him counsel and courage, policy and power, strength and victory: defend his head in the day of battle, comfort his armies, his true faithful Noble men, the princes of his blood, and all other his faithful subjects: Strengthen them to join their hearts and hands with him; associate unto him such as may aid him to maintain his right, and be zealous of thy glory. Let thy holy Angel stand in circuit about his Realm, and about his loyal people, that the enemies thereof, though they be multiplied in number, though they exalt themselves with horses and horsemen, though they trust to their numbers, to their shield, and glory in their strength; yet they may see with Elizeus the unresistable [2 Kings vi. 17.1 army of angels, which thou canst send for the defence of thy inheritance, and that thy enemies may know and confess, that thy power standeth not in multitude, nor thy might in strong men: but thou (O Lord) art the help of the humble, the defender of the weak, the protector of them that are forsaken, and the saviour of all those who put their trust in thee.

O merciful Father, we acknowledge thy gracious goodness in our own former deliverance 3 from the like kind of enemies and rebels, against thy anointed our Sovereign Lady and Queen, professing thy Gospel: so will we do in this, and be as joyful of it, and no less thankful for it, and make the same to be for ever an occasion unto us of our more faithful subjection to our own dread Sovereign: Whom (Lord) we beseech thee now and evermore most mercifully to bless with health of body, peace of Country, purity of religion, prosperity of Estate, and all inward, and outward, earthly happiness, and heavenly felicity. This grant (merciful Father) for the glory of thine own name, and for Christ Jesus' sake, our mediator and only Saviour. Amen.

Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker,
Printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie.

[3 In 1569. See p. 462.]

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