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Pagina 49.

QUAM autem in templo Divæ Mariæ concionem habuerit, quam Latine, quam compte, quam theologice, me silente ipsa loquetur Oratio, cujus exemplum mutilum, ut potui, aliquantulum recognitum et correctius exhibere malui, quam omnino supprimere, quæ et concionatores multa utiliter commonefacit; et pro gradu Baccalaureatus suscepto recitata videtur, verbis ex 1 Pet. iv. desumptis, dominica intra Octav. Ascensionis.

But what manner of sermon he made in St Mary's church, in how excellent Latin he made it, how finely and how like a divine he did it, his matter shall shew, notwithstanding I hold my peace; the unperfect example whereof being, as well as I could, somewhat perused and amended, I had rather set out, than altogether suppress it or keep it back; which profitably put

teth in mind and warneth preachers of many things, and

seemeth to have been preached when he took

his degree of bachelor in divinity, the

words being taken out of the first

epistle of Peter, the fourth

chapter, upon the Sun

day within the Oc

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Concio Juelli
Latina in



If any man speak, let him talk as the words of God.

BRETHREN beloved in Christ, I have chosen these words chiefly out of that epistle of St Peter, which are accustomed to be read unto the people this day, because that, whereas I must preach in Latin, according to the custom of this place and time, the same in mine opinion seemed to belong properly to this assembly. The which that they may be plainlier and better understood3 of you all, I must repeat a few words from the beginning of this whole epistle. Wherefore we must call to mind, because in those first times christian religion was shut out every where, as pernicious to men's souls, and an infection of commonwealths, and that it seemed great godliness to root out the bringers in of new religion; lest, I say, that christian men and those that were godly should in that season utterly be discouraged, and cast away all hope, St Peter doth so instruct them with this epistle, that they should consider no new or unwonted thing to have happened; that Christ himself hath suffered far bitterer and unworthier things; that they should not be faint-hearted; lastly, that the way to glory is by afflictions and crosses.

And to that purpose he warneth the people by themselves and the bishops also, what belongeth to each of them to take heed of. Concerning that which belongeth unto the people, he saith that they have spent time enough before upon wickedness, and that now they ought to change their life with their religion; that godliness is placed, not in outward shew and titles, but in soundness of life and innocency of manners; that it is an ill thing with mouth and tongue only to worship God, and to give our mind and soul to worship the devil, and to

Si quis loquitur, tanquam sermones Dei, &c.*

DILECTISS. in Christo fratres, ex ea epistola D. Petri, quæ hodierno die ad populum legi Templo D.; solet, hæc verba potissimum delegi, quod cum pro hujus loci ac temporis consuetudine Latine esset perorandum, ea mihi ad hunc cœtum proprie pertinere viderentur. Quæ ut a vobis omnibus propius et melius intelligantur, pauca mihi a principio totius epistolæ sunt repetenda. Quapropter meminisse debemus, cum primis illis temporibus Christiana religio ut pernicies animorum et rerumpub. pestis ubique gentium exploderetur, et pietas erga Deum summa esse videretur, religionis novatores extinguere; ne homines Christiani et pii ea tempestate frangerentur et spem omnem abjicerent, ita eos hac epistola D. Petrum instituere, ut meminerint nihil novum aut inusitatum accidisse, Christum ipsum longe acerbiora indignioraque pertulisse, ne quid animo conciderent, per afflictiones et cruces aditum postremo esse ad gloriam. Eoque et populum monet seorsim, et episcopos, docetque quid utrisque curæ esse debeat.

Quod ad populum attinet, ait, satis ante datum esse nequitiæ, nunc cum religione vitam quoque mutari oportere: pietatem autem non in fuco et titulis, sed in vitæ integritate ac morum innocentia, sitam esse: iniquum autem esse ore tantum et lingua Deum colere,

[There is some doubt as to the date of this sermon. Humfrey in his life of Jewel places his exercises and degree of B. D. "anno Edouardi sexti fere quinto," i. e. 1551. But Anthony A Wood sets down Jewel as graduating in 1550. See Wood, Athen. Oxon. Lond. 1813-20. Fast. Oxon. Vol. II. cols. 130, 1.]

[ Probably Richard Vaux, or Vaulx. This person translated Hyperius' Common-places, and some other works. See Wood, Athen. Oxon. Fast. Oxon. Vol. I. col. 149.]

[ Understand, Orig. ed.]

[4 Reprinted from Humfrey's Life of Jewel, Lond. 1573.]

disagree from idolaters not in life and manners, but in words and profession (only). And, because they had departed from the most ancient ordinances and laws of their forefathers, and that they, being but a few, had stirred all kind of men against them, he warneth them that they yet would in all kind of duties practise charity among themselves, one toward another, lest they should be divided at any time by any dissension of minds or studies: that this is only the token of Jesus Christ, whereby the bond-slaves of the devil may be known from the children of God: that so it shall come to pass shortly, that all the whole world shall embrace the gospel and the heavenly doctrine, and that the enemies and the haters of the cross of Christ, whom godliness could not move, may through shame be overcome, and return to themselves. And the bishops he warneth that, in those most hard times, they see to their office with all diligence and care, and that they look about them diligently that the congregation take no harm: and that it is not a sporting matter, but a very great burden, that they have taken upon them: and therefore, if they preach at any time to the people, that they speak as the words of God, and that they so behave themselves, that others which hear them may think that they hear not men, but the messengers and interpreters of the word of God.

This is the portion of scripture that I judged most fit for this time and place. For, because therefore that partly we are entered into the holy ministry, and partly, as I hope, we have already directed the course of our studies to that point, we shall be taught in this place, how this heavenly office is to be garnished, that our labour may in time to come be very profitable to the church of God, and the holy gospel be most largely spread abroad.

But that this may be done the more orderly, and lest I should wander or go out of course in my speaking, I think it good to touch these three points in few words: first, that a preacher should speak; secondly, what he should speak; thirdly, how he should speak, that it may be understanded. First, that he is scantly a good preacher which never speaketh any thing to the congregation; secondly, that a preacher must set forth unto the people not old wives' fables, but the word of God; and, last of all, that that same word of God must be handled reverently, and worthily, according to the dignity of the matter. But that God almighty would lighten all your hearts and my voice with his Holy Spirit, and that some fruit may come hereof unto us all, I desire of you that you will help my weakness with your devout prayers.

First of all, I commend unto your devotion the universal church of Christ

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mentem autem atque animum diabolo addicere, et ab idololatris non vita et moribus, sed verbis et professione discrepare. Quoniam autem a majorum suorum antiquissimis institutis et legibus decesserant, et pauci hominum omne genus in se commoverant, monet ut ipsi saltem omnibus officiis mutuam inter se caritatem colant, ne ulla unquam animorum aut studiorum dissensione distrahantur: hanc enim solam tesseram esse Jesu Christi, qua diaboli mancipia internosci possint a filiis Dei. Ita futurum brevi ut orbis universus evangelium et cœlestem doctrinam amplectatur, et hostes atque inimici crucis Christi, quos movere pietas non potuit, pudore ac verecundia vincantur et resipiscant. Episcopos autem monet, ut difficillimis temporibus munus suum omni industria studioque tueantur, et diligenter prospiciant ne quid ecclesia detrimenti capiat: non enim ludicram esse rem, sed onus gravissimum, quod susceperint. Proinde si quando ad populum verba faciant, loquantur ut sermones Dei, itaque se gerant, ut alii non homines sibi audire videantur, sed nuncios et interpretes divinæ vocis. Hanc ego sententiam huic tempori locoque accommodatissimam esse judicavi. Quoniam enim partim in sacrum ministerium ingressi jam sumus, partim, uti spero, studiorum nostrorum cursum jampridem eo direximus, docebimur hoc loco, quemadmodum cœleste munus ornandum sit, ut opera nostra ecclesiæ Dei aliquando utilissima esse possit, et sacrosanctum evangelium quam longissime promovere.


Verum ut agatur distributius, nec vagetur aut erret oratio, hæc mihi tria visum est paucis Partes conattingere: primum, concionatori dicendum esse: dein quid: tum quo pacto dicendum sit: ut intelligi possit primum, vix satis probum concionatorem esse, qui pro concione nihil unquam dicat; dein non fabulas aniles, sed verbum Domini populo esse proponendum; postremoque illud ipsum verbum reverenter et magnifice pro rei dignitate tractandum. Verum ut Deus opt. max. et vobis omnibus animos sacro afflatu, et mihi vocem accendat, fructusque aliquis ex hac re ad omnes redeat, peto a vobis ut imbecillitati meæ vestra pietate suffragemini. In primis autem commendo pictati vestræ universam Christi ecclesiam per omnem terra

Preces usi

tatæ et solennes.

Officium pas

dispersed throughout the whole world, and, as now it falleth out, in many places miserably afflicted, and namely this our church of England and Ireland, and in the same for our noble king Edward his majesty, his most noble sisters, Mary and Elizabeth, the privy council, the rulers ecclesiastical and political, and all the people of England, both universities, and chiefly this university of Oxenford, the chancellor, the vice-chancellor, the proctors, Robert Norvent, president of Corpus Christi college, doctor Raynald, master of Merton college1, and all the scholars in both these colleges. Ye shall give thanks unto God almighty for king Henry the seventh, and Henry the eighth, kings of noble memory, for Humfrey, duke of Gloucester, &c., that of his infinite goodness he hath kindled those lights to the nourishing of good letters, and spreading abroad of religion: and ye shall pray that it would please him to raise up others hereafter like unto these, and to gather us all to their society into the bosom of Abraham.

"Let him that speaketh speak as the words of God." To the end that the pith of these words may be the better understanded, because I must entreat both of pastors, and before pastors, I have used this division, to shew first that a pastor should speak often; next of all, that he should speak out of the holy scriptures; last of all, that he should speak gravely and modestly according to the worthiness of the matter. And surely concerning the office of pastors, as yet I see not sufficiently what I should speak, or not speak. For to speak that which hath been before so often spoken, were not only hateful, but out of season; and to speak nothing of so great sloth and dastardy of our times, I am much afraid might seem to shew a sluggard and a dastard. Truly, in this case if the voice of the immortal God might be heard, there were no need at this time of my voice. For, that I may say nothing beside, all the scriptures do sufficiently warn us of our duty, God himself hath commanded nothing at any time, either more often, or else with more weighty words, than that his people should be instructed to know him, themselves, and godliness. "Thou son of man," saith God, in Esay, cry and cease not, cry out aloud, lift up thy voice as a trumpet, and shew unto my people their wickedness." How oft doth Christ cry, Go ye, teach ye, "preach


rum orbem dissipatam, et ut nunc quidem est, multis in locis misere habitam. Seorsim vero hanc nostram Anglicam et Hibernicam, in eaque clariss. Regis nostri Edouardi majestatem, Regis illustriss. sorores Mariam et Elizabetham, sacrosanctum senatum, magistratus ecclesiasticos et politicos, omnemque populum Britannicum, utramque Academiam, et hanc in primis Oxoniens., Cancellarium, Vice-cancellarium, Procuratores, Robertum Morventum, præsidem collegii Corporis Christi, Doct. Rainaldum, præfectum collegii Mertonensis, et omnem in utroque collegio studiosam juventutem. Agetis Deo opt. max. gratias de Henrico septimo octavoque, Regibus clariss. memoriæ, Humfredo duce Gloucestrensi, &c., quod ad alendas bonas literas et propagandam religionem, ea lumina pro sua infinita bonitate voluerit accendere orabitisque ut et alios deinceps horum similes velit excitare, et nos omnes ad illorum societatem in Abrahami sinum aggregare.

Qui loquitur, loquatur ut sermones Dei. Ut horum verborum sententia melius intelligeretur, quoniam et de pastoribus et apud pastores agendum erat, hac usus sum distributione, ut dicerem, pastori primum sæpe, dein e sacris literis, postremo graviter et modeste pro rei dignitate dicendum esse. Et de officio quidem pastorum, equidem adhuc nec quid dicam toris docere. satis video, nec quid taceam. Nam dicere quod jam ante toties dictum sit, et odiosum et importunum est: tacere autem tantam socordiam et ignaviam nostrorum temporum, non nihil vereor ne hominis et socordis videri possit et ignavi. Certe si in hac causa Dei vox immortalis audiri posset, hoc tempore voce opus non esset mea. Nam, ne quid dicam præterea, onines nos scripture satis officii nostri commonent, Deus ipse nihil unquam vel sæpius vel gravioribus verbis imperavit, quam ut populus ad sui cognitionem et pietatem institueretur. "Fili hominis," inquit Dominus apud Esaiam, "clama, ne cesses, vociferare, excita tanquam tubam vocem tuam, et denuntia populo meo scelera sua." Quoties clamat Christus, Ite, docete, "prædicate evangelium omni creaturæ !" Væ mihi, ait Propheta, quia tacui! Væ

[ The chancellor of Oxford at this time was Richard Cox, afterwards bishop of Ely. The vicechancellor and proctors were probably W. Tresham, D.D., canon of King's College (Christ Church), who succeeded Walter Wright on his resignation as vicechancellor; and Roger Elyott, All Souls', Thomas Frynd, New, proctors. Robert Morwent, S.T.B.

was sworn president of Corpus, Nov. 26, 1537, and died Aug. 26, 1558. Thomas Raynolds, S.T.P. was admitted master of Merton, Dec. 30, 1545. He was afterwards appointed bishop of Hereford, but was set aside by queen Elizabeth, and died in prison soon after her accession. See Le Neve, Fast. Eccles. Angl. Lond. 1716. pp. 484, 495.]

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