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Try the

GREAT and new idea-and more fun than a

A game! You cannot appreciate the fascination,

the glow of health, the amount of "pep" you acquire from exercising to music until you have tried it! Ten minutes a day of genuine fun will keep you fit. Walter Camp has made it possible. The famous "Daily Dozen" Exercises of this great Yale coach-exercises that reach and strengthen every muscle in your bodyhave been set to music on phonograph records, with Mr. Camp's special permission.

You put a record on the machine and the lively, spirited music carries you through ten minutes of the most exhilarating fun. You are swept along with a buoyancy that will amaze you. And the result of this ten minutes' fun a day is a glowing health, a glorious vitality, a springy step, a bright eye-and, in short, a whole, healthy, breathing and zestful man or woman tingling with the very glow of life.

But the famous "Daily Dozen" do not stop their wonderful work there. Far from it. If you are overweight they will reduce your waistline. If you are underweight they will put firm, sound flesh on you. They revitalize your body. They revive weak, flabby muscles and rebuild them into live, vital tissue. Thousands of men and women and boys and girls are regaining health, strength and vitality through use of the "Daily Dozen" Exercises.

The "Daily Dozen"
Build Muscle

Increase your wind,
develop your chest,
strengthen your powers
of endurance and your
energy to work. Put on
muscular shoulders, ac-
quire strong stomach
muscles, get a wonderful
and superb physique-

Record Free

A slender and graceful form can only come from a healthy, physical condition.

So that you may see for yourself the wonderful benefits to your health that the famous "Daily Dozen" will give you, we will send you, absolutely free, a sample record containing two of the "Daily Dozen" Exercises and a chart illustrating the movements. Put it on your phonograph and follow the simple directions of the clear voice on the record. That great sensation of glowing health you feel when you have gone through these new, exhilarating and interesting exercises will amaze you.

There is no obligation. The record is yours to keep. Just enclose a quarter (or 25 cents in stamps) with the coupon, to cover charge of postage, wrapping, etc., to Health Builders, Dept. 65, Oyster Bay, N. Y.

Free Sample Record and Chart

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Tired Folks Get Rested Sick Folks Get Well

If you need medical care and good nursing, or if you need only perfect rest in ideal surroundings; Attleboro Sanitarium invites you to come. It offers a fine building planned for sanitarium use, in grounds of 150 acres; experienced medical supervision, consulting physicians of national reputation, full equipment for electric and hydro-therapeutic treatments and an excellent home table with special diets prescribed for those who need them.

Getting Well is a Pleasure at Attleboro Write for full information to JOHN A. BOWMAN, Mgr.

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STATISTICAL expert has just submitted a novel report as to the amount of reading matter in The Outlook compared with other periodicals of its class. Since The Outlook is a weekly journal, he has totaled the number of words of reading matter in four average numbers for comparison with single issues of various monthly magazines. Thus he estimates that four issues of The Outlook contain about 189,000 words of text, compared with about 93,000 in one issue of the "Atlantic Monthly," 85,500 in "World's Work," 107,000 in "Scribner's," 112,500 in "Harper's," and 105,500 in the "Century." This expert also finds that The Outlook contains nearly twice as much reading matter each week as, respectively, the "New Republic," "Independent," or "Nation."

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OTTLE BROTHERS, of Perry, Maire, wanted to know if we would accept fifteen jars of wild-raspberry preserves in payment of three years' subscription to The Outlook. There is a sweet-tooth in every hard-fisted New York countingroom, and so the offer proved irresistible. The jam has been ordered delivered to the employees' lunch-room.

TIMOURLAN, of Fresno, California,

A. subscribes for another year because

he disagrees with our policy on so many things-"especially your tiresome defense (or support) of the French."


R. K. SCOTT, a metallurgical engineer of Gary, Indiana, wants The Outlook for another year. He writes: "For over ten years I have been a subscriber, and each year it is more of a pleasure to forward my renewal; it is really a part of my home, and always will be so long as the principles and policies laid down by Lyman Abbott control its expression."

T. HITCH, physical director of the

How To Attain Your Desires H. Y. M. C. A. in San Juan, Porto


Elizabeth Towne

Editor of Nautilus

Are you prospering?

Rico, likes our recent articles on athletic sports. He writes: "Many people, espeAre you happy? Healthy? cially the Latins, never connect the idea Wealthy?

Is your home a home, or a family jar?

Is your profession or business living up to the real YOU?

Do you know how to win friends and attain your ends? New Thought will help you as it has millions of others who have tried it before you.

Ella Wheeler Wilcox Knew the value of New Thought. She used it to attain her desires and advised others to do so in her little booklet: "What I Know About New Thought."


For ten cents you can get this Wilcox booklet and a month's trial of Nautilus, magazine of New Thought. Eliza beth Towne and William E. Towne, editors. Wonderful personal experience articles a feature of every issue.

Send 10 cents to-day and we will also include a copy of "How to Get What You Want." THE ELIZABETH TOWNE CO., Inc., DEPT. R-77, HOLYOKE, MASS.

Maple Sugarand Syrup

The New Crop
Is Now Ready
Good always, it is most delicious
when fresh.

Alstead, N. H.

(Box 441)

Absolutely Pure

of character development with sports and athletics, and it is for this reason that we physical directors in Latin America appreciate anything that will help to spread the idea, as your articles are doing."


LLIS S. SMITH, of Hanover, Pennsylvania, writes: "As a teacher of English in the Hanover High School, I have found that the seniors seem benefited by taking The Outlook on the club plan. They make five-minute talks in chapel several times a week, basing their remarks on the news found in The Outlook. This is useful in bringing topics of the day to the attention of the other classes, who read the dailies but little and the better weeklies not at all. A recent article was the source of an essay by a sophomore girl on the subject, 'Would You Rather Be a Country Youth or a City Youth?" Books and reading are fostered by Mr. Townsend's reviews of current volumes that are published from week to week. It stimulates appreciative reading.

Are We a Nation of Low-Brows?

It is charged that the public is intellectually incompetent. Is this true? It is
charged that the public is afraid of ideas, disinclined to think, unfriendly to cul-
ture. This is a serious matter. The facts should be faced frankly and honestly

Without Cultural Leadership

The main criticism, as we find it, is that the people support ventures that are unworthy, that represent no cultural standards. The public is fed on low-brow reading matter, low-brow movies, lowbrow theatrical productions, low-brow music, low-brow newspapers, low-brow I magazines. We think the criticism is unfair in that it does not recognize the fact that the public is without cultural leadership. Those who have the divine spark get off by themselves. We believe the public has never had a real chance, never had an opportunity to get acquainted with the great and the beautiful things of life. Given half a chance, the public will respond.

We believe there has been enough talk

about the public's inferior taste. The
time has come to give the public an op-
portunity to find out something about
philosophy, science and other higher
things. And it must be done at a low
price, because the average person's pocket-
book is not fat. As it stands, the pub-
lishers charge about five dollars a volume,
and then wonder why the people stand

We believe we have a way to find
out if the people are interested in the
deeper problems of life. And the first
thing we decided was to fix a price that
Ishall be within the reach of the person
with the most slender purse.

We have selected a library of 25 books, which we are going to offer the public at an absurdly low price. We shall do this to find out if it is true that the public is not going to accept the better things when

once given the chance. And we shall make the price so inviting, that there shall be no excuse on the ground of expense.

All Great Things Are Simple

Once the contents of the following 25 books are absorbed and digested, we believe a person will be well on the road to culture. And by culture we do not mean something dry-as-dust, something incomprehensible to the average mind-genuine culture, like great sculpture, can be made to delight the common as well as the elect. The books listed below are all simple works and yet they are great-all great things are simple. They are serious works, of course, but we do not think the public will refuse to put its mind on serious topics. Here are the 25 books:

Are the People Ready to Read These 25 Books?

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25 Books--2,176 Pages--Only $1.85--Send No Money

If these 25 books were issued in the ordinary way they might cost you as much as a hundred dollars. We have decided to issue them so you can get all of them for the price of one ordinary - book. That sounds inviting, doesn't it? And we mean it, too. Here are 25 books, =containing 2,176 pages of text, all neatly -printed on good book paper, 31⁄2 x 5 inches in size, bound securely in card cover paper.

You can take these 25 books with you when you go to and from work. You can read them in your spare moments. You can slip four or five of them into a pocket and they will not bulge. You can investigate the best and the soundest ideas of the world's greatest philosophers-and the price will be so low as to astonish you. No, the price will not be $25 for the 25 volumes. Nor will the price be $5, though they are worth more than that. The

price will be even less than half that sum.
Yes, we mean it. Believe it or not, the
price will be only $1.85 for the entire
library. That's less than a dime a vol-
ume. In fact, that is less than eight cents
per volume. Surely no one can claim he
cannot afford to buy the best. Here is the
very best at the very least. Never were
such great works offered at so low a price.
All you have to do is to sign your name
and address on the blank below. You
don't have to send any money. Just mail
us the blank and we will send you the
25 volumes described on this page-you
will pay the postman $1.85 plus postage.
And the books are yours. Positively no
further payments.

Are we making a mistake in adver-
tising works of culture? Are we doing
the impossible when we ask the people to
read serious works? Are we wasting our
time and money? We shall see by the

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