Obrázky na stránke

(e) "But see! each Muse, in Leo's golden days, Starts from her trance."

(f) "Fungoso in the play."

(g) "Hear how Timotheus' varied lays surprise."
(h) "Nor is Paul's church more safe than Paul's

(i) "Led by the light of the Mæonian Star."
(j) "And Boileau still in right of Horace sways."

7. (a) Name four of Swift's principal works, and state what are their topics.

(b) In what form were Elia's essays first pub


8. (a) What period in the history of England does Swift consider the highest in politeness? and for what reasons?

(b) What authors does Dr. Johnson consider "wells of English undefiled"?

(c) Who were the academicians Della Crusca, and what did Buonaroti do for them?

(d) How does Lamb account for the disappointment he felt at the sight of the sea for the first time?

(e) Explain "Dancing the hays."

(ƒ) What was This detestable Cinque Port."

9. (a) What departure from its original Teutonic character does Dr. Johnson say that our language is suffering from?

(b) How does Dr. Johnson distinguish between Primitives and Derivatives?

10. Write a short essay on-Iron.


The Board of Examiners.

Candidates are to select any two, but not more, of the four following periods.

I.-1. Give the date and the chief provisions of the Treaty of Ryswick.

2. Trace the causes which led to the acknowledgment by Great Britain of the independence of the United States of America.

3. Give the names of any two Governors-General of India, with the date and the chief events of their rule.

4. What was the effect of the Convention of Cintra? Who were the parties to it, and what was its date?

5. Give some account of each of the following persons:-Caroline of Brunswick: Richard Cobden: Sir John Moore: Daniel O'Connell : Henry St. John: Jonathan Swift.

6. Where is each of the following places, and why is it famous?-Camperdown: Cronstadt: Kars: Lucknow: Malplaquet: Torres Vedras.

II.-1. Shew how the powers originally possessed by the Kings of Rome were gradually divided among various magistrates.

2. Describe the different occasions on which a Publius Decius Mus displayed his patriotism.

3. Describe the various rights belonging to a Roman citizen.

4. In what year and under what circumstances was Corinth destroyed?

5. Sketch a map of Northern Italy, and mark on it six places of historical celebrity. Give reasons for your selection.

6. Give some account of the Comitia Centuriata, explaining its functions both as a legislative and an elective assembly.

III.-1. Give an account of the events which led to the punishment of the Alcmaeonidae.

2. Describe with proper dates the leading incidents in the career of Themistocles.

3. What was the Peace of Nicias? In what year and under what circumstances was it concluded?

4. Give an account of the liberation of Thebes, B.C. 379.

5. Give the date, the causes, and the results of the Second Sacred War.

6. Describe the situation of each of the following places, and note briefly any important events connected with any of them :-Aegospotami: Crissa Mycale: Nicaea: Pella: Pylos.


IV.-1. Trace the rise of the Kingdom of Sicily.

2. Over what countries did the Emperor Charl the Fifth reign? How did he come to po What became of them on 1

sess them?


3. What was the condition of Spain at the dea of Philip the Second?

4. Write a short note explanatory of each of t following:-The Golden Bull: The Diet Worms: The Pragmatic Sanction.

5. Give some account of Henry of Navarre, William the Silent, and of Catharine th Second.

6. For what historical events are the followin
places memorable ?-

Antwerp: Borodino: Namur: Pisa: Pultowa

1. Translate


The Board of Examiners.

(a) Deux paysannes, Catherine et Marguerite, al laient ensemble en ville. Chacune d'elles porta sur sa tête une grande corbeille, pleine de légume qu'elle voulait vendre au marché. Le fardeau d ces deux femmes était très-pesant, et elles furer

bientôt fatiguées. Marguerite, la plus jeune et la plus forte, se plaignait amèrement en disant: "Je ne puis aller plus loin; je succombe sous ma charge." Catherine, au contraire, ne faisait pas entendre la moindre plainte. Marguerite, étonnée, lui demanda: "Mais pourquoi ne te plains-tu pas ? Tu es moins forte que moi, et ta corbeille est tout aussi pesante que la mienne.". "Ah! c'est que j'ai mis parmi mes légumes une petite herbe qui rend mon fardeau léger.""Quelle herbe?" dit la première.—“ De la patience," répondit Catherine.

(b) Des prodiges frappants annoncèrent à César sa fin prochaine. Quelques mois auparavant, des colons à qui il avait donné des terres dans la Campanie, voulant y élever des maisons, fouillaient d'anciens tombeaux avec d'autant plus de curiosité, que de temps en temps ils rencontraient des monuments antiques; ils trouvèrent dans un endroit où l'on disait que Capys, le fondateur de Capoue, était enseveli, une table d'airain avec une inscription grecque dont le sens était que, lorsqu'on découvrirait les cendres de Capys, un descendant de Jules serait mis à mort par la main de ses proches, et serait vengé par les malheurs de l'Italie.

(c) Un riche laboureur, sentant sa mort prochaine, Fit venir ses enfants, leur parla sans témoins. -Gardez-vous, leur dit-il, de vendre l'heritage Que nous ont laissé nos parents:

Un trésor est caché dedans.

Je ne sais pas l'endroit, mais un peu de courage
Vous le fera trouver; vous en viendrez à bout.
Le père mort, les fils vous retournent le champ,
Deçà, de1à, partout; si bien qu'au bout de l'an'

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